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  • Weddings are expensive affairs, there's nothing new or surprising in that statement.


  • When we talk about the costs of a wedding, we often think about the financial toll on the person paying for it.


  • The outlay on tiered cakes, the dress with a long train, appliques, and veil, and canapes at the reception can all add up.


  • But what about the guests?


  • The cost to your friends and family to attend.


  • The first thing to think about when attending is the price of getting there.


  • Even just a few hundred miles from where you live can bring some expenses, be it transport or staying in a hotel.


  • But some people like to tie the knot in exotic locations, thinking it will make their special day even more special, on a beach in front of palm trees rather than somewhere closer to home.


  • Going to far-flung corners of the earth to watch the event can really be a dealbreaker for some when deciding if they can make it.


  • Then there is the gift.


  • What do you give a person on their wedding day?


  • In some cultures, asking for money isn't the done thing.


  • Sometimes, the bride and groom may issue a list of items they want to receive that you have to pick from.


  • But what do you buy?


  • And if it's money, how much do you give them?


  • How much is too much?


  • These are questions all attendees face, give too little and you may cause offense, too much and you may be out of pocket.


  • And of course, you don't want to be outdone by a friend giving more than you, finally, the last thing you want to feel when going to a wedding is regret about the amount you've spent.


  • If you give a good gift and spend a lot on getting there, and the event isn't great, or the food at the reception isn't perfect, you might feel a little resentment.


  • Therefore, only give what you can afford to give Weddings can be expensive for everyone concerned.


  • But people often overlook the cost for guests, I in the end, though, that special day is supposed to be a celebration of love above anything else.


  • Weddings are expensive affairs, there's nothing new or surprising in that statement.


  • When we talk about the costs of a wedding, we often think about the financial toll on the person paying for it.


  • The outlay on tiered cakes, the dress with a long train, appliques, and veil, and canapes at the reception can all add up.


  • But what about the guests?


  • The cost to your friends and family to attend The first thing to think about when attending is the price of getting there.

    親朋好友的參會費用 參會時首先要考慮的是到達目的地的費用。

  • Even just a few hundred miles from where you live can bring some expenses, be it transport or staying in a hotel.


  • But some people like to tie the knot in exotic locations, thinking it will make their special day even more special, on a beach in front of palm trees rather than somewhere closer to home.


  • Going to far-flung corners of the earth to watch the event can really be a dealbreaker for some when deciding if they can make it.


  • Then there is the gift.


  • What do you give a person on their wedding day?


  • In some cultures, asking for money isn't the done thing.


  • Sometimes, the bride and groom may issue a list of items they want to receive that you have to pick from.


  • But what do you buy?


  • And if it's money, how much do you give them?


  • How much is too much?


  • These are questions all attendees face, give too little and you may cause offense, too much and you may be out of pocket.


  • And of course, you don't want to be outdone by a friend giving more than you, finally, the last thing you want to feel when going to a wedding is regret about the amount you've spent.


  • If you give a good gift and spend a lot on getting there, and the event isn't great, or the food at the reception isn't perfect, you might feel a little resentment.


  • Therefore, only give what you can afford to give weddings can be expensive for everyone concerned.


  • But people often overlook the cost for guests, I in the end, though, that special day is supposed to be a celebration of love above anything else.


  • Weddings are expensive affairs, there's nothing new or surprising in that statement.


  • When we talk about the cost of a wedding, we often think about the financial toll on the person paying for it.


  • The outlay on tiered cakes, the dress with a long train, appliques, and veil, and canapes at the reception can all add up.


  • But what about the guests?


  • The cost to your friends and family to attend.


  • The first thing to think about when attending is the price of getting there.


  • Even just a few hundred miles from where you live can bring some expenses, be it transport or staying in a hotel.


  • But some people like to tie the knot in exotic locations, thinking it will make their special day even more special, on a beach in front of palm trees rather than somewhere closer to home.


  • Going to far-flung corners of the earth to watch the event can really be a dealbreaker for some when deciding if they can make it.


  • Then there is the gift.


  • What do you give a person on their wedding day?


  • In some cultures, asking for money isn't the done thing.


  • Sometimes, the bride and groom may issue a list of items they want to receive that you have to pick from.


  • But what do you buy?


  • And if it's money, how much do you give them?


  • How much is too much?


  • These are questions all attendees face, give too little and you may cause offense, too much and you may be out of pocket.


  • And of course, you don't want to be outdone by a friend giving more than you, finally, the last thing you want to feel when going to a wedding is regret about the amount you've spent.


  • If you give a good gift and spend a lot on getting there, and the event isn't great, or the food at the reception isn't perfect, you might feel a little resentment.


  • Therefore, only give what you can afford to give.


  • Weddings can be expensive for everyone concerned.


  • But people often overlook the cost for guests, I in the end, though, that special day is supposed to be a celebration of love above anything else.


  • Affair Affair Toll Toll Outlay Outlay Tiered Tiered Train Train Applique Applique Veil Veil Canopy Canopy Reception Reception Tie-the-knot Tie-the-knot Far-flung Far-flung Deal-breaker Deal-breaker The-done-thing The-done-thing Bride Bride Groom Groom Attendee Attendee Out-of-pocket Out-of-pocket Not-to-be-outdone Not-to-be-outdone

    Affair Affair Toll Toll Outlay Outlay Tiered Tiered Train Train Applique Applique Veil Canopy Canopy Reception Reception Tie-the-knot Tie-the-knot Far-flung Far-flung Deal-breaker Deal-breaker The-done-thing The-done-thing Bride Bride Groom Groom Attendee

Weddings are expensive affairs, there's nothing new or surprising in that statement.


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英文聽力練習】BBC新聞朗讀《The cost of going to wedding》 英文學習 英文文章分享 英語口語 英文聽力練習 英文學習視頻 |中英雙語| The cost of going to wedding (【英文听力练习】BBC新闻朗读《The cost of going to a wedding》 英文学习 英文文章分享 英语口语 英文聽力練習 英文学习视频 |中英双语|)

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    loveserenadragon 發佈於 2024 年 05 月 29 日