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  • Hi, I'm Vanessa from  

  • Can you speak advanced  English? Let's talk about it

  • Let's imagine this scene; you are visiting the  US and you're about to go eat sushi for dinner.  

  • You're walking along and you turn the cornerand you see me walking on the sidewalk. You shout  

  • for joy and say, "Hey, Vanessa! Do you want  to join me for dinner? We're eating sushi." 

  • I walk over. I'm excited to meet youAnd then your face goes like this,  

  • "I think I saw in one of your videos that  you don't like sushi." And I say, "Oh,  

  • I do like sushi. In fact, I can eat quitefew sushi rolls." You probably understand the  

  • general idea of what I'm trying to saybut this sentence is advanced English

  • I said, "I do like sushi." Well, generally, in  English, we don't put "do" before "like." So why  

  • did I say this? Is this a grammatical mistakeAnd what about this expression, "Quite a few  

  • sushi rolls?" Usually, few means a little. But why  did I say, "Quite a few?" Oh, this is an advanced  

  • English phrase I would love for you to learn. If you would like to speak advanced English  

  • like this and impress me when you meet me on the  sidewalk, well, never fear. Today, you are going  

  • to learn to speak advanced American English. And  like always, to help you never forget what you  

  • learn in today's lesson, I have created a free PDF  worksheet with all of today's advanced phrases,  

  • advanced verbs, advanced sentence structuresto help you be able to speak advanced English.  

  • You can click on the link in the description  to download this free PDF worksheet today

  • In this lesson, you will see two of my most  popular advanced English lessons. So are  

  • you ready to level up your English? Let's go. It's a fact that the more vocabulary you know,  

  • the more you can understand natural, fast English  conversations and the more that you can express  

  • yourself. So today I'd like to help you learn  10 essential advanced English expressions.  

  • These aren't specifically for business  situations, but you could use them then.  

  • These aren't really just slang expressions, but  you could use them in casual situations too

  • These are phrases for daily life. They're  phrases that I use all the time. And I have  

  • a feeling that you're going to hear  them all the time. And hopefully,  

  • now you're going to be able to use them yourself. During today's lesson, try to say the sample  

  • sentences out loud with me. This is a great  chance to practice your pronunciation muscles,  

  • listen to your own voice speaking and using great  English grammar and vocabulary. And it's a good  

  • way to help you remember what you're learning. All right, let's start with the first expression.  

  • To take something seriously. Usuallywe use the word "take," this verb,  

  • when we're grabbing something or when  we're getting something. But instead,  

  • this expression uses "take" in a figurative senseThis means you're accepting something sincerely

  • We often use this in a negative senseFor example, let's look at this sentence,  

  • "When the teenager told her mom, 'I hate  you,' her mom didn't take it seriously."  

  • This is a negative situation, "Didn't  take it seriously." What is "it?"  

  • Are we using "it" to talk about her daughterNo, we're talking about her daughter's words

  • So the mom is not feeling like this is a sincere  statement from her daughter. Because her daughter  

  • is a teenager, maybe she's going through some  hard times. So the mom is not going to get upset  

  • when her daughter says, "I hate you." She's  not going to take those words seriously

  • Or you might say, "I wish I had taken school  seriously." "Take school seriously" means to  

  • study hard, to be sincere in your efforts. I  wish I had taken school seriously, but I still  

  • graduated even though I didn't learn as much ascould have. I wish I had taken school seriously

  • Let's go to the next expression; on top of. Are  we talking about physical placement here? No.  

  • Instead, take a look at this sentence  and try to guess what you think it means.  

  • "My dog ripped my school books, and  on top of that, he ate my homework." 

  • So we have a bad situation that has become  worse. So my dog ripped my school books,  

  • this is already a bad situation, but then  on top of that, he ate my homework. So we  

  • can use this wonderful expression "on top  of" just like we would "in addition to." 

  • Usually, it shows some kind of surprise. On top  of that, he ate my homework. I can't believe it.  

  • I'm surprised. In addition to what he already  did, he ate my homework. Or you might say,  

  • "This vocabulary lesson is greaton top of that, it's free." 

  • So you could say, "In addition to thatit's free." That's fine. But when you say,  

  • "On top of that," you're implying that you're  kind of surprised. I can't believe that  

  • Vanessa is giving us this lesson for freeOn top of that, it's free. Wonderful

  • Quite a few. If I said I ate quite a few cookiesdo you think this means a few, a little, or a lot?  

  • This expression can be a little bit tricky because  even though it uses a few, which usually means a  

  • small amount, this expression really means a lot. The word "a few" means a little, but when we add  

  • "quite," we're making this an indirect way  to say a lot. Quite a few cookies, maybe  

  • 20 cookies. This is a lot of cookies for one  person to eat, so you might say, "I ate quite  

  • a few cookies." You're being indirect about how  many cookies you ate, but we know it was a lot

  • Or you could say, "Quite a few students  participated in the 30-day listening challenge."  

  • This means a lot of students participated  in the 30-day listening challenge

  • If I want to be a little more indirectthen this is a great statement. I could say,  

  • "A lot of students participated." But  to be a little indirect, we could say,  

  • "Quite a few students participated in  the course, and I hope you can too." 

  • Little to no. What is happening here? Little  to no. "I invited 20 people to my party, but  

  • little to no people responded." Let's think about  this phrase as a scale. Little is on one side,  

  • so a few people, a couple of people, and  then no people are on the other side.  

  • So little to no. "A lot of peopleis not even on the scale. So we have  

  • a little to no. Little to no people responded. You can also think about this like one  

  • to 10. If we use this same idea with the  word "to," we're talking about a scale.  

  • One to 10 people responded. Okay, this is the  same idea. It's a scale. But you will also hear  

  • little to no people responded. What about this sentence?  

  • "Last week, he had little to no time to cookHe was so busy." So here we're talking about  

  • little time, maybe 20 minutes, to no time to cookHe was so busy. He had little to no time to cook

  • To be a roller coaster. This is a figurative  expression. We're not talking about actually  

  • sitting on a rollercoaster, which is the ride at  an amusement park. Instead, we're going to use  

  • this figuratively. And you could say, "Last year  was such a rollercoaster. I got married, and then  

  • I got fired from my job, and then I moved to New  York." So there's a lot of positive and negative  

  • things that are happening. It's a rollercoaster. I got married, and then I got fired, and then I  

  • moved to New York. So we're talking about the  ups and downs of life. It's a rollercoaster.  

  • We often use this word with "emotional." It's an  emotional rollercoaster. The relationship was an  

  • emotional rollercoaster for six months. If one of your friends is dating someone  

  • and the relationship just isn't very  smooth, they don't get along too well,  

  • they don't really communicate that well, you might  say, "Yeah, that relationship was an emotional  

  • rollercoaster." Sometimes they loved each othersometimes they were so angry, then they loved  

  • each other. Not a very healthy relationship. It  was an emotional rollercoaster for six months

  • What about this expression? "I'm talking." Does  it mean I'm speaking out loud? No. Instead, this  

  • is often used to give more information aboutspecific point. It's kind of a casual expression.  

  • So let's imagine the situation, you're  sitting in a classroom and the teacher says,  

  • "This semester, we will be studying historical  figures. I'm talking, Winston Churchill,  

  • Genghis Khan, Aristotle." She's giving more information about  

  • who are historical figures. So she could have just  said, "We will be studying historical figures."  

  • Okay. But she wanted to give more clarification  about this point, historical figures. So she said,  

  • "I'm talking Genghis Khan, Winston ChurchillAristotle." This is a wide spectrum of people,  

  • so that's why she used this  expression, "I'm talking." 

  • Let's look at another example. "The restaurant  was so fancy. I'm talking, suit and tie,  

  • a local weekly menu, a live cello player." Ohyou're giving more clarification about fancy. What  

  • does fancy mean? What is a fancy restaurant? Ohwell, you're going to give us some more details  

  • about this point. You're going to talk aboutsuit and tie. Maybe you had to wear a suit and  

  • tie. Maybe the servers wore a suit and ties. There's a local weekly menu that changes every  

  • week, and there was a live cello player. That's  pretty fancy if you ask me. So you're clarifying.  

  • I'm talking, this, this, and this. Great. The next expression is "at all." At all.  

  • This means completely. And it is only used  in negative situations. "I haven't studied  

  • for my test at all." "I haven't," that's our  negative part. "I haven't studied at all." 

  • Or you could say, "I haven't studied completely,"  but "at all" is much more natural. So we can add  

  • this always to the end of the sentence. "I  haven't studied at all." Or you could say,  

  • "I thought my cats would be annoyed about having  a new baby at home, but they don't care at all."  

  • "They don't," so we're using that negative  word. "They don't care at all." Do they have  

  • any care about the new baby? NoNone at all. Notice how this is  

  • always used at the end of the sentence. Six figures. Are we talking about six people?  

  • No. What if I said this sentence? "He wants to be  a doctor because he wants a six-figure salary."  

  • What can you guess? What do you think that  this expression means: six-figure salary

  • Well, we're talking about numbers that have  six figures, so this means $100,000 and up.  

  • 100,000, 200,000, 300,000. When you're a doctorat least in the US, usually, you make a lot of  

  • money, so you have a six-figure salary. The term  six-figure just denotes money above 100,000.  

  • Or you could say, "They earned six figures last  year." That talks about how much money they made

  • I had a student in the 30-day listening  challenge ask, "Can you say five figures?"  

  • For example, "I have a five-figure salaryHe makes five figures." Not really.  

  • We really only use this with six figures. And I think it's just because five figures  

  • could be $10,000, which, in the US, is not  a high salary, or it could be $90,000, which  

  • is a lot of money. So it doesn't  really have the same implication

  • But when you say six figures, this is always  a lot of money. So even if you make 100,000  

  • compared to 900,000, it's still a lot of moneySo we only use this when we're talking about six  

  • figures in a salary. To go through something. We're not  

  • talking about going through a tunnel. Insteadthis is a figurative phrasal verb expression.  

  • And it's talking about experiencing a lot of  negative things, a lot of negative experiences

  • You might say, "Last month I went through  a lot. My grandmother was in the hospital,  

  • my car broke down, and I had a terrible cold."  So you experienced a lot of negative things. I  

  • went through a lot. You can use this inmore vague situation. You could just say,  

  • "You're going through a lot right now. Please take  care of yourself." You're going through a lot

  • You can use it to talk about your friendLet's say that you're having a dinner  

  • party and your friend doesn't come and someone  says, "Hey, why didn't he come?" You might say,  

  • "He's going through a lot right now. He needs some  quiet time by himself." He's going through a lot.  

  • And this implies he's having a lot of difficult  experiences right now, so let's take it easy

  • Our final expression is to make it. Does this  mean create something, to make something? Nope.  

  • Instead, to make it means to be successful. You  might say, "He's moving to LA to become a movie  

  • star. I hope he makes it." You can substitute in  this sentence and say, "I hope he's successful."  

  • I hope he makes it. And "it" here is just  his goal. I hope he makes it. But we always  

  • keep this expression together, "Makes it." Or we could talk about being successful in a  

  • more vague way. You might say, "He  drove to the concert through the rain,  

  • the snow, the hail; and finally, he made it."  He was successfully at his destination. He  

  • successfully arrived at his destination; the  concert. He made it. So it implies struggle,  

  • but he was successful in the end. This isn't talking about his career,  

  • like going to LA, becoming a movie star. You  made it. No. Instead, he just successfully  

  • arrived at his destination. "Whew. After all  of that rain, snow, hail, I made it, great." 

  • Excellent work with these 10 new phrasesYou opened your mind to these new phrases,  

  • so I hope that you'll be able  to hear them all around you now

  • Today, your mind is about to expand, maybe even  explode. You might think that you know how to use  

  • these three simple verbs, but do you really know  how to use them? Sometimes English learners think  

  • that to speak advanced English, you need to use  advanced verbs, but that's not always the case.  

  • Sometimes you need to use simple verbs in  an advanced way. Are you curious? Good

  • Today, I'm going to help you use "tell," "do,"  and "bet" in a more advanced, natural way. Are  

  • you ready to get started with the first one? Let's  start with the verb "tell." The first meaning of  

  • the word "tell" you probably know. "I'm going to  tell you a secret." "Do you know what she told  

  • me yesterday?" This just means simply to talk. But this is the simple way to use "tell." Let's  

  • take it to the next level. Let's take a look at  this sentence. "I couldn't tell if he was a boy  

  • or a girl." Does this mean I couldn't talk about  if he was a boy or a girl? No. We're using "tell"  

  • in an advanced way here. This means I didn't  know if he was a boy or a girl. I couldn't tell

  • Let's look at a few other sentences that use  "tell" in an advanced way that means to understand  

  • or to know something. "It was hard to tell."  This means it was hard to know. "I couldn't tell  

  • by looking at his face." I couldn't know if  he was a boy or a girl by looking at his face

  • You might notice that we often use the word "tellin this advanced way with the verb "can." Let's  

  • take a look at another scenario. "Can you  usually tell when someone's lying to you?"  

  • This means do you easily know when someone's lying  to you? Can you easily understand when someone's  

  • lying compared to telling the truth? You might also say, "I couldn't tell  

  • that he was lying." This doesn't meancouldn't talk about the fact that he was lying.  

  • It means I just didn't know that he was  lying. I couldn't tell that he was lying

  • Let's go to the second simple verb  that we can make more advanced.  

  • What do you think about this sentence? "I do like  seafood." Listen to which word is emphasized here.  

  • I do like seafood. I do like seafood. There are  two verbs, "do" and "like," but one of them is  

  • emphasized. I do like seafood. It's the verb "do." Native speakers often use the verb "do"  

  • to show emphasis, especially to emphasize the  truth. Let's take a look at some examples. If  

  • you say to me, "Vanessa, do you want to go  to an all-you-can-eat seafood buffet for my  

  • birthday?" And then you hesitate and say, "Oh, I  forgot that you don't like seafood. I'm sorry." 

  • But really, I love seafood. So I want to politely  tell you, you're wrong, I like seafood. How can I  

  • say that in a polite way? Well, I can simply say,  "I do like seafood." So I'm emphasizing that I  

  • like it, but I'm also emphasizing that this is the  truth. You had an opinion that wasn't the truth,  

  • and now I'm sharing the truth with you. Oh, that's  not true. I do like seafood. I want to come. I  

  • want to go to the all-you-can-eat seafood buffet. Let's look at another example. A couple of weeks  

  • ago, my husband Dan and I met some new  friends and they invited us over to their  

  • house to have dinner. It was really nice of  them. But on the morning of that dinner, Dan  

  • woke up really sick. Dan is my husband. He only  gets sick maybe once a year, but that was the day.  

  • It was not a good day for him. He was on the  couch all day. It happens to all of us, right

  • Well, so I needed to call our new friends and  say, "Dan really does want to come to dinner,  

  • but he's too sick." I wanted to emphasize that he  does want to come. He wants to come to your house,  

  • but he's too sick. I ended up going to the dinner by myself  

  • and it was a lovely time, but it was a sad time  for Dan because he was just at home, on the couch.  

  • Why did I choose to add "do" to this sentenceWhat kind of truth am I trying to reveal to them

  • Well, I was a little bit worried that, because we  didn't know them, we didn't know them very well at  

  • least, I was worried that they would think Dan was  just making an excuse, that he didn't want to go,  

  • and I was calling to make an excuse  for him. But that wasn't the truth.  

  • He was actually really sick. And it wasgood idea that he didn't go to the dinner

  • So I wanted to let them know, this is his true  feelings. He really does want to go to your house,  

  • but he's too sick. We often use this advanced form of  

  • "do" with the word "but," because we're telling  the truth, and then we're showing an excuse.  

  • Let's take a look at a couple of sentences.  "I really do want to study English every day,  

  • but I usually forget." So you're  showing your true feelings, "I really  

  • do want to study English." And then you have  the excuse, "But I usually forget." Oh no

  • "My manager does want to speak with you, but she's  busy right now." If you get a call from someone  

  • from another branch and you're trying to let them  know your manager is busy; it's not an excuse,  

  • it's true that your manager is busy; you could  use this verb to let them know this is the truth

  • "My manager does want to speak with you, but she's  too busy right now." You're letting that person  

  • know on the phone, maybe some representative  from another branch, you're letting them know,  

  • this isn't just an excuse. "It's truemy manager does want to speak with you."  

  • And then you have an excuse, "But she's just  busy right now. She'll call you back later."  

  • My manager does want to speak with you. Or you could say, "She does have a car,  

  • but she just rides her bike everywhere instead."  If you always see your friend riding her bike,  

  • you might wonder, does she not have a carWhy is she always riding her bike? And then  

  • you could say, "She does have a car." You're  emphasizing this truth. "She does have a car,  

  • but she just chooses to ride her bike instead." Let's go to the third verb that we can make more  

  • advanced. I use this one all the time. So I'm  so glad to share it with you because you'll  

  • be able to understand it when I use it and when  other people use it. It's the word "bet." "Have  

  • you ever bet some money that your team would  win?" This is the simple way to use "bet." 

  • It means you think your team will win, so you put  some money on the table. If your team wins, you  

  • get more money. If your team loses, you lose all  your money. This is the simple way to use "bet." 

  • Let's make it more advanced though. "I bet that  you want to be a fluent English speaker." I don't  

  • know this 100%, but I'm 99% certain that you want  to be a fluent English speaker. So I can say, "I  

  • bet that you want to be a fluent English speaker."  I'm just guessing your opinion. This more advanced  

  • way to use "bet" means I'm almost certain.  I'm not 100% certain, but I'm almost certain

  • Let's look at some ways that you can use  this naturally. The phrase "I bet" is often  

  • used to show empathy or caring when someone's  going through a situation. So you might say,  

  • "I bet that you were sad when your dog died." This  means I'm not 100% certain, but I'm letting you  

  • know that I can imagine your feelings. I'm almost  certain that you were sad when your dog died,  

  • and I want you to know that I understand you were  sad. I bet you were really sad when your dog died

  • Do you see the tone of my voice and  the look on my face? It shows caring  

  • and empathy. "I bet you were really sad." Let's look at another example. "I bet that  

  • you were annoyed when your boss didn't give  you a raise." I'm not 100% certain, but I'm  

  • mostly certain that you were annoyed when your  boss didn't give you a raise. This is a really  

  • kind and thoughtful and polite  expression to use when someone you  

  • know is having a difficult time in their life. If your friend was expecting a raise and then  

  • you see them and they look pretty sad and  they tell you, "I didn't get the raise,"  

  • you could use this expression. "I bet you  were annoyed when your boss didn't give you  

  • that raise." "I bet you were really disappointed  when your boss didn't give you that raise." You're  

  • sharing feelings with them. You're empathizing. You can use "I bet" for those negative situations  

  • like, "I bet that was really hard." "I bet that  situation was really hard for you." But you can  

  • also use it in positive situations. "I bet you're  glad that your exams are over." The word "glad"  

  • is not a negative thing, it's a positive  thing. But you're letting them know,  

  • I understand your feelings. "I bet you're glad  the exams are over. Now you can finally relax." 

  • We just talked about how you can  use "I bet" to show someone that  

  • you are understanding and caring about their  feelings. This is kind of a deep friendship  

  • type of expression. But there's a lighter way  that we can use it as well; it's simply when  

  • you're predicting what might happen in the future. You could simply say, "I bet that it will rain  

  • today." "I bet that it's going to rain." "There's  dark clouds. The air is a little bit moist. I bet  

  • it's going to rain." You're just predictingYou're almost certain. You're not 100% certain,  

  • but you're almost certain that it's going to rain. Or if you've never been skiing, like me,  

  • you might say, "I bet that I'm going to break my  leg when I go skiing." This is a prediction for  

  • the future. I hope whenever I go skiing for the  first time, this doesn't happen. But you can use  

  • this expression to say, this is my predictionIt will probably happen, not 100%, but there  

  • is a high possibility that it might happen. I bet  I'll break my leg or I bet that I'll break my leg

  • Notice that in all of these sentences, we  use the pronoun "I." I bet. This is because  

  • I'm certain. I don't know your certainty, but  I know my certainty. I bet it's going to rain.  

  • I bet you were sad. I bet that was a hard  time. I'm talking about my own certainty

  • It's not so common to hear this with other  pronouns. You bet that this will happen. He  

  • bets that this will happen. It's most likely  that you're going to hear this with "I bet."  

  • So I want you to be able to use that too. Before we go, let's do a little review. I  

  • want you to say these sentences out loud, exercise  your pronunciation muscles, and speak. It's going  

  • to help you to remember these three simple verbs  used in an advanced way. Are you ready? Let's go

  • "I couldn't tell if he was a boy or a girl." "It  was hard to tell." "Can you usually tell when  

  • someone is lying to you?" "I can't tell."  "I forgot that you don't like seafood."  

  • "No, I do like seafood." "I really do want to  study English every day, but I always forget." 

  • "She does have a car, but she  always rides her bike instead."  

  • "I bet that you want to be a fluent English  speaker." "I bet that you were annoyed when  

  • your boss didn't give you a raise." "I  bet you're glad that the exams are over."  

  • "I bet that it's going to rain today." How did you do? Did you get some pronunciation  

  • practice? I hope so. Now I have a question  for you. In the comments, I want to know what  

  • is something that you really do want to do but  you just don't do. For example, you might say,  

  • "I really do want to go to bed earlier, but the  night just passes so quickly. And before I know  

  • it, it's 2:00 AM." Or, "I really do want to see  my parents more, but I'm just too busy." Let  

  • me know in the comments. What is something that  you really do want to do, but you just don't do

  • Congratulations on leveling up your English  skills. Don't forget to download the free PDF  

  • worksheet for today's lesson with all of these  expressions, verbs, sample sentences, grammatical  

  • structures, all of the ideas from this lesson  so that you can speak advanced American English

  • You can click on the link, download the  PDF, print it out if you would like,  

  • put it under your pillow as you sleep, and  dream about speaking advanced American English.  

  • You can do it. Click on the link in the  description to download the PDF worksheet today

  • Well, thank you so much for learning English with  me. I will see you again next Friday for a new  

  • lesson here on my YouTube channel. Bye. The next step is to download the free  

  • PDF worksheet for this lesson. With this  free PDF, you will master today's lesson  

  • and never forget what you have learned. You  can be a confident English speaker. Don't  

  • forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel  for a free English lesson every Friday. Bye.

Hi, I'm Vanessa from  


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