And I believe it has that name because this is where the historic Grand Coulee Dam is, which if you haven't heard of the Grand Coulee Dam, based on my very brief internet search to make sure I had this right, the Grand Coulee Dam was at one point the largest concrete structure in the world.
我相信它之所以叫這個名字,是因為這裡就是歷史悠久的大庫裡水壩(Grand Coulee Dam)所在地,如果你沒聽說過大庫裡水壩(Grand Coulee Dam),根據我在互聯網上的簡短搜索,以確保我沒有弄錯,大庫裡水壩(Grand Coulee Dam)曾一度是世界上最大的混凝土結構。