ChatGPT, copies of the same brain, if you will, but customized for different tasks. So, is that efficient? Well, they can really work together, a developer can hand off a task to a tester, while other AI copies could play it as a new player would and write up a good piece of documentation for it. And they created a video game with the total budget of, get this, one dollar. Absolutely amazing! You see, with this amazing AI and a little creativity, absolute miracles can be done with it. And here are some newer ones. This one just came out, and it is absolutely insane. An AI hospital. Yes, you heard it right. Once again, every character here is played by ChatGPT, patients, nurses, doctors, all AIs. If someone falls ill, they have to register, then, they get a consultation, a diagnosis is being made, a treatment is proposed, and his recovery will be monitored over time. So much so, that these AI doctors get to do this 10 thousand times, which would take years and years of practice for a real doctor. But here is our question.
ChatGPT 是同一個大腦的複製品,只是針對不同的任務進行了定製。這樣有效嗎?開發人員可以把任務交給測試人員,而其他人工智能副本則可以像新玩家一樣玩這款遊戲,併為它編寫一份出色的文檔。他們用一美元的總預算製作了一款視頻遊戲。絕對驚人你看,有了這個神奇的人工智能和一點點創造力,絕對可以創造奇蹟。這裡還有一些新遊戲這個剛剛問世,簡直太瘋狂了一家人工智能醫院是的,你沒聽錯。同樣,這裡的每個角色都由 ChatGPT 扮演,病人、護士、醫生,全都是人工智能。如果有人生病了,他們必須先登記,然後接受會診,做出診斷,