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Hey everybody, it's Arianita La Gringa and welcome back to my YouTube channel.
大家好,我是 Arianita La Gringa,歡迎回到我的 YouTube 頻道。
In today's video, I will ask people around Cincinnati, Ohio what they do for a living and how much they make each year. Let's go!
Hi, what's your name? My name is Austin. Hi Austin, what do you do for a living? I work downtown at Divisions Maintenance Group and I manage a book of business for various different clients and I help them with their facility maintenance. When Americans ask what do you do for a living, they want to find out your job and what you do for work. What's your favorite part about your job? Probably my favorite part is just seeing my clients' reaction when I solve a problem for them. And then what kind of projects do you work on? Well right now, I won't say the name, but I work for a donut company and I help them out with making sure their donut line's running. How many hours do you work each week? I'm pushing like 70 hours per week right now, a lot of after hours. Sounds like you work a lot. And then how much do you earn each year?
嗨,你叫什麼名字?我叫奧斯汀嗨,奧斯汀,你是做什麼工作的?我在市中心的分部維護集團工作,為不同的客戶管理業務,幫助他們維護設施。當美國人問你以什麼為生時,他們想知道你的工作和工作內容。您最喜歡的工作是什麼?我最喜歡的部分可能就是看到客戶在我為他們解決問題時的反應。然後,你從事什麼樣的項目?現在,我不會說名字,但我為一家甜甜圈公司工作,幫助他們確保甜甜圈生產線的正常運轉。你每週工作多少小時?我現在每週大概要工作 70 個小時,很多都是在下班後。聽起來你工作很多。那你每年能掙多少錢?
Right now, I'm tracking towards 115. Hi, what's your name? Mitch Kaiser. Hi Mitch, what do you do for a living? I work for Pro Football Focus. I'm a college football analyst for PFF here in
現在,我正朝著115邁進。嗨,你叫什麼名字?米奇・凱撒嗨,米奇,你是做什麼工作的?我為Pro Football Focus工作我是PFF的大學橄欖球分析師
Cincinnati. What's your favorite part about your job? Getting to watch every college football game and then write about it later on. I write articles covering college football. And what's your favorite article you've written? I wrote an article last fall about why Michael Pennix should have won the Heisman. I was pretty happy about it, and then he played really well, so that's probably my favorite article. How many hours a week do you work? 40, sometimes more in the season.
辛辛那提你最喜歡的工作是什麼?觀看每一場大學橄欖球比賽,然後寫下相關報道。我寫的文章都是關於大學橄欖球的。您最喜歡的文章是什麼?我去年秋天寫過一篇文章,寫邁克爾-彭尼克斯(Michael Pennix)為什麼應該贏得海斯曼獎。我當時非常高興,後來他打得非常好,所以那可能是我最喜歡的文章。你每週工作多少小時?40個小時,賽季中有時會更多。
Summertime, you get probably less than 40 because it's off-season, and then when fall rolls around, probably like 60 hours some weeks. In the U.S., a standard work week is 40 hours, usually eight hours a day, five days a week. If you work more than 40 hours, that's overtime, and you get paid extra. For example, if you make $10 an hour, overtime is time and a half, so for every hour worked over 40, you'd make $15. How much do you earn each year? Not enough. Not enough, I'm gonna say that. What's the minimum you could earn if you just started out? Probably like 30k would be the minimum, like the lowest. I make a little more than that, but not great, you know. Hi, what's your name?
夏天因為是淡季,工作時間可能不到 40 小時,秋天來臨時,有些星期可能要工作 60 小時。在美國,每週的標準工作時間是 40 小時,通常每天工作 8 小時,每週工作 5 天。如果你工作超過 40 小時,那就是加班,你會得到額外的報酬。例如,如果您的工資是每小時 10 美元,那麼加班費就是時間加半,是以超過 40 小時的每一小時,您就能掙到 15 美元。你每年能掙多少錢?不夠。不夠,我得這麼說。如果你剛開始工作,最低能掙多少?大概最低3萬左右吧,最低的樣子。我賺的比那多一點,但不是很好,你知道的。嗨,你叫什
Hi, my name's Katie. Hi Katie, what do you do for a living? I am a server. And what's your favorite part about your job? I meet so many cool people, especially being downtown. I feel like it's such a wide variety of people that I get, and it's just really cool to meet so many different kinds of people. What do you do every day for your job? I go around, I get tables, and I basically just take their food and drink order, chat it up with them, and have a good time, do anything they need, fill up their waters, keep them happy. And then what's your least favorite part about your job? Sometimes it gets really overwhelming. I love to multitask, but sometimes it's like I'm not an octopus. It's hard to do 20 million things at once, but that's not always all the time. That's just really busy days. It can be overwhelming for sure. How many hours each week do you work? Right now I'm doing about 40. During the school year, I do like 25-30, so a few days a week. Okay, so you're a student as well?
Yeah. What do you study? Speech Pathology. I just graduated, yeah. Oh, congrats! And then how much do you earn each year? Each year, I think if I was working full-time, it would be a lot more, but I think this year it was like $25,000, $22,000, $25,000, and that's with full-time in the summer and then part-time during the school year. If you work full-time, that means you work around 30 to 40 hours a week, and you often get benefits like health insurance and paid time off. Katie works part-time, so she works fewer hours, usually 20 hours or less a week. Hi, what's your name? Hi, my name is Cameron. Hi Cameron, what do you do for a living? Currently, I work here at Starbucks at 580.
你學什麼的?你學什麼的?語言病理學我剛畢業哦,恭喜那你每年能掙多少錢?每年,我想如果我是全職工作,收入會更高,但我想今年大概是 2.5 萬美元、2.2 萬美元、2.5 萬美元,這是暑假全職工作和學年兼職工作的收入。如果是全職,意味著每週工作 30 到 40 個小時,通常還能享受醫療保險和帶薪休假等福利。凱蒂從事兼職工作,是以她的工作時間較少,通常每週工作 20 小時或更少。嗨,你叫什麼名字?你好,我叫卡梅倫。你好,卡梅倫,你是做什麼工作的?目前,我在星巴克 580 餐廳工作。
And what do you do for your job? I'm a barista. I make coffees, do food here, bring out customers, and make sure everybody's met with what they need. What's your favorite part about your job? Connecting with the customers for sure. Getting to know people as they come in and just being able to make those connections with everybody. And then what's the least favorite part about your job? I'm gonna hit it with a little comedic joke, I would say dishes. How many hours do you work each week? I work about 30 to 35 hours a week. How much do you earn? Right now, I'm currently making $16.75 an hour. How much do you earn is just a way of asking someone how much money they make. Also, Cameron gets paid by the hour, so he earns more if he works more hours. Another way to get paid is with a salary, where you get paid the same amount every pay period, no matter how many hours you work. Hi, what's your name?
你是做什麼工作的?我是一名咖啡師。我在這裡製作咖啡、製作食物、招呼客人,確保每個人都能得到他們需要的東西。你最喜歡的工作內容是什麼?當然是與顧客交流。在顧客進店時認識他們,與他們建立聯繫。你最不喜歡的工作是什麼?我想用一個喜劇小笑話來回答,那就是洗碗。你每週工作多少小時?每週工作 30 到 35 個小時。你能掙多少錢?現在,我的時薪是 16.75 美元。你掙多少錢只是一種詢問別人掙多少錢的方式。另外,卡梅倫是按小時計酬的,所以如果他工作的時間越長,收入就越高。另一種獲得報酬的方式是工資,即無論你工作多少小
Orlando Smith. Hi Orlando, what do you do for a living? I'm in Cincinnati Law Enforcement. And then what's your favorite part about your job? Favorite part? Lunchtime. Lunchtime is good.
Because we do so much, you never know when you're gonna get a lunch break. Exactly. So you could be on the run for several hours and you're standing there thinking, cheeseburger's gonna be great when it's time to eat. What's your least favorite part about your job? Oh man, I think seeing so many victims. I think we see so many victims of crimes, it's kind of puts you in a not a good space in your head. And then how many hours do you work each week? Ten hour day, we do ten hour shifts.
因為我們要做的事情太多了,你永遠不知道什麼時候才有午休時間。沒錯所以你可能要奔波幾個小時 而你站在那裡想 到了吃飯的時間 芝士漢堡一定很好吃你最不喜歡的工作是什麼?哦,夥計,我覺得看到這麼多的受害者。我想我們看到了太多的犯罪受害者,這讓你的大腦處於一個不太好的狀態。那你每週工作多少小時?一天十小時,我們十小時輪班。
A shift is a set period of time that you work at your job. For example, if you work day shift, you might work from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. And if you work night shift, you might work from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.
輪班是指您在工作崗位上工作的固定時間段。例如,如果您上日班,您可能從早上 9 點工作到下午 5 點;如果您上夜班,您可能從晚上 11 點工作到早上 7 點。
We work four on four off for three weeks, and we work five on three off for three weeks. If you don't mind me asking, how much do you earn every year? I make around a low six figures. Six figures means someone makes more than $100,000 a year. It's a way of saying they make a lot of money.
And then if someone was just starting out, how much would they make as a police officer?
I think top out is maybe $80,000 with the city of Cincinnati. Well thank you so much,
我想辛辛那提市的最高限額可能是 8 萬美元。非常感謝
Orlando. Nice to meet you. It's a pleasure.
Hi, what's your name? I'm Jacob. Hi Jacob, what do you do for a living? I am a bartender, and I work private dining events. What's your favorite part about your job? My favorite part about my job is the flexible scheduling that it comes with. How many hours do you work each week?
Anywhere between 25 and 35. What is the least favorite part about your job? Late nights, and the occasional rude customer. How much do you earn each year? On paper, around $65,000.
25 歲到 35 歲之間。您最不喜歡的工作是什麼?熬夜和偶爾遇到粗魯的顧客。您每年能掙多少錢?從紙面上看,大約 65000 美元。
Hi, what's your name? Hi, my name is Emilio. What do you do for a living? Currently, I'm just employed at Planet Fitness as a front desk employee. The things that I love about working at Planet Fitness is that it gives me a free membership. I've always wanted to be more into like the active lifestyle and things like that. How many hours do you work each week? I think a typical work week, about 40 hours, I think. How much do you earn each year? I actually don't know, because I just started this job about like three months-ish ago, three to four months ago, so I haven't done the calculations. But it is about minimum wage. Minimum wage is the lowest amount of money an employer is legally allowed to pay their workers per hour. How much is the minimum wage right now? It's about like 10 something hours. Hi, what's your name? Brandy. Hi, Brandy, what do you do for a living? I'm a venue manager and event planner. What's your favorite part about your job? There are a lot, but getting able to plan people's special day, their wedding, their events, birthday parties, that's probably my favorite thing. What's your favorite thing to plan? I would say weddings. And then what's your least favorite part about your job? I'm on call all the time, so I never have a day off really. I'm always answering emails, phone calls, text messages, dealing with brides. A day off is a day when you do not have to work. It's a day you can spend doing whatever you want. How much do you make each year? It fluctuates, because I have a base salary and commission, but I live comfortably. If someone was just starting out with event planning, how much would they normally make? Probably $50,000. Hi, what's your name? I'm Ava.
嗨,你叫什麼名字?嗨,我叫埃米利奧你是做什麼工作的?目前,我受僱於 Planet Fitness 健身中心,是一名前臺員工。我喜歡在 Planet Fitness 健身中心工作的原因是,它給了我一個免費的會員資格。我一直想更多地融入積極的生活方式和諸如此類的事情。您每週工作多少小時?我想一週一般工作 40 個小時左右吧。你每年掙多少錢?其實我也不知道,因為我剛開始這份工作,大概是三個月左右,三四個月前,所以我還沒算過。但差不多是最低工資。最低工資是法律允許僱主支付給工人的每小時最低工資。現在的最低工資是多
Hi, Ava. What do you do for a living? So I just am about to move to Guatemala in June, and I'm going to be working for a medical clinic through University of Cincinnati. What will be your favorite part about the job? I'm really excited to get to work with underprivileged communities in like a medical setting, and I hope to go to medical school. That's amazing.
And do you speak Spanish? Yes, I do. And then how many hours will you work each week in Guatemala?
It depends. So when the doctors and med students are going down there, it'll be like more of a full-time job working in the clinic. How much will you earn each week? It's pretty much a volunteer job. I make very little money. It's pretty much volunteer, but I have some good stipends for food, and I'll stay with the host family. Ava is going to get a stipend. A stipend is like a little bit of extra money. It will help cover costs if you're studying or working on a project. A stipend might cover basic needs like rent, food, and utilities. That's amazing, and thank you so much. Hi, what's your name? Allison. What do you do for a living? I am currently an intern at the Catalytic Fund in northern Kentucky. What kind of work do you do? So we're a not-for-profit real estate investment firm, so we basically help with like pre-development for things so that people who might not have the money to do so can build pretty buildings. What's your favorite part about the job? I enjoy feeling like I'm making a difference and like working with like saving historical buildings. What's the least favorite part about your job? My office doesn't have a window, so I wish my office had a window that I could look out of. How many hours do you work each week? Between 35 and 40. How much do you earn each year? Currently, I wake 17 an hour because it's just a summer internship while I'm in graduate school. Okay. An internship is like a temporary job where you learn about a certain field or industry. Think of it as a chance to try out a career before you commit to it. Hi, what's your name? Joe Nickel. What do you do for a living? I'm an urban designer and city planner. What do you like most about your job? I love being able to work with people to change and improve their neighborhoods, their cities, their towns. I like drawing. How many hours do you work each week? Try to keep it under 45. How much do you earn every year? I'm not gonna answer that. Hi, what's your name?
Hi, I'm Alex. What do you do for a living? So, I'm a shift supervisor at Starbucks. What do you do for your job? So, my job is running anything on the floor. I'm just making sure everyone's making drinks. I'm just making sure everything runs smoothly and make sure the day-to-day stuff works well.
What do you like about your job? I love being able to see different people. What's the least favorite part about your job? I would say dealing with the downside of dealing with so many people. You get like random people that think they can do whatever. How many hours do you work each week? So, I work around 40 hours each week. How much do you earn each week or each year? Each year is probably around 60 to 70 thousand. Hi, what's your name? Hi, my name is Kyle. What do you do for a living? I just started a new job in sales in Tampa. So, I started about two weeks. What kind of job do you have? So, I work in the elevator industry. So, I'm working as a sales trainee. What's your favorite part about your job?
您喜歡這份工作的哪一點?我喜歡能見到不同的人。最不喜歡的工作是什麼?我想說的是與這麼多人打交道的弊端。你會遇到自以為無所不能的人。您每週工作多少小時?我每週工作 40 小時左右。你每週或每年掙多少錢?每年大概六七萬吧。嗨,你叫什麼名字?你好,我叫凱爾。你是做什麼工作的?我剛在坦帕開始了一份新的銷售工作大概兩週前開始的你從事什麼工作?我在電梯行業工作。我是一名銷售實習生。你最喜歡的工作是什麼?
I just like the environment, the job flexibility. How many hours will you work each week? So, I typically work full-time. So, I'll be in the office five days a week, eight hours a day. How much will you earn? So, I'll be around 95 my first year, hopefully. It's commission-based, so it could be above that, below that. A commission-based job means your pay is directly tied to how much you sell or how well you perform. The more you sell, the more you earn. Hi, what's your name? My name is Calvin
我只是喜歡這裡的環境和工作的靈活性。您每週工作多少小時?我通常是全職工作。所以,我每週會在辦公室工作五天,每天八小時。你能掙多少錢?希望第一年能掙到 95 美元左右。這是一份佣金制的工作,所以可能會高於或低於這個數字。基於佣金的工作意味著你的工資直接與你的銷售額或業績掛鉤。賣得越多,賺得越多。嗨,你叫什麼名字?我叫卡爾文
Johnson. What do you do for a living? Well, I'm a retired Cincinnati police sergeant, but now I'm a supervisor for Cincinnati Metro Transit. Calvin retired from his job, so he's not working full-time anymore. Most people retire around 65, but people can retire earlier or later for different reasons.
約翰遜你是做什麼工作的?我是辛辛那提警局的退休警長 但現在我是辛辛那提地鐵公司的主管卡爾文已經退休,不再從事全職工作。大多數人在 65 歲左右退休,但出於不同的原因,人們退休的時間有早有晚。
What do you normally do for work? Like, what does your day-to-day look like? I supervise the coaches that drive around the city, make sure they're safe, getting there on time, making sure we have a positive experience riding the Metro. What's your favorite part about your job? The people, interacting with people and being able to assist them to get to A and B. And least favorite part about your job? Probably the hours right now. I work eight at night till four in the morning.
How many hours do you work each week in total? 40 hours a week. How much do you earn each year?
您每週總共工作多少小時?每週 40 小時。您每年掙多少錢?
Probably about $80,000. Hi, what's your name? My name is Evan Hunter. What do you do for a living?
I'm a data scientist at Fifth Third Bank. What's your favorite part about your job? I honestly really love my co-workers. We have a lot of great people I work with. What kind of projects do you work on? I'm primarily working on our digital messaging chatbot genie right now, and so working a lot with our operations partners, working a lot with our developers who work on the chatbot, figuring out what the chatbot's going to say in various circumstances. How many hours do you work each week? 40, 50, somewhere in there. Not too many. I don't work as much as many people do.
Okay everybody, I hope you guys enjoyed this video, and I hope this video gives you a glimpse of what people do for a living and how much they earn each year.
Go ahead and give me a like, subscribe, and I'll see you guys next week. Bye!