字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 I'm Frank Proto, professional chef and culinary instructor, and I hope you like fried eggs, because that's what we're doing today. 我是弗蘭克-普羅託(Frank Proto),職業廚師兼烹飪講師,我希望你們喜歡煎蛋,因為這就是我們今天要做的。 I'm gonna show you how to make a perfect fried egg. 我要教你如何做一個完美的煎蛋。 Salty, crispy edges, buttery, runny yolk, not those floppy, snotty eggs that you used to make. 鹹香酥脆的邊緣,黃油和流動的蛋黃,而不是你以前做的那種軟塌塌、流鼻涕的雞蛋。 This is fried eggs 101. 這是煎蛋 101。 In my world, a fried egg is an egg cooked in fat, but it also has to have brown, crispy edges. 在我的世界裡,煎蛋就是用脂肪煮熟的雞蛋,但它的邊緣也必須是棕色的、酥脆的。 The secret to the best fried eggs is knowing how to control your temperature and using lots of butter. 煎好雞蛋的祕訣在於懂得控制溫度和使用大量黃油。 Simple. 簡單。 First thing I wanna do is get everything I need laid out. 我要做的第一件事就是把我需要的東西都準備好。 I don't wanna be running around the kitchen, because fried eggs don't take that long, and if I have to run to get a spatula, it's gonna get overcooked or burnt. 我不想在廚房裡跑來跑去,因為煎蛋並不需要那麼長時間,如果我必須跑去拿鍋鏟,雞蛋就會煮過頭或燒焦。 Time to fry. 煎炸時間到了 When I make fried eggs, I use a nonstick pan. 我做煎蛋時,用的是不粘鍋。 You can use stainless steel, you can use carbon steel, but for the most part, this is more foolproof, and you're gonna get a better result every time. 你可以使用不鏽鋼,也可以使用碳鋼,但在大多數情況下,這樣做更萬無一失,而且每次都能獲得更好的效果。 I put my pan on medium-high heat. 我把平底鍋放在中高火上。 First thing I'm gonna do is add just a little bit of butter to kinda grease my pan up. 我首先要做的是加一點黃油,給平底鍋塗點油。 And before I put the eggs in, just wanna make sure that I coat the bottom of my pan with butter. 在放雞蛋之前,我要確保在鍋底塗上黃油。 We're gonna put more butter in later just to baste the egg, but for now, just gonna start it out in a little bit of butter. 我們稍後會放更多的黃油來給雞蛋上色,但現在只需要開始放一點點黃油就可以了。 I'm gonna wait for the butter to sizzle a little. 我要等黃油嗞嗞作響。 Listen, right? 聽著,對嗎? Most people don't understand that you're using all of your senses in the kitchen. 大多數人都不明白,在廚房裡你要用到所有的感官。 Sometimes you need to listen. 有時你需要傾聽。 Hear my butter starting to snap, crackle, and pop? 聽到我的黃油開始啪啪作響了嗎? I'm gonna crack on the counter before I put my egg in. 我把雞蛋放進去之前要先在臺子上敲一下。 If I crack on the side of the pan, sometimes you get little fragments of shell. 如果我在平底鍋的側面敲擊,有時會得到一些貝殼碎片。 If you get shell in your eggs, you wanna use the shell to get it out. 如果雞蛋裡有蛋殼,就要用蛋殼把它取出來。 So shell attracts shell. 所以,貝殼會吸引貝殼。 So we're gonna crack on the counter, and we're gonna crack our eggs into the pan. 所以我們要在臺子上打蛋 然後把蛋打進鍋裡 On the counter and into the pan. 放在臺面上,然後放入鍋中。 At this point, salt and pepper. 這時,放鹽和胡椒粉。 Fried egg is not a fried egg unless there is a little pepper on it. 煎蛋上不放點胡椒就不是煎蛋。 You don't have to agree with me, but I'm right. 你不必同意我的觀點,但我是對的。 And then I'm gonna put a nice big knob of butter in here for basting. 然後我要放一大塊黃油,用來澆汁。 I'm gonna separate my eggs so they're two individuals. 我要把雞蛋分開,讓它們成為兩個獨立的個體。 So at this point, to get the white nice and set around the yolk, I'm gonna take my butter, and I'm gonna baste it around. 這時候,為了讓蛋黃周圍的蛋清更均勻,我要用黃油在蛋黃周圍塗抹。 And try and avoid the yolk and just get it onto the white. 儘量避開蛋黃,只把蛋黃塗到蛋白上。 If you have to tilt your pan a little, tilt your pan. 如果平底鍋需要傾斜一點,那就傾斜吧。 But we're gonna get that beautiful buttery goodness all over the egg, not just on the edges, all right? 但我們要讓雞蛋上都塗滿漂亮的黃油 而不是隻塗在邊上,好嗎? Our egg is nice and basted. 我們的雞蛋又香又飽滿。 We can see that we're getting some nice caramelization. 我們可以看到,焦糖化的效果很好。 I'm gonna lower my heat just a little. 我要把溫度調低一點。 But you can see, I have nice snap, crackle, and pop, and my eggs are done. 但你可以看到,我的雞蛋在 "啪嗒"、"啪嗒 "和 "啪嗒 "聲中完成了。 I'm gonna use a spatula, drain them a little, get them on the plate. 我要用鏟子把它們瀝乾一點,放到盤子裡。 And the only thing this plate needs is some toast to soak up that beautiful runny yolk. 而這盤菜唯一需要的就是一些吐司,以吸收流動的蛋黃。 Here are my beautiful fried eggs. 這是我做的漂亮煎蛋。 Only one thing left to do is to taste. 只剩下品嚐了。 What do you do with the toast? 你怎麼處理吐司? You jam it right into the yolk, and you dip it. 你把它塞進蛋黃裡,然後蘸著吃。 You gotta take a bite. 你得咬一口。 Butter makes all the difference here, right? 黃油在這裡起著決定性的作用,對嗎? I'm just gonna taste a little piece of the egg. 我只想嘗一小塊雞蛋。 The yolk is perfectly runny. 蛋黃的流動性非常好。 The bottom whites are super crispy, and we got those beautiful crispy edges. 底部的蛋白超級酥脆,我們得到了那些漂亮的酥脆邊緣。 They're buttery, salty, perfect. 黃油味、鹹味、完美。 This is a wonderful fried egg. 這個煎蛋真是太棒了。 Fried eggs don't need to be difficult. 煎雞蛋並不難。 Set yourself upright, choose the right ingredients, and in a matter of minutes, you're gonna have that perfectly salty, runny yolk, crispy edge fried egg that everybody wants. 擺正心態,選擇合適的配料,幾分鐘後,你就能做出人人都想吃的鹹香、蛋黃流淌、邊緣酥脆的煎蛋。
B2 中高級 中文 美國腔 雞蛋 黃油 蛋黃 酥脆 平底鍋 貝殼 完美煎蛋全攻略!專業廚師示範如何做出溏心、焦脆邊、鹹香的究極煎蛋|科普長知識|GQ 臺灣 (完美煎蛋全攻略!專業廚師示範如何做出溏心、焦脆邊、鹹香的究極煎蛋|科普長知識|GQ Taiwan) 46 0 邱紹吉 發佈於 2024 年 06 月 02 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字