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  • Let me just ask you, Stephen, what stood out to you from that speech?


  • It seems as though a lot of it was actually directed towards China.


  • Well, absolutely. Cross-Strait relations between Taiwan and China are a pivotal issue in this election.

    絕對是。 台灣與中國大陸的兩岸關係是這次選舉的關鍵議題。

  • That was culminated obviously in January with the victory by Lai Ching-te.


  • But this was a three-horse race for president.


  • So that kind of watered down the mandate that was won by the former vice president, now president Lai Ching-te. He got just 40% of the vote.

    因此,這削弱了前副總統、現任總統賴清德贏得的票數。 他只獲得了40%的選票。

  • So his mandate was a little bit weakened, and he also his party, the Democratic Progressive Party of the former incumbent, Tsai Ing-wen essentially lost control of the Legislative Yuan.


  • So domestically, he might have a bit of a bumpy ride going forward as the opposition KMT uses its position in the legislature to kind of potentially undermine the opening days of Lai Ching-te's term.


  • But the the issue of Cross-Strait is he's not wavering from the DPP, his party's position that Taiwan is essentially, I'm not saying that they're calling for independence, but it's de facto independence.


  • And that was sort of highlighted by his comments in the speech by saying neither China nor Taiwan are subordinate to each other.


  • And that is an issue that Beijing would take great exception to because Beijing feels Taiwan is a renegade province.


  • Now, under Xi Jinping in Beijing, they've obviously said that reunification is a top, top priority and through peaceful means is the most preferred choice.


  • But if force is necessary, that could come.


  • So that's why Taiwan, obviously with the chip supply chain semiconductors, but also its position geopolitically between China and the United States, it makes Taiwan a critical, critical cog in the geopolitical tensions that we're seeing right now.


Let me just ask you, Stephen, what stood out to you from that speech?


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