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  • Hello, sunshine, rise up. I'm Coy Wire. This is CNN 10.

    你好,陽光,升起吧。 我是 Coy Wire。 這是 CNN 10。

  • Hope you're having an awesome day. Let's get this show on the road and get you your news.

    希望你度過愉快的一天。 讓這個節目上路並為你提供新聞。

  • Graduation ceremonies are underway across the United States, and at some universities, these celebrations are following clashes on campuses over the war between Israel and Hamas.


  • Over the past month, a CNN review has found that more than 2,000 people have been arrested on college and university campuses.

    過去一個月,CNN 的一篇評論發現,超過 2000 人在學院和大學校園被捕。

  • As a result, schools are making adjustments to their graduation ceremonies. Some have canceled or moved their ceremonies, while others have increased security, including police barricades, metal detectors, and additional law enforcement.


  • Over the weekend, students at Virginia Commonwealth University walked out as Governor Glenn Youngkin delivered his commencement address.


  • And the same happened at Duke University for comedian Jerry Seinfeld.


  • Students carried Palestinian flags and chanted, Free Palestine.


  • At the University of Southern California, the school canceled its commencement speech.


  • It was set to be delivered by Anna Tabassum, the school's Muslim valedictorian.


  • The school cited safety concerns as the reason for the cancellation.


  • USC later canceled the entire commencement.


  • During a smaller ceremony on Friday morning, Tabassum received a standing ovation from her classmates.


  • CNN's Camila Bernal is on the USC campus with the latest from around the country.

    CNN 的 Camila Bernal 在南加州大學校園內報導全國各地的最新動態。

  • There are so many students that are frustrated right now, no matter what side of the conflict you are on.


  • It was a celebration, but it wasn't a traditional commencement.


  • It's a joke that's going around our class. It's kind of funny, but it's kind of sad. Our last normal graduation was 8th Grade.

    這是我們班級流傳的一個笑話。 這有點好笑,但又有點悲傷。 我們最後一次正常畢業是八年級。

  • Much of the class of 2024 impacted by the pandemic in high school.

    大部分 2024 畢業的學生在高中的時候都受到了疫情的影響。

  • I barely had a graduation. It was, you know, six feet apart mass, couldn't have guests beyond your immediate family.


  • So it was not normal.


  • And now college graduation, also not normal for Logan Barth and many others graduating this year.


  • A number of colleges and universities around the country changing, adjusting, or even canceling commencement ceremonies, citing safety concerns after campus protests.


  • At Columbia University, the school says they decided to make class days and school-level ceremonies the centerpiece of commencement.


  • And a similar focus across the country at USC.


  • The university said the intensity of feelings fueled by both social media and the ongoing conflict in the Middle East created substantial risks relating to security and disruption at commencement.


  • They handled it correctly by closing the campus and by calling police to clean the encampment and arresting some people.


  • And they were trying to avoid this.


  • At the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, pro-Palestinian protesters briefly disrupted the university's commencement ceremony.


  • I think I was less concerned with the protests and the encampment impacting graduation. I was more disappointed in the university's response to everything and how they handled things.


  • At USC, graduation events went on without any apparent disruption.


  • But it still wasn't what many hoped for or expected.


  • It definitely would have been nice to have a traditional commencement ceremony, especially for a class who was already impacted four years ago.


  • And in terms of protests, we did see at least a dozen students walking out of Virginia Commonwealth University commencement event.


  • This was after the governor of Virginia began his address to students here in California at UC Berkeley.


  • The commencement ceremony briefly stopped after protests and chanting.


  • And the dean of students telling those protesters to leave and saying that they could speak to her after the event.


  • But eventually, these protesters did leave voluntarily and no one was arrested.


  • Of course, that's the type of thing that universities like USC that canceled their main commencement ceremony wanted to avoid.


  • What we saw here was a focus in the school graduations that happened from Wednesday all the way up until Saturday.


  • Ten-second trivia: Solar flares happen on the surface of the Sun when what is released?


  • Heat energy, stored magnetic energy, cool energy or geothermal energy?


  • If you said stored magnetic energy, then go on and bask in a sunny glow because you are correct.


  • A solar flare is a massive explosion on the sun that happens when stored magnetic energy is suddenly released.


  • Check out these incredible scenes from this weekend's Northern Lights.


  • This extraordinary phenomenon lit up the sky with dancing hues of green, purple, sometimes pink, and it's expected to continue this week.


  • The official term for these lights is Aurora Borealis.


  • They're named after the Roman goddess of dawn, Aurora, and the Greek god of the north wind, Boreas.


  • But most people just call them Northern Lights.


  • So how are they formed? Here's CNN's Kristin Fisher with the cosmic science behind it all.

    那麼它們是如何形成的呢? CNN 的克里斯汀費雪講述了這一切背後的宇宙科學。

  • It's called a coronal mass ejection. And those highly charged particles have been barreling towards Earth at 500 miles per second ever since.

    這稱為日冕物質拋射。 從那時起,這些高電荷粒子以每秒 500 英里的速度衝向地球。

  • The first particles began striking Earth's magnetic field Friday afternoon.


  • Just think of gazillions of protons coming toward Earth at the same time. There are also electrons in there. There are also magnetic fields.

    想像無數的質子同時湧向地球。 裡面也有電子。 還有磁場。

  • And when they hit the Earth's magnetic field or any other planet's magnetic field, they interact with that field.


  • And those changes generate currents which can damage power grids, satellites, anything that has an electrical conductor involved.


  • The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is describing this storm as an extraordinary and very rare event, one that also has them a little concerned.


  • The biggest threats are to satellites and to global power grids.


  • NOAA says it notified critical infrastructure operators and that mitigation efforts have been taken.


  • But it's still warning of possible widespread voltage control problems.


  • The last time we had a big power outage due to a geomagnetic storm was in the 80s.

    上一次我們因地磁風暴而發生大停電是在 80 年代。

  • Have we fixed things since then? We're going to find out.

    從那時起我們有解決問題嗎? 我們會找出答案。

  • Satellites will also be tested.


  • Most can go into a safe mode during a solar storm, but just two years ago, SpaceX lost 40 of its Starlink Internet satellites during a geomagnetic storm that wasn't as strong as this one.

    大多數衛星都可以在太陽風暴期間進入安全模式,但就在兩年前,SpaceX 在一次強度不如這次的地磁風暴中丟失了 40 顆 Starlink 網路衛星。

  • And then, there's the threat to people in space.


  • This is Jamestown actual 12 astronauts, we got a solar storm coming in and it`s a hot one.

    這是詹姆斯敦真正的 12 名太空人,我們遇到了一場太陽風暴,而且天氣很熱。

  • Apple TV's "For All Mankind" envisioned astronauts on the moon running for cover to dodge the incoming radiation during a strong solar storm.

    Apple TV 的《太空使命》設想太空人在月球上奔跑尋找掩護,以躲避強烈太陽風暴期間傳入的輻射。

  • In reality, it's the astronauts currently onboard the International Space Station that may need to shelter in more protected portions of the orbiting outpost.


  • Space radiation is a known phenomenon that is dangerous to biology, whether it's during a geomagnetic storm or just the general thrust into outer space.


  • But despite the potential danger, a solar storm also rewards us with some of the most spectacular auroras and this time over a wider area extending as far south as Alabama.


  • The beauty of nice coronal mass ejections is that we get to have an astronomical event basically come to us from space that's visible to the naked eye.


  • We all just recently experienced this with the total solar eclipse that happened in April.


  • So now seeing the Northern Lights, that is another extraordinary astronomical event.


  • Kristin Fisher, CNN, Washington.


  • Now for today's story getting a 10 out of 10. When these homeowners purchased their Los Angeles County crib, little did they know that their pool came with some fur-abulous friends.


  • Maddie and her two cubs stopped by several times a week to take a dip, and apparently, the cubs are not a fan of the unicorn floatie.


  • They've torn up several pool toys while playing.


  • But minor damage is bearable once you pause and reflect on the entertainment value.


  • They check to see if anything's cooking from time to time.


  • They might go for a climb on a big tree or just use it as a good old back scratcher.


  • Wonder how much they'll like the new pool toy they're getting. Well done. Unbearable.

    不知道他們會有多喜歡他們得到的新泳池玩具? 做得好。 難以忍受。

  • All right, sunshine. We have a shout-out for McClure Middle School in Kennesaw, Georgia today. Mr. K's class, you rock. Finish this school year strong, Mavericks.

    好吧,陽光們。 今天我們為佐治亞州肯尼索的麥克盧爾中學K先生的班級歡呼。你太棒了。 小牛隊,強勢完成本學年。

  • And this shout-out goes to St. Thomas Aquinas High School in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. We see you.

    還要向佛羅裡達州勞德代爾堡的聖托馬斯阿奎那高中致敬。 我們看到你們了。

  • Thanks for making the 10 part of your day. Rise up. See it. Dream it. Believe it. And make it happen, y'all.

    感謝你抽出一天的 10 分鐘。 升起吧。 看見它。 夢到它。 相信它。 並讓它發生,你們大家。

  • I'm Coy, and we are CNN 10.

    我是 Coy,我們是 CNN 10。

Hello, sunshine, rise up. I'm Coy Wire. This is CNN 10.

你好,陽光,升起吧。 我是 Coy Wire。 這是 CNN 10。

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