字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 The problem with smoking is that it's kind of amazing. 吸菸的問題在於它有點令人吃驚。 This is an irresponsible thing to say, but if we're going to talk about it we might as well do so honestly. 這是不負責任的說法,但如果我們要談論它,我們不妨誠實地談論它。 Smoking creates a temporary problem and offers an instant solution. 吸煙會造成暫時的問題並提供即時的解決方案。 Once your brain is used to nicotine, for up to 72 hours you are itchy, nervous and stressed, but one drag and instantly, you feel really good. 一旦你的大腦習慣了尼古丁,在長達 72 小時的時間裡,你會感到搔癢、緊張和壓力,但只要一吸,立刻就會感覺非常好。 But it's way more than just a physical addiction. 但這不僅僅是生理上的上癮。 Smoking helps you focus at work and is an excuse to take regular breaks, which is good for you mentally. 吸煙可以幫助你集中精力工作,並且是定期休息的藉口,這對你的精神有益。 It's a tool against boredom, it suppresses your appetite, it makes bad moments feel less bad and good moments better. 它可以消除無聊,抑制食慾,讓糟糕的時刻不再糟糕,讓美好的時刻更加美好。 It's social, fun together and a good way to make friends as smokers always group up. 它具有社交性,因為吸菸者總是結伴而行,所以這不僅是一種樂趣,也是結交朋友的好方法。 Your lips are one of the most sensitive parts of your body and something between them is deeply satisfying. 你的嘴唇是身體最敏感的部位之一,它們之間的某些東西讓人深深感到滿足。 So now that we've given smoking an honest introduction, let's smoke a cigarette together to see why it makes you feel so good and what exactly happens inside your body when you do it. 現在我們已經對吸煙進行了誠實的介紹,讓我們一起來吸一支煙,看看為什麼它會讓你感覺如此好,以及當你吸的時候你的身體到底發生什麼。 The Best Worst Thing 最好的最壞的事。 A cigarette is dried tobacco leaves mixed with chemicals that make it burn slowly, helping you to absorb nicotine, and flavours that make the smoke less harsh. 香菸是乾燥的菸葉與化學物質混合而成的,這些化學物質可以使其緩慢燃燒,幫助你吸收尼古丁,並添加使煙霧不那麼刺鼻的香料。 Let's light it. 來點一支吧。 Cigarette smoke is 95% gases like carbon dioxide and water vapour. 香菸煙霧中 95% 是二氧化碳和水蒸氣等氣體。 The remaining 5% are particles called tar and they contain the magic sauce: carbon or nitrogen compounds filled with nicotine. 剩下的 5% 是稱為焦油的顆粒,它們含有神奇的醬汁:充滿尼古丁的碳或氮化合物。 As you inhale, billions of particles interact with everything they pass through, getting stuck on your throat, tongue and trachea. 當你吸菸時,數十億個顆粒與它們所經過的所有物體相互作用,卡在你的喉嚨、舌頭和氣管上。 Your lungs are like big inflatable sponges and have a filter and barrier; the cilia cells with hair-like extensions covered by a layer of mucus. 你的肺就像大的充氣海綿,有過濾器和屏障;纖毛細胞有毛髮狀的延伸,上面覆蓋著一層黏液。 They trap dust or bacteria to be swept away in a sort of dance. 它們捕捉灰塵或細菌,然後以某種舞蹈的方式將其清除。 Tar particles land in the mucus and turn into a sticky brown substance that stops the dance and paralyses the cilia – allowing them to get deeper into your lungs to the alveoli. 焦油顆粒落在黏液中,變成黏稠的棕色物質,使纖毛停止舞蹈並麻痺纖毛,使其深入肺部到達肺泡。 Alveoli are little air sacs and here is where your actual breathing happens. 肺泡是小氣囊,這裡是你實際呼吸發生的地方。 They have very thin walls, so that the oxygen can transfer to your blood and carbon dioxide can leave. 它們的壁非常薄,因此氧氣可以轉移到你的血液中,二氧化碳可以離開。 Now, the magic is released. 現在,神奇的力量被釋放出來。 Nicotine passes through the thin walls and enters your bloodstream, reaching your brain so fast that it feels instant. 尼古丁穿過薄壁並進入你的血液,到達你的大腦的速度如此之快,以至於感覺是瞬間的。 The positive effect arrives right away. 正面的效果立刻就顯現出來了。 If your brain had a control board, smoking would be like pressing all the buttons at once, releasing loads of transmitters and hormones that affect your whole body. 如果你的大腦有一個控制板,那麼吸煙就像同時按下所有按鈕,釋放大量影響你整個身體的傳遞物質和激素。 Epinephrine and cortisol make your heart beat faster and your body ready for action. 腎上腺素和皮質醇使你的心跳加快,讓你的身體做好行動的準備。 Dopamine makes you feel happy and relaxed and reduces your appetite. 多巴胺使你感到快樂和放鬆,並降低食慾。 Beta-endorphins reduce pain and stress. β-內啡肽可減輕疼痛和壓力。 Nicotine excites and calmes you at the same time. 尼古丁同時使你興奮和平靜。 You become more alert and able to focus. Your nerves become more sensitive to pleasant sensations, then your whole body relaxes. 你變得更加警覺並且能夠集中注意力。你的神經對愉悅的感覺變得更加敏感,然後你的整個身體就會放鬆。 Together all of these effects just feel great. 所有這些效果加在一起感覺很棒。 But your brain immediately tries to return to normal and pushes back against the effects of nicotine. 但你的大腦會立即嘗試恢復正常並抵抗尼古丁的影響。 Which is fine as long as you have nicotine inside your blood. 只要你的血液中有尼古丁就沒有問題。 But once its effects wear off, your body is left overcompensating, creating a massive imbalance within itself. 但一旦其影響消失,你的身體就會過度補償,從而在自身內部造成巨大的不平衡。 The more you smoke, the harder your body tries to push back, which is why nicotine is so addictive: You stop feeling like yourself without it. 你吸得越多,你的身體就越難抵抗,這就是尼古丁如此令人上癮的原因:沒有尼古丁,你就不再感覺像自己了。 It's still great, but now you also need it just to feel normal. 它仍然很棒,但現在你也需要它才能感覺正常。 If that was all smoking did, well that would be kind of ok. 如果這都是吸菸造成的,那也沒什麼問題。 Nicotine comes with thousands of different chemical buddies. 尼古丁有數千種不同的化學夥伴。 Cadmium, lead, arsenic and cyanide, hydrogen peroxide or nitrogen oxides cause damage wherever they end up. 鎘、鉛、砷和氰化物、過氧化氫或氮氧化物無論到達何處都會造成損害。 Carbon monoxide reduces how much oxygen your blood can carry. 一氧化碳會減少血液攜帶的氧氣量。 In your lungs, your cilia cells struggle. 在你的肺部,你的纖毛細胞在掙扎。 It's hard to push mucus clogged up with tar and some of your cilia cells die. 被焦油堵塞的黏液很難被排出,一些纖毛細胞也會死亡。 Your alveoli are super sensitive and can't handle this sort of stress. A few of your tiny air sacs pop like balloons, causing irreparable damage. 你的肺泡非常敏感,無法承受這種壓力。有些微小的氣囊會像氣球一樣爆開,造成無法彌補的傷害。 Your body needs to get rid of all of this tar immediately! 你的身體需要立即清除所有這些焦油! Goblet cells pump out extra mucus to compensate, which makes breathing harder, so you start coughing to get the tar and mucus out. 杯狀細胞會泵出額外的黏液進行補償,這會使呼吸變得困難,因此你開始咳嗽以排出焦油和黏液。 Your immune system activates and macrophages begin eating up tar particles. 你的免疫系統被刺激,巨噬細胞開始吞噬焦油顆粒。 Smokers have way more of these clean up cells here because their lungs are literally full of dirt. 吸煙者體內有更多的清潔細胞,因為他們的肺部實際上充滿了污垢。 But the nicotine makes the macrophages sluggish and inefficient. 但尼古丁會使巨噬細胞變得遲緩且效率低。 Worse, they vomit chemicals that dissolve your lung tissue and cause tiny wounds that turn into scar tissue. 更糟的是,它們會吐出化學物質,這些化學物質會溶解你的肺組織,造成微小的傷口,進而變成疤痕組織。 Scars in your lungs are bad if you like breathing. 如果你喜歡呼吸,肺部的傷疤就很糟糕。 Nicotine raises your heart rate while ordering blood vessels all over your body to constrict. 尼古丁會提高你的心率,同時命令你全身的血管收縮。 Meanwhile toxic chemicals get stuck, causing countless tiny wounds all over your body that will turn into scars. 同時,有毒化學物質被黏住,在你的全身造成無數細小的傷口,這些傷口最終會變成疤痕。 Those scars leak proteins that create random blood clots, making your blood vessels even narrower. 這些疤痕會滲漏蛋白質,從而產生隨機的血塊,使你的血管變得更窄。 Constricted and narrow vessels put a lot of stress on your heart muscle that has to work much harder to keep blood flowing. 收縮和狹窄的血管會對你的心肌造成很大的壓力,心肌必須更努力才能保持血液流動。 Inside your skin, the chemicals trigger enzymes that break down collagen, the protein that makes your skin elastic and smooth. 在皮膚內部,這些化學物質會觸發分解膠原蛋白的酶,膠原蛋白是使皮膚富有彈性和光滑的蛋白質。 This creates folds and wrinkles. Your skin ages much quicker and you look older sooner. 這會產生褶皺和皺紋。你的皮膚老化得更快,你看起來也更快老。 But maybe the worst thing is what happens to your immune system: All over your body it reacts to tiny wounds and activates, fighting an invisible enemy, damaging healthy cells in the process. 但也許最糟糕的事情是你的免疫系統發生的事情:你全身的免疫系統都會對微小的傷口做出反應並激活,與看不見的敵人作戰,在此過程中損害健康細胞。 While at the same time the nicotine makes it slow and sluggish. 同時,尼古丁會使其變得緩慢而遲緩。 Worse at fighting actual diseases. 在對抗實際疾病方面更糟。 We could go on like this, but this is getting old. 我們可以繼續這樣下去,但這已經過時了。 In a nutshell, every single one of your organs is highly stressed and suffers some kind of permanent damage. 簡而言之,你的每個器官都承受著巨大的壓力並遭受某種永久性損傷。 Over time, fats get stuck in the scars inside blood vessels, which get narrower and narrower, until they start to suffocate your organs. 隨著時間的推移,脂肪會卡在血管內的疤痕中,血管變得越來越窄,直到開始窒息你的器官。 Your overworked heart beats even harder to push blood through the extra resistance and your blood pressure rises. 過度勞累的心臟會更劇烈地跳動,以推動血液通過額外的阻力,從而導致血壓升高。 So hard that fluids seep out of blood vessels into your lungs, which makes breathing even harder. 液體會從血管滲入肺部,使呼吸變得更加困難。 The likelihood of a blood clot blocking a critical passage in the body rises enormously, which can eventually cause a heart attack or a stroke. 血塊阻塞體內關鍵通道的可能性大大增加,最終可能導致心臟病發作或中風。 Almost all smokers eventually get Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, so many of your alveoli are irreversibly destroyed that you are always short of breath, never able to breathe freely. 幾乎所有吸菸者最終都會患上慢性阻塞性肺病,你的許多肺泡被不可逆轉地破壞,以至於你總是呼吸急促,永遠無法自由呼吸。 Once you have it, it can only get worse, never better again. 一旦你擁有它,它只會變得更糟,再也不會好起來。 Finally, there is cancer. 最後,還有癌症。 You get a sort of double whammy. On the one hand you flood your whole system and especially your lungs with at least 70 highly cancer-causing chemicals. 你會受到雙重打擊。一方面,你的整個系統,尤其是肺部,充斥著至少 70 種高度致癌的化學物質。 And on the other hand you paralyse the part of your immune system that kills and prevents cancer. 另一方面,你會癱瘓免疫系統中殺死和預防癌症的部分。 This is why cancer is so likely in smokers. 這就是為什麼吸煙者很容易患癌症。 Ultimately, smoking is uniquely dangerous among the things you are legally allowed to do. 最終,在法律允許你做的事情中,吸煙是最危險的。 The average smoker loses 10 years of life. Which means that some lose like 5 years and others more like 25. 吸菸者平均壽命減少 10 年。這意味著有些人損失了大約 5 年,而有些人則損失了大約 25 年。 You don't know which one will be you. 你不知道哪一個會是你。 But it cuts into your health span even more, making a much larger part of your life spent being chronically sick. 但它會進一步縮短你的健康壽命,使你一生中很大一部分時間都花在慢性病上。 Ooooof. Ooooof。 So why don't smokers not just like, stop doing it? 那為什麼吸煙者不喜歡、停止吸煙呢? Smokers are often seen as unhinged or without discipline which is unfair. 吸煙者常被視為精神錯亂或缺乏紀律,這是不公平的。 Nicotine is one of the most physically and psychologically addictive substances known to humanity. 尼古丁是人類已知的最容易使身體和心理上癮的物質之一。 If you ever start using it, you'll likely struggle with it for the rest of your life. 如果你開始使用它,你可能會在餘生中與它作鬥爭。 The physical addiction lasts around 3 days, but the psychological addiction is much harder to overcome because you form strong habits and it's connected to many social cues, like hanging out with friends or winding down from work. 身體上癮會持續大約三天,但心理上癮更難克服,因為你會養成強烈的習慣,並且它與許多社交暗示有關,例如和朋友出去玩或下班後放鬆一下。 The perverse thing is that almost everybody who starts smoking starts smoking as a teenager. 令人反常的是,幾乎所有開始吸煙的人都是從青少年時期開始吸煙的。 The tobacco industry has to target vulnerable brains and get them hooked on the pleasurable effects of nicotine or it would go away. 菸草行業必須瞄準脆弱的大腦,讓他們沉迷於尼古丁的愉悅效果,否則尼古丁就會消失。 Today, about a billion people will light a cigarette, which is a lot but at least the trends are looking good. 如今,大約有 10 億人會抽菸,這個數字很大,但至少趨勢看起來不錯。 In 2000, 34% of adults were smoking, in 2020 it was only 23%. 2000年,34%的成年人吸煙,2020年這一比例僅23%。 Still, in 2023 about 8 million people died from it. 儘管如此,2023 年仍有約 800 萬人死於此病。 But it's not all doom and gloom. 但這並不全是厄運和悲觀。 There are many successful strategies for quitting, we've put links to some in the video description. 有許多成功的戒菸策略,我們在影片說明中放置了一些策略的連結。 People who stop smoking by the age of 35 on average don't die earlier than non-smokers. 平均 35 歲戒菸的人並不比不吸菸的人死得早。 If you are older than that, even quitting late can add years to your life! 如果你的年齡大於此年齡,即使晚戒菸也可以延長你的壽命! It's a bit like with climate change – every bit counts even if damage has already been done. 這有點像氣候變遷——即使傷害已經造成,每一點都很重要。 We're not the morality or health police. 我們不是道德或健康警察。 You do you – but at least be aware what exactly you are doing and why you are doing it. 你做你自己——但至少要知道你到底在做什麼以及為什麼這麼做。 Most of you watching this don't smoke, so, well, just maybe never try it. 觀看此影片的大多數人都不吸煙,所以,好吧,也許永遠不要嘗試。 Smoking only really solves a temporary problem, but it creates loads of permanent ones. 吸煙只能真正解決暫時的問題,但卻會造成大量的永久性問題。 Good thing, I never started, but it's not like I never do things I know I shouldn't. 好消息是,我從未開始,但這並不是說我從來不做我知道不該做的事情。
B1 中級 中文 尼古丁 肺部 細胞 血液 血管 粘液 雖然負面作用一大堆,但是吸菸...感覺真棒?! (Smoking is Awesome) 19804 109 林宜悉 發佈於 2024 年 06 月 04 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字