McDonalds, and so only places like malls and giant chain stores were left. Slowly each lost refuge for children was blocked off. Towns installed spikes and bolts everywhere, putting an end to skateboarding and fun, or even just for humans to exist in those spaces at all. Shops and other businesses even installed special alarms which make high-pitched noises that only kids can hear. The websites selling these literally call them teenager repellents. When the malls finally died with the advent of online shopping, it was the final nail in the coffin. As depressing as it was, the mall was the last social gathering spot for millions of children around the world. Now, it's in the virtual space. People shut in in their bedrooms, windows closed, isolated from their communities. No free play, no exploring, no social dynamics, just consuming content and being yet another iPad kid. I mean, never mind that these measures were only put in place because society had destroyed pretty much every other outlook for kids. Things like video games and social media might have felt like a saviour for kids. Finally, it gave them some form of interaction with the outside world. In reality though, it's probably been the most destructive and damaging development for kids in history. We saw social media really take off in the early 2010s, which was precisely the same time that the mental health issues in young people shot up. Without any other outlets to explore and learn about the world and themselves, young people were almost forced into relying on social media. Everyone knows that social media gives a much more negative view of things than you'd get from talking to people in real life. The algorithms just push whatever gets the most engagement so they can show people more ads. This constant stream of negativity warps their mindsets. They start comparing themselves to others, getting lost in a world of visualised social standing and appearances, but they're never good enough. Their lives are boring and isolated. If there's any justice, the number one thing that Mark Zuckerberg will be known for, amongst all the other tech giant elites, are their crimes against the next generation of kids.
麥當勞,是以只剩下商場和大型連鎖店等地方。慢慢地,每一個失去的兒童庇護所都被封鎖了。城鎮到處都安裝了釘子和螺栓,滑板和娛樂活動,甚至人類根本無法在這些地方生存。商店和其他企業甚至安裝了特殊的警報器,發出只有孩子們才能聽到的高音。銷售這些產品的網站稱其為 "青少年驅趕器"。隨著網絡購物的出現,商場終於壽終正寢。儘管令人沮喪,但商場是全世界數百萬兒童最後的社交聚會場所。現在,它在虛擬空間裡。人們關在臥室裡,窗戶緊閉,與世隔絕。沒有自由玩耍,沒有探索,沒有社交動力,只有消費內容,成為又一個 iPad 兒童。我的