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  • Hello and a warm welcome to the program. I'm Kasia Madeira. We're starting in Papua New Guinea where more than 2,000 people have been buried alive from a landslide which hit a remote village.


  • The country's National Disaster Centre said in a letter to the UN that the landslide has caused major destruction to buildings, food gardens and has also damaged the economy.


  • The main highway to Poguera Mine has been completely blocked. This landslide hit Enga province which is around 600 kilometres northwest of the capital Port Moresby.

    通往波蓋拉礦區的主要公路已完全堵塞。這次山體滑坡襲擊了恩加省,該省位於首都莫爾茲比港西北約 600 公里處。

  • It happened on Friday. The country has urged for international assistance to help manage this disaster.


  • Well my colleague Katie Watson joins us live from Sydney. So Katie, just that difficult news that 2,000 people have been killed in this landslide.

    我的同事凱蒂-沃森(Katie Watson)正在雪梨為我們做現場報道。凱蒂,我們剛剛得知有2000人在山體滑坡中喪生的不幸消息。

  • There was certainly concern that the death toll would rise but it's important to emphasise that these are estimated figures.


  • As of Sunday about five bodies had been recovered. It's very difficult to get to the rescue site.


  • Getting heavy machinery there is also proving a challenge.


  • So villagers have been using shovels and sticks just to be able to get through the debris which in some places is as high as eight metres.

    是以,村民們只能用鐵鍬和木棍穿過瓦礫,有些地方的瓦礫高達 8 米。

  • So these are still very much estimates based on how many houses were destroyed, how many people authorities think were in them at the time.


  • And remember this was a landslide that hit around three in the morning, a time when most people of course would have been sleeping.


  • So there is concern of course of the heavy death toll but still numbers are very hard.


  • Final numbers certainly won't be coming through anytime soon but certainly this estimate is a huge shock.


  • It's a massive number and of course the rescue mission is still very much underway.


  • And talk us through that rescue mission because we understand it's a difficult area to reach and it's been made even more difficult by local activities there.


  • That's right. As you said it's about 600 kilometres from the capital.

    沒錯正如你所說,這裡距離首都約 600 公里。

  • It's a highland area that's not a stranger to landslides. It's also not a stranger to violence.


  • A few months ago there was a massacre. There's tribal violence.


  • There's concern that that is also hampering the rescue mission.


  • Of course in terms of transporting people in and out of the area, doing it after dark is a security concern.


  • But also just logistically getting equipment to this remote area, getting assistance.


  • There are humanitarian aid agencies on the ground who are trying to help with food and water and shelter and bedding.


  • And also the disaster centre has said, has called on international partners for assistance.


  • Here in Australia for example the prime minister has already said that it's standing by ready to help where it can.


  • So it's a question of how to get that help as quickly as possible because of course it's still far from under control.


  • Especially in an area where there's still water and there's still concern about the land still sliding.


  • So concern about the land still sliding. This was an area where we described the people as growing their own food, as having food gardens.


  • How much of an impact will this have on the local region given the destruction that we're seeing?


  • Well Papua New Guinea is a very rural population. Many people do live outside of the cities and in areas where they're growing their own food.


  • And this is what we've seen is a huge area of houses and their gardens and their farmland.


  • It's completely wiped out and these people are obviously surviving on the land.


  • And that's what they need to be able to sustain the communities.


  • Which is why humanitarian aid agencies are trying to help the community and many of the community that's been displaced.


  • People who've had to leave their homes because they're unsafe.


  • So we're still talking about a very difficult situation for those survivors.


  • And of course those survivors are also looking for their loved ones in among the debris.


  • Yes a very difficult situation. Katie Watson as always thanks very much.


Hello and a warm welcome to the program. I'm Kasia Madeira. We're starting in Papua New Guinea where more than 2,000 people have been buried alive from a landslide which hit a remote village.


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