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Hi, I'm Vanessa from SpeakEnglishWithVanessa.com.
Can you speak advanced English? Let's talk about it.
Let's imagine this scene; you are visiting the US and you're about to go eat sushi for dinner.
You're walking along and you turn the corner, and you see me walking on the sidewalk. You shout
for joy and say, "Hey, Vanessa! Do you want to join me for dinner? We're eating sushi."
I walk over. I'm excited to meet you. And then your face goes like this,
"I think I saw in one of your videos that you don't like sushi." And I say, "Oh,
I do like sushi. In fact, I can eat quite a few sushi rolls." You probably understand the
general idea of what I'm trying to say, but this sentence is advanced English.
I said, "I do like sushi." Well, generally, in English, we don't put "do" before "like." So why
did I say this? Is this a grammatical mistake? And what about this expression, "Quite a few
sushi rolls?" Usually, few means a little. But why did I say, "Quite a few?" Oh, this is an advanced
English phrase I would love for you to learn. If you would like to speak advanced English
like this and impress me when you meet me on the sidewalk, well, never fear. Today, you are going
to learn to speak advanced American English. And like always, to help you never forget what you
learn in today's lesson, I have created a free PDF worksheet with all of today's advanced phrases,
advanced verbs, advanced sentence structures, to help you be able to speak advanced English.
You can click on the link in the description to download this free PDF worksheet today.
In this lesson, you will see two of my most popular advanced English lessons. So are
you ready to level up your English? Let's go. It's a fact that the more vocabulary you know,
the more you can understand natural, fast English conversations and the more that you can express
yourself. So today I'd like to help you learn 10 essential advanced English expressions.
These aren't specifically for business situations, but you could use them then.
These aren't really just slang expressions, but you could use them in casual situations too.
These are phrases for daily life. They're phrases that I use all the time. And I have
a feeling that you're going to hear them all the time. And hopefully,
now you're going to be able to use them yourself. During today's lesson, try to say the sample
sentences out loud with me. This is a great chance to practice your pronunciation muscles,
listen to your own voice speaking and using great English grammar and vocabulary. And it's a good
way to help you remember what you're learning. All right, let's start with the first expression.
To take something seriously. Usually, we use the word "take," this verb,
when we're grabbing something or when we're getting something. But instead,
this expression uses "take" in a figurative sense. This means you're accepting something sincerely.
We often use this in a negative sense. For example, let's look at this sentence,
"When the teenager told her mom, 'I hate you,' her mom didn't take it seriously."
This is a negative situation, "Didn't take it seriously." What is "it?"
Are we using "it" to talk about her daughter? No, we're talking about her daughter's words.
So the mom is not feeling like this is a sincere statement from her daughter. Because her daughter
is a teenager, maybe she's going through some hard times. So the mom is not going to get upset
when her daughter says, "I hate you." She's not going to take those words seriously.
Or you might say, "I wish I had taken school seriously." "Take school seriously" means to
study hard, to be sincere in your efforts. I wish I had taken school seriously, but I still
graduated even though I didn't learn as much as I could have. I wish I had taken school seriously.
Let's go to the next expression; on top of. Are we talking about physical placement here? No.
Instead, take a look at this sentence and try to guess what you think it means.
"My dog ripped my school books, and on top of that, he ate my homework."
So we have a bad situation that has become worse. So my dog ripped my school books,
this is already a bad situation, but then on top of that, he ate my homework. So we
can use this wonderful expression "on top of" just like we would "in addition to."
Usually, it shows some kind of surprise. On top of that, he ate my homework. I can't believe it.
I'm surprised. In addition to what he already did, he ate my homework. Or you might say,
"This vocabulary lesson is great, on top of that, it's free."
So you could say, "In addition to that, it's free." That's fine. But when you say,
"On top of that," you're implying that you're kind of surprised. I can't believe that
Vanessa is giving us this lesson for free. On top of that, it's free. Wonderful.
Quite a few. If I said I ate quite a few cookies, do you think this means a few, a little, or a lot?
This expression can be a little bit tricky because even though it uses a few, which usually means a
small amount, this expression really means a lot. The word "a few" means a little, but when we add
"quite," we're making this an indirect way to say a lot. Quite a few cookies, maybe
20 cookies. This is a lot of cookies for one person to eat, so you might say, "I ate quite
a few cookies." You're being indirect about how many cookies you ate, but we know it was a lot.
Or you could say, "Quite a few students participated in the 30-day listening challenge."
This means a lot of students participated in the 30-day listening challenge.
If I want to be a little more indirect, then this is a great statement. I could say,
"A lot of students participated." But to be a little indirect, we could say,
"Quite a few students participated in the course, and I hope you can too."
Little to no. What is happening here? Little to no. "I invited 20 people to my party, but
little to no people responded." Let's think about this phrase as a scale. Little is on one side,
so a few people, a couple of people, and then no people are on the other side.
So little to no. "A lot of people" is not even on the scale. So we have
a little to no. Little to no people responded. You can also think about this like one
to 10. If we use this same idea with the word "to," we're talking about a scale.
One to 10 people responded. Okay, this is the same idea. It's a scale. But you will also hear
little to no people responded. What about this sentence?
"Last week, he had little to no time to cook. He was so busy." So here we're talking about
little time, maybe 20 minutes, to no time to cook. He was so busy. He had little to no time to cook.
To be a roller coaster. This is a figurative expression. We're not talking about actually
sitting on a rollercoaster, which is the ride at an amusement park. Instead, we're going to use
this figuratively. And you could say, "Last year was such a rollercoaster. I got married, and then
I got fired from my job, and then I moved to New York." So there's a lot of positive and negative
things that are happening. It's a rollercoaster. I got married, and then I got fired, and then I
moved to New York. So we're talking about the ups and downs of life. It's a rollercoaster.
We often use this word with "emotional." It's an emotional rollercoaster. The relationship was an
emotional rollercoaster for six months. If one of your friends is dating someone
and the relationship just isn't very smooth, they don't get along too well,
they don't really communicate that well, you might say, "Yeah, that relationship was an emotional
rollercoaster." Sometimes they loved each other, sometimes they were so angry, then they loved
each other. Not a very healthy relationship. It was an emotional rollercoaster for six months.
What about this expression? "I'm talking." Does it mean I'm speaking out loud? No. Instead, this
is often used to give more information about a specific point. It's kind of a casual expression.
So let's imagine the situation, you're sitting in a classroom and the teacher says,
"This semester, we will be studying historical figures. I'm talking, Winston Churchill,
Genghis Khan, Aristotle." She's giving more information about
who are historical figures. So she could have just said, "We will be studying historical figures."
Okay. But she wanted to give more clarification about this point, historical figures. So she said,
"I'm talking Genghis Khan, Winston Churchill, Aristotle." This is a wide spectrum of people,
so that's why she used this expression, "I'm talking."
Let's look at another example. "The restaurant was so fancy. I'm talking, suit and tie,
a local weekly menu, a live cello player." Oh, you're giving more clarification about fancy. What
does fancy mean? What is a fancy restaurant? Oh, well, you're going to give us some more details
about this point. You're going to talk about a suit and tie. Maybe you had to wear a suit and
tie. Maybe the servers wore a suit and ties. There's a local weekly menu that changes every
week, and there was a live cello player. That's pretty fancy if you ask me. So you're clarifying.
I'm talking, this, this, and this. Great. The next expression is "at all." At all.
This means completely. And it is only used in negative situations. "I haven't studied
for my test at all." "I haven't," that's our negative part. "I haven't studied at all."
Or you could say, "I haven't studied completely," but "at all" is much more natural. So we can add
this always to the end of the sentence. "I haven't studied at all." Or you could say,
"I thought my cats would be annoyed about having a new baby at home, but they don't care at all."
"They don't," so we're using that negative word. "They don't care at all." Do they have
any care about the new baby? No. None at all. Notice how this is
always used at the end of the sentence. Six figures. Are we talking about six people?
No. What if I said this sentence? "He wants to be a doctor because he wants a six-figure salary."
What can you guess? What do you think that this expression means: six-figure salary?
Well, we're talking about numbers that have six figures, so this means $100,000 and up.
100,000, 200,000, 300,000. When you're a doctor, at least in the US, usually, you make a lot of
money, so you have a six-figure salary. The term six-figure just denotes money above 100,000.
Or you could say, "They earned six figures last year." That talks about how much money they made.
I had a student in the 30-day listening challenge ask, "Can you say five figures?"
For example, "I have a five-figure salary. He makes five figures." Not really.
We really only use this with six figures. And I think it's just because five figures
could be $10,000, which, in the US, is not a high salary, or it could be $90,000, which
is a lot of money. So it doesn't really have the same implication.
But when you say six figures, this is always a lot of money. So even if you make 100,000
compared to 900,000, it's still a lot of money. So we only use this when we're talking about six
figures in a salary. To go through something. We're not
talking about going through a tunnel. Instead, this is a figurative phrasal verb expression.
And it's talking about experiencing a lot of negative things, a lot of negative experiences.
You might say, "Last month I went through a lot. My grandmother was in the hospital,
my car broke down, and I had a terrible cold." So you experienced a lot of negative things. I
went through a lot. You can use this in a more vague situation. You could just say,
"You're going through a lot right now. Please take care of yourself." You're going through a lot.
You can use it to talk about your friend. Let's say that you're having a dinner
party and your friend doesn't come and someone says, "Hey, why didn't he come?" You might say,
"He's going through a lot right now. He needs some quiet time by himself." He's going through a lot.
And this implies he's having a lot of difficult experiences right now, so let's take it easy.
Our final expression is to make it. Does this mean create something, to make something? Nope.
Instead, to make it means to be successful. You might say, "He's moving to LA to become a movie
star. I hope he makes it." You can substitute in this sentence and say, "I hope he's successful."
I hope he makes it. And "it" here is just his goal. I hope he makes it. But we always
keep this expression together, "Makes it." Or we could talk about being successful in a
more vague way. You might say, "He drove to the concert through the rain,
the snow, the hail; and finally, he made it." He was successfully at his destination. He
successfully arrived at his destination; the concert. He made it. So it implies struggle,
but he was successful in the end. This isn't talking about his career,
like going to LA, becoming a movie star. You made it. No. Instead, he just successfully
arrived at his destination. "Whew. After all of that rain, snow, hail, I made it, great."
Excellent work with these 10 new phrases. You opened your mind to these new phrases,
so I hope that you'll be able to hear them all around you now.
Today, your mind is about to expand, maybe even explode. You might think that you know how to use
these three simple verbs, but do you really know how to use them? Sometimes English learners think
that to speak advanced English, you need to use advanced verbs, but that's not always the case.
Sometimes you need to use simple verbs in an advanced way. Are you curious? Good.
Today, I'm going to help you use "tell," "do," and "bet" in a more advanced, natural way. Are
you ready to get started with the first one? Let's start with the verb "tell." The first meaning of
the word "tell" you probably know. "I'm going to tell you a secret." "Do you know what she told
me yesterday?" This just means simply to talk. But this is the simple way to use "tell." Let's
take it to the next level. Let's take a look at this sentence. "I couldn't tell if he was a boy
or a girl." Does this mean I couldn't talk about if he was a boy or a girl? No. We're using "tell"
in an advanced way here. This means I didn't know if he was a boy or a girl. I couldn't tell.
Let's look at a few other sentences that use "tell" in an advanced way that means to understand
or to know something. "It was hard to tell." This means it was hard to know. "I couldn't tell
by looking at his face." I couldn't know if he was a boy or a girl by looking at his face.
You might notice that we often use the word "tell" in this advanced way with the verb "can." Let's
take a look at another scenario. "Can you usually tell when someone's lying to you?"
This means do you easily know when someone's lying to you? Can you easily understand when someone's
lying compared to telling the truth? You might also say, "I couldn't tell
that he was lying." This doesn't mean I couldn't talk about the fact that he was lying.
It means I just didn't know that he was lying. I couldn't tell that he was lying.
Let's go to the second simple verb that we can make more advanced.
What do you think about this sentence? "I do like seafood." Listen to which word is emphasized here.
I do like seafood. I do like seafood. There are two verbs, "do" and "like," but one of them is
emphasized. I do like seafood. It's the verb "do." Native speakers often use the verb "do"
to show emphasis, especially to emphasize the truth. Let's take a look at some examples. If
you say to me, "Vanessa, do you want to go to an all-you-can-eat seafood buffet for my
birthday?" And then you hesitate and say, "Oh, I forgot that you don't like seafood. I'm sorry."
But really, I love seafood. So I want to politely tell you, you're wrong, I like seafood. How can I
say that in a polite way? Well, I can simply say, "I do like seafood." So I'm emphasizing that I
like it, but I'm also emphasizing that this is the truth. You had an opinion that wasn't the truth,
and now I'm sharing the truth with you. Oh, that's not true. I do like seafood. I want to come. I
want to go to the all-you-can-eat seafood buffet. Let's look at another example. A couple of weeks
ago, my husband Dan and I met some new friends and they invited us over to their
house to have dinner. It was really nice of them. But on the morning of that dinner, Dan
woke up really sick. Dan is my husband. He only gets sick maybe once a year, but that was the day.
It was not a good day for him. He was on the couch all day. It happens to all of us, right?
Well, so I needed to call our new friends and say, "Dan really does want to come to dinner,
but he's too sick." I wanted to emphasize that he does want to come. He wants to come to your house,
but he's too sick. I ended up going to the dinner by myself
and it was a lovely time, but it was a sad time for Dan because he was just at home, on the couch.
Why did I choose to add "do" to this sentence? What kind of truth am I trying to reveal to them?
Well, I was a little bit worried that, because we didn't know them, we didn't know them very well at
least, I was worried that they would think Dan was just making an excuse, that he didn't want to go,
and I was calling to make an excuse for him. But that wasn't the truth.
He was actually really sick. And it was a good idea that he didn't go to the dinner.
So I wanted to let them know, this is his true feelings. He really does want to go to your house,
but he's too sick. We often use this advanced form of
"do" with the word "but," because we're telling the truth, and then we're showing an excuse.
Let's take a look at a couple of sentences. "I really do want to study English every day,
but I usually forget." So you're showing your true feelings, "I really
do want to study English." And then you have the excuse, "But I usually forget." Oh no.
"My manager does want to speak with you, but she's busy right now." If you get a call from someone
from another branch and you're trying to let them know your manager is busy; it's not an excuse,
it's true that your manager is busy; you could use this verb to let them know this is the truth.
"My manager does want to speak with you, but she's too busy right now." You're letting that person
know on the phone, maybe some representative from another branch, you're letting them know,
this isn't just an excuse. "It's true, my manager does want to speak with you."
And then you have an excuse, "But she's just busy right now. She'll call you back later."
My manager does want to speak with you. Or you could say, "She does have a car,
but she just rides her bike everywhere instead." If you always see your friend riding her bike,
you might wonder, does she not have a car? Why is she always riding her bike? And then
you could say, "She does have a car." You're emphasizing this truth. "She does have a car,
but she just chooses to ride her bike instead." Let's go to the third verb that we can make more
advanced. I use this one all the time. So I'm so glad to share it with you because you'll
be able to understand it when I use it and when other people use it. It's the word "bet." "Have
you ever bet some money that your team would win?" This is the simple way to use "bet."
It means you think your team will win, so you put some money on the table. If your team wins, you
get more money. If your team loses, you lose all your money. This is the simple way to use "bet."
Let's make it more advanced though. "I bet that you want to be a fluent English speaker." I don't
know this 100%, but I'm 99% certain that you want to be a fluent English speaker. So I can say, "I
bet that you want to be a fluent English speaker." I'm just guessing your opinion. This more advanced
way to use "bet" means I'm almost certain. I'm not 100% certain, but I'm almost certain.
Let's look at some ways that you can use this naturally. The phrase "I bet" is often
used to show empathy or caring when someone's going through a situation. So you might say,
"I bet that you were sad when your dog died." This means I'm not 100% certain, but I'm letting you
know that I can imagine your feelings. I'm almost certain that you were sad when your dog died,
and I want you to know that I understand you were sad. I bet you were really sad when your dog died.
Do you see the tone of my voice and the look on my face? It shows caring
and empathy. "I bet you were really sad." Let's look at another example. "I bet that
you were annoyed when your boss didn't give you a raise." I'm not 100% certain, but I'm
mostly certain that you were annoyed when your boss didn't give you a raise. This is a really
kind and thoughtful and polite expression to use when someone you
know is having a difficult time in their life. If your friend was expecting a raise and then
you see them and they look pretty sad and they tell you, "I didn't get the raise,"
you could use this expression. "I bet you were annoyed when your boss didn't give you
that raise." "I bet you were really disappointed when your boss didn't give you that raise." You're
sharing feelings with them. You're empathizing. You can use "I bet" for those negative situations
like, "I bet that was really hard." "I bet that situation was really hard for you." But you can
also use it in positive situations. "I bet you're glad that your exams are over." The word "glad"
is not a negative thing, it's a positive thing. But you're letting them know,
I understand your feelings. "I bet you're glad the exams are over. Now you can finally relax."
We just talked about how you can use "I bet" to show someone that
you are understanding and caring about their feelings. This is kind of a deep friendship
type of expression. But there's a lighter way that we can use it as well; it's simply when
you're predicting what might happen in the future. You could simply say, "I bet that it will rain
today." "I bet that it's going to rain." "There's dark clouds. The air is a little bit moist. I bet
it's going to rain." You're just predicting. You're almost certain. You're not 100% certain,
but you're almost certain that it's going to rain. Or if you've never been skiing, like me,
you might say, "I bet that I'm going to break my leg when I go skiing." This is a prediction for
the future. I hope whenever I go skiing for the first time, this doesn't happen. But you can use
this expression to say, this is my prediction. It will probably happen, not 100%, but there
is a high possibility that it might happen. I bet I'll break my leg or I bet that I'll break my leg.
Notice that in all of these sentences, we use the pronoun "I." I bet. This is because
I'm certain. I don't know your certainty, but I know my certainty. I bet it's going to rain.
I bet you were sad. I bet that was a hard time. I'm talking about my own certainty.
It's not so common to hear this with other pronouns. You bet that this will happen. He
bets that this will happen. It's most likely that you're going to hear this with "I bet."
So I want you to be able to use that too. Before we go, let's do a little review. I
want you to say these sentences out loud, exercise your pronunciation muscles, and speak. It's going
to help you to remember these three simple verbs used in an advanced way. Are you ready? Let's go.
"I couldn't tell if he was a boy or a girl." "It was hard to tell." "Can you usually tell when
someone is lying to you?" "I can't tell." "I forgot that you don't like seafood."
"No, I do like seafood." "I really do want to study English every day, but I always forget."
"She does have a car, but she always rides her bike instead."
"I bet that you want to be a fluent English speaker." "I bet that you were annoyed when
your boss didn't give you a raise." "I bet you're glad that the exams are over."
"I bet that it's going to rain today." How did you do? Did you get some pronunciation
practice? I hope so. Now I have a question for you. In the comments, I want to know what
is something that you really do want to do but you just don't do. For example, you might say,
"I really do want to go to bed earlier, but the night just passes so quickly. And before I know
it, it's 2:00 AM." Or, "I really do want to see my parents more, but I'm just too busy." Let
me know in the comments. What is something that you really do want to do, but you just don't do?
Congratulations on leveling up your English skills. Don't forget to download the free PDF
worksheet for today's lesson with all of these expressions, verbs, sample sentences, grammatical
structures, all of the ideas from this lesson so that you can speak advanced American English.
You can click on the link, download the PDF, print it out if you would like,
put it under your pillow as you sleep, and dream about speaking advanced American English.
You can do it. Click on the link in the description to download the PDF worksheet today.
Well, thank you so much for learning English with me. I will see you again next Friday for a new
lesson here on my YouTube channel. Bye. The next step is to download the free
PDF worksheet for this lesson. With this free PDF, you will master today's lesson
and never forget what you have learned. You can be a confident English speaker. Don't
forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for a free English lesson every Friday. Bye.