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Boosting the birth rate is not just an Italian problem, but a Europe-wide issue.
Italy has had some of the lowest birth rates in the EU, and the country is ageing at a much faster rate than other European countries.
Addressing the crisis is one of the government's core policies, as well as a top priority of brothers of Italy's EU agenda.
A two-day conference held in Rome offered the chance to discuss what is being described as a cross-party national emergency.
A brief interruption by a group of young activists who attacked the government's anti-abortion measures shows how very politically divisive the debate on this matter still is.
Organisers stressed that a private institution was behind the event, and not the government.
[Speaking in non-English language] It's not a problem that has anything to do with the political side or the other.
這個問題不會影響到某一個政治組成部分、某一類人,而是影響到每一個人。這就是我們堅持橫向性問題的原因。 這是一個關乎右、左、中、白、黑、綠、移民、非移民、老人的問題。
This is an issue that concerns everyone and the whole political spectrum, but also all social categories from immigrants to the elderly.
Experts say that if the trend continues, Italy's population of 59 million could fall by almost one million in 2030.
專家稱,如果這一趨勢持續下去,意大利的 5900 萬人口到 2030 年可能會減少近 100 萬。
According to recent data released by the Italian National Statistics Office, the average number of children per woman has dropped from 1.24 in 2022 to 1.2 in 2023.
根據意大利國家統計局最近公佈的數據,每名婦女的平均子女數已從 2022 年的 1.24 個下降到 2023 年的 1.2 個。
An ageing population causes problems both to the pension and the healthcare systems.
[Speaking in non-English language] One of the main characteristics of the Italian case is that the crisis has been persistent throughout the years. Since 2008 until today, we have lost around 200,000 newborns.
Two-thirds of them are due to the fact that potential parents are missing.
That's because of the decline in births that dates back to 30 years ago.
In 2023 alone, the government allocated around one billion euros for measures aimed at helping women cope with motherhood and work.
僅在 2023 年,政府就撥款約 10 億歐元,用於採取各種措施,幫助婦女兼顧孕產和工作。
[Speaking in non-English language] We are talking about a very difficult challenge of historic proportions for the Western world.
Ideally, Europe should intervene calling for an intergovernmental conference to discuss the matter.
Opposition parties claim the government should do more to increase fertility rates, with experts saying that the latest budget doesn't include enough measures to tackle the problem.
But many agree on one thing:
In the last few decades, governments have failed to build a strategy to address Italy's demographic decline, or at least to prevent the country's birth rate from falling further.
Giorgia Orlandi for Euronews in Rome.
歐聯通訊社駐羅馬記者喬治亞-奧蘭迪(Giorgia Orlandi)。Euronews.com