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  • In the competitive world of Chinese electric vehicles...


  • It's looking for a spot.


  • ... that are going further and costing less than ever before.


  • No company makes or sells more than BYD, the Chinese giant taking on Tesla, offering cars for as little as $10,000...

    沒有哪家公司的產量或銷量能超過比亞迪,這家中國巨頭正在與特斯拉展開競爭,其汽車售價低至 10,000 美元…

  • Let's drive.


  • ... along with higher-priced luxury models.


  • 0 to 60 mph in about 3 seconds.

    0 至 60 英里每小時大約 3 秒。

  • Anything like this in the US? - Nothing I've drove.

    美國也有這樣的事嗎? - 我什麼都沒開過。

  • But don't look for electric cars from BYD on American roads anytime soon.


  • US government needs to be more friendly.


  • Stella Lee is the CEO steering BYD's expansion in the Americas.

    Stella Lee 是比亞迪 CEO,負責指導比亞迪在美洲的擴張。

  • In an exclusive interview, she said the US is not part of the plan yet.


  • They're not ready. But then for BYD, we are ready.

    他們還沒準備好。 但對比亞迪來說,我們已經準備好了。

  • What conditions would need to exist in order to consider an entry into the US market?


  • That's [a] good question. You should go back to ask the DC.

    這是個好問題。 你應該回去問華府。

  • BYD faces stiff hurdles in the US, including a 25% tariff on Imports and push-back from US automakers who see Chinese competition as a major threat.

    比亞迪在美國面臨嚴峻的障礙,包括 25% 的進口關稅以及美國汽車製造商的抵制,因為美國汽車製造商將中國競爭視為主要威脅。

  • I think it's going to require trade restrictions for a limited period of time which will allow the Western automakers and the US automakers to catch up.


  • Even Tesla's CEO Elon Musk, who just made a surprise visit to Beijing to meet officials...

    就連特斯拉 CEO 伊隆馬斯克,他剛突然訪問北京會見官員…

  • It's good to see electric vehicles making progress in China.


  • ... said that without trade barriers, Chinese EVS will quote "demolish" other car companies.

    ……表示,沒有貿易壁壘,中國 EVS 將「輾壓」其他汽車企業。

  • BYD began as a battery manufacturer and with the help of government subsidies, now controls every mile of its low-cost supply chain from parts to shipping.


  • Among the concerns of US automakers and lawmakers that BYD's plan to build a factory in Mexico could allow the company to skirt tariffs under free trade rules.


  • BYD denies that's the goal.


  • And US officials say there are growing fears China could use smart car technology to spy on American drivers.


  • What did you make of the Biden Administration opening an investigation into smart car technology because of national security concerns that this technology was coming from China?


  • I don't understand. There's no data approve that.

    我不明白。 沒有數據證明這一點。

  • National Security concerns are overblown?


  • Overblown. Oversensitive and misleading.

    過分誇大了。 過於敏感和誤導。

  • BYD alone is producing more than 3 million cars a year with capacity for more and few signs of slowing down.

    光是比亞迪一年就生產超過 300 萬輛汽車,產能還在增加,幾乎沒有放緩的跡象。

  • Janis Mackey Frayer, NBC News, Shenzhen.

    NBC 新聞的Janis Mackey Frayer 在深圳進行報導。

In the competitive world of Chinese electric vehicles...


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B1 中級 中文 NBC 記者 美國 中國 製造商 關稅

中國電動車價格殺瘋了!只要台幣三十萬就能買到全新電動車,此舉是否會擾亂全球電車市場? (China's leading electric vehicle maker selling cars for $10,000)

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2024 年 05 月 28 日