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  • [Cameron] Hi, I'm Cameron From MinuteEarth  and I'm about to show you some videos that  

  • will hopefully tell you everything you ever wanted  to know about solar eclipses. Before first, I  

  • want to talk about my shirt. This shirt shows what  solar eclipses might look like from the surface of  

  • other planets in the solar system. And to get your  owngo to our store at

  • Now, on to the main event. A few years ago, I got the chance to  

  • see something spectacularit wastotal solar eclipse and it was nothing  

  • like I expected. When the moon slipped in front of  the sunperfectly on schedule by the waythe  

  • little hairs on the back of my neck stood on endLike, I knew the eclipse was coming, but despite  

  • that there's still something very eerie about the  sun vanishing in the middle of the day. Ever since  

  • then, I have been completely fascinated  by solar eclipses. So when folks from  

  • NASA's Heliophysics Education Activation Team  reached out to us at MinuteEarthalong with  

  • Henry at MinutePhysics and Jasper over at  MinuteLabsto make a bunch of videos and  

  • an interactive about solar eclipsesyou could say I was over the moon  

  • about it. Oof. Anyway, over the past yearwe've spent hundreds and hundreds of hours  

  • researching all sorts of eclipses and making  videos about eclipse-related science. And  

  • I'm about to take you through all of them. First, I dug into the history of eclipses,  

  • and I found that eclipses have been  regarded as terrifying omens almost  

  • as long as humans have been around to see them. These days, we know exactly when eclipses are  

  • going to happenwe even look forward to  them. But humans didn't learn to predict  

  • eclipses because they were excitingit was  because long ago, eclipses were terrifying

  • Hi, I'm Cameron, and this is MinuteEarth. For people living thousands of years ago,  

  • the sun suddenly vanishing from the sky waspretty alarming experience. Even the Chinese  

  • word for eclipse literally meansto eat”,  as in, the Sun is being eaten by a dragon

  • So it's no wonder that ancient people came  up with all sorts of different explanations  

  • for both solar and lunar eclipses and tried  to understand when they might happen again

  • About 5000 years ago, people in what  is now England lugged about a hundred  

  • massive stones through the countryside to  build a structure we now call stonehenge

  • It is mostly composed of an inner ring of large  stones and an outer ring of smaller stones. And  

  • if you stand in the center of the rings, the  sun appears to rise behind this stone on the  

  • summer solstice, which shows that stonehenge was  built for watching the sky. There is also a ring  

  • of 56 post-holes surrounding the monument that, by  moving posts from hole to hole around the circle  

  • to track the positions of the Sun and moon, could  theoretically have been used to track the timing  

  • of lunar eclipses, but stonehenge's builders  didn't leave behind an instructions manual,  

  • so scientists still have a lot of questions  about what the builders intentions were

  • 4,000 years ago, Chinese astronomers made  the oldest suspected mention of an eclipse.  

  • It was the first of roughly 920 solar eclipse  accounts appearing throughout Chinese history.  

  • However most of the early descriptions  were too vague for modern astronomers  

  • to pinpoint exactly when they happened. The earliest verifiable eclipse sighting  

  • was recorded on a 3300-year old clay tablet  that describes a total solar eclipse that  

  • was seen in the city of Ugaritin modern-day Syria, in 1223 BCE

  • Nearly 600 years later, in nearby Babyloneclipse watchers would finally figure out the  

  • pattern that eclipses follow. Lunar eclipses  – that is, when a full moon completely enters  

  • the Earth's shadow and turns redwere of  great interest to the babylonians' because  

  • Babylonians saw lunar eclipses as bad omens for  their kings. And it turns out that lunar eclipses  

  • were the key to spotting eclipse patterns. When the moon passes into the Earth's shadow  

  • to create a lunar eclipse, the event can be  seen from the entire nighttime half of the  

  • planet. When the moon casts its shadow on the  Earth during a solar eclipse, the eclipse can  

  • only be seen from within the moon's shadow. So astronomers in Babylon would see roughly  

  • half of the lunar eclipses that happened, as  opposed to only a handful of solar eclipses

  • That gave the astronomers enough data  to figure out that lunar eclipses seem  

  • to repeat every 18 years, 11 days, and eight  hours – a pattern which we now call the saros

  • And it turns out that the saros also applies to  solar eclipses. If a solar eclipse happens here,  

  • another one with a similar path will be visible  18 years, 11 days, and eight hours later. However,  

  • because of those extra 8 hours, the earth will  have rotated 120° farther around, and the eclipse  

  • path will be shifted 120 degrees westward of  the last one. And the same goes for the next  

  • eclipse in the cycle. And the next and the next  and theyou get the idea. For example, these are  

  • the similar paths of one repeating set of solar  eclipses during the 20th and 21st centuries. Of  

  • course, both solar and lunar eclipses happen more  frequently than every 18 years, that's because  

  • as many as 40 different sets of identical  eclipses are overlapping at any given time

  • These days, we can not only calculate  the timing and path of every eclipse  

  • that occurred over the last 4000 years; we  can also accurately predict them far into  

  • the future. Like the solar eclipse that will  happen on September 7, 2974; that at 12:51 pm  

  • local time, will pass right over Stonehenge. Eclipses used to be so terrifying becauseat  

  • least in partthey happen so rarely. But  again, that led to even more questionslike,  

  • if the moon orbits Earth once a monththen why don't we get solar eclipses once a  

  • month? Turns out, I'm not the only one to wonder. [Henry] The moon orbits the earth once per month,  

  • which means the moon is on the sun side of  the earth every month. So... "why aren't there  

  • eclipses every month?" is a question answered  eloquently in a 1757 astronomy book by James  

  • Ferguson. It's the 18th century equivalent of  "astronomy for dummies," complete with amazing  

  • illustrations. Here's Ferguson's surprisingly  good 250-year-old explanation for why there  

  • aren't eclipses every month, illustrated by me. Every Planet and Satellite is illuminated by the  

  • Sun; and casts a shadow towards that point  of the Heavens which is opposite to the Sun

  • When the Sun's light is so intercepted by the  Moon, that to any place of the Earth the Sun  

  • appears partly or wholly covered, he is said to  undergo an Eclipse; though properly speaking,  

  • 'tis only an Eclipse of that part of the Earth  where the Moon's shadow falls. When the Sun is  

  • eclipsed to us, the Moon's Inhabitants on the  side next the Earth (if any such there be) see  

  • her shadow like a dark spot travelling over the  Earth, about twice as fast as its equatoreal  

  • parts move, and the same way as they move. If the Moon's Orbit were coincident with  

  • the Plane of the Ecliptic, in which the  Earth always moves, the Moon's shadow would  

  • fall upon the Earth at every New Moon, and  eclipse the Sun to some parts of the Earth

  • But one half of the Moon's Orbit is  elevated 5 degrees above the Ecliptic,  

  • and the other half as much depressed below itconsequently, the Moon's Orbit intersects the  

  • Ecliptic in two opposite points called the Moon's  Nodes. When these points are in a line with the  

  • Sun at New or Full Moon, the Sun, Moon, and Earth  are all in a line; and if the Moon be then New,  

  • her shadow falls upon the Earth; if Full the  Earth's shadow falls upon her. When the Moon  

  • [is] more than 17 degrees from either of the  Nodes at [a New Moon], the Moon is then too  

  • high or too low in her Orbit to cast any part of  her shadow upon the Earth. But when the Moon is  

  • less than 17 degrees from either Node at the time  of Conjunction, her shadow falls upon the Earth

  • [The moon's] orbit contains 360 degrees; of  which 17 [degrees], the limit of solar Eclipses  

  • on either side of the Nodes, [is but a small  portion;] and as the Sun passes by the Nodes  

  • but twice in a year, it is no wonder that  we have so many New Moons without Eclipses

  • [Cameron] All of this eclipse talk is probably  getting you pretty excited to see a total solar  

  • eclipse. I have got some good news for youevery  year, there are at least two total solar eclipses  

  • that occur somewhere on our planet, so maybe the  next one will happen near you? I should warn you,  

  • thoughyour odds of living close to the  next eclipse, or even the one afterdepends  

  • on your attitude - I mean latitude. Every location on Earth has been in  

  • the shadow of at least one total eclipse, but  some places experience way more of these events  

  • than others. Like, someone who lives North  of the equator is about twice as likely to  

  • see a total eclipse as someone south of  the equator. Why on Earth would that be

  • Hi, I'm Cameron, and this is MinuteEarth. This disparity in total eclipses can only happen  

  • because of a celestial coincidence; although  the Sun is 400 times bigger than the Moon,  

  • it's also 400 times farther away from us. So, as  a resultfrom here on Earththe Sun and the  

  • moon appear to be almost exactly the same size. I sayalmostbecause the Earth's orbit around  

  • the Sun is not perfectly circular. During  some parts of the year, the Earth is a little  

  • farther away from the Sunso the sun appears  slightly smaller than usual. During these times,  

  • when the Earth, moon and sun line up, it's  easier for the moon to effectively block the sun,  

  • causing a total eclipse. But other times of the  year, the Earth is closer to the Sun, so the sun  

  • appears larger than normal. When the Earth, moonand sun line up during these times of the year,  

  • the Sun appears larger and the moon might not  totally block it, creating an annular eclipse,  

  • which is when the moon turns the sun  into a bright ring of fire in the sky

  • And here's where the North-South divide fits  in. In either hemisphere, eclipses are more  

  • likely in the summer, when the sun spends  more time above the horizon, since it has to  

  • be daytime in order to see a solar eclipse. And it just so happens that summer in the  

  • Northern hemisphere happens at the  farthest-out point of Earth's orbit,  

  • while Summer in the Southern hemisphere happens  at the closest point. As a result, total eclipses  

  • are more likely to happen North of the equator; for any given spot in the Northern hemisphere,  

  • a total eclipse happens, on average, once  every 330 years. In the Southern hemisphere,  

  • it's more like every 550 years. But even within the Northern hemisphere,  

  • total eclipses become more frequent with higher  latitudes. There are a few different reasons why  

  • this might be. For one, at the highest latitudesthe summer sun rarely dips below the horizon,  

  • meaning that there is sunlight even at  nighttime, as opposed to lower latitudes  

  • where nighttime is dark during the summerThen there's the curvature of the Earth,  

  • which causes the moon's shadow to fall atshallower angle at higher latitudes; eclipse  

  • paths near the Arctic circle can be more than  four times wider than eclipses at lower latitudes

  • So statistically, the best place to see a total  eclipse is around 80 degrees north; any given  

  • place along this line sees a total eclipse every  238 years on average. But remember, all these  

  • numbers are averages taken over a long period  of time. Carbondale, Illinoiswhich sits at 38  

  • degrees North latitude, which should see a total  eclipse every 330 years on averagesaw it's most  

  • recent total eclipse in 2017, yet will get its  next one in 2024. And Christchurch, New Zealand,  

  • which should get a total eclipse once every  420 yearssaw its most recent total eclipse  

  • nearly two thousand years ago, and will have to  wait another four centuries for its next one. So  

  • when it comes to seeing a total eclipse, it's not  just about latitudeit's also a matter of luck

  • Total Eclipses might happen somewhat unevenly, or  seemingly randomly across the Earth's landscape.  

  • And some places get super lucky with them while  others can seem pretty left out. But there is  

  • one thing you can pretty much always count on  – and that is that eclipses will travel from  

  • West to East across the landscape for the  most part, which is super weird, isn't it?  

  • Because both the sun and moon travel east to west. [Henry] The sun rises in the east, the moon rises  

  • in the east, and the stars rise in the east...  but solar eclipses, oddly, come from the west,  

  • like the April 2024 North American eclipse, or  the August 2027 North African eclipse. Except,  

  • *not* all total eclipses come from the west - a  few near the north and south poles actually head  

  • west for a bit before turning around and then  heading east - all of which seems very weird.  

  • If eclipses are caused by the sun and the moonwhy don't they behave like the sun and the moon

  • The key to the explanation is that the paths  of the sun and moon through the sky depend  

  • on the rotational speed of the objects  involved, while the paths of eclipses  

  • depend on just the plain old straight-line  speed of the moon above the earth's surface

  • Viewed from the north pole, the earth and  moon both rotate counterclockwise - that is,  

  • towards the east. The path of the moon through the  sky is determined by the line of sight from the  

  • earth's surface to the moon, and because the earth  is rotating faster than the moon is orbiting,  

  • the sight line (and the moon) starts  off pointing to the east at moonrise,  

  • then as the earth rotates the moon appears to pass  overhead and set in the west (even though the moon  

  • is traveling towards the east the whole time). In contrast, the path of an eclipse is determined  

  • not by the direction from us to the moon, but  by where the moon's shadow falls on the earth's  

  • surface, and the moon's shadow just points away  from the sun. The moon is traveling "eastwards"  

  • around the earth at just over 2000 miles per  hour, and its shadow travels at basically the  

  • same speed - eastwards at just over 2000 miles  per hour. The earth's surface is also moving  

  • to the east, but not nearly as quickly - the  surface at the equator is only moving around  

  • 1000 miles per hour, and slower the closer you get  to the poles. The moon's shadow easily outpaces  

  • the earth's surface's eastward motion, which  means eclipses appear to move from west to east

  • Put another way, the face of the earth is about  8000 miles across, so the moon (and its shadow)  

  • cross the earth in around 3 and a half hours (and  less near the poles), while any point on the earth  

  • takes 12 hours to cross the earth - it takes  half a day to rotate halfway around the earth

  • It's kind of weird that the moon can orbit  slower than the earth rotates but travel faster;  

  • but the moon has a long way to travelnearly one and a half million miles over  

  • its month-long orbit, which equates to  around 2000 miles per hour. In contrast,  

  • a point on the equator only travels 25 thousand  miles each day, or around 1000 miles per hour

  • There's no cosmic reason that eclipses on earth  travel west to east - it's essentially just a  

  • coincidence. If the earth were twice as big, or  the moon were half as far away (and therefore the  

  • circumference of its orbit half as long), then  the length of a month or day wouldn't change  

  • (and neither would the direction of moonrise), but  the relative linear speeds of the surface of the  

  • earth and the moon WOULD change, and eclipses  might move from east to west. In fact, if the  

  • earth and moon's sizes were adjusted so that  the moon was traveling slower than the earth's  

  • surface at noon but faster at other times of dayit would be possible for an eclipse to move east,  

  • then west, then east again... geometry is weird! Speaking of weird, those weird west-moving  

  • eclipses near the poles happen because the earth's  axis of rotation is tilted, so it's possible for  

  • the moon's shadow to be moving to the east but  hitting part of the earth on the "night-time"  

  • side of the planet. You can get a rough idea  by opening up google earth and drawing a bunch  

  • of straight west to east arrows across the  earth to represent eclipse paths. If you look  

  • at these arrows from another vantage point, oops  suddenly the eclipse paths look way more wonky,  

  • and some of them go "backwards"! And while we're in google earth,  

  • if you tilt the earth like it is during the  spring and fall and draw some horizontal lines,  

  • you can get a sense of why eclipse paths follow  the curvy shapes they do (though actual eclipse  

  • paths are more complicated because the  earth is also rotating at the same time). 

  • In summary, even though the moon orbits to  the east "slower" than the earth rotates,  

  • in the sense that a month is longer thanday, the moon also orbits to the east "faster"  

  • than the earth, in the sense that the moon is  literally traveling at a faster eastward speed  

  • than the surface of the earth - and that's  what determines the direction of an eclipse

  • So as the eclipse I got to see passed  from the West coast of the US to the East,  

  • it passed over much more than just us eager  humans. It also passed over tons of wild animals,  

  • who I can only assume were caught totally unawareThat's something I had firsthand experience with  

  • when I was in the darkness of totality myself –  the animals around me pretty much just freaked  

  • out, which of course, made me super curious  about what they might have been thinking... 

  • When I saw my first total solar eclipse in 2017,  I noticed something strangelike, other than  

  • the sun going dark: all the songbirds around  suddenly landed in trees and started singing  

  • en masse. But I'm far from the first to notice  animals doing weird stuff during an eclipse;  

  • almost 600 years ago, an astronomer noted that  "birds fell down from the skyin terror of such  

  • horrid darkness”. More recently, there was  a report that a group of Galapagos tortoises  

  • huddled together during totality, then half of  the group started mating before they all gazed  

  • upward at the sky. So what do we actually know  about how animals experience solar eclipses

  • Hi, I'm Cameron, and this is MinuteEarth. Hundreds of anecdotal accounts of animals'  

  • weird eclipse-related behavior exist, going back  hundreds of years. Academia is interested too;  

  • the roughly 2 minutes of totality during the 2017  eclipse across North America alone generated at  

  • least 26 scientific papers on the topic. And at first glance, it seems like we can  

  • pretty easily sort animals' reactions into various  categories. Some behaviors are freakouts that seem  

  • related to anxietylike the baboons who paced  their zoo enclosure, or the horses who clustered  

  • together and shook their heads and tails, or the  giraffes that ran frantically in circles. Then  

  • there are the nighttime behaviors; birds fly back  to their roosts, nocturnal bullfrogs leave their  

  • daytime hidey-holes, and orb-weaving spiderswho  normally build new webs every dayare tricked  

  • into dismantling their webs once the darkness of  an eclipse hits. Then there are completely novel  

  • behaviors; in one study, a group of gibbons  started making strange calls the researchers  

  • hadn't heard before, and a troop of chimpanzees  reportedly climbed into trees to gaze at the sky.  

  • And some animals don't seem to react at all. But when you start really looking at  

  • what we actually know, things  start getting a little messy

  • First, there's the issue of sample size. Total  solar eclipses only occur about once every  

  • 18 months, and each one only covers a small  swath of the planet at a time. As a result,  

  • specific places can go more than 100  years between eclipse experiences,  

  • making repeated observations of animals in the  same habitat challenging, to say the least

  • So it's not surprising that some studies  completely contradict each other, like this one,  

  • which found that black-crowned night herons make  a ton of possibly-anxious noise during an eclipse,  

  • and this one, which says that black-crowned  night herons stay silent during an eclipse.  

  • So it's super hard to know how  to categorize their behavior

  • Second, it's really hard to know what is  going on in an animal's headespecially  

  • without repeated observations and controlled  experiments. So we can't possibly know why,  

  • for instance, those tortoises were  compelled to mate during the eclipse

  • And that brings us to the issue of, wellus. We're primed to expect that animals  

  • might do something weird during an eclipseand these expectations might lead even the  

  • most careful observers to interpret  whatever an animal does during a solar  

  • eclipse as being caused by the eclipse itself. In fact, all these anecdotes and research may  

  • teach us more about ourselvesand how profoundly  eclipses affect usthan about what, exactly,  

  • animals are doing or thinking during those  2 minutes of totality. Eclipses can invoke  

  • fear and anxiety, or excitement and wonder  in our own species, so perhaps it's natural  

  • to expector even hopethat other creatures  are sharing a piece of that experience with us

  • I suppose there is something innately fascinating  about the ways that both humans and wild animals  

  • freak out during eclipses. But there  are also some tangible benefits to our  

  • intense interest in eclipses. Because we're  obsessed with them, we pay attention to them,  

  • and we study them. And we've done some pretty  cool science from within the moon's shadow

  • Solar eclipses are amazing and  awe-inspiring phenomenaand  

  • they've also been great for science. Hi, I'm Cameron, and this is MinuteEarth

  • Solar eclipses are intriguing and remarkableso even ancient civilizations were careful to  

  • write them down when they happenedThis means we have lots of detailed  

  • eclipse records from throughout history. Many years of studying eclipses taught us  

  • that they occur in a very predictable pattern  – which is so consistent that we can extend  

  • it both into the future and into the past to  predictand retrodictsolar eclipse events

  • When scientists use computer models to rewind the  movements of the Earth and Moon, they predict that  

  • an eclipse should have been seen along this  path in 136 bcE. But this tablet suggests  

  • that an eclipse was seen at the same time, but  thousands of miles away in the city of Babylon.  

  • From this and other eclipse records, scientists  noticed that the farther back in time they went,  

  • the further off their predictions wereFrom that, scientists concluded that the  

  • Earth's spin is slowing down over time. Modern astronomers had suspected that the  

  • moon's gravitational pullyou know, the same  pull that creates the tideswas slowing down  

  • our planet's spin, making our days longer  – but eclipse data told us precisely how  

  • much the Earth is slowing down: the length ofday increases by 1.8 milliseconds per century

  • And this wasn't the only time eclipses hadhand in a big discovery. Scientists used eclipse  

  • observations to confirm Einstein's theory  of General Relativity, which predicts that  

  • massive objects have so much gravity that they  noticeably bend beams of light that pass by them

  • Einstein's theory predicts that an object the size  of the Sun should produce a considerable bend,  

  • causing stars appearing near it to show up  in slightly different positions than normal

  • To test this theory, astronomers took a photo  of the Sun during the totality of an eclipse,  

  • when stars appeared next to it. When they overlaid  another photo of the same stars taken at night,  

  • they found that some of the stars had  indeed shifted their apparent positions

  • This helped establish general relativity and  laid the groundwork for us to have nice things,  

  • like GPS on our phones. On a lighter note,  

  • eclipses also helped us discover helium. In 1868, an astronomer named Jules Jansson  

  • was interested in the Sun's coronathe super-hot  layer of plasma surrounding the sun. The corona  

  • emits its own light, and Jansson knew that if he  could analyze that light, he could figure out the  

  • corona's chemical composition. At the timethe corona was impossible to see under normal  

  • conditions, because the rest of the sun was so  much brighter and there was no way to block out  

  • that light. Again, an eclipse was the answer; in  fact, that ring visible during a total eclipse IS  

  • the sun's corona. By analyzing the wavelengths  of light coming from the corona, Jansson and  

  • his colleague Norman Lockyer were able to identify  the individual elements that make up the corona –  

  • including one previously unknown element: helium. Eclipse science goes beyond just those  

  • examplesWe've used eclipses to study how the  sun's Corona creates solar winds and how those  

  • solar winds affect the Earth's atmosphereSo eclipses are beautiful and awe-inspiring  

  • phenomena, and they've also brought some  amazing science to light by darkening the sky

  • Hopefully, I've been able to convince you that  total eclipses are awesome events that you  

  • should really try to see if you are able toAnd I don't mean to pressure you, but time is  

  • running out. One day, Earth will no longer have  total eclipses. Were all super lucky to be alive  

  • during Earth's “Golden Age of Eclipses.” [Henry] We are in the golden age of solar  

  • eclipses - but only for the moment. In fact, I'd  argue we're already past peak solar eclipse and  

  • it's all downhill from here. Let me explain. Solar  eclipses are amazing phenomena, but they're also,  

  • just, like, one object casting a shadow on  another, which we see all the time. I think  

  • we're impressed by our current solar eclipses  for a few key reasons: 1. First and obviously,  

  • they block the sun in the middle of the day  so it gets dark, cold, you can see stars,  

  • etc 2. Second, our eclipses aren't purely  like night either - the shadow of the moon  

  • is small enough that there's still sunlight  falling on the atmosphere near the horizon,  

  • resulting in a deep blue sky and the appearance of  a sunrise or sunset 360° around you 3. Third, our  

  • current eclipses also reveal the sun's coronathe outer part of the sun's atmosphere that's much  

  • dimmer than the sun's bright disk and normally  lost in the sun's glare, but when the sun's disk  

  • is covered during an eclipse, the corona appears  like a bright starburst around the dark disk of  

  • the moon 4. Fourth, total eclipses are rare: any  given point on earth only experiences about one  

  • total solar eclipse every several hundred yearsso they're kind of a once-in-a-lifetime or less  

  • experience 5. Fifth - eclipses are fleetingtotality typically only lasts a few minutes,  

  • which makes them feel even more precious and  cosmic, and also doesn't give our human brains  

  • time to really process or take in the weirdness of  what's happening before it's over 6. And finally,  

  • eclipses on earth are also notable because  they can be either total (where the moon fully  

  • blocks the sun and is spectacular) or annularwhere the moon appears smaller than the sun and  

  • never completely obscures it; at best there's  still a ring, or annulus, of the sun visible,  

  • hence annular eclipse. Because they don't fully  block the sun's disk, annular eclipses aren't  

  • really much more impressive than partial eclipsesthe sky never gets deep blue, you don't see the  

  • corona, you can't look at them with your naked  eyes, etc. They're cool, but are nothing like a  

  • total eclipse. It's kind of weird that we have  both annular eclipses - where the moon appears  

  • smaller than the sun - and total eclipses - where  the moon appears bigger than the sun. That both  

  • happen is due to the fact that the earth and  moon's orbits aren't perfectly round, so the  

  • relative distances to the moon and sun change over  time, and therefore so do their relative apparent  

  • sizes. But here's a sad fact: we have on average  more annular eclipses than total eclipses. And  

  • that is why we are currently past the peak of the  earth's golden age of eclipses. The moon formed  

  • billions of years ago, and we have good reason  to believe it was then much closer to the earth  

  • than it is now - like, this close! With the moon  so close, it was much bigger in the sky. Total  

  • eclipses would have been much more common, and  much longer, and much darker - the moon's shadow  

  • would be so big that an eclipse would be much more  like normal nighttime rather than a deep blue sky  

  • with golden glow all around the horizon - eclipses  just wouldn't feel as weird as they do today. The  

  • moon would also have been big enough to cover  most of the sun's corona, and the moon would  

  • have been more illuminated with earthshinemeaning a solar eclipse would probably feel  

  • kind of like a normal night sky, just with  a darker-than-normal moon. Boring. However,  

  • for all the billions of years after the moon  formed, the earth was spinning faster than the  

  • moon was orbiting (as it still does - a solar day  is shorter than a lunar month), and so over time,  

  • tidal forces have transferred some of the earth's  rotational momentum to the moon, sending the moon  

  • farther and farther away. Up until around 700  million years ago, the moon was close enough  

  • to the earth that it always appeared larger  than the sun and we only ever saw total solar  

  • eclipses. But around then, the moon finally moved  far enough away from us thatat least during  

  • certain parts of the earth' and moon's orbits –  the moon appeared smaller than the sun in the sky.  

  • And if it appeared smaller than the sun during  an eclipse, it wouldn't fully block the sun...  

  • you'd get an annular eclipse, not a total oneInitially, most eclipses would have still been  

  • total solar eclipses with annular eclipses being  rare, but as the moon continued to get farther and  

  • farther from earth and appear smaller and smaller  in the sky, annular eclipses became more and more  

  • common. Some time in the last several hundred  million years, we crossed a threshold to where  

  • the moon appears smaller than the sun on averageat that point annular eclipses became more common  

  • than total eclipses. Fast forward to today, there  are around 20% more annular eclipses than total  

  • eclipses. And as the tides continue to transfer  our angular momentum to the moon, the moon will  

  • continue to get farther from the earth, annular  eclipses will become more and more common and  

  • total eclipses rarer and rarer, until around  a half billion to billion years from now the  

  • last total solar eclipse will darken the sky on  earth and the golden age of eclipses on earth will  

  • be over. Let's hope it isn't cloudy. [Cameron] Now that you know pretty much  

  • everything there is to know about eclipses, it's  time to start playing around with them. Over at  

  • MinuteLabs, Jasper and the gang have spent the  last year creating the best eclipse interactive  

  • in the entire solar system. In the lab, you can  simulate a solar eclipse here on earthor any  

  • other planet that has a moon! Watch Mars eclipsed  by its lumpy potato moon Phobos (Just like on our  

  • T-shirt). Or see the rings of Saturn revealed as  Titan blocks out the Sun. We've worked with NASA  

  • experts to get the atmospheres, orbits, and  everything else as scientifically accurate as  

  • possible. This interactive is truly out of this  world. Oofwho writes this stuff? Right, I do.  

  • Anyway, go check it out at  or simply click the link in the description.

[Cameron] Hi, I'm Cameron From MinuteEarth  and I'm about to show you some videos that  


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MinuteEarth Explains: Solar Eclipses

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