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  • The power of voodoo.

  • Who do?

  • You do

  • Alan: I'm gonna make some [beep] up, cause that's what this movie did so far.

  • Jono: She's got a baby to save. She's got a codpiece to fight.

  • Battle of the bulge.

  • Alan: No!

  • Jono: I found almost everything about this to be deeply unpleasant and ugly.

  • Alan: You do not understand how much this man loves all things that are movies.

  • So to have him reacting this way just fills my soul with glee.

  • Jono: Okay. I'm feeling mildly traumatized just by...

  • Jareth: Sarah, beware.

  • Jono: Oh, God!

  • Alan: Why this?

  • Jono: Why anything?

  • You can learn lessons from the movie this movie should have been.

  • I just think this movie is playing on a loop in hell.

  • Alan: Hello and welcome to Cinema Therapy.

  • My name is Alan Seawright. I'm a professional filmmaker who needs therapy. That guy...

  • Jono: Jonathan Decker, licensed therapist who loves movies.

  • What are we doing today?

  • Alan: I'm going to have you react to a movie, as I often do. You're a therapist. Jono: Okay.

  • Alan: You're going to react to 1986 classic. Beloved.

  • This was actually a selection by our Patrons. Jono: Okay...

  • Alan: Whom I will never forgive. Labyrinth.

  • Jono: Oh...

  • Yay...

  • Alan: We have to watch Labyrinth.

  • Jono: Oh, okay, listen...

  • There are many, many people out there who love Labyrinth.

  • We're not them.

  • But we want to hear from you why you love it, as we go.

  • Jono: Because we... we heeded the call of our Patrons. Alan: We sure did.

  • You know what? Here we are.

  • And we might make it through this. Who knows?

  • Sarah: Oh, it's not fair.

  • It'S nOt fAiR.

  • Step-mom: Oh, really?

  • Sarah: I'm sorry.

  • Step-mom: Well, don't stand there in the rain. Come on.

  • Sarah: Come on, Merlin, come on.

  • Step-mom: Not the dog.

  • Sarah: But it's pouring!

  • Step-mom: Go on, into the garage.

  • Sarah: Oh...

  • Step-mom: Go!

  • Jono: That dog is just a mass.

  • Step-mom: Sarah, you're an hour late.

  • Sarah: I said I'm sorry.

  • Step-mom: Please, let me finish.

  • Your father and I go out very rarely.

  • Sarah: You go out every single weekend!

  • And I ask you to babysit only if it won't interfere with your plans.

  • Sarah: Well, how do you know? You don't know what my plans are.

  • You don't even ask me anymore!

  • Step-mom: Well, I assume you'd tell me if you had a date. I'd like it if you had a date.

  • Step-mom: You should have dates at your age. Jono: Should you, though?

  • Dad: Ah, Sarah. You're home.

  • Alan: I don't know how old she's supposed to be.

  • Dad: We were worried about you. Sarah: I can't do anything right, can I?!

  • Jono: That was a scene.

  • Alan: It was a scene.

  • Alan: Apparently, she's supposed to be 16. Jono: Okay.

  • Alan: Sure. You hang out with friends, go on dates, whatever. Maybe not.

  • Just have ill-defined single player LARPing practice.

  • Jono: It's showing how self-centered she is.

  • It's not that big a deal to babysit your baby brother while your dad and your stepmom go on a date,

  • and especially your stepmom is like, We only do it if it's not going to interrupt your plans.

  • But you don't have plans.

  • Alan: We don't care about interrupting your single player LARPing.

  • You could single player LARP in the house.

  • Sarah: I hate that.

  • I hate it!

  • Jono: She's upset that her parents are divorced and that her dad's remarried and that he has spawned,

  • and now she's just wishing that she were the only child again.

  • Sarah: Someone take me away from this awful place!

  • Alan: You are reading a lot into this. That is not in the script, by the way.

  • Jono: It is. It's just painfully...

  • Alan: It's... Oh, yeah.

  • Jono: Here's the thing about fairness. It's a completely subjective construct. Alan: Yeah.

  • Jono: That you can't measure. I mean, maybe if we each get one cookie...

  • But even then it's like, okay, well, then you get down to deserve.

  • And how do you measure who deserves what?

  • I mean, it's it really is, do you have what you need. Right?

  • And she does. Did you see that house and her dog? It's like four dogs in one dog.

  • Alan: That is one amazing... six dogs.

  • Jono: Yeah. She could literally say Yip, yip and fly that thing around the neighborhood.

  • Like, she's good. She doesn't have any friends, it seems.

  • And it doesn't seem like she wants them. So I don't know what she's complaining about.

  • She's a spoiled brat.

  • And that's an issue I have with the movie, is she starts the film as an unlikable, spoiled brat,

  • and she ends the film as an unlikable, slightly less spoiled brat.

  • Alan: You're not wrong. Here we go.

  • Jono: Thanks. You made me dislike Jennifer Connelly, which is really hard to do.

  • Alan: How is that possible?

  • Jono: Jareth wants to keep Sarah and others in ignorance in order to keep them under his control.

  • Alan: But Sarah realizes that avoiding reality is not the key to happiness.

  • Jono: Ground news is all about this idea.

  • Alan: Ground News exposes readers to diverse perspectives on current events,

  • and advocates for informed decisions based on all the facts and the angles.

  • Jono: But the Ground News app and website readers have clarity on the issues, become critical thinkers,

  • and are freed from echo chambers by confronting the complexities of the world.

  • Jono: Just like Sarah's problems don't go away by avoiding reality... Alan: Mm-hmm.

  • Jono: Current issues don't go away or get fixed if we're just avoiding knowing about them.

  • Alan: But if we're staying informed in less confusing and overwhelming ways... Jono: Sure.

  • Alan: Maybe the news won't give us so much anxiety or smell bad.

  • Jono: This is where Ground News can help.

  • It shows you things like different sides of a story.

  • Alan: A source's political leaning, reliability level, and ownership.

  • Jono: Trends on how issues are covered.

  • Alan: And news is contextualized, so readers can easily compare research.

  • Jono: And primary sources.

  • Alan: With how the media frames it, all in one place.

  • Jono: Take the stress out of keeping up with the issues affecting our lives

  • by visiting Ground.News/CinemaTherapy.

  • Alan: You'll get 40% off unlimited access to the Vantage subscription,

  • which is advantageous to you.

  • A person who wants to know things.

  • Sarah: Just hang on, I'll get you down.

  • Jono: They do a good job of establishing sympathy for Ludo out of the gate. Alan: Yeah.

  • Jono: His design, his vocalizations. Ow!

  • Sarah: I'm sorry!

  • Jono: What did you think was going to happen?

  • Sarah: Ludo. Are you hurt?

  • Ludo?

  • Jono: It's like if a Wookie and a minotaur hooked up on a hot summer night...

  • Sarah: I'm Sarah.

  • Jono: ...produce Ludo.

  • Ludo: Sarah...

  • [grunts]

  • Sarah: Oh, here, let me help you.

  • Jono: So she's developing a little bit of compassion and sympathy. Alan: Yeah.

  • Ludo: Sarah.

  • Sarah friend.

  • Sarah: Now, wait just a second.

  • Jono: Here's an issue I have with this movie.

  • Scenes go on entirely too long while we're waiting for something to happen.

  • Alan: It's the Wizard of Oz, but weirder.

  • Jono: It's the Wizard of Oz on acid. And not in a good way. Alan: Yeah.

  • Jono: Like the back end of an acid trip.

  • Alan: I love David Bowie, and this is the worst...

  • It's not just the worst David Bowie music. It's the worst 80s pop music that there is.

  • ♬♬ Dance Magic Dance ♬♬

  • Alan: You know, for the first time, she's not just being straight up selfish.

  • Alan: Showing a little bit of kindness. Jono: Yeah.

  • Alan: I-I want a Ludo.

  • Jono: Okay... Good luck, cause that's a lot of cleanup.

  • Well, Ludo is not used to kindness because the labyrinth.

  • Everything is cruel and everything is designed to test you.

  • And everything is designed to mock you and make you suffer.

  • And Ludo is this childlike innocent, who's traumatized by the Goblin king's machinations.

  • Jono: He's out of survival mode for the first time in a while. Alan: Yeah.

  • Jono: And he's experiencing connection mode. And I guess that's...

  • That's a takeaway, is people who've been through a lot when we show them kindness...

  • Ludo is too dim-witted to doubt or question or be afraid.

  • Uh, most people would be.

  • But with consistent kindness, over time, people start to let their guard down and let you in.

  • And that is a healthy, beautiful thing.

  • Alan: Eh. He's cute.

  • Jareth: You don't think a young girl could ever like a repulsive little scab like you, do you?

  • Hoggle: Well, she said we was... Alan: The Goblin King's really mean.

  • Jareth: Bosom companions?

  • Alan: And his hair stupid Jareth: Friends?

  • Alan: I do love that jacket, though.

  • Jono: Yeah, the jacket's nice. Alan: I'd wear that jacket.

  • Jareth: ...I'll tip you straight into the Bog of Eternal Stench.

  • Jono: Why does the codpiece have to be in center frame almost all the time?

  • Alan: It's... Listen... I don't understand.

  • Jareth: And Hoggle, if she ever...

  • Jono: David Bowie sporting all of the 80s hairstyles at once.

  • Alan: All of them at the same time.

  • Jareth: Prince of the Land of Stench.

  • Jono: Oh...

  • Alan: Was that funny?

  • Jono: No.

  • Jono: [resigned sigh] Okay. This seems like an appropriate time to ask.

  • For you, many die-hard Labyrinth fans, help us see it.

  • Alan: Lab heads. What are we missing?

  • Jono: Lab rats?

  • I will say there's some of the set design that is incredible.

  • Alan: I mean, it's the Henson company, so the animatronics and the puppetry are top notch.

  • Jono: Yeah, and...

  • [desperate crickets]

  • Jono: No, I got nothing else. Alan: Yeah, I don't either...

  • Jono: I do like the Hoggle here is also damaged and traumatized from his life in the labyrinth.

  • Unlike Sarah, who is awful because she spoiled.

  • Sarah: Someone has been in my room again!

  • Jono: Everyone in the labyrinth... they're not awful, but they're gritty and they're mean,

  • and they're hard hearted and they're survivalist because that's the world that they're born into,

  • and that's what they have to do to get by.

  • And when Sarah starts to show Hoggle kindness because he first showed her kindness,

  • even though it was a manipulation.

  • But it starts this dance, it starts this cycle of change.

  • And Hoggle is now willing to do something courageous, but not yet.

  • He's going to pull a Zuko where he's going to go a step into doing the right thing,

  • and then backpedal into what he's always done.

  • Alan: And it doesn't take three seasons, but it feels like about nine.

  • That's rough buddy.

  • Jono: Also, they're manipulators who sweet talk you and tell you what you want to hear,

  • and then they're manipulators who are just bullies and use intimidation and scare tactics and mockery

  • Jono: to get you to just be too afraid to do anything. Alan: Yep.

  • Jono: Too afraid to stand up for yourself. Too afraid to pursue the life you want.

  • And this is what Jareth... Why Jareth?

  • That's my thing about this whole movie. Why anything?

  • Alan: Why? Why this?

  • Hoggle: Abandon ship!

  • [yells]

  • Jono: He doesn't even bounce.

  • Sarah: Are you all right? Jono: He just splats.

  • Hoggle: I'm not asking to be forgiven. I ain't ashamed of nothing I did.

  • Jono: Because he betrayed her.

  • Hoggle: Jareth made me give you that peach.

  • I don't care what you think of me. I told you I was a coward,

  • And I ain't interested in being friends.

  • Sarah: I forgive you, Hoggle.

  • Hoggle: You...? You do?

  • Didymus: And I commend you. Rarely have I seen such courage.

  • You are a valiant man, Sir Hoggle.

  • Jono: That character is really funny for about five minutes. Alan: Yes.

  • Ludo: Friends.

  • Jono: And then he just adds to my increasing desire to hit something.

  • Sarah: Thanks for your help.

  • Hoggle: Huh? Well, what are we waiting for? Huh?

  • Let's get that rat who calls himself Jareth.

  • Jono: Okay, that is a beautiful thing about forgiveness, is forgiveness is seldom earned and it's seldom deserved.

  • And we often withhold forgiveness because we're like, Well, they don't deserve it.

  • And he straight up says, I'm not asking for forgiveness. I'm not apologizing.

  • Jono: And she says, I forgive you. And it just melts him. Alan: Yep.

  • Jono: The beautiful thing about forgiveness in real life is that it's not about establish--

  • reestablishing a relationship or letting someone back in who's dangerous.

  • You can forgive somebody and still keep them in arm's length

  • or never interact with them again because you don't trust them.

  • Jono: Forgiveness is, in her case, she's got a baby to save. Alan: Yeah.

  • Jono: She's got a codpiece to fight.

  • Let's face it. You gotta be a man to wear tights.

  • Jono: Battle of the bulge.

  • Alan: No, no! NO! Stricken from the record!

  • Jono: She's got things to do. She doesn't have time to get bogged down with hurt and anger.

  • So she releases it, and she shows him love and compassion.

  • What's beautiful to me is that she does this, and if it didn't change his heart,

  • she'd say, Okay, well, we're going to part here because I'm not going to have you betray me again.

  • But I don't hold a grudge. I've got other things I've got to focus on.

  • But it does change him, and it does warm his heart.

  • And I feel strongly that our decency and our kindness doesn't always change people.

  • But if people are going to change, that's how it happens.

  • Alan: That's what's going to cause it.

  • Jono: Oh, God!

  • Jareth: Sarah, beware. I have been generous up until now.

  • Jono: And I'm a "gosh" person. I need you guys to understand this.

  • Jono: Like, I'm a man of faith. I don't say what I just said. Alan: No.

  • Jono: But that was the effect.

  • Jareth: Everything that you wanted, I have done.

  • Alan: I just... Jareth: You asked...

  • Alan: ...don't understand his cloak being the same as his hair.

  • But also it's got bones coming out of it?

  • Jono: And we have smeared Vaseline around the edges of the lens. Alan: Yes.

  • Jareth: I have turned the world upside down and I have done it all for you.

  • Jono: Why?

  • Jareth: I am exhausted from living up to your expectations.

  • Jono: You are three times her age.

  • Jareth: Isn't that generous?

  • Sarah: Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered...

  • ...I have fought my way here to the castle beyond the Goblin City.

  • Jono: The inspiration for Kristen Stewart's performance in Twilight.

  • Alan: Yeah. Pretty much.

  • Jono: She's... She's standing up to him.

  • Jareth: Wait.

  • Jono: But without any passion.

  • Jareth: Look what I'm offering you.

  • Jono: A bubble.

  • Jareth: Your dreams.

  • Sarah: And my kingdom as great.

  • Jono: She dreams of bubbles.

  • Jareth: I ask for so little.

  • Just let me rule you.

  • ...and you can have everything that you want.

  • Sarah: Kingdom as great. Alan: This scene feels like it was written by a crappy generative AI.

  • Jono: [laughs] It does

  • Alan: I don't understand.

  • Jareth: me, do as I say and I will be your slave.

  • Jono: That's not how slavery works.

  • Alan: I don't understand what his deal is.

  • I don't understand where her mythology is coming from.

  • Sarah: You have no power over me.

  • Alan: Why not?

  • Alan: Why does this clock go to 13?

  • Jono: I can't tell what makes me sadder...

  • that the legendary David Bowie gave this his all...

  • uh, clearly convinced this was going to be iconic, or that it actually is.

  • Because like it or not, it is in the zeitgeist.

  • Alan: It is. This was, again, this was a Patreon request and it...

  • Jono: It beats... Alan: Always got tons of votes, like, it's been in our Patreon poll for months.

  • And like, is it just that it was on TBS all the time?

  • Like, was this your babysitter growing up?

  • Because I'm not shaming you. If that's the case, that's awesome.

  • I just want to know. I want to know why.

  • Jono: If you loved labyrinth growing up, have you watched it lately?

  • Boom. Roasted.

  • Well you ask, You have no power over me. And why?

  • [exasperated sigh] Guys...

  • Alan: I mean psychologically, she's taking her power back from the Goblin King that has power for some reason...

  • Jono: But that's the thing. Okay, guys, look, I'm a pretty bright person.

  • Jono: And... Alan: I'm not laughing. Like, he is. He's smart.

  • Jono: And at this point, the only reason she has her power back is because she says she does.

  • And maybe that's the statement. Maybe that's the simple power of it,

  • is I take my power back just by asserting that I am and believing it.

  • Alan: It's like Barbie. You mean I don't have to ask to be human? I just decide that I am?

  • Jono: Yeah. So maybe that's it.

  • Maybe she says, You only had power over me because I gave it to you.

  • Like, that's powerful, that... I can get behind that. My issue is that the film doesn't demonstrate that.

  • Alan: That's the thing. It's not even that it doesn't make it explicit, which it doesn't.

  • It doesn't make it implicit.

  • Jono: Yeah. Like, I'm really having to reach here.

  • The mythology doesn't make any sense.

  • And honestly, I found almost everything about this to be deeply unpleasant and ugly.

  • We've got to get out of this stench.

  • Smell bad.

  • Jono: Um... Well, this was Labyrinth.

  • Alan: Well, okay. Okay, let's... Let's try to...

  • Alan: I'm gonna make some [beep] up, because that's what this movie did. Jono: Okay.

  • Alan: You're dealing with a manipulator. Jono: Okay.

  • Alan: You need to take your power back. Jono: Yeah.

  • Alan: How can a real person do it instead of just saying, I take my power back now!

  • Jono: Let's start with Sarah. Then we'll talk with you and Sarah's case.

  • Jono: It comes down to recognizing that she did invite him. Alan: Yeah.

  • Jono: And so she has to uninvite him.

  • And that's not saying at this point telling him to go away is going to work.

  • But she brought him in.

  • And so taking ownership of that is a powerful thing because it means you're not a victim.

  • It means you're the agent of change.

  • It means you're partially responsible not for the behaviors of the manipulator,

  • not for their abuses, not for their choices, not how they treat you - that's all on them,

  • but for allowing them into your life. That was a choice you made.

  • But what's great about that is it doesn't feel like, well, this was an invasion.

  • This was an invitation, and now I'm pushing them out and I'm disinviting.

  • This was a choice I made. I'm making another choice now. That's powerful.

  • Uh, she... she triumphs. Well, okay, here's another thing that drives me crazy.

  • No, I was about to say...

  • Alan: I love this. I love this so much.

  • Guys, you do not understand how much this man loves all things that are movies.

  • So to have him reacting this way just fills my soul with glee.

  • Jono: I see the good in almost everything, and I can't. I just cannot.

  • Okay, look, I was about to say, well, she surrounds herself with friends who support her and love her,

  • and that is how she ultimately wins the day.

  • Except for no. She says, I'm going in alone.

  • Sarah: Because that's the way it's done.

  • Jono: And they're like, Well, we're here if you need us.

  • And so at the end, they show up in her bedroom for a dance party.

  • Alan: For a dance party... Jono: Yeah, but like...

  • Alan: With another horrible track.

  • Jono: Okay, I get it. There's power in she does it by herself.

  • But I don't think that's the theme of the movie.

  • She starts selfish, she accrues friends, and she learns compassion and selflessness.

  • And then thematically, all of them together should take him down.

  • Alan: That would be better.

  • Because they've all been oppressed by him. They've all been abused by him.

  • They should all united conquer him. And that, thematically at least, makes sense.

  • The film goes two thirds of the way with the theme and then jettisons it.

  • And she's selfishly... you could say selfless because she's trying to protect them, but come on.

  • Sarah: Because that's the way it's done.

  • Jono: She goes against him toe to toe. And what happens?

  • The only thing that happens is she realizes that his eyes are up here and...

  • ...she tells him off. That's it. That's all that happens!

  • Alan: Also - controversy acknowledged. Uh, weird grooming behavior.

  • Jono: Yeah. It doesn't... Alan: The motivations don't make sense.

  • Alan: And then suddenly he's in love with her and like, I'll be your slave,

  • but only if you are my slave first or something.

  • Jono: Okay. Here's something, here's something. We're still going.

  • Alan: Okay. This [beep] will never end. Just like this movie. Jono: No, no.

  • Jono: You can learn lessons from the movie this movie should have been.

  • Here's a lesson.

  • Alan: You're breaking me...

  • Jono: Here's a lesson...

  • to find the people that when you give them love and acceptance, they reciprocate it.

  • When you show them loyalty, they reciprocate it and face life's challenges together.

  • That's what should have happened in this movie.

  • And instead, we got a puppet peeing into the water. And...

  • So, until next time...

  • Alan: Bad smell.

  • Jono: I don't have a quote. I just think this movie is playing on a loop in hell.

  • Internet Dads: And... watch movies.

  • Alan: Maybe not this one.

  • Alan: We don't want to thank our Patrons for making us watch this,

  • but we have to thank our Patrons because a - they made us watch this, b - they are wonderful people.

  • Jono: People like Megan Anderson.

  • Alan: Bren.

  • Jono: Shellby Robberts.

  • Alan: pengvinman.

  • Jono: And Isaac Sligting.

  • Alan: Patrons, we love you.

  • Jono: Thank you for everything but this.

  • Alan: Thank you for everything else.

  • Jono: If there was a list of all the things that I would thank you for, the--

  • Check every single button.

  • Jono: Not this. Alan: No. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

  • Alan: Saaaraaah.

The power of voodoo.


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Therapist Reacts to LABYRINTH

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