字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Emergency workers in Taiwan are looking for dozens of people who are still missing after the island was hit by its strongest earthquake of this century. 臺灣發生本世紀最強烈地震後,緊急救援人員正在尋找數十名失蹤人員。 At least 10 people were killed and serious damage is reported all around Taiwan. 據報導,臺灣各地至少有 10 人喪生,損失嚴重。 Ian Lee is tracking the intense rescue effort. 伊恩-李正在追蹤緊張的救援工作。 Commuters were traveling to work when the 7.4 magnitude earthquake struck Taiwan Wednesday. 週三臺灣發生 7.4 級地震時,上班族正在上班途中。 Boulders came crashing down the mountain, hitting one car and nearly avoiding another. 巨石從山上砸下來,砸中了一輛汽車,又差點撞到另一輛汽車。 Rescue crews now search for survivors. 救援人員正在搜尋倖存者。 Over a thousand have been injured, while more than a hundred are still missing, many among the island's mountains. 一千多人受傷,一百多人失蹤,其中許多人在島上的群山中。 Up a remote valley, a drone discovered these miners stuck on a cliff. 在一個偏僻的山谷裡,一架無人機發現了這些被困在懸崖上的礦工。 Landslides wiped out all the roads. 山體滑坡摧毀了所有道路。 But the epicenter witnessed the most severe damage. 但震央的破壞最為嚴重。 CBS's partner, the BBC, is on the ground. CBS 的合作伙伴 BBC 正在現場進行報導。 This building is one of them that partially collapsed during yesterday's quake. 這棟建築就是在昨天的地震中部分倒塌的其中之一。 You can see it's leaning over at a very precarious angle. 你可以看到它傾斜的角度非常危險。 They're worried that an aftershock could bring the whole building down. 他們擔心餘震會把整座大樓震塌。 So they are reinforcing the base there to stabilize it while operations to go inside and search the building carry on. 所以他們正在加固那裡的基地,以穩固它,與此同時,進入大樓內部搜索的行動也在繼續。 The tremor struck as children started their school day. 地震發生時,孩子們正在上學。 American Kevin Geiger's 8-year-old daughter was in class. 美國人凱文-蓋格 8 歲的女兒正在上課。 The teacher said, "Go under the table, go under the table." 老師說:「到桌子下面去,到桌子下面去。」 So when the earth started shaking, did you know exactly what to do? 那麼,當大地開始震動時,你知道該怎麼做嗎? Because we had the orange hat in our desk, so we took it out and put it on her head. 因為我們的桌子裡面有一頂橙色的帽子,所以我們把它拿出來戴在頭上。 I was really happy that she was, like she said, being calm and not freaking out, right? 我真的很高興,就像她說的那樣,她很冷靜,沒有驚慌失措,對嗎? Important not to freak out, right, Claire? 重要的是別嚇壞了,對吧,克萊爾? Yeah. 是啊。 Claire is a brave little girl. 克萊爾是個勇敢的小女孩。 And this morning, Taiwan is still experiencing more aftershocks. 今天上午,臺灣仍在經歷更多餘震。 Claire told me she's not scared because her school taught her what to do. 克萊爾告訴我,她不害怕,因為學校教過她該怎麼做。 Gail. 蓋爾。 Yeah, lesson well learned. 是啊,深刻教訓。 You go, Claire. 你很棒,克萊爾。 Thank you, Ian. 謝謝你,伊恩。 Crews in Taiwan are searching for survivors from yesterday's massive earthquake. 臺灣的救援人員正在搜尋昨天大地震中的倖存者。 That's right. 沒錯。 Emergency workers. 急救人員。 This is the good news; they found dozens of survivors stranded in a tunnel. 好消息是他們發現數十名倖存者被困在一條隧道裡。 Unfortunately, though, there are more people still missing at this hour. 但不幸的是,目前仍有更多的人下落不明。 The 7.4 magnitude quake killed at least 10 people, injured more than 1,000. 7.4 級地震造成至少 10 人死亡,1000 多人受傷。 Officials say roughly 50 residential buildings there are damaged. 官方稱,大約有 50 棟住宅樓受損。 CBS News foreign correspondent Ian Lee is following all of this for us from our London bureau. CBS 新聞駐外記者伊恩-李為我們倫敦分社報導這一事件。 Ian, what more can you tell us about the search and rescue efforts still underway? 伊恩,關於仍在進行的搜救工作,你還能告訴我們些什麼? Yeah, Errol, right now, a lot of the rescue operations are focused in the mountains. 是的,埃洛爾,現在很多救援行動都集中在山區。 Dozens of people are still missing there after that strongest quake in decades. 幾十年來最強烈的地震發生後,那裡仍有數十人失蹤。 And we've seen search teams scouring through landslides looking for missing hikers. 我們還看到搜索隊在山體滑坡中搜尋失蹤的徒步旅行者。 One video shows rescue crews walking through a valley as rocks were still falling. 其中一段影片顯示,救援人員在山谷中行走時,岩石仍在不斷落下。 Another showed miners stranded on a cliff after the tremor destroyed roads leading to them. 另一張照片顯示,礦工們被困在懸崖上,因為地震摧毀了通往他們的道路。 Rescuers are also trying to clear these roads and tunnels to get to them. 救援人員還在努力清理這些道路和隧道,以接近他們。 There are reports that scores of people are trapped at remote hotels. 有報導稱,數十人被困在偏遠的酒店。 And of course, they're still looking for the dead. 當然,他們仍在尋找死者。 As you pointed out, 10 people have tragically been killed. 正如你所指出的,已有 10 人不幸遇難。 And given what we're seeing there, Ian, 10 people killed actually seems like a smaller number than people might expect. 伊恩,考慮到我們在那裡看到的情況,10人遇難似乎比人們想象的要少。 I mean, those those roads completely wiped out buildings on their side. 我的意思是,這些道路完全摧毀了它們一側的建築物。 How was Taiwan prepared for this earthquake? 臺灣是如何為這次地震做好準備的? Alana, let me give you a stark comparison between a country that is prepared and a country that isn't. 阿拉娜,讓我給你一個有準備的國家和沒有準備的國家之間的鮮明對比。 Last year, Turkey and Syria were hit by a magnitude 7.8 earthquake. 去年,土耳其和敘利亞發生了 7.8 級地震。 The two countries were not prepared, and more than 55,000 people were killed. 由於兩國沒有做好準備,超過 55,000 人喪生。 Yesterday, Taiwan was hit by a similar quake. 昨天,臺灣也發生了類似的地震。 And as we have been talking about, the death toll currently stands at 10. 正如我們一直在談論的那樣,目前的死亡人數為 10 人。 And that's because the country upgraded its infrastructure, following a devastating earthquake back in 1999. 這是因為該國在 1999 年發生破壞性地震後對基礎設施進行了升級。 Since then, the country's been preparing for the next big one. 從那時起,國家就開始為下一次大地震做準備。 They built stronger buildings. 他們建造了更堅固的建築。 They established better building codes. 他們制定了更好的建築規範。 Rescue teams also train on a constant basis. 救援隊也經常進行訓練。 And the people were also prepared. 人們也做好了準備。 I spoke to an American family, the Geigers, who told me how they received an early warning on their phone just before the earthquake hit. 我與一個美國人 Geiger 一家交談過,他們告訴我在地震發生前,他們是如何通過手機收到預警的。 Their eldest daughter, Claire, said she wasn't scared because they practiced for this at school. 他們的大女兒克萊爾說她並不害怕,因為他們在學校就練習過這個。 She followed her teacher's instructions. 她聽從了老師的指導。 She put on a special cushioned hat to protect her from any falling debris. 她戴上了一頂特製的軟墊帽子,以防止任何碎片掉落。 And they hid under their desks. 他們躲在課桌下。 And it's just this preparation over the past two decades that really helped save lives. 在過去的二十年裡,正是這種準備工作幫助挽救了生命。 Yeah. 是啊。 Claire sounds well-prepared, but also brave. 克萊爾聽起來準備充分,而且很勇敢。 Ian Lee, thank you. 伊恩-李,謝謝你。 (Speaking in French) (說法文) (Speaking in Chinese) (說中文)
B1 中級 中文 地震 伊恩 克萊爾 臺灣 失蹤 準備 外媒大力關注台灣25年來最大地震,大讚台灣多年來的防震成果 (Videos show aftermath of Taiwan earthquake as search and rescue efforts continue) 16322 130 林宜悉 發佈於 2024 年 04 月 05 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字