字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Pikers. 皮克 This young male has been awake all winter, living on the food reserves he built up last year. 這隻年輕的雄鳥整個冬天都沒有睡覺,靠著去年積累的食物過活。 For him, summer can't come soon enough. 對他來說,夏天來得太快了。 As the sun's warmth returns for just a few weeks, this harsh world is transformed into a rich, high-altitude meadow. 當太陽的溫暖在短短几周內迴歸時,這個嚴酷的世界就會變成一片富饒的高海拔草地。 It's what all the pikers here have been waiting for, for almost ten months. 這是這裡所有小兵近十個月來一直在等待的。 There's no time to waste. 沒有時間可以浪費了。 Ready? 準備好了嗎? Steady? 穩定? Eek! Eek! Now they must collect as much food as quickly as they possibly can. 現在,他們必須儘快收集儘可能多的食物。 But some of them seem in less of a hurry. 但有些人似乎並不那麼著急。 Clearly, biding their time. 顯然,他們在等待時機。 The others are gathering leaves non-stop. 其他人則在不停地收集樹葉。 They build haystacks, and that takes a lot of work. 他們建造乾草堆,這需要大量的工作。 They build haystacks, and that takes a lot of work. 他們建造乾草堆,這需要大量的工作。 Each mouthful has to be carefully placed to allow the sunlight to dry it. 每一口都要小心翼翼地放好,讓陽光把它晒乾。 They also add a few leaves of other plants that contain chemicals, which will help preserve the hay during the winter. 他們還添加一些含有化學物質的其他植物的葉子,這有助於在冬天保存乾草。 As many as 11,000 return journeys may be needed... 可能需要多達 11,000 次返程...... to build a reasonably large haystack. 建造一個相當大的乾草堆。 And then it has to be guarded against opportunistic neighbors. 此外,還必須防止鄰居投機取巧。 The weather is showing signs of changing. 天氣有變化的跡象。 It's time to make a move. 是時候行動了。 This piker specializes in stealing from its neighbors. 這個匹克專門偷鄰居的東西。 PIKER SPECIAL 撲克特技 Got away with it. 僥倖逃脫。 Again. 再來一次 PIKER SPECIAL 撲克特技
B2 中高級 中文 美國腔 建造 鄰居 收集 小兵 食物 樹葉 可愛的鼠兔偷鄰居的食物 | 4K UHD | 哺乳動物 | BBC Earth (Cute Pika Steals Food From Neighbours | 4K UHD | Mammals | BBC Earth) 15 0 Jeff Jiang 發佈於 2024 年 05 月 27 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字