字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Iran's President Killed in a Helicopter Crash – this is News Review from BBC Learning English, where we help you understand news headlines in English. 伊朗總統在直升機墜毀事故中喪生。 I'm Beth. 這是 BBC 的新聞回顧 And I'm Phil. 學習英語,我們幫助您用英語理解新聞標題。 Make sure you watch to the end to learn the vocabulary that you need to talk about this story. 我叫貝絲我叫菲爾 And don't forget to subscribe to our channel to learn more English from the headlines. 請務必看完 Now, today's story. 學習談論這個故事所需的詞彙。 The funeral of the President of Iran, Ibrahim Raisi, is taking place after he was killed in a helicopter crash. 別忘了訂閱我們的頻道,瞭解更多英語知識 The accident happened in bad weather in a mountainous region in the northwest of the country. 頭條新聞。現在,是今天的故事。 Thousands have mourned him in the streets, but his death has also been celebrated by his critics on social media. 伊朗總統易卜拉欣的葬禮 Raisi's record on human rights has been heavily criticised. 拉伊西在一次直升機墜毀事故中喪生。 Looking at the headlines, what's the vocabulary that people need to understand this news story in English? 事故發生時天氣惡劣 We have furtive, reverberate and condolences. 位於該國西北部的山區。 This is News Review from BBC Learning English. 成千上萬的人在街頭悼念他、 Let's have our first headline. 但他的去世也受到了慶祝 This is from Reuters. 在社交媒體上被責備。拉伊西的人權記錄 So, this headline says that Iran is divided. 受到了嚴厲批評。 On the one hand, there is mourning. 你一直在看頭條新聞。 Mourning is a period of sadness after someone dies, and mourning here is being described as muted, which means not so noticeable. 人們需要什麼詞彙才能用英語理解這則新聞報道? And then on the other side, we have the celebrations that are described as furtive. 我們有:鬼鬼祟祟、迴響 Phil, what can you tell us about furtive? 和慰問。 OK, well, furtive is an adjective and it means secret or hidden. 這是 BBC 的新聞回顧 So, if we describe someone as behaving in a furtive way, that means that they're being secretive or maybe dishonest or suspicious. 學習英語。 So, in the headline, those who are celebrating are doing it in a furtive way. 讓我們有第一個標題。 They are doing it in a hidden or a secretive way. 本文來自路透社。在分裂的伊朗、 They don't want people to know necessarily that they are celebrating. 總統逝世後,人們默默哀悼,並偷偷慶祝。 Another way that we often use the word furtive is with words that talk about ways of looking at things. 所以,這個標題說伊朗是分裂的。一方面 So, you might hear about a furtive glance, a furtive look, a furtive glimpse. 有哀悼。 And that's where someone is trying to look at something or someone else, but not be spotted doing it. 哀悼是人死後的一段悲傷時期,哀悼 Yes, that's right. 這裡被描述為 "無聲",意思是不太明顯。 And we also have the adverb furtively. 然後在另一邊、 If someone acts furtively, then they act suspiciously. 我們有被描述為鬼鬼祟祟的慶祝活動。菲爾 OK, let's look at that again. 關於 furtive,您能告訴我們什麼? Let's have a look at our next headline. 那麼,"鬼鬼祟祟 "是一個形容詞,而 This is from The Times of India. 意思是祕密或隱藏。 This headline asks about the impact that Raisi's death will have. 是以,如果我們形容某人的行為鬼鬼祟祟,那就意味著 We're looking at the word reverberate. 認為他們很神祕,也許不誠實,也許多疑。 This makes me think of sound. 是以,在標題中 Well, it can be about sound. 那些正在慶祝的人是在偷偷摸摸地慶祝。他們是在 It isn't here, but it can be. 以一種隱蔽或祕密的方式--他們不想讓人知道他們一定 Think about sound as vibration. 他們所慶祝的。我們經常使用的另一種方式是 Vibration spread across an area. 毛毛躁躁 "用的是談論看待事物的方式的詞語。 That's how sound can reverberate across an area. 是以,你可能會聽到 "鬼鬼祟祟的一瞥"、"鬼鬼祟祟的一看"、"鬼鬼祟祟的一瞥"。 Here, it's metaphorical and we're talking about impact. 這就是有人在試圖觀察某件事或某個人、 The impact of something can spread across an area. 但又不能被人發現。沒錯,就是這樣。 Maybe think about a pond. 我們還有副詞 furtively。如果有人鬼鬼祟祟地行動 If you throw a stone into the middle, then the ripples will spread across the pond and something reverberating spreads in a similar way. 那麼他們的行為就很可疑。 Exactly. 好吧,讓我們再看一遍。 So, this headline is asking about the reverberations, the impact across the Middle East. 讓我們看看下一個標題。 And reverberation is a noun. 本文來自《印度時報》。伊朗總統易卜拉欣 It means consequence. 拉伊西之死:拉伊西之死:它將如何影響整個中東? Can you give us some examples of reverberation? 這篇頭條新聞詢問了拉伊西的影響。 OK, well, any significant event can have reverberations. 死亡會有。 So, maybe think about a decision to close a factory. 我們正在看 "迴響 "這個詞。這讓我想到了聲音。 That could have strong reverberations on the local community. 嗯,這可能與聲音有關。 And some of those consequences might be things that we didn't expect. 它不在這裡,但可以在這裡。 You can have unintended consequences. 把聲音想象成振動。 OK, let's look at that again. 振動遍佈整個區域 Let's have our next headline. 這就是聲音在一個區域內迴盪的方式。這裡 This is from The Times of Israel. 這是比喻,我們說的是影響。 US offers condolences over Iran chopper crash blasts Raisi's human rights record. 某些事情的影響可能會波及整個地區。也許 So, there are two things happening in this headline. 想想池塘。 One is that the US government has blasted, that means strongly criticised Raisi's human rights record. 如果你往中間扔一塊石頭,那麼漣漪就會遍佈整個池塘。 And on the other side, the US have offered their condolences. 一些迴響在 And condolences is what we are looking at. 類似的方式。沒錯。 Yeah, so condolences are an expression of sympathy towards someone when someone has died. 所以,這個標題問的是反響--------------。 So, the US government has offered sympathy towards the Iranian people, but they have also criticised Raisi heavily. 對整個中東地區的影響--"迴響 "是一個名詞。 Now, when someone dies, you might use the expression my condolences, which is quite formal, but it works here. 它意味著後果。 We also often talk about sincere or heartfelt condolences, and that just makes them even stronger. 您能給我們舉幾個混響的例子嗎? Now, there is a verb condole, but we probably more often use verbs like offer, as we have in the headline here. 好吧,任何重大事件都會引起反響。 Or you can express condolences or extend your condolences to someone. 是以,不妨考慮一下關閉工廠的決定--這可能會產生強烈的 Yes. 對當地社區的影響以及其中的一些後果 Okay, let's look at that again. 可能會有我們意想不到的事情--你可能會有意想不到的後果。 We've had furtive, secretive, reverberate, have a wide impact, and condolences, sympathy. 好吧,讓我們再看一遍。 You can find more episodes of News Review by clicking here. 我們來看看下一個標題。 And remember to click here to subscribe to our channel, so you never miss another episode. 本文摘自《以色列時報》。 Thanks for joining us. 美國就伊朗直升機墜毀事件表示哀悼,抨擊拉伊西的做法 Bye. 人權記錄。 Bye. 所以,這個標題有兩層含義。
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