字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 A royal reveal, and the red ribbon, a hint to what's hidden behind. 皇室的揭示,以及紅絲帶,暗示了背後隱藏的東西。 It's remarkable, actually, how it has turned out. 事實上,這樣的結果非常了不起。 Has it changed that much since you last saw it? 自從你上次看過之後,它有那麼大的變化嗎? A little bit, yeah. 有一點 The King's role certainly changed. 國王的角色無疑發生了變化。 He was Prince of Wales when the artist started. 藝術家開始創作時,他還是威爾士親王。 Someone asked me if I get nervous before unveilings, and I said, well, no, not normally, but then the subject doesn't normally become king halfway through the process. 有人問我在揭幕儀式前是否會緊張,我說,嗯,不,通常不會,但在揭幕儀式進行到一半時,主題通常不會變成國王。 The monarch butterfly here, a symbol of metamorphosis from prince to king, and a nod to his love of nature. 這裡的帝王蝶,象徵著從王子到國王的蛻變,也表達了他對大自然的熱愛。 It is extraordinary how butterflies do come and land on your shoulder, if you're in the garden sometimes. 如果你有時在花園裡,蝴蝶會飛來落在你的肩膀上,這真是非同尋常。 It's rather marvellous. 這是相當了不起的。 The artist had four sittings with the King, and as for all that red... 藝術家與國王有過四次會面,至於那些紅色... The idea for the colour came from that very red Welsh Guards tunic. 顏色的靈感來自於威爾士衛隊的紅色外衣。 You know, if that was on its own, it would dominate the picture. 要知道,如果單憑這一點,它就會佔據畫面的主導地位。 And therefore, I took the liberty of spraying that everywhere, which also, I think, makes the whole aesthetic more interesting. 是以,我冒昧地把它噴得到處都是,我認為這也讓整個美學效果更加有趣。 And it feels a bit more in tune with the kind of, like, 21st century as well. 它也更符合 21 世紀的潮流。 Jonathan Yeo has also painted Camilla. 喬納森-楊也為卡米拉作過畫。 And Prince Philip, back in 2008. 還有菲利普親王,那是在 2008 年。 The King earlier had honoured the Archbishop of Canterbury for his role in the coronation. 國王早些時候曾向坎特伯雷大主教致敬,表彰他在加冕典禮中發揮的作用。 This his first portrait since the ceremony, capturing his emergence into the role. 這是他參加典禮後的第一幅肖像,記錄了他嶄露頭角的過程。 Laura Bundock, Sky News. 勞拉-邦多克,天空新聞。
B1 中級 中文 國王 威爾士 典禮 儀式 藝術家 了不起 查爾斯國王加冕後的首幅官方彩繪肖像揭幕! (King's first official painted portrait since coronation unveiled) 114 2 林宜悉 發佈於 2024 年 05 月 21 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字