字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 The United States says it is deeply concerned about recent military drills carried out around Taiwan. 美國表示,它對最近在臺灣周邊進行的軍事演習深表關切。 China argues the two-day drills, which were a simulation on how to seize power, were punishment for Taiwan, insisting it will not bow to pressure from Beijing. 中國辯稱,為期兩天的演習是對臺灣的懲罰,是對如何奪取政權的模擬,並堅稱不會屈服於北京的壓力。 In Taiwan, a delicate peace looks a little more fragile. 在臺灣,微妙的和平顯得更加脆弱。 The self-governed island has a new leader, one China sees as a reckless separatist. 這個自治島嶼有了新的領導人,中國認為他是一個魯莽的分裂主義者。 For two days, Beijing tried to show the world how it could and would wage and win a war here. 兩天來,北京試圖向世界展示它如何能夠並將在這裡發動戰爭並取得勝利。 This is Keelung, a naval base. 這裡是基隆,一個海軍基地。 The closest Beijing's aircraft got to Taiwan's coast was about 45 miles from here. 北京的飛機離臺灣海岸最近的地方距此約 45 英里。 Ki-ming Wu has seen decades of tension. 吳基銘經歷了幾十年的緊張局勢。 To him, it feels like a farce. 對他來說,這就像是一場鬧劇。 Do you think conflict with China is a real possibility? 您認為與中國發生衝突的可能性真的存在嗎? China is huge. 中國是一個巨大的國家。 Taiwan is just such a tiny place. 臺灣真是個小地方。 One lake in China is ten times bigger than Taiwan. 中國的一個湖比臺灣大十倍。 Do you think this land is of any benefit to them? 你認為這片土地對他們有什麼好處嗎? But to Beijing, it is critical. 但對北京來說,這是至關重要的。 Reunification, inevitable. 統一,不可避免。 The latest drills, punishment for Taiwan talking about two separate countries. 最近的演習,是對臺灣談論兩個不同國家的懲罰。 It is about more, though, than just vitriolic bluster. 不過,這不僅僅是尖刻的虛張聲勢。 There is definitely a sense here that if Beijing was to make a military move, it would be catastrophic. 這裡肯定有一種感覺,如果北京採取軍事行動,那將是災難性的。 But there is also a kind of fatigue that seems to have set in, particularly among young people, a sort of collective roll of the eye every time the rhetorical cannons are fired. 但是,也有一種疲勞似乎已經形成,尤其是在年輕人中間,每當言辭激烈的大炮響起,他們就會集體翻白眼。 Back in the harbour, everyone's looking elsewhere, trying to tune out of chat about China. 回到港口,每個人都把目光投向別處,試圖避開有關中國的話題。 After so many years of military exercises, people have just become used to it, and they don't think China will actually attack. 經過這麼多年的軍事演習,人們已經習以為常,認為中國不會真的發動進攻。 I'm more worried about China influencing and infiltrating Taiwanese politics than I am about war. 相比戰爭,我更擔心中國影響和滲透臺灣政治。 But the US says Beijing may be on track to be ready to attack Taiwan by 2027. 但美國稱,北京可能會在 2027 年之前做好攻擊臺灣的準備。 Do you think that Beijing is preparing for war? 您認為北京是否在為戰爭做準備? Certainly, yes. 當然,是的。 China is preparing for war. 中國正在備戰。 Based on the number of military ships and the hiring of new recruits, it's all for self-defence and Taiwan. 從軍艦數量和招募新兵的情況來看,這一切都是為了自衛和臺灣。 Conflict looks very costly and risky for Beijing right now, though. 不過,對中國政府來說,衝突現在看起來代價高昂,風險很大。 It may well opt to just squeeze this island rather than seize it. 它很可能選擇只擠壓這個島嶼,而不是奪取它。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 臺灣 中國 北京 軍事 戰爭 島嶼 中國不斷在台灣周邊進行軍事演習,外媒怎麼看? (Concerns for China’s military drills carried out around Taiwan) 4959 25 VoiceTube 發佈於 2024 年 05 月 31 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字