字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 In this day and age, it's normal to change jobs a few times in your career. 在這個時代,在你的職業生涯中換幾次工作很正常。 It's also normal to cross paths of people you used to work with. 與以前的同事擦肩而過也很正常。 Your former co-worker might even be your boss one day. 你的前同事說不定哪天就是你的老闆。 So let's dissect what it looks like to not just leave a job but to leave a job well. 那麼,讓我們來剖析一下,不僅是離職,而且是離得好看要怎麼做。 For years, athletes have used science and data analysis to improve. 多年來,運動員一直利用科學和數據分析來提高成績。 Now, we are doing the same for job seekers everywhere. 現在,我們正在為各地的求職者提供同樣的服務。 This is job science. 這是一門職業科學。 Meet Ted. 這位是 Ted。 He's a sales director at an e-commerce company, and just accepted a new role in the publishing industry. 他是一家電子商務公司的銷售總監,剛接受了出版業的新職位。 Before making any moves, be honest with yourself about your reasons for leaving. 在採取任何行動之前,請誠實地告訴自己離開的原因。 Writing all of them down is a good place to start. 把它們都寫下來是一個好的開始。 This helps make sure your decision wasn't made on the spur of the moment. 這有助於確保你的決定不是一時興起。 Leaving without another job offer could affect your finances. 在沒有得到其他工作機會的情況下離職可能會影響你的財務狀況。 It's important to keep these things top of mind to manage stress. 必須牢記以下幾點來管理壓力。 After you've written your reasons, circle a couple that you might want to share with your employer. 寫下原因後,圈出一些你可能想與雇主分享的理由。 This will help you feel more confident and help them get feedback on the company. 這將幫助你感到更有自信,並幫助他們獲得有關公司的回饋。 Once you've made your decision, find time to meet with your employer and give them your two weeks notice. 一旦你做出決定,請找時間與你的雇主會面並提前兩週通知他們。 It's always best to resign from your job in person and give as much notice as you can. 最好親自辭職並盡可能發出通知。 I hate it here. 我討厭這裡。 This place sucks, I'm bored, and I don't get paid enough. 這地方太爛了,我很無聊,薪水也不夠。 Ooh, hold it there, Ted. 哦,等等,Ted。 You should definitely be honest. That's good. 你要誠實。這點很好。 But know that when you're giving your answers, the employer might interpret them differently. 但在回答問題時要明白,僱主可能會有不同的解讀。 So let's take a step back. 所以,讓我們退一步。 Remember, you want to stay positive in your answers. 記住,你要在回答中保持正面的態度。 Your goal is to leave on good terms. 你的目標是和平地離開。 And if you don't feel comfortable, there is no need to disclose where you'll be working in the future. 如果你覺得不舒服,無需透露你未來將在何處工作。 Well, I learned more than I could have imagined here. 在這裡,我學到了超乎想象的東西。 You took me under your wing, and I am so thankful for that. 你把我帶到你的羽翼下,我非常感謝你。 But I'm actually going to be taking on a new role that's in publishing. 但實際上,我將擔任一個新的角色,這個角色是在出版方面。 I feel I can bring a really fresh new take there, and they're giving me brains to build a team from the ground up. 我覺得我可以帶給那裡一種全新的感覺,他們給了我從頭開始建立一支團隊的智慧。 You deserve to have your own team. It's about time. 你應該擁有自己的團隊。是時候了。 Good for you. 好樣的。 Perfect, now's a good time to submit your formal letter of resignation. 太好了,現在是提交正式辭職信的好時機。 Let's take a quick look at the parts that comprise it. 讓我們快速瞭解一下離職信的各個組成部分。 Time and date, address, statement of resignation, last day of work, statement of gratitude, next steps or important information, and your signature. 時間和日期、地址、辭職聲明、最後一天工作、感謝聲明、後續步驟或重要資訊以及您的簽名。 Done. 完成。 The next few steps are a little easier. 接下來的幾個步驟就簡單多了。 Don't just leave on a dime. 不要說走就走。 Prepping your coworker to take over your role is key to a smooth transition. 讓你的同事做好接替你的角色的準備是順利過渡的關鍵。 So typically, what I would do is go and export the file here and then reach out to the team and just let them it's all packaged up. 因此,通常情況下,我會做的就是在此處匯出文件,然後聯繫團隊並讓他們將其全部打包。 And lastly, be thankful. 最後,要心懷感恩。 Show your gratitude whenever you can. 無論何時,都要表達你的感激之情。 You can also provide your employer with constructive feedback. 你還可以向僱主提供建設性的反饋意見。 Big plus. 大優點。 When all is said and done, ending on a positive note and keeping that bridge intact can be huge for your career. 總而言之,以正面的態度結束並保持橋樑完好無損對你的職業生涯來說是巨大的。 This was the breakdown of leaving a job well, till next time. 這就是離職的詳細解說,下次再見
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 僱主 同事 職業 工作 團隊 反饋 人前留一線,日後好相見!專家教你怎麼離職才能離得漂亮!(How to Quit a Job: Leaving on Good Terms | Indeed) 15175 132 たらこ 發佈於 2024 年 04 月 28 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字