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What do you want to be when you're older? Doctor? Teacher? Musician? Nope. When 9-year-old
你長大後想做什麼?醫生?教師?音樂家?都不是9 歲時
Elizabeth Holmes was asked this question, she immediately said, I want to be a billionaire.
And she succeeded. Elizabeth would become the youngest self-made female billionaire after starting a company called Theranos that claimed it was going to revolutionize healthcare and change the world. The company became worth around $9 billion, and Elizabeth was on the cover of magazines being hailed as the next Steve Jobs. The only problem is it was all a lie. This is the story of why and how Elizabeth Holmes scammed her way to the top, and how it all came crashing down.
她成功了。伊麗莎白創辦了一家名為 "Theranos "的公司,聲稱要徹底改變醫療保健行業,改變世界,成為最年輕的白手起家的女億萬富翁。該公司市值約 90 億美元,伊麗莎白登上了雜誌封面,被譽為下一個史蒂夫-喬布斯。唯一的問題是,這一切都是謊言。這是一個關於伊麗莎白-霍爾姆斯為何和如何騙取高額回報,以及這一切如何轟然倒塌的故事。
At the age of just 19, Elizabeth Holmes dropped out of Stanford University to start her own business. It was originally called Real Time Cures, but Elizabeth changed the name after worrying people would be sceptical of the word cures, and she certainly didn't want to attract any suspicion. So she instead renamed it Theranos, a combination of the words therapy and diagnosis. Elizabeth had a phobia of needles, and had a vision where you could simply prick your finger and with a single drop of blood test for hundreds of different diseases. Since
年僅 19 歲的伊麗莎白-霍姆斯從斯坦福大學輟學,開始了自己的創業之路。公司原名為 "實時治療"(Real Time Cures),但伊麗莎白擔心人們會對 "治療"(cures)一詞產生懷疑,而且她也不想招人懷疑,於是改了名字。是以,她將公司更名為 Theranos,這是治療和診斷兩個詞的組合。伊麗莎白有針頭恐懼症,她的理想是隻需刺破手指,一滴血就能檢測出數百種不同的疾病。自
Elizabeth came from a well-connected family, she was able to raise some initial money to get the company up and running to pursue this idea. She was also a very persuasive saleswoman, and investors were drawn in by her vision and confidence.
What was noticeable, though, is that people who invested did not have medical backgrounds.
In fact, some of the experts in this field that she spoke to specifically warned her that her idea most likely wasn't even possible. But Elizabeth ignored those warnings, and began hiring a team of scientists to help her. Unsurprisingly, progress on this revolutionary new blood testing device was a lot slower than she'd hoped. So she demanded that research start happening 24-7, meaning some employees would have to start working through the night.
The lab manager thought this was a bad idea, as they were already so overworked. So Elizabeth hired a second team and pitted them against each other. The team that made the least progress would be fired.
By 2006, the engineers had created a prototype machine called the Edison. Here's how it worked. You put a drop of blood on a small cartridge and slide it into the machine, which runs the test. The data is then wirelessly transmitted via the internet to a lab, where it's analysed and then a report is sent back. Basically, the machine would make blood tests much faster, cheaper, easier, and all from a portable device you could use in the comfort of your own home. At least, that's what the machine claimed to do. But it very rarely worked, and had an extremely high error rate. It was clear to everyone working on the machine that it needed a lot more work before it was ready.
到 2006 年,工程師們製造出了一臺名為 "愛迪生 "的原型機。它是這樣工作的。將一滴血滴在一個小盒子上,然後滑入機器,機器就會進行測試。然後,數據通過互聯網無線傳輸到實驗室,在那裡進行分析,然後發回報告。從根本上說,這臺機器將使血液檢測變得更快、更便宜、更簡便,而且所有這些都可以通過一臺便攜式設備進行,你可以在自己家裡舒適地使用。至少,這就是這臺機器聲稱要做的事情。但它很少成功,而且錯誤率極高。每個從事該機器研究的人都清楚,它還需要更多的工作才能準備就緒。
The problem was that by this point, Theranos had burnt through its initial funding, and they needed more money fast. So Elizabeth began sweet-talking more investors, bragging about this revolutionary new machine they'd created, and claiming that it worked perfectly.
問題是,此時 Theranos 已經燒光了最初的資金,他們急需更多資金。於是,伊麗莎白開始對更多的投資者甜言蜜語,吹噓他們創造的這臺革命性的新機器,並聲稱它工作得非常完美。
When investors asked to come see the machine in action, Elizabeth created an elaborate deception so they didn't realise how faulty the machine was.
When the investors returned to the lab to see their results, they just assumed the machine had worked perfectly. But the test hadn't even been done using the machine. The demonstration was all a sham. But the investors were fooled. Many of them were rich older men who seemed especially taken in by Elizabeth. When the company's financial officer found out about this, he told Elizabeth they had to stop doing fake demonstrations because it was misleading investors to think the machine worked much better than it really did.
當投資者回到實驗室查看結果時,他們只是認為機器工作得很完美。但是,他們根本沒有使用這臺機器進行測試。整個演示都是假的。但投資者們都被騙了。他們中的許多人都是有錢的老男人 他們似乎特別被伊麗莎白所吸引當公司的財務總監發現這一點後,他告訴伊麗莎白,他們必須停止做假演示,因為這會誤導投資者,讓他們以為機器比實際效果要好得多。
And not just that, Elizabeth had also been asking him to significantly increase the revenue to make the company's finances look much better than they really were. When the financial officer confronted Elizabeth about all this, her expression immediately turned ice cold, and she told him he should leave right now. And she didn't mean leave her office, she meant leave the company, for daring to push back against what she was doing, he was fired.
And to make things even worse, Elizabeth never hired another CFO to replace him, meaning there was nobody to question the absurd revenue predictions she was giving to investors. So she could easily make up whatever numbers she wanted. And it worked, Theranos raised yet more millions of dollars in funding. However, the chief financial officer was just one of many in a long line of employees to get fired from the company.
更糟糕的是,伊麗莎白再也沒有聘請另一位首席財務官來接替他,這意味著沒有人會質疑她向投資者提供的荒謬的收入預測。是以,她可以輕而易舉地編造出任何她想要的數字。這一招果然奏效,Theranos 募集到了數百萬美元的資金。然而,首席財務官只是被公司解僱的眾多員工之一。
For example, when Elizabeth decided to start doing a trial of the Edison machine on a group of terminal cancer patients, several employees came to her to tell her she shouldn't be doing this since the machine was constantly breaking and giving wildly inaccurate results.
And they said it wasn't fair to use real patients as guinea pigs. But she continued with the trial anyway, and anyone who spoke out against her in any way was fired. When someone questioned her, she took it as disloyalty, and would stare at them without blinking until they broke the silence.
他們說用真正的病人做試驗品是不公平的。但她還是繼續進行試驗 任何反對她的人都會被解僱當有人質疑她時,她會認為那是對她的不忠,眼睛一眨不眨地盯著他們,直到他們打破沉默。
Because of this culture of firing anyone who raised concerns, staff turnover was ridiculously high, and Elizabeth ended up being surrounded by yes men who had blind loyalty to her, or people who were simply too terrified to speak up. For example, the company hired quite a few workers from overseas who had a working visa, and would have to leave the country if they got fired, so they didn't speak up about their concerns.
由於這種 "誰提出問題就解僱誰 "的文化,員工流失率高得離譜,伊麗莎白最終被一群對她盲目忠誠的 "唯唯諾諾者 "所包圍,或者被一群害怕得不敢說話的人所包圍。例如,公司從海外僱傭了很多持有工作簽證的員工,如果他們被解僱,就必須離開這個國家,所以他們不會說出自己的擔憂。
It actually wasn't Elizabeth who did most of the firing though. Instead, it was the number 2 in command at the company, a man named Sonny Balwani. He'd come from a software background, so knew very little about medicine, and would often randomly repeat technical terms he overheard to make it sound like he knew what was going on. The reason he was second in command was because him and Elizabeth were in a relationship.
實際上,解僱伊麗莎白的人並不是伊麗莎白。而是公司的二把手,一個叫 Sonny Balwani 的人。他是學軟件出身的,所以對醫學知之甚少,經常會隨意重複無意中聽到的專業術語,讓人覺得他很懂行。他之所以是二把手,是因為他和伊麗莎白在談戀愛。
But this was yet another secret. In fact, Elizabeth outright lied to the board about this, since she knew that hiring her partner for the second in command role was a clear conflict of interests.
Sonny had met Elizabeth when she was just 18 years old, and he was 37, and they'd been dating ever since. However, Sonny was described by employees as a tyrant. He was brutal, aggressive and intimidating to employees. He watched everyone on CCTV to check how long they were working, and angrily shouted at them if they weren't working lots of overtime.
桑尼認識伊麗莎白時,她只有 18 歲,而他已經 37 歲了,兩人一直交往至今。然而,員工們都說桑尼是個暴君。他殘暴、咄咄逼人,令員工望而生畏。他通過閉路電視監視每個人,檢查他們的工作時間,如果他們沒有大量加班,他就會憤怒地對他們大喊大叫。
When he found out one employee who had a family was only working a minimum of 8 hours a day, he told him he'd fix him. He made several employees cry with his interrogations and abuse. He tracked everything they did, looking through their browsing history, and even installing a keylogger on their computers to track every word they typed, including the company's receptionist. This was all part of the company's insanely secretive culture.
當他發現一名有家庭的員工每天至少只工作 8 小時時,他告訴這名員工,他會好好修理他。他的審問和辱罵讓幾名員工痛哭流涕。他跟蹤他們所做的一切,查看他們的瀏覽記錄,甚至在他們的電腦上安裝鍵盤記錄器,跟蹤他們輸入的每一個字,包括公司的前臺接待員。這都是公司瘋狂保密文化的一部分。
Employees all had to sign non-disclosure agreements when they joined, in fact anyone who even entered the Theranos building had to sign one, and would be accompanied at all times by security guards, even to the bathroom. Employees also weren't meant to mention
所有員工在入職時都必須簽署保密協議,事實上,任何進入 Theranos 大樓的人都必須簽署一份保密協議,而且任何時候都會有保全陪同,就連上廁所也不例外。員工也不得提及
Theranos on their LinkedIn bio, or even talk to their families about what they did. Theranos had even blocked the chat feature on the company's computers, so you couldn't message co-workers on other teams, meaning the company was very siloed off and divided. This was extremely impractical because it meant the chemistry team and the engineering team weren't in communication, which massively slowed research down. Theranos constantly claimed that this secrecy was simply to protect trade secrets, but in reality it was to cover up all the lies about the state of their technology and the way the company was being run.
Theranos 在他們的 LinkedIn 簡介上,甚至與家人談論他們的工作。Theranos 甚至封鎖了公司電腦上的哈拉功能,是以你無法給其他團隊的同事發消息,這意味著公司內部非常孤立和分裂。這非常不切實際,因為這意味著化學團隊和工程團隊無法溝通,這大大降低了研究速度。Theranos 不斷聲稱這種保密做法只是為了保護商業機密,但實際上卻是為了掩蓋所有關於其技術狀況和公司營運方式的謊言。
And when anyone was fired, or if they quit, which also happened very frequently, they were forced to sign yet another non-disclosure agreement confirming they wouldn't talk about anything at all that had happened whilst at Theranos. They couldn't even speak to any of their colleagues on their way out, they had to leave immediately. Theranos had hired one of the top law firms, and threatened to sue anyone who mentioned anything about what they'd seen at the company. Most people were just relieved to get out of there, so they reluctantly signed whatever they wanted to avoid more legal threats.
如果有人被解僱,或者辭職(這種情況也經常發生),他們被迫簽署另一份保密協議,確認他們不會談論在 Theranos 工作期間發生的任何事情。他們甚至不能在離開時與任何同事交談,必須立即離開。Theranos 聘請了一家頂級律師事務所,威脅要起訴任何提及他們在公司所見所聞的人。大多數人都如釋重負,為了避免更多的法律威脅,他們不情願地簽下了自己想要的任何東西。
As a precaution, Sonny would also ask the head of IT to dig up dirt on employees that could be used as leverage against them in future if they ever spoke out.
為了以防萬一,桑尼還會要求 IT 主管挖掘員工的醜聞,如果他們敢於直言,這些醜聞就會成為將來對付他們的籌碼。
There was one incident where an employee refused to sign an NDA when he quit though, and Sonny called the cops on him, claiming he'd taken company property. But when the police arrived to ask what he'd actually stolen, Sonny blurted out, he stole property, in his mind.
So to summarise, it was an anxious, paranoid work environment. And yet, despite that, many in the company believed they truly were working towards something revolutionary. Elizabeth constantly reminded employees how impactful their technology would be in making tests more accessible to everyone. It would help detect a variety of diseases, including cancer, and they're saving lives. It was a strong driving mission, and Elizabeth had them all convinced they were going to change the world.
And so, whilst many employees did have concerns that the device they'd created still wasn't working the way Elizabeth claimed it did, obviously Theranos wouldn't actually start letting the general public use these machines until they were properly working. Right?
是以,儘管許多員工確實擔心他們製造的設備無法像伊麗莎白聲稱的那樣正常工作,但很明顯,在這些機器正常工作之前,Theranos 不會讓公眾使用它們。對吧?
But before that, I want to tell you about today's video sponsor, PureVPN. If you're browsing the internet without a VPN, your real IP address is visible, meaning sites you visit can see your location. Whereas with PureVPN, they have a strict no logs policy, so you can browse online safely and anonymously. They also have thousands of servers across 78 different countries, meaning you can change your location, bypass geo-restrictions, and unblock all major streaming services like Netflix. PureVPN is quick and easy to use, and has apps across all major platforms. So get started today by using the link in the description below, and you'll get a huge discount off your order. Just use the code
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MAGNATESMEDIA. After you've done that, let's get to the next chapter.
In 2013, Theranos announced a partnership with Walgreens and Safeway, where they would start offering Theranos blood tests in their stores. For the first time, the general public was going to be able to use Theranos' machine. Elizabeth seemed to expect the machines would be fully working by the time they launched in stores, but they weren't. They were still breaking and producing inaccurate results. Did this stop Elizabeth from going ahead?
2013 年,Theranos 公司宣佈與沃爾格林和 Safeway 合作,開始在其門店提供 Theranos 血液檢測服務。這是普通大眾第一次能夠使用 Theranos 的機器。伊麗莎白似乎以為機器在商店推出時就能完全正常工作,但事實並非如此。它們仍在不斷損壞,併產生不準確的結果。這是否阻止了伊麗莎白繼續前行?
Absolutely not. Walgreens and Safeway were putting up a lot of money for this deal, a lot of which Theranos had already spent. Plus, by rolling out their machines in stores, it helped Elizabeth to raise around $400 million more from investors, who were now even more convinced that everything with the company seemed to be going great. Their logic was that there's no way Theranos would be rolling out blood tests in stores unless their technology worked just as well as they said it did. So wealthy investors threw yet more money in without asking too many questions, because they didn't want to miss out on investing in such a seemingly revolutionary company. And because many of these investors were high profile names like Rupert Murdoch and the Walton family, it gave Theranos even more credibility.
絕對不是。沃爾格林和 Safeway 為這筆交易投入了大量資金,而 Theranos 已經花掉了其中的很多。另外,通過在商店裡推廣他們的機器,伊麗莎白又從投資者那裡籌集到了大約 4 億美元,這些投資者現在更加相信,公司的一切似乎都進展得很順利。他們的邏輯是,除非 Theranos 的技術像他們說的那樣好用,否則他們不可能在商店裡推廣血液檢測。於是,富裕的投資者們沒有多問,就把更多的錢投了進去,因為他們不想錯過投資這樣一家看似革命性的公司。由於這些投資者中不乏魯伯特-默多克(Rupert Murdoch)和
Now, the idea with this deal with Walgreens and Safeway was they'd set up Theranos booths in their store where people could get a blood test done with just a prick of their finger, and essentially choose from a menu of which things they wanted to test for. However, this had meant to begin in 2011, but because the machines didn't work properly yet, Elizabeth kept trying to stall for time. There was excuse after excuse to delay the launch date, often for completely bizarre reasons, like she once said they were behind schedule because of an earthquake in Japan, even though that had no impact on their business.
現在,與沃爾格林和 Safeway 簽訂協議的想法是,他們將在店內設立 Theranos 亭,人們只需刺破手指就能進行血液檢測,並從菜單中選擇想要檢測的項目。然而,這本應在 2011 年開始,但由於機器還不能正常工作,伊麗莎白一直試圖拖延時間。她經常以各種奇怪的理由來延後推出日期,比如她曾經說過因為日本地震他們的進度落後了,儘管這對他們的業務沒有任何影響。
But anyway, after almost 2 years of delays, eventually Elizabeth couldn't stall any longer and she had to make a decision. Admit the technology didn't work and lose the deal with Walgreens and Safeway, which would mean refunding many millions of dollars, or just put the faulty machines in stores and hope it somehow all works out.
但無論如何,經過近兩年的拖延,伊麗莎白最終無法再拖延下去,她必須做出決定。是承認技術失效,失去與沃爾格林和 Safeway 的交易,這意味著要退還數百萬美元;還是把有問題的機器放到商店裡,希望一切都能順利解決。
This was a turning point. Up until now, Elizabeth had deceived investors, but now by letting the general public use these faulty Theranos machines, she was literally putting lives at risk. If someone got a blood test done on a Theranos machine and it gave the wrong results, it could be fatal. They can either be diagnosed with something they don't have, or think their results are fine, but really, they have a serious issue.
這是一個轉捩點。在此之前,伊麗莎白一直在欺騙投資者,但現在,她讓普通大眾使用這些有問題的 Theranos 機器,簡直是在拿生命開玩笑。如果有人在 Theranos 機器上做了血液檢測,卻得到了錯誤的結果,這可能是致命的。他們可能會被診斷出患有某種他們並不患有的疾病,或者認為他們的結果沒有問題,但實際上他們患有嚴重的疾病。
But Elizabeth pressed on anyway, and Walgreens and Safeway started offering Theranos blood tests in their stores. Of course, because the machines weren't working properly, Theranos couldn't get approval from regulators for in-store testing. So as a workaround, instead of actually doing the blood test in store like Elizabeth had promised Walgreens and
但伊麗莎白還是堅持了下來,沃爾格林和 Safeway 開始在店內提供 Theranos 血液檢測。當然,由於機器無法正常工作,Theranos 無法獲得監管機構對店內檢測的準許。是以,作為一種變通辦法,Theranos 並沒有像伊麗莎白承諾的那樣在店內進行血液檢測,而是在沃爾格林和
Safeway they would do, Theranos instead simply collected the blood in store and physically sent it off to a nearby lab they'd set up. This loophole meant they didn't need to go through the same regulatory checks.
但 Theranos 只需在店內採集血液,然後送往附近他們設立的實驗室。這個漏洞意味著他們不需要通過同樣的監管檢查。
But not just that, one of the biggest selling points of Theranos was meant to be that you only needed a small drop of blood from a finger prick. But when people actually arrived to get their blood tested, they often had their blood taken with a syringe the traditional way. And whereas the results were supposed to be ready in just a few hours, instead the results often took weeks. Basically, the whole thing was advertised as some revolutionary experience, yet it seemed just like a normal blood test. And the reason for that is it was just a normal blood test.
不僅如此,Theranos 最大的賣點之一是隻需從手指上刺入一小滴血。但當人們真正去驗血時,往往還是用傳統的注射器抽血。本來只需幾個小時就能出結果,但結果卻往往需要幾個星期。基本上,整個過程被宣傳為某種革命性的體驗,但看起來卻和普通的血液檢測沒什麼兩樣。原因就在於它只是一次普通的血液檢測。
In order to give the perception everything was going fine, Theranos were taking normal blood samples and using third-party machines from other companies to do most of the blood tests. But because they were shipping the blood off to a private lab, people didn't realise Theranos were hardly even using their own technology. Theranos had promised their machine could perform 192 different tests, but in reality, it could only perform 12.
為了給人一種一切正常的感覺,Theranos 採集正常的血液樣本,並使用其他公司的第三方機器進行大部分血液檢測。但由於他們將血液運送到私人實驗室,人們並沒有意識到 Theranos 公司甚至幾乎沒有使用自己的技術。Theranos 曾承諾他們的機器可以進行 192 種不同的測試,但實際上只能進行 12 種。
In fact, it was later discovered that over half of the tests they promised weren't even theoretically possible, and of the 12 things their machine could test for, most didn't work very well.
事實上,後來人們發現,他們承諾的一半以上的測試甚至在理論上都是不可能的,在他們的機器可以測試的 12 項內容中,大多數都不太有效。
So Theranos was performing tests on third-party machines and pretending it was their own results.
是以,Theranos 在第三方機器上進行測試,並假裝這是他們自己的測試結果。
And because of Elizabeth's insistence on using a small amount of blood, they had to dilute the blood samples to be able to run them on the commercial testing machines, which reduced the accuracy of the results.
But it gets much worse. The lab Theranos had set up near the stores to process the blood samples had been very hastily put together, and many of the staff they'd hired were very inexperienced. The people who were more experienced tended to quit or get fired for criticising the way things were done. For example, when one lab director quit over concerns that blood samples weren't being handled properly, they were replaced with a dermatologist.
但情況更糟。Theranos 為處理血液樣本而在商店附近建立的實驗室非常倉促,他們僱傭的許多員工都非常缺乏經驗。經驗豐富的員工往往會因為責備工作方式而辭職或被解僱。例如,當一位實驗室主任因擔心血樣處理不當而辭職時,他們被一位皮膚科醫生取代。
One of the biggest problems was that in order to send the blood samples from the stores to the lab, Theranos was simply using FedEx, and this meant parcels often overheated, causing the blood to clot. So not only were Theranos completely lying about how they were doing these tests, they weren't even doing the tests properly.
其中一個最大的問題是,為了把血液樣本從商店送到實驗室,Theranos 只是使用聯邦快遞,這意味著包裹經常過熱,導致血液凝固。是以,Theranos 公司不僅在測試方法上完全撒謊,甚至連測試都沒有做好。
Very soon, people started noticing abnormal test results. For example, one young healthy person got results back implying he had cancer. But when he went and got the blood test repeated by his actual doctor, his results were perfectly fine. Elizabeth was literally putting patients' lives at risk by sending out incorrect results, and yet they pressed on in order to keep up the pretense that everything was working fine. Theranos was now live in stores in Arizona, with plans to roll out all across America soon, and then the entire world.
很快,人們開始注意到異常的檢測結果。例如,一個年輕健康的人得到的結果暗示他得了癌症。但當他去找真正的醫生重複驗血時,結果卻完全正常。伊麗莎白髮出錯誤的結果,簡直是在危及病人的生命,但他們卻繼續假裝一切正常。Theranos 目前已在亞利桑那州的商店上線,並計劃很快在全美推廣,然後是全世界。
And yet, whilst internally in the Theranos labs there was chaos, externally, Elizabeth was securing yet more funding from investors and starting to gain publicity and fame. In 2014, Forbes named Elizabeth Holmes the world's youngest self-made female billionaire, worth $4.5 billion, because she owned around half of Theranos' shares, which was now being valued at $9 billion. Which raises a very simple question, how the hell was she getting away with this?
然而,就在 Theranos 實驗室內部一片混亂的同時,伊麗莎白卻從投資者那裡獲得了更多資金,並開始聲名鵲起。2014 年,《福布斯》將伊麗莎白-霍爾姆斯評為全球最年輕的白手起家女億萬富翁,身價 45 億美元,因為她擁有 Theranos 大約一半的股份,而 Theranos 目前的估值為 90 億美元。這就引出了一個非常簡單的問題:她到底是如何逃過這一劫的?
To find out the answer to that, click right here to watch the second part of this Theranos miniseries. I'll see you there in part 2.
要想知道答案,請點擊這裡觀看 Theranos 系列迷你劇的第二部分。我們第二部分再見。