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  • Hello, and welcome to CNN 10. I'm Coy, happy to be here to help fuel your mind. Hope you had an awesome weekend.

    你好,歡迎收看CNN 10。我是Coy,很高興能在這裡幫助激發你的思維。希望你度過了美好的週末。

  • Maybe you caught some of the March Madness college hoops action. I'll be in Glendale, Arizona soon for the final four.


  • This is the last week of March already, so let's keep it rolling.


  • Our lead story of the day, unfortunately, tragic news out of Russia over the weekend.


  • The country is observing a national day of mourning as more than 130 people died and even more were injured after a terror attack at a concert hall near Moscow on Friday.


  • Gunmen targeted concertgoers and later set the popular concert venue Crocus City Hall on fire.

    槍手們針對音樂會觀眾,並隨後放火焚燒了風靡一時的音樂會場地Crocus City Hall。

  • ISIS claimed responsibility for this horrific attack.

    ISIS 聲稱對這起可怕的攻擊事件負責。

  • According to Russian State Media TASS, four suspects that were part of the attack were captured in the Bryansk Region, which is one of the regions that borders Ukraine.


  • They were taken into custody and sent to Russia's investigative committee.


  • Russian State Media also reported that the suspects who were captured are considered as foreign citizens.


  • Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the nation and said the suspects were trying to escape to Ukraine.


  • And Putin placed blame on Ukraine for taking some part in the terror attack. Ukraine vehemently denies any link to the attack.

    普丁指責烏克蘭參與了恐怖攻擊。 烏克蘭強烈否認與這次襲擊有任何關聯。

  • U.S. officials said they had warned Russia about the threat of ISIS attacking inside the country.


  • Earlier in the month, the U.S. embassy in Russia said they were monitoring reports of extremists with, quote, "imminent plans to target large crowds in Moscow."


  • Leaders from around the world have expressed their condolences on the attack as this is considered the deadliest attack inside Russia in more than 20 years.


  • We'll continue to keep an eye on this developing story as this investigation continues.


  • Next up, have you ever heard the term e-waste? What is it?

    接下來,你聽過電子垃圾這個詞嗎? 它是什麼?

  • E-waste can be discarded cell phones, laptops or really any other type of tech device that gets thrown away.


  • And according to recent data reports, the amount of electronic waste is reaching staggering heights, so much so that the capacity for recycling simply isn't enough.


  • There's growing concern over the potential environmental issues that might be caused if we don't find a sufficient way to combat these growing piles of e-waste.


  • Many discarded electronics have been sent to developing countries in Africa, where they are being dismantled and parts of them are reused.


  • Our Kim Brunhuber shows us what it's like in Ghana as they try to get this boom of e-waste under control.

    我們的 Kim Brunhuber 向我們展示了迦納試圖控制電子垃圾激增的情況。

  • These men in Ghana are rummaging through discarded electronics.


  • Using screwdrivers and pliers, they break down computers and cell phones for any parts they can salvage.


  • But this is just one electronic wasteland.


  • An alarming new U.N. report says that since 2010, the amount of global e-waste has grown five times faster than it can be collected and recycled.

    聯合國一份令人震驚的新報告稱,自 2010 年以來,全球電子垃圾數量的成長速度是其收集和回收速度的五倍。

  • According to the study, a record 62 million metric tons of e-waste was produced in 2022.

    根據這項研究,2022 年電子垃圾的產生量達到創紀錄的 6,200 萬噸。

  • That's an increase of 82% from 2010.

    比 2010 年增長了 82%。

  • And the world is on track to generate a whopping 82 million tons of e-waste in 2030.

    到 2030 年,全球將產生高達 8,200 萬噸電子垃圾。

  • What's more, e-waste recycling only produces 1% of the rare earth elements needed to meet the current demand, which leaves the world highly dependent on just a few countries where rare earths are mined, including countries in Africa.


  • The continent generates the lowest amount of e-waste, but recycling rates there are below 1%.

    該大陸產生的電子垃圾數量最少,但回收率低於 1%。

  • A high-level official with the International Telecommunication Union says it's up to the manufacturers to make a difference by giving devices a longer life cycle.


  • While some countries have implemented environmental regulations to tackle the problem, some are working on a more grassroots level.


  • Places like the Fixing Factory in London are teaching consumers to make more sustainable choices.

    像倫敦 Fixing Factory 這樣的地方正在教導消費者做出更永續的選擇。

  • We buy these things, and the first time they fail, we don't get them fixed. And we're trying to change that mindset. So when it fails, just think that's just a part of its life cycle. It's not the end of it.

    我們購買這些東西,當它們第一次出現故障時,我們不會修復它們。 我們正在努力改變這種心態。 因此,當它失敗時,只需認為這只是其生命週期的一部分。 這還沒結束。

  • How can we get that going? How can you get it going a few more years?

    我們怎樣才能做到這一點? 要怎麼樣才能讓它多活幾年呢?

  • Ten-second Trivia: What is believed to be the most expensive object ever built? Shanghai Tower, International Space Station, Notre Dame Cathedral, Hong Kong International Airport.

    十秒問答:被認為是有史以來最昂貴的建築物是什麼? 上海中心大廈、國際太空站、巴黎聖母院、香港國際機場。

  • At a total cost of more than $100 billion, the ISS holds the record for most expensive object in history.

    國際太空站的總成本超過 1000 億美元,保持著歷史上最昂貴建築物的記錄。

  • We recently had the opportunity to speak with two astronauts who worked at the International Space Station, Dr. Peggy Whitson and John Shoffner.


  • One of their main aims now is to inspire the next generation of astronauts.


  • Mr. Shoffner started the International Space Art and Poetry Contest, and you can enter.


  • Submit your space-themed art or poetry at, and the lucky winners will see their masterpieces floating in space with astronauts.

    在 提交你的太空主題藝術或詩歌,幸運的獲獎者將看到他們的傑作與太空人一起漂浮在太空中。

  • The submission deadline is April 5th, s get those wheels turning. We'd love nothing more than to share the story of a CNN 10 artist or poet gone galactic.

    提交截止日期是 4 月 5 日,請開始行動。 我們最想分享的是 CNN 10 藝術家或詩人的銀河故事。

  • Here's part of our chat with Dr. Whitson and Mr. Shoffner.

    以下是我們與 Whitson 博士和 Shoffner 先生交談的部分內容。

  • What is it like working in the International Space Station?


  • It's one of my favorite places. I love to go back all the time. It's a really cool laboratory and space. It's such a privilege to be able to work there and conduct research there.

    這是我最喜歡的地方之一。 我喜歡一直回去。 這是一個非常酷的實驗室和空間。 能夠在那裡工作並進行研究真是一種榮幸。

  • It's a cool thing. It's like working in an office building. You'll pass someone in the hallway, and then you'll go to where you're working, and you just work. And then you'll leave, and then you'll pass somebody else going in. But everybody's doing their thing. It was very comfortable.

    這是一件很酷的事。 就像在辦公大樓工作一樣。 你會在走廊上經過某人,然後你就會去你工作的地方,然後你就只是工作。 然後你會離開,然後你會經過其他人進去。但每個人都在做自己的事情。 非常舒服。

  • And it's really cool because you're floating.


  • Will you fly over there and get me a battery? And say, OK, I'll be right back.


  • Peggy, do you think it's important to inspire a next generation of astronauts?


  • I absolutely do. Both John and I were inspired by the Apollo-era astronauts. And I think what's important about space now is it's really changing dramatically. You know, with more and more commercial companies out there now, there's just going to be so many avenues to get into space.

    當然。 約翰和我都受到阿波羅時代太空人的啟發。 我認為現在太空最重要的是它正在發生巨大的變化。 你知道,現在隨著越來越多的商業公司進入太空,進入太空的途徑將會有很多。

  • The International Space Art and Poetry Contest, what was the impetus for this?


  • In the Fourth Grade, I painted a picture of astronaut Ed White. He walked in space in that year, 1965. I just know there are other 10-year-olds out there today dreaming about space like I did.

    四年級時,我畫了一張太空人艾德懷特的照片。 1965 年,他在太空中行走。我只知道今天還有其他 10 歲的孩子像我一樣夢想著太空。

  • So let's give them a chance. We should have this thing where they can draw something, and we'll show it in space. So that was the beginning of it.

    所以讓我們給他們一個機會。 我們應該有一個讓他們可以畫東西的東西,然後我們將在太空中展示它。 這就是事情的開始。

  • Tell me about some of the parameters and some of the requirements for this contest.


  • We want original line art and/or poetry. And it's about that question, what does it look like to live in space?

    我們想要原創的線條藝術和/或詩歌。 關於這個問題:在太空中生活是什麼樣子?

  • So we have three student categories, 5 to 8, 9 to 13, and 14 to 18. Plus a teacher's category. The other teachers can join in this year. Make it competitive.

    我們有三個學生類別,5 到 8歲、9 到 13 歲和 14 到 18歲。再加上一個教師組。 其他老師今年可以參加。 使其具有競爭力。

  • Go through the website, All the rules are there and how to do it. It's real simple. You just upload it. Everyone should just get in and let their imagination soar. It's going to be beautiful.

    瀏覽網站。 所有的規則都在那裡,以及如何做。 這真的很簡單。 你只要上傳就可以了。 每個人都應該參與進來,盡情發揮自己的想像。 它會很美麗。

  • Today's story getting a 10 out of 10, a doggone undisciplined dog named Buster, who got busted for doing belly flops in the family pool again and again and again.

    今天的故事滿分 10 分,是一隻名叫巴斯特的、不守紀律的狗,它因在家庭泳池中一次又一次跳進泳池而被抓。

  • The Florida family swears that he's an otherwise obedient good boy, but this fur baby Buster just seems to have a serious weakness for pool time. Our Jeanne Moos has more.

    佛羅裡達一家人發誓說他是一個聽話的好孩子,但這個毛寶貝巴斯特似乎對泳池時間有嚴重的弱點。 我們的珍妮·莫斯還有更多相關內容。

  • Come here. - Buster has made a splash on the Internet.

    過來。- 巴斯特在網上引起了轟動。

  • Buster! Come here. Come here.


  • With his lovable disobedience.


  • Come here. Come here.


  • A Florida resident who can't seem to leave the pool.


  • Be a good boy for once in your life.


  • Buster is only a bad dog when it comes to the pool?


  • He's not a rambunctious, crazy dog, except for whenever he wants to get in the pool.


  • Jennifer Henry posted 10 feudal efforts.

    Jennifer Henry 發布了 10 次努力。

  • Hey, are you ready to come in?


  • To get Buster out of the pool so she and her husband could make it to a dinner reservation.


  • Hey, this was my towel. Don't you dare, Buster.


  • But hey, at least he tends to bring the towel back out of the pool. It was only when her husband used his I mean business voice.

    但是,嘿,至少他傾向於把毛巾從泳池拿回來。 直到她先生才用他「我是認真的」的語氣說話。

  • Let's go, come on.


  • That Buster and their 14-year-old dog Scooby headed for the house, though Buster contemplated taking one more dip.

    巴斯特和他們 14 歲的小狗史酷比往家裡走去,不過巴斯特還想再泡一泡。

  • No sir, Buster, get over here now.


  • You'll notice both dogs disobey.


  • Come here, come here.


  • But only Buster gets busted.


  • He's the instigator. Scooby does not get in unless Buster gets in first.


  • Jennifer has used a net to try and retrieve the retriever.


  • When she's really serious, she uses his full name.


  • Buster, Buster Henry, Buster.


  • Buster's not being a good boy, but he's a good buoy floating around like that, "pawfection."


  • Time to show some love now.


  • How about Harrisonville Middle School in Harrisonville, Missouri.


  • Thank you for subscribing to our CNN 10 YouTube channel. We appreciate you.

    感謝你訂閱我們的 CNN 10 YouTube 頻道。我們感謝你。

  • And this shout-out goes to the School of Astronaut John Shoffner, who we just introduced you to during the show.


  • Middlesboro Independent Schools in Kentucky, shout-out to you.


  • And we love hearing that you're building a STEM lab and curriculum with the help of Mr. Shoffner's donations and newly launched foundation, Rise Up.

    我們很高興聽到您正在 Shoffner 先生的捐款和新成立的 Rise Up 基金會的幫助下建立 STEM 實驗室和課程。

  • Go on and submit that space-themed art and poetry.


  • Shoot for the stars. We will be back with you tomorrow. I'm Coy, and we are CNN 10.

    我們明天會回來和你在一起。 我是 Coy,我們是 CNN 10。

Hello, and welcome to CNN 10. I'm Coy, happy to be here to help fuel your mind. Hope you had an awesome weekend.

你好,歡迎收看CNN 10。我是Coy,很高興能在這裡幫助激發你的思維。希望你度過了美好的週末。

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B1 中級 中文 CNN10 巴斯特 泳池 電子 太空 垃圾

【CNN10】莫斯科音樂廳恐攻事件、為什麼電子垃圾越來越受到環境關注、太空人在國際太空站工作經驗、泳池裡不聽話的狗成了網路明星 | 2024年3月25日 (Why e-waste is a growing concern for the environment | March 25, 2024)

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