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  • What about that? Does that help? What's up. It's Rob Anderson. I kept hearing about this homeless veteran here on the streets that apparently just want to make people smile.

    這樣怎麼樣?有幫助嗎?嘿我是Rob Anderson,一直以來我都聽到這個無家可歸的退伍軍人總是在這街上給大家歡笑。

  • even if they didn't give him any money, so we're going to find out if this guy was really that much of a nice guy. If he was I want to help him out.


  • So I tried something pretty ballsy. Check out what happened.


  • "Hey there! Sir, how are you?" "Very well." "I saw it when I walked by. I saw your sign there. It says anything helps. We're gonna help, but yeah I need to ...I need to see your sign though. Can I...can I take a look at it?"

    "嗨!先生你好嗎?" "我很好" "之前我走過你時看到你的板子上面寫著"什麼都能幫助到你",我們會幫你,但我必須先看一下你的板子,可以給我看嗎?

  • Okay actually hold it. This is gonna make sense. Anything helps. We will help you out. Here, check it out. There you can leave it. I drew some dollar signs on. Does that help?


  • Draw some.."Not really." "No? Will does anything help. So, how about that? Does that help?" "Two halves? I...I don't think so." "Well, I was moved by your sign, I saw your sign says like anything helps, so I figured anything should help."

    畫了一些..."沒有" "沒有?沒有任何幫助嗎?那這樣呢?這樣有幫助嗎?" "分一半嗎?我...我不覺得。" "我是因為你得板子才這樣的,我看到你得板子說什麼都會幫助到你,所以我想這會有幫助。"

  • "Can I keep the magic marker to make another sign?" "uhh, maybe, yeah I'll give you the magic marker, sure why not?Cause I mean it says anything helps so a magic marker should help, right?"

    "我可以留著那個麥克筆來畫另一個板子嗎? "喔可以吧!好我會給你這個麥克筆,因為你上面說什麼都有幫助所以這個麥克筆應該會有幫助,沒錯吧?"

  • "I figure that this would help though. It seems kind of weird to do that right?" "Are you one of those street musicians? You're gonna turn that into a wad of money?" "A wad of money?"

    我在想這會幫助到你。我做這些是看起來很奇怪吧? "你是不是其中一個街頭魔術師?你是不是會把這個變成一團的錢?" "一團的錢?"

  • "Really fears it cause I actually have a wad of money." "How did you do that?" "How did you know?" "All that cash is yours man I got like..." "Are you serious?" "Yeah, dude it's like..." "That's so cool!" "Yeah man, here, check it out!"

    "真的嚇到我了因為我剛好有一團錢。" "你怎麼做到的?" "你怎麼知道?" "所有的錢都是你的了我有..." "你是認真的嗎?" "對阿老兄..." "這太酷了" "是阿! 嘿看這個!"

  • "Wow, it's so cool!" "Cash, signs, it's all for you." "Wow!" "I'm Rob." "It's so cool! That's so kind!" "Smile! Smile! See you man! Have a good day!"

    "這太酷了!" "鈔票、板子,都是你的了!" "哇!" "我是Rob." "這太酷了!你人好好!" "給人微笑,給人微笑,再見!助你有個美好的一天!"

What about that? Does that help? What's up. It's Rob Anderson. I kept hearing about this homeless veteran here on the streets that apparently just want to make people smile.

這樣怎麼樣?有幫助嗎?嘿我是Rob Anderson,一直以來我都聽到這個無家可歸的退伍軍人總是在這街上給大家歡笑。


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