字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 It's no secret that one of Lai's biggest challenges will be dealing with an increasingly hostile China. 賴清德面臨的最大挑戰之一是應對日益敵對的中國,這已不是什麼祕密。 And now Lai is officially sworn in. All eyes on how Beijing will react. 現在,賴清德正式宣誓就職。所有人都在關注中國政府將如何反應。 Rhys Ayres has been monitoring military activity around the island. Rhys, what's the latest? 瑞斯・艾爾斯一直在監視島上的軍事活動瑞斯,有什麼最新消息? Well, Leslie, China's Taiwan Affairs Office has just released a statement on the day of the inauguration of Lai Chingde as Taiwan's new president. 萊斯利,中國國臺辦剛剛在賴清德就任臺灣新總統的當天發表了一份聲明。 It's safe to say Beijing is not a fan of Lai, accusing him of, I quote, flagrantly promoting separatist fallacies and inciting cross-strait confrontation. 可以肯定地說,中國政府並不喜歡賴清德,指責他(我引述)公然宣揚分裂主義謬論,煽動兩岸對抗。 It also said, I quote, Taiwan independence and peace in the Taiwan Strait are as compatible as fire and water. 它還說,我引用一下,"臺獨 "與臺海和平就像水火一樣相容。 Now, earlier in his career, Lai was seen as advocating for Taiwanese independence. 現在,賴清德在其職業生涯早期曾被視為臺灣獨立的倡導者。 That's a line that he's toned down more in recent years and now emphasizes the status quo of Taiwan's de facto sovereignty. 近年來,他的這一論調有所緩和,現在強調的是臺灣事實上的主權現狀。 But in terms of a military response from China, Taiwan has seen about six Chinese military aircraft and seven warships in its Air Defense Identification Zone, or ADIZ. 但就中國的軍事反應而言,臺灣已在其防空識別區(ADIZ)內看到約六架中國軍用飛機和七艘軍艦。 Now, Taiwan doesn't actually own that airspace. It's just more of a defensive buffer against China. 現在,臺灣實際上並不擁有這片領空。它只是針對中國的防禦性緩衝區。 Now, six is actually considered a rather low amount, considering on an almost daily basis we do see Chinese fighter jets in that area. 現在,考慮到我們幾乎每天都能在該地區看到中國戰鬥機,6 架戰鬥機的數量實際上已經相當少了。 And China often uses these incursions as kind of scare tactics, particularly during any times of political sensitivity regarding Taiwan. 中國經常利用這些入侵作為一種恐嚇策略,尤其是在臺灣政治敏感時期。 Now, an example of a much bigger incursion in recent years was actually in 2022, when then U.S. 現在,近年來更大規模入侵的一個例子是在 2022 年,當時的美國。 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi paid a visit to Taiwan. She met with then President Tsai Ing-wen. 眾議院議長南希-佩洛西訪問臺灣。她會見了時任總統蔡英文。 It was a very controversial trip that Beijing responded to quite angrily. 這是一次非常有爭議的旅行,中國政府對此做出了相當憤怒的迴應。 They also responded by sending almost 50 aircraft into the region and simulating a blockade of sorts with a week of drills around Taiwan. 作為迴應,他們還向該地區派遣了近 50 架飛機,並在臺灣周圍進行了為期一週的演習,模擬某種封鎖。 That was the most activity we've ever seen from China in response to a political event. 這是我們所見過的中國為應對政治事件而採取的最多行動。 Now, regarding the inauguration day incursions, it's important to know that those reports came in at 9 a.m. 現在,關於就職典禮當天的入侵事件,重要的是要知道這些報告是在上午 9 點收到的。 Taiwan time on Monday morning, and those reports only refer to the previous 24 hours of incursions. 臺灣時間星期一上午,這些報告僅涉及前 24 小時的入侵情況。 So unless there's a major incident in the next few hours, we won't really know the full extent of China's military response until the following morning. 是以,除非在接下來的幾個小時內發生重大事件,否則我們要到第二天早上才能真正瞭解中國軍事反應的全部程度。 Now, going back to Lai Ching-de and his inauguration speech, he talked a lot about cross-strait issues, including about the continued problem of Chinese aggression. 現在,回到賴清德及其就職演說,他談了很多兩岸問題,包括中國的持續侵略問題。 He also said that peace in the strait was of the utmost importance and called on Beijing to stop harassing Taiwan militarily, something it's been doing continuously for years. 他還說,海峽和平至關重要,並呼籲北京停止對臺灣的軍事騷擾,這是北京多年來一直在做的事情。 He also said that the future of cross-strait relations will have a decisive impact on the world and not just on Taiwan. 他還說,兩岸關係的未來將對世界而不僅僅是臺灣產生決定性影響。 But for now, Taiwan continues to watch the skies. 但目前,臺灣仍在繼續觀察天空。 The full extent of Beijing's response to Lai's inauguration or lack thereof is really yet to be revealed. 中國政府對賴清德就職的反應到底有多大,還有待揭曉。
B2 中高級 中文 臺灣 中國 入侵 軍事 反應 政府 【TaiwanPlus News】中國對賴清德總統就職的憤怒回應 (China Gives Antagonistic Response to President Lai's Inauguration | TaiwanPlus News) 1505 15 林宜悉 發佈於 2024 年 05 月 23 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字