字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 So here we are, part four of the TOEIC speaking test. 到了多益口語考試的第四部分。 In this part of the test, you'll again, like in part three, respond to a question. 在這部分測驗中,你將再次像第三部分一樣回答一個問題。 But this time, you'll have to provide information that is given to you in text form. 但這次,你必須將文本的題目資訊講出來。 It can be a little weird at first, but after this video, you'll know exactly what to do. 一開始可能會有點奇怪,但看完這部影片後,你就會知道該怎麼做了。 So first, you'll see a slide with instructions that look like this. 首先,你會看到一張幻燈片,上面有如下說明。 As you can see, you've got directions. 如你所見,你已經有了方向。 You'll have 45 seconds to read the information provided, and then you'll answer three questions. 你將有 45 秒的時間閱讀所提供的資訊,然後回答三個問題。 There is no time to prepare. 沒有時間做準備了。 Once you hear the question and the beep, you'll have 15 seconds to answer question number one. 聽到問題和提示音後,你將有 15 秒鐘時間回答第一個問題。 Then you'll hear the second question and another beep, and you'll have 15 seconds for question two. 然後,你會聽到第二個問題和另一聲提示音,你將有 15 秒鐘的時間回答第二個問題。 For question three, you'll have 30 seconds. 第三個問題,你們有 30 秒鐘的時間。 So on test day, you'll have 45 seconds to read a text like this. 在考試當天,你將有 45 秒的時間來閱讀這樣的文字。 Feel free to pause the video and have a look. 請隨意暫停影片並觀看。 Here, you can see we've got information about four department stores and their opening hours in late December and early January. 在這裡,你可以看到我們為你提供了四家百貨商店的資訊以及它們在 12 月底和 1 月初的營業時間。 Now, don't worry, you don't need to memorize anything here. 別擔心,你不需要記住這裡的任何東西。 Just quickly look around. 趕緊全部看看。 I noticed that on the 24th, only one of the stores is closed. 我注意到,24 日只有一家商店關門。 And on the 25th, all are closed. 而 25 日,則全部關閉。 It looks like they're open again on the 26th. 看起來他們 26 日又開門了。 But one of them, Annandale has short hours, only one is open on the 31st. 但其中 Annandale 的營業時間很短,只有一家在 31 日營業。 And then on the first two are closed, and two are open till noon. 然後,前兩家關門,後兩家營業到中午。 It might seem like a lot of random information, but don't worry, be sure to practice reading it and noticing the similarities and differences. 這些資訊看起來可能很隨意,但別擔心,一定要練習閱讀,並注意到它們的異同。 The more you practice, the easier this will get. 練習得越多,就越容易做到。 But once that's done, we're on to the questions. 但一旦完成了這些,我們就可以開始回答問題了。 Let's take a look at question one. 讓我們來看看問題一。 So here we have a simple question that you'll hear followed by a beep. 有一個簡單的問題,你會聽到「嗶」的一聲。 What stores are open on New Year's Day? 哪些商店在元旦期間營業? Great. 好極了。 So if we go back to the slide, we can see that it's Annandale and Barry. 如果我們回到幻燈片,我們可以看到這是 Annandale 和 Barry。 Great. 好極了。 But we need to talk for 15 seconds. 但我們需要講 15 秒鐘。 So we can look at their opening hours. 我們可以看看他們的營業時間。 Great. 好極了。 7am until noon. 上午 7 時至中午 12 時。 And we can go just beyond the question by highlighting that the other shops are closed. 我們還可以在問題之外,強調其他商店已經關門。 Do not invent any details. 不要編造任何細節。 Keep it simple and focus on the information in front of you. 保持簡單,專注於眼前的資訊。 Let's listen to a sample answer. 讓我們聽一聽示範答案。 Only two shops will be open on New Year's Day. 元旦期間只有兩家商店營業。 The Annandale and Barry branches will both be open from 7am until noon. Annandale 和 Barry 的營業時間均為上午 7 點至中午 12 點。 Our other shops will remain closed. 其他商店將繼續關閉。 Great. 好極了。 Now let's take a closer look at this answer to see what makes it a great answer. 現在,讓我們仔細研究一下這個答案,看看是什麼讓它成為一個出色的答案。 So first I answer the question quickly and clearly. 首先,我快速、明確地回答這個問題。 Annandale and Barry. Annandale 和 Barry。 Then I give a bit more info, the time. 然後,我再提供一些資訊和時間。 Then I highlight the point by mentioning that the other shops will be closed. 然後,我提到其他商店也將關閉,以此突出重點。 That's as far as I want to go in terms of adding more details. 在增加細節方面,我只想說這麼多。 The question doesn't ask about the ones that are closed. 問題並沒有問到那些已經關閉的。 But I can highlight the purpose and give clarity to my answer by mentioning them. 但我可以通過提及它們來突出目的,使我的答案更加清晰。 So it's fine. 所以很好。 Don't add any other details. 不要加任何其他細節。 If you're not sure whether you should add something or not, it's better to just leave it out. 如果你不確定是否應該加某些東西,最好還是不要加。 Also notice that the grammar is pretty simple. 另外請注意,文法非常簡單。 No fancy vocabulary or grammatical structures. 沒有花哨的詞彙或語法結構。 I'm focused on accurate information. 我只關注準確的資訊。 Let's have a look at our second question. 讓我們來看看第二個問題。 I'm also hoping to make the Boxing Day sales. 我還希望能趕上節禮日促銷。 What are the hours like on that day? 那天的營業時間是怎樣的? So again, I look at my information, and I can see that all of them are open. 我再次查看我的資訊,發現所有店都有開門。 But I can see a difference in the times. 但我可以看到時間不同。 Anadale is closed at 3pm. Anadale 下午 3 點關閉。 And the other three at midnight, pretty big difference. 而另外三個是在午夜,差別很大。 So again, I might highlight this information in my answer. 我可能會在回答中再次強調這一資訊。 Let's have a listen. 讓我們聽一聽。 All of our shops are open for the Boxing Day sales. 我們所有的商店都在節禮日促銷期間營業。 They all open at 8am. 它們都在早上 8 點開門。 Anadale will be closing early at 3pm. Anadale 將於下午 3 點提前關閉。 But the others will remain open until midnight. 但其他餐廳將一直營業到午夜。 Now here we have again, simple sentences focused on the information. 現在,我們又看到了以資訊為重點的簡單句。 But notice one thing. 但要注意一點。 Notice how I start with all of our shops, and then they all open. 請注意我是如何從所有的店鋪開始講,然後說它們都開門。 Notice how I've linked the two sentences. 請注意我是如何將這兩句話聯繫起來的。 And again later, Anadale will be closing early. 之後,Anadale 再次提前關門。 But the others will. 但其他人會... Again, the simple words they and the others clearly link ideas, no ifs, all those or any other complex sentences. 同樣,「他們」和「其他」這兩個簡單的單詞明確地將觀點聯繫起來,沒有「如果」或其他複雜的句子。 In this part of the test, don't stress out about complexity. 在這部分測驗中,不要過分強調複雜性。 Let's take a look at question three. 讓我們來看看問題三。 Great. 好極了。 One more thing. 還有一件事。 My husband needs to do some shopping on Christmas Eve and early on Christmas Day. 我丈夫需要在平安夜和聖誕節前去購物。 Is anything open on the 24th and 25th? 24 日和 25 日有什麼活動嗎? Okay, so here we have a bit more that we can sink our teeth into in terms of vocabulary and sentence structure. 好了,在詞彙和句子結構方面,我們又多了一些可以下功夫的地方。 Have a look at the information. 看看這些資訊。 See what information will be needed. 查看需要哪些資訊。 So it looks like everything is closed on Christmas Day. 看來,聖誕節當天所有商店都不營業了。 And here are the hours for Christmas Eve. 以下是平安夜的營業時間。 Also notice here, Summer Hill is open until 1am, which is technically Christmas Day. 另外請注意,Summer Hill 營業到凌晨 1 點,這一天嚴格來說是聖誕節。 So you could work that into your answer. 所以,你可以在答案中加入這一點。 Now you don't have to do this. 你不必這樣做, But again, if you're aiming for a higher score, this kind of embellishment might be good for your answer. 不過還是那句話,如果你的目標是獲得更高的分數,這種點綴可能對你的答案有好處。 But again, don't worry if you don't see anything that fits that. 再說一次,如果你沒有看到任何符合要求的內容,也不用擔心。 Let's have a listen to the answer. 讓我們來聽聽答案。 Everything will be closed on Christmas Day, unfortunately. 很遺憾,聖誕節當天商店都將關閉。 And the Newton branch will also be closed the day before Christmas Eve. Newton 分店也將在平安夜前一天關閉。 The other shops will be open though. 不過,其他商店會照常營業。 Annandale and Berry will both be open from 7.30am through to midnight, while Summer Hill opens at 6am and will remain open until 1am the next morning. Annandale 和 Berry 的營業時間都是從早上 7 點 30 分到午夜,而 Summer Hill 則從早上 6 點開始營業,一直到第二天凌晨 1 點。 In fact, yes, that's Christmas morning, isn't it? 事實上,是的,這就是聖誕節的早晨,不是嗎? So I suppose we will have one shop open for one hour on Christmas Day. 所以,我想我們會在聖誕節那天讓一家商店營業一個小時。 We can see we started with the clearest piece of info. 可以看到,我們是從最清晰的資訊開始的。 Everything is closed on Christmas Day. 聖誕節當天,所有店都關閉。 And we've added the word unfortunately to embellish that. 還加上了「不幸」一詞來點綴。 Great. 好極了。 Then we go into details about Christmas Eve. 然後,我們詳細介紹平安夜。 Newton is closed and the other shops notice the linking. Newton 關門了,其他商店也注意到了這一聯繫。 And then we finish by providing the rest of the information and the opening hours. 最後,我們將提供其他資訊和開門時間。 And finally, I noted that one store is open till 1am. 最後,我注意到有一家商店營業到凌晨 1 點。 This allows me to extend slightly and add a bit of information. 這樣我就可以稍作擴展,增加一些資訊。 Now you're probably thinking, "Yyeah, but I doubt the man is asking if he'll be able to go shopping between midnight and 1am." 現在你可能會想:「但我懷疑這個人是不是在問他能否在午夜到凌晨 1 點之間去購物。」 That's true. 沒錯。 Again, this isn't a necessary part of the answer. 同樣,這也不是答案的必要組成部分。 It's just a nice embellishment. 這只是一個很好的點綴。 And that's it. 就是這樣。 That's the TOEIC Respond to Questions with Information speaking test question. 這就是多益資訊回答問題口說測驗題。 I'll see you in the next video. 我們下部影片再見。
A2 初級 中文 資訊 關閉 時間 關門 問題 回答 【多益攻略】多益口說考題,教你回答問題的實用技巧! (TOEIC Speaking Tips: Respond to Questions with Information) 15558 85 林宜悉 發佈於 2024 年 05 月 16 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字