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"I figured I'd just do everybody a favor."
Watson was an inmate at a California prison, sharing a cell with David Bob and Louie Conti, both of which were serving life sentences for aggravated sexual assault of an underage child.
Day in and day out, Watson saw how the two felt no remorse, and how they went on to brag about their crime.
They even allegedly taunted him by watching PBS Kids in a shared prisoner space.
據稱,他們甚至還在囚犯共用的空間裡看 PBS 兒童節目來嘲弄他。
"I could not sleep having not done what every instinct told me," said Watson in his confession letter.
First, he tried moving to a different facility to get away from his violent tendencies, a request that was later declined.
Watson finally gave in and decided that he'd, quote, "Just do everybody a favor," and picked up a cane and started beating them.
He openly confessed the killing to the guards, and is now serving a bigger sentence.
Now, it's bad enough to be a child molester, but to show it off is even worse.
The same way ex-cops are hated in prison, child molesters are treated worse.
The system has taken some action in the past to protect such inmates, so let's dive in to understand how a child molester is treated in prison.
Now, if anybody goes to prison, nobody advertises their wrongdoings unless it's a crime for which they get street cred.
Like we said, if you're an ex-cop, you'll have to convince them that you're nyet polizia.
But as a sex offender, you're highly likely to be caught.
In fact, according to the Federal Bureau of Prisons, roughly 11.6% of the federal inmate population consists of prisoners incarcerated for sexual offenses.
事實上,根據聯邦監獄局的數據,大約 11.6% 的聯邦囚犯是因性犯罪而入獄的。
This number not only includes child molesters, but also those involved in obscenity or child prostitution.
When child molesters walk into prison, their life hangs in the balance of anonymity and security level.
You may think higher security means higher protection, but it's the other way around.
A higher security level means more hardened criminals like murderers and racists, which ultimately leads to a worse experience.
They can feel safe inside a low-security federal prison that has dormitory housing and non-violent inmates.
But if an inmate admits to being a sex offender, they're typically checked in.
This means that they must go into protective custody for the sake of not getting attacked by fellow inmates.
There have been countless stories about sex offenders getting harassed, attacked, and brutalized as part of the institutional culture.
If they can't get protective custody, they have to force their way into long-term solitary confinement.
Another safe place is the rougher yards.
If they don't check in there, they're sometimes beat off a yard.
Whether it's in the chow hall or in front of the lieutenant's office, prisoners knock the sex offender to the ground and stomp them in the prison guard's view.
To avoid being the next David Bob or Louie Conti, first things first, don't brag.
There's nothing to be proud of here.
Keeping a low profile is important, and there's no need to needlessly carry a fake alias because some prisoners can get background checks pulled and can verify.
Let's now take you through some of the worst deaths reported in prisons of child molesters and sex offenders.
Starting with the brutal murder of the loudmouth, Mr. Robert Munger.
In 2020, Shane Goldsby was moved to the Airway Heights Correction Center, or AHCC, in Washington, where he was a cellmate with the convicted child molester, Robert Munger.
2020 年,謝恩-戈德斯比被轉移到華盛頓的艾威高地教養中心(AHCC),在那裡他與被定罪的兒童性騷擾者羅伯特-芒格(Robert Munger)是同室囚犯。
Goldsby shared how Munger bragged about his crimes.
Considering that he was charged with first-degree child rape, three counts of child molestation, and first- and second-degree child porn possession, you can imagine Goldsby's ears were full.
According to Goldsby, quote, "He kept... giving me details about what happened and what he did, about the photos and videos of him doing this stuff."
Before he could turn a deaf ear, he heard a story that was too familiar.
One of Munger's stories was literally about Goldsby's underage sister who was raped.
Goldsby said, quote, "I was like, 'what the f**k? This stuff doesn't happen,' he told the local broadcaster KHQ.
戈德斯比說:「我當時就想:『這他媽的是怎麼回事?』他告訴當地廣播公司 KHQ,這種事情不會發生。
'You're talking the same institution, the same unit, the same pod, in the same cell as this dude. That's like hitting the jackpot in the casino seven times.'"
Seeing it as an opportunity of a lifetime, Goldsby hit Munger in the face and head area about 14 times, then stomped on his head at least four times, gave him a few kicks, and walked away.
戈德斯比認為這是一個千載難逢的機會,他打了芒格的臉部和頭部大約 14 次,然後踩了他的頭至少 4 次,踢了他幾腳,然後走開了。
Munger ultimately died of his injuries.
This all seems too good to be true, isn't it?
This is why Goldsby felt that it was a set-up, and that the prison officials intentionally put him face-to-face with him.
Next up, we have a former Cobb County church and school volunteer named Cesar Pastrana who admitted to molesting nine boys.
接下來是科布縣教堂和學校的前志願者塞薩爾-帕斯特拉納(Cesar Pastrana),他承認猥褻了九名男孩。
In 2012, he was sentenced to life in Hancock State Prison in Sparta.
2012 年,他被判處終身監禁,關押在斯巴達的漢考克州立監獄。
In March 2020, a fight broke out at 12.15pm, leading to the death of Pastrana.
2020 年 3 月,中午 12 點 15 分發生了一起鬥毆事件,導致帕斯特拉納死亡。
According to the Georgia Department of Corrections, quote, "Agents have reason to believe offender Cesar Pastrana died as a result of injuries sustained during an altercation involving another inmate on March 13th."
根據佐治亞州懲教署的說法,引述如下:「探員有理由相信罪犯3 月 13 日,塞薩爾-帕斯特拉納(Cesar Pastrana)因與另一名囚犯發生口角而受傷身亡。」
Although it is not clear whether his death was related to the crimes he committed against minors or whether it was an unrelated incident, many believe that the other inmate attacked him for abusing innocent children.
For now, his death is ruled out as homicide.
Some would argue that a fate worse than death is torture.
To some extent, they're right, especially considering what the 45-year-old inmate Charles shares about Britain's toughest jails, Moreland Prison.
在某種程度上,他們是對的,尤其是考慮到 45 歲的囚犯查爾斯對英國最嚴酷的監獄--莫蘭監獄的看法。
He told Vice News that he had witnessed a sex offender being slashed in the shower.
他告訴 Vice News,他曾目睹一名性犯罪者在淋浴時被砍傷。
He said, quote, "They held him down, cut him across the nips, his face, his c***, and then one of the lads stuck a blade in his c***."
Also sharing the jail space was former footballer of Sunderland FC, Adam Johnson, who was jailed for kissing, grooming, and groping a 15-year-old schoolgirl fan.
桑德蘭俱樂部前足球運動員亞當-約翰遜(Adam Johnson)也因親吻、誘導和摸索一名 15 歲的女學生球迷而入獄。
According to Charles, Johnson had to convince fellow inmates he is not a child-molesting nonce.
Charles also added that his mate was the wing cleaner, and for him it, quote, "Took him an hour to clear up the shower and walls."
As you can tell, the fate of these inmates is either getting stabbed, sacked, or slashed.
According to the federal statistics of 2015, male sex offenders make up about 15 percent of the prison population, but account for nearly 30 percent of homicide victims since 2007.
根據 2015 年的聯邦統計數據,男性性犯罪者約佔監獄人口的 15%,但自 2007 年以來,卻佔凶殺案受害者的近 30%。
They still are a vulnerable population within a prison setting.
And without unit management, psychology treatment programs, and re-entry planning, they will continue down their path.
This is why the Federal Bureau of Prisons came up with a new place dedicated to sex offenders only, the Sex Offender Management Program, or SOMP facility.
正因如此,聯邦監獄局設立了一個專門關押性犯罪者的新場所--性犯罪者管理計劃(Sex Offender Management Program,簡稱 SOMP)設施。
Although it feels like a fancy rehab for them to get better, the special mission achieved with this program is protection from other inmates.
They enable these inmates to stay at a specialized prison where they are more carefully monitored.
According to the Bureau, quote, "This higher concentration of sex offenders within SOMP institutions helps offenders feel more comfortable acknowledging their concerns and seeking treatment."
據該局引述:「性犯罪者在 SOMP 機構中的集中程度較高,這有助於犯罪者更自如地承認他們的擔憂並尋求治療。」
Here's the challenge.
This program is restricted to a few prisons only, ranging from low security to high security.
This means that after the person is indicted, he has to immediately put in a transfer request to one of these facilities, which you heard in some stories earlier doesn't always get approved easily.
In some cases, the review process could take months.
During that time, inmates continue to bring up the "what are you in for?" question.
So to get to an SOMP facility, the child molester needs to seek a judicial recommendation, which is not something any ordinary person can do.
所以要進入 SOMP 機構,猥褻兒童者需要尋求司法建議,這不是任何普通人都能做到的。
Luckily, there are consulting groups that for a nominal fee can significantly increase the likelihood of SOMP designation.
幸運的是,有一些諮詢團體只需支付象徵性的費用,就能大大提高被指定為 SOMP 的可能性。
In case the person is already convicted and serving time in a federal detention center, he needs to buy a few months for his appeal to go through.
Now, while it seems like an SOMP facility is a way to go, some relevant programs have failed in the past.
現在看來,SOMP 設施似乎是個不錯的選擇,但過去也有一些相關項目失敗了。
Not only that, but some prisons are also stiff on their rules and continue to put sex offenders on kill row.
Take for example, the Moreland prison, which is criticized for not having a treatment program and was also the gruesome prison where Charles witnessed the slashing of a sex offender.
Remember that?
Well, their story doesn't end there.
Commenting on Adam Johnson's condition in Moreland, Charles shares that, quote, "The biggest mistake Johnson could make would be to stay on the nonce swing for a second longer than he has to."
He further added, quote, "He ain't touched a baby or a 10-year-old, but the longer he stays tucked up with that kind of scum, the more suspicious other prisoners will get."
他還補充說,引用他的話說:「他沒有碰過嬰兒或 10 歲的孩子,但他和這種人渣呆在一起的時間越長,其他囚犯就會越懷疑。」
He lastly added that the former Sunderland player can't throw any millionaire straps and that he'd be old news when a real monster arrives.
How do you think SOMP facilities can improve on treating child molesters?
你認為 SOMP 機構如何改進對猥褻兒童者的治療?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
Thanks for watching!