字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 A tense calm has returned to the legislature days after this brawl that injured several lawmakers. 在這起造成多名議員受傷的鬥毆事件發生幾天後,議會又恢復了緊張的平靜。 But there's little sign the issue that sparked this violence is getting resolved. 但幾乎沒有跡象表明,引發這場暴力事件的問題正在得到解決。 The opposition, led by the Kuomintang, has proposed five laws that would expand the legislature's powers. 以國民黨為首的反對黨提出了五項擴大立法機構權力的法律。 One's already passed its second of three readings. 其中一項已經通過了三讀中的二讀。 It would require the president to take questions from lawmakers after a regular state-of-the-nation address. 這將要求總統在例行國情諮文後接受立法者的提問。 From here, things get more controversial, though. 不過,從這裡開始,事情變得更具爭議性。 The Kuomintang also wants to give the legislature the power of investigation and to summon people to testify. 國民黨還希望賦予立法機構調查權和傳喚作證權。 It also wants to subject cabinet officials to fines or jail time if they lie or withhold information during questioning. 如果內閣官員在接受詢問時撒謊或隱瞞資訊,它還希望對其處以罰款或監禁。 It wants lawmakers to have more power over approving government appointees. 它希望立法者在準許政府任命人員方面擁有更大的權力。 And it wants an open record of votes for legislative speaker. 它還希望公開立法議長的投票記錄。 These changes are meant to give the legislature more power to oversee the executive branch. 這些變化旨在賦予立法機構更多監督行政部門的權力。 But even within the chamber itself, there's deep division along party lines. 但即使在議院內部,也存在著深刻的黨派分歧。 The ruling Democratic Progressive Party has just won its third consecutive term in the presidential office. 執政黨民主進步黨剛剛贏得了其連續第三個總統任期。 It doesn't want to dilute its own power, especially as it only holds a legislative minority. 它不想削弱自己的權力,尤其是在它只佔立法機構少數的情況下。 Office chair barricades and protest signs scattered across the chamber floor show that the calm may just be a lull in a long battle. 散落在會議廳各處的辦公椅路障和抗議標語顯示,平靜可能只是持久戰中的平靜。 Klein Long and John Van Triest for Taiwan Plus. Klein Long 和 John Van Triest 為 Taiwan Plus 報道。
B2 中高級 中文 權力 平靜 taiwan 總統 事件 黨派 丟臉丟到國外去!台灣政客們大打出手的立法院 (Taiwan's Raucous Legislature: The Laws That Brought Politicians To Come to Blows | TaiwanPlus News) 893 7 林宜悉 發佈於 2024 年 05 月 21 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字