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  • Hello, and welcome to the show. I'm Coy. This is CNN 10, the best 10 minutes in news because of you.

    你好,歡迎收看節目。我是 Coy,這裡是 CNN 10,因為有你,才有了新聞中最精彩的 10 分鐘。

  • It's Wednesday, May 8th. I'm looking forward to using one of your vocab words in today's show.

    今天是 5 月 8 日,星期三。我很期待在今天的節目中使用你的一個詞彙。

  • Lots of stellar submissions, so thank you for boosting our vocabulary.


  • First up, we start in Israel, where the country's military, known as the Israel Defense Forces, or IDF, has taken control of the Palestinian side of the Rafah crossing.


  • That's a key point of entry for aid coming into Gaza.


  • It's located on the border with Egypt.


  • The assault began overnight on Tuesday with Israeli airstrikes on Rafah.


  • Medical officials there say 23 people were killed.

    那裡的醫療官員說,有 23 人喪生。

  • Soon after, the IDF rolled tanks into the area, replacing Palestinian flags with Israeli flags.


  • This new offensive comes as ceasefire negotiations between Israel and the terror organization Hamas, which runs Gaza, have hit a snag.


  • Hamas has agreed to a deal that would require them to release 33 Israeli hostages taken during its October 7th assault on Israel.

    哈馬斯已同意一項協議,要求他們釋放 10 月 7 日襲擊以色列期間被劫持的 33 名人質。

  • In exchange, Israel would release hundreds of Palestinian prisoners and pause the war for an indefinite period to allow for the rebuilding of Gaza.


  • So far, Israel has rejected the deal.


  • The UN Secretary General is urging both sides to keep talking.


  • It would be tragic. If weeks of intense diplomatic activity for peace in Gaza yield no ceasefire, no release of hostages, and a devastating offensive in Rafah.

    這將是一場悲劇。 如果為加薩和平而進行的數週的緊張外交活動沒有帶來停火、沒有釋放人質以及對拉法發動毀滅性攻勢。

  • I reiterate my appeal for both parties to show the political courage and spare no effort to secure an agreement now.


  • To stop the bloodshed, to free the hostages, and to help stabilize a region which is still at risk of explosion.


  • Before moving into Rafah on Tuesday, Israel warned residents to evacuate.


  • But earlier in the war, Israel had told Palestinians in northern Gaza to flee south towards that city.


  • So this new offensive is leaving people who originally fled to Rafah in dire circumstances with few options on where to go.


  • Next, we head to Oklahoma, where giant hail, hurricane-force winds, and devastating tornadoes tore through parts of the state Monday night, killing at least one person and injuring multiple others.


  • Tornadoes and inclement weather also causing considerable damage in Missouri and Tennessee.


  • The residents of Barnsdall, Oklahoma, are all too familiar with this kind of destruction.


  • This tornado was the second in a little over a month to hit the small city with a population of about 1,000 people.

    這場龍捲風是一個多月以來第二次襲擊這座人口約 1000 人的小城市。

  • CNN's Lucy Kafanov is on the ground to show us the damage up close.

    CNN 的 Lucy Kafanov 正在現場向我們近距離展示受損情況。

  • Behind me, a residential home. The parts that were built out of stone still sort of standing, but a lot of this no longer livable.

    我的身後,是一棟住宅。 用石頭建造的部分仍然矗立著,但其中許多不再適合居住。

  • The family will have to find another place to live.


  • As we walk over here, this was a garage structure that also was a part of this property.


  • And that tornado, the direct hit here, flattening this structure.


  • I don't know if you could see it behind me, but over there is a pickup truck.


  • It just gives you a sense of the scale of this destruction.


  • This region is not yet out of the woods.


  • Millions in the Midwest are still at risk of strong tornadoes ripping through the area, and millions more are vulnerable to damaging storms.


  • Boeing's Starliner needs a do-over.


  • We told you earlier this week that the new spacecraft was supposed to take off Monday night with astronauts on board for the first time.


  • But shortly before launch, there was an issue with the rocket that propels the capsule into space.


  • CNN's Kristin Fisher explains what happened.

    CNN 的 Kristen Fischer 解釋了事情的經過。

  • About two hours before lifting off with two NASA astronauts, Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore on top inside that Starliner spacecraft,

    大約在起飛前兩個小時,兩名 NASA 太空人 Suni Williams 和 Butch Wilmore 登上星際客機飛船的頂部,

  • the ground teams discovered an issue with an oxygen relief valve on the second stage of the Atlas V rocket.


  • This is a valve that essentially releases some pressure from the oxygen, the liquid oxygen that's building up in the tank.


  • Liquid oxygen is one of the propellants that fuels the Atlas V into space.


  • And so the United Launch Alliance says this is typically a pretty minor issue that they've experienced before.


  • They know how to troubleshoot.


  • If it had only been a payload on top, a non-human payload, like satellites or something like that, they would have gone ahead and launched.


  • They say that those satellites would already be up in space now.


  • But because this was the first time that they actually had people on top, the first crewed test flight of Boeing's Starliner spacecraft, they decided, out of an abundance of caution, to hold off.


  • NASA and Boeing may try for another launch on Friday.

    NASA 和波音公司可能會在周五嘗試再次發射。

  • When it does take off, the spacecraft is headed to the International Space Station, where it will spend about a week before coming home.


  • NASA is welcoming a second company with which it can partner on missions to the ISS.

    NASA 歡迎第二家公司與之合作執行國際太空站任務。

  • SpaceX has already been flying astronauts there since 2020.

    自 2020 年以來,SpaceX 就已經開始往那裡運送太空人。

  • In South Africa, rescue operations are underway in the city of George after a multi-story building collapse left dozens of people trapped under debris.


  • Rescue teams are working quickly to save as many people as possible.


  • At least 26 people have been pulled from the rubble, but dozens more are missing and at least six people have been killed.

    至少有 26 人從廢墟中被救出,但還有數十人失蹤,至少 6 人遇難。

  • South Africa's president is offering his condolences to families who lost their loved ones.


  • He's also launching an investigation into the cause of the collapse in order to help prevent something like this from happening in the future.


  • Ten-second trivia: Which of these countries has the largest population in the world? The United States, India, China or Nigeria?

    十秒問答:在這些國家中,哪個國家擁有世界上最多的人口? 美國、印度、中國還是奈及利亞?

  • If you said India, then Indi-yeah.


  • With more than 1.4 billion people, the South Asian nation edged out China last year as the world's most populous country, according to the UN.

    根據聯合國的數據,這個擁有 14 億多人口的南亞國家去年超過中國,成為世界上人口最多的國家。

  • India, the most populous country, has nearly a billion people who are eligible to vote.

    印度是人口最多的國家,有近 10 億人有資格投票。

  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi is seeking a third term in office, but with a billion people, it's not easy to keep track of who voted and who hasn't.


  • So India developed a special system. It involves purple ink.


  • CNN's Ivana Scatola has more.

    CNN 的 Ivana Skotola 為你帶來更多報導。

  • This purple mark has become a symbol of Indian elections.


  • It's painted on with something called indelible ink, meaning it can't be removed easily.


  • The Indian Election Commission has used this practice for more than seven decades to prevent fraud and duplicate votes.


  • When a voter arrives at the booth, the ink is painted onto the left index finger, leaving a stain.


  • Right from the prime minister to the most common person, everybody flashes their fingers, from celebrities, from film stars, everybody.


  • That is a mark of democracy.


  • Although it's hard to remove, it does eventually wash off after around two weeks, depending on the person's skin.


  • (Speaking in a foreign language) It stays for approximately three days.


  • (Speaking in a foreign language)It goes away slowly, slowly, on its own.


  • (Speaking in a foreign language) Even if a person wants to take it off they can't.


  • What makes the ink last this long is strictly confidential.


  • It's a secret formula that hasn't changed since 1951.

    這是一個自 1951 年以來從未改變過的祕密配方。

  • What we do know is that the chemical compound silver nitrate is a key ingredient.


  • This formula comes in contact with the sunlight, it reacts with the skin and the color emerges.


  • The company Mysore Varnish and Paints has the exclusive rights to make and distribute the liquid to polling booths across the entire country.

    Mysore Varnish and Paints 公司擁有生產這種液體並將其分發到全國各地投票站的獨家權利。

  • This year, the company has prepared 2.7 million ink vials, its largest order to date.

    今年,該公司準備了 270 萬瓶墨水,這是迄今為止最大的一筆訂單。

  • Each vial contains enough ink to mark 700 voters.

    每瓶墨水足以標記 700 名選民。

  • Our ink is being used to mark every electorate. It is a very proud moment.


  • It is a very proud moment.


  • Today's story getting a 10 out of 10, is a peel good story.

    今天滿分 10 分的故事是一個很好的故事。

  • LaToya Keeling made some friends with two young bulls in a pasture next door by doling out a bunch of bananas.

    LaToya Keeling 通過分發香蕉,與隔壁牧場的兩頭小公牛交上了朋友。

  • They found the fruit appealing.


  • But LaToya was utterly shocked when one of those incorrigible bulls busted through the fence and showed up at her house.

    但當其中一頭無可救藥的公牛衝破柵欄出現在她家時,LaToya 徹底震驚了。

  • She called the police, who helped mooo-ve the bull back to his farm, but not before milking the situation for a few selfies. Here's LaToya's advice.

    她報了警,警察幫助她把公牛搬回了自己的農場,但在此之前,她還煞有介事地自拍了幾張照片。以下是 LaToya 的建議。

  • Don't feed young bulls bananas. They're like cats. They'll come back.

    不要給小公牛喂香蕉。他們就像貓一樣。 他們會回來的。

  • Now that's a legen-dairy story.


  • Congrats to Ms. Bozek's class at Hardey Prep in Chicago.

    恭喜在芝加哥 Hardey Prep 的 Bozek 女士的班級。

  • You are our #YourWordWednesday winner for incorrigible, an adjective meaning incapable of being corrected, amended, or reformed. Well done.

    你們是我們的#YourWordWednesday 獲獎者,因為 incorrigible 是一個形容詞,意思是無法糾正、修改或改革。 做得好。

  • Our shout-out today goes to Mr. Godoy's class from Shue-Medill Middle School in Newark, Delaware. We see you and go Tigers.

    今天我們要特別感謝特拉華州紐瓦克市蘇梅迪爾中學戈多伊先生的班級。 我們看到你們了,然後加油吧,老虎隊。

  • This shout-out goes to Aloha-Huber Park in Beaverton, Oregon.


  • Thanks to Ms. Tofty's class, the 7th graders there for requesting this shout-out. You rock. Rise up.

    感謝托夫蒂女士所在的班級,七年級的學生要求我們大聲疾呼。 你們很讚。 加油。

  • Remember, the day doen't make you. You make the day.


  • So let's make it a great one, right?


  • I'm Coy. This is CNN 10. And I'll see you tomorrow.

    我是 Coy。這裡是 CNN 10。 明天見。

Hello, and welcome to the show. I'm Coy. This is CNN 10, the best 10 minutes in news because of you.

你好,歡迎收看節目。我是 Coy,這裡是 CNN 10,因為有你,才有了新聞中最精彩的 10 分鐘。

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