字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 - We are doing a Lamborghini race. - 我們正在進行藍寶堅尼比賽。 And whichever one of you wins, keeps the Lamborghini. 無論你們誰贏了,都能留著藍寶堅尼。 - Wow! - 哇! - They must drive to a challenge. - 他們得努力迎接挑戰。 And after they complete that, they'll get an envelope, 完成之後,他們會得到一個信封, which will tell them where the next challenge is. 告訴他們下一個挑戰在哪裡。 Start your cars. 啟動你的汽車。 This is gonna sound amazing. 聽起來會很棒。 (car engines rev) 哦,這是第一號信封, Ooh, this is envelope number one, 這會引導他們迎接第一個挑戰。 which will lead them to their first challenge. 向目標投擲斧頭,直到擊中靶心。 Throw an ax at a target until you get a bullseye. - 我手眼協調能力很差,該死! - I have terrible hand-eye coordination, dang it! - 三,二,一,去! - Three, two, one, go! 什麼? What? 聽起來很酷。 That sounds so cool. - 上路囉。 - On the road. - 哦,乾! - Oh, crap! - 如果他們的速度超過限速一英里, - If they speed just one mile over the speed limit, 他們會被取消資格,不要超速阿,孩子們。 they're disqualified, don't speed, kids. - 就像被關在籠中的動物一樣,不能開這輛藍寶堅尼奔馳。 - Like a caged animal, can't let loose in this Lambo. - 我真的笑不停。 - I literally have not stopped smiling. 這影片最難的部分是不能超速 The hardest part of this video is gonna be not speeding 因為我正在開一輛超跑。 because I am in a supercar. - 錢德勒在速限45開35,安全第一。 - Chandler's going 35 in a 45, safety first. (laughs) - 這傢伙心想,什麼? - This guy's like, what? 我要去跟克里斯打個招呼。 I'm gonna go say hi to Chris. 嘿,克里斯,怎麼樣了? Hey Chris, how's it going? - 我討厭紅燈。 - 是紅燈。 - I hate red lights. - It's a red light. - 快變綠燈了,等等見。 - It's about to turn green, I'll see you later. 好吧,我們要在這裡停車。 All right, we gonna park here. 去去去去去去去去去 Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. - 錢德勒在這裡,克里斯正在往裡面跑。 - Chandler's here, and Chris is running inside. - [錢德勒] 走吧,開門,啊,我的翻領。 - [Chandler] Let's go, open the door, ah, my lapel. - [吉米] 第一個挑戰是你必須擊中靶心。 - [Jimmy] The first challenge is you have to hit a bullseye. 不行,要在線後面。 - 哦。 No, behind the line. - Oh. - 我們做得很好! - We're doing great! 那塊板子不太行。 That board's bad vibes. 什麼,成功了! - 哦,克里斯成功了! What, got it! - Oh, Chris got it! 確認一下,它擊中了靶心。 Just to confirm, it hit it. 克里斯擊中了靶心。 Chris hit the bullseye. 現在他要打開他的第二個信封 And now he's gonna open his second envelope 然後去到第二個挑戰。 and go to the second challenge. - "去 Sup Dogs,用嘴接住雞柳條。" - "Go to Sup Dogs, catch a chicken tender in your mouth." 走吧! Let's go! - 真的就是這樣。 - 對,就是這樣。 - That's technically it. - Yeah, that's it. 如果你看那裡,它就在靶心內。 If you look right there, it is in. - 靶心內,靶心內,靶心內! - That's in, that's in, that's in! - 我要去拿車裡的信封! - I'm taking it, envelope in the car! - "去 Sup Dogs,用嘴接住雞柳條。" - "Go to Sup Dogs and catch a chicken tender in your mouth." 我喜歡吃,這是個好消息。 I love eating, this is great news. - 再見錢德勒。 - Bye Chandler. 他們三個人都完成了第一個挑戰。 All three of them have completed the first challenge. 到下一個。 Onto the next one. - 錢德勒真的很擅長 - Chandler is really good at 用嘴接食物。 catching food in his mouth, though. 這是唯一讓我擔心的事情。 That's the only thing that worries me. 我差點吐了,因為我真的很想要這輛藍寶堅尼。 I almost threw up, 'cause I really want this Lamborghini. 來吧,兄弟。 Come on, man. 快走啊,我有地方要去,兄弟,拜託! Go, I got somewhere to be, bro, come on! - 我喜歡雞柳條。 - I love chicken tenders. 我會為了這個雞柳條而冒著生命危險。 I'll put my life on the line for this chicken tender. - 我的心跳超快,真的很快! - My heart's beating so fast, this got serious real quick! - 從這個高度不可能。 - There's no way from this height. 啊! Ah! - 好吧,來吧,來吧,來吧。 (gentle music) 閃開,孩子們! - Okay, let's go, let's go, let's go. - 好喔,等等,等等,等等。 Move, boys! 君子之約,大家一個一個來。 - All right, wait, wait, wait. - 哦,哦! Gentleman's agreement, we all go one at a time. 好吧,瑪麗麗莎現在領先。 - Oh, oh! (Mary Lisa screams) - 哦,它打到我的嘴。 All right, Mary Lisa is now in the lead. - 我接住了! - 去!去!去! - Oh, it hit me in my mouth. - [吉米] 你現在排在最後,哦,就是這樣。 - I got it! - Go, go, go! - "去 EC 娛樂中心,爬上岩壁。" - [Jimmy] You're now in last, oh, there we go. - 瑪麗麗莎就在那兒,要出發了。 - "Go to EC Rec Center and climb the rock wall." 錢德勒在那邊,他現在要去了。 - Mary Lisa is right there, heading out. 克里斯正在看他的下一個挑戰。 Chandler's over there, he's currently leaving. 我們要去下一個地方。 Chris is here reading his next challenge. - 昨晚,我真的睡不著 We're gonna go to the next place. 因為我太興奮了,我就是這麼想要這輛車。 - Last night, I literally could not sleep - [攝影師] 你現在有什麼樣的車? because I was so excited, I just want this car so bad. - 一輛吉普車。 - [Cameraman] What kind of car do you have now? - [攝影師] 所以如果你贏了, - A Jeep. 藍寶堅尼會比你的吉普更好嗎? - [Cameraman] So if you win, - 呃,什麼? the Lamborghini's gonna be better than your Jeep? 我們領先,我不知道。 - Duh, what? 好吧,走吧! We're in the lead, I don't know. - 這停車地點可以嗎? All right, go! - [Karl] 現在還可。 - Is this a good spot? - 我們得走了。 - [Karl] It's fine for now. 當你駕駛藍寶堅尼的時候,到處都是停車位! - We gotta go. - [Karl] 天哪,他們就在那裡。 Everywhere's a parking spot when you're driving a Lambo! - 哦,是這個嗎? - [Karl] Oh my god, they're right there. 準備好。 - Oh, is this it? 走吧,我準備好了。 Ready. 他還沒準備好,別擔心他。 Let's go, I'm ready. - [攝影師] 錢德勒。 Yeah, he's not ready, don't worry about him. - 按照說明,會幫助我。 - [Cameraman] Chandler. 天知道這是一個自助服務社區。 - Follow the instructions, would help me. - 瑪麗麗莎還沒來嗎? Heavens knows this is a self-serve community. 克里斯會贏。 - Mary Lisa still isn't here yet? 爬上去,克里斯。 Chris is gonna win. - [克里斯] 我應該把腳放在哪裡? Climb, Chris. - 好的,克里斯。 - 叮叮鈴! - [Chris] Where do I put my feet? - [男人] 他很豐滿,兄弟! - All right, Chris. - Ding-a-ling! - 謝謝。 (Chandler groans) - 好吧,他們有多遠? - [Man] He's thick, boy! 我來了! (bell dings) 等等,等等,我會很快能搞定的。 - Thank you. 啊! - Okay, how far are they? 下一個,下一個,下一個。 I'm coming! 來吧,我們走吧。 Wait, wait, I'm gonna figure this out real quick. - "用籃子投籃。" Ah! 嘿! (bell dings) 嘿,給我,給我,給我,給我! Next one, next one, next one. - 你在開玩笑吧? Come on, let's go. - 克里斯目前稍微領先錢德勒- - "Make a basketball shot with a basket." 哦,錢德勒,去。 (buzzer buzzes) 瑪麗麗莎,籃子回來了。 Hey! - 快去。 - 快去。 Hey, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme! 幹得好,幹得好。 - Are you kidding me? - 兄弟,我的藍寶堅尼沒有上鎖。 - Chris is currently slightly ahead of Chandler- "最後但同樣重要的是,這是一件泳衣。 Oh Chandler, go. "在游泳池裡游五趟。" Mary Lisa, the baskets are back there. 泳衣在哪裡? - There you go. - There you go. - "這是泳裝。 Good job, good job. "在游泳池裡來回游五趟。" - Dude, I left the Lambo unlocked. 我們完成它。 - 還- "Last but not least, here's a swimsuit. - "在游泳池裡來回游五趟。" "Do five laps in the pool." 這是我的鐵人三項訓練。 Where's the swimsuit? - 我的屁股露出來了。 - "Here's a swimsuit. - [吉米] 哦,嗨,瑪麗。 "Do five laps in the pool down and back." - [錢德勒] 來吧,來吧。 We getting it done. - Also- - 比我想像還要 - "Do five laps in the pool down and back." 更多體能挑戰。 This is my training for my triathlon. - [攝影師] 他們現在重新領先了,兄弟。 - My butt cheeks are showing. 我們得走了,我們得走了。 - [Jimmy] Oh, hi Mary. - [吉米] 你剛剛從另一波挑戰中倖存下來。 - [Chandler] Come on, come on. 你感覺如何? - 超累。 - These are a lot more physical - 我不知道我要報名參加 2020 年奧運。 than I thought they would be. - "足球進門。" - [Cameraman] They're back in the lead now, man. 那在哪裡? We gotta go, we gotta go. - 那是瑪麗麗莎,她在第一,第二或第三。 - [Jimmy] You just survived another wave of challenges. 我不太確定了。 How do you feel? - Tired. 這是那種在結束之前 - I didn't know I was signing up for the 2020 Olympics. 你不知道誰會贏的比賽。 - "Score a soccer goal." 任何人在任何時候都可能領先。 Where's that? 沒有人訓練將籃子變成籃球。 - That's Mary Lisa, she's in first, second or third. 你知道我在說什麼? I'm not quite sure anymore. - 我不會騙你。 This is one of those competitions 游泳挑戰對我來說真的很難。 that you don't know who wins until it's over. 我肺活量不太好。 Anyone at any point could take over the lead. - 兄弟,我的心臟每小時跳幾千萬下。 No one trains to make a basket into a basket. - 我們坐在藍寶堅尼,在整個城市飆車和加速。 You know what I'm saying? 誰能這樣做? - I'm not gonna lie. - 你好,哦,花俏小子是吧? The swimming challenge for me was really hard. - 怎麼樣? I just don't have good lung capacity. - [攝影師] 我們的聽起來更好。 - Dude, my heart's beating a thousand miles an hour. - 哦,是嗎? - We're in Lamborghinis, racing and revving across the city. 聽不見,什麼? Who's doing it like this? - 我要請別人停車 - Hello, oh, you fancy, huh? 好讓我可以在這裡射門。 - What's up? - 瑪麗是第一個,我甚至沒有看到其他人。 - [Cameraman] Ours sounds better. - 一個! - Oh, does it? - 等等。 - 只要踢一個嗎? I can't hear it, what? - 對只要一個。 - 耶。 (car engine revs) - 哦真的嗎? - I'm gonna do some valet parking - 對,那是給錢德勒和克里斯的, so I can skirt-skirt on outta here. 你知道有其他人在競爭嗎? - Mary's the first, I don't even see the other guys. - 哦等等,他們叫什麼名字? - One! - 克里斯一定會故意炫耀。 - Wait. - Is it just one? 他會故意從很遠的地方踢球。 - Yeah, it's just one. - Yeah. 然後他會沒踢進的。 - Oh, really? - [卡爾] 走,走,走! - Yeah, that's for Chandler and Chris, - 這算嗎? you know, the other people competing? 給你! - Oh wait, what are their names again? - "這是一個腳本。 - Chris is gonna be the one to try to show off. "閱讀史瑞克在《史瑞克》電影所說的每一個字。" He's gonna try to kick it from very far away. - 每一個字? And he's gonna miss. - 你在開玩笑吧? (buzzer buzzes) - 你在我的沼澤裡做什麼? - [Karl] Go, go, go! - 這是你逃跑的時候。 - Does that count? - 驢子,好吧,你看,對不起,好吧,我很抱歉。 There you go! - 舉起一杯啤酒, - "Here's a script. 我們能解決這個問題嗎? "Read every word Shrek said in the "Shrek" movie." - 哦,是的,那行,不,那是驢,那就行。 - Every word? - 我只應該讀史瑞克? - Are you kidding me? 他們都只說史瑞克。 - What are you doing in my swamp? (indistinct) - 菲奧娜,你還好嗎? - This is the part where you run away. 好吧,就是這樣。 - Donkey, okay, look, I'm sorry, all right, I'm sorry. - 你知道,抓住你的... - Holds up mug of beer, - 應該去看看錢德勒。 can we just settle over this? - "用玉米丟進玉米洞。" - Oh yes, that'll do it, no, that's Donkey, that'll do it. - 錢德勒,你已經念完了嗎? - I'm only supposed to read Shrek? 克里斯,讀快一點! They all say Shrek. - 最後一頁,啊! - Fiona, are you all right? 倔強的驢! All right, that's it. - 我不應該這樣念嗎? - You know, grab your- 大家是怎麼樣念的? - Should probably go check on Chandler. 我不懂。 - "Make a cornhole with corn." - "用玉米丟進玉米洞。" - Chandler, you're already done? - [吉米] 更多玉米。 Chris, read faster! - 是的,進去吧,來吧! - Last page, ah! 我領先,寶貝! - 去吧。 Stubborn donkey! - 目標是對的,該死。 - Am I not supposed to be doing this? - 哦,我抽筋了! How's everybody done? - 但你很漂亮。 I don't get it. 好的。 - "Make a cornhole shot with corn." "用玉米丟進玉米洞。" - [Jimmy] More corn. 用玉米丟進玉米洞。 (buzzer buzzes) 嗯? - Yeah, get in there, let's go! 去去去去! I'm in the lead, baby! - Let's go. 他不可能有讀那個劇本。 - Aim's right, dang it. 真的完全不可能。 - Oh, I got a cramp! - 我知道你現在非常緊張。 - But you are beautiful. 但我只想提醒你 All right. 那輛藍寶堅尼在那裏了。 "Make a cornhole shot with corn." - 就是這樣。 Make a cornhole shot with corn. 怎麼樣了? Huh? 錢德勒領先,你第二,瑪麗第三。 Go, go, go, go! 我們要調查他的"史瑞克"鏡頭。 There's no way he read that script. 我們剛剛結束了足球的挑戰。 There's literally zero away. 現在我們要去商場。 - I know you're having a very intense moment right now. 但是當錢德勒讀史瑞克劇本的時候, But I just wanna remind you 他念得快到離譜。 that a Lamborghini's on the line. 他比瑪麗麗莎和克里斯還早完成。 - Okay. There we are. 這甚至沒道理。 How's it going? - 錢德勒是個好人。 Chandler's in the lead, you're in second, Mary's in third. 我不想說他作弊什麼的 We're gonna investigate his "Shrek" footage. 但在兩分鐘內讀完一本完整的電影劇本? We just wrapped up the challenges at the soccer field. 這根本不可能。 And now we're going to the mall. - 你能問錢德勒 But when Chandler was reading the Shrek script, 當他和瑪麗麗莎爭奪劇本的時候, he read it oddly fast. 他們有把它撕成兩半還是怎樣嗎? He was done way before Mary Lisa and Chris. 他讀"史瑞克"劇本讀得太快了。 It didn't even make sense. 那玩意兒有50頁。 - Chandler's a good guy. - [錢德勒] 我只有4頁。 And I don't wanna say he cheated or anything, - 我知道,好吧,就是這樣。 but an entire movie script in two minutes? 錢德勒,實際上來講,你作弊了, There's just no way. 你不是故意的 - Can you ask Chandler 你得等五分鐘。 when he was fighting with Mary Lisa for the script, 無論你在哪裡,你得站在那裡五分鐘。 did they rip it in half or something? - "找到威利,我們會給你下一個信封。" He read that "Shrek" script way too quick. - [吉米] 錢德勒的劇本短太多了。 That thing was like 50 pages. 所以我們收到了五分鐘的懲罰,讓你知道一下。 - [Chandler] I only had four. - 真的? - I knew it, okay, that's what happened. 我就知道! - 是的。 Chandler, since technically you cheated, 所以你快要超越他了。 it wasn't on purpose, - 計時器結束後,你最好準備好用跑的,好嗎? you're gonna have to wait for five minutes. - 我可以向別人尋求幫助嗎? Wherever you are, stand there for five minutes. 裡面有威利嗎? - "Find Waldo, and we'll have your next envelope." 你們都看到威利了嗎? - [Jimmy] Chandler's script was way shorter. 一個打扮成威利的人,沒有? So we got a five minute punishment, just so you know. 線索,線索,線索,線索,該死。 - Really? - [吉米] 錢德勒的《史瑞克》劇本 I knew it! - Yeah. 只有有四頁,所以他受到了懲罰。 So you're about to pass him. 他必須不動五分鐘。 - When the timer's done, you better be ready to run, okay? - 該死! - Am I allowed to ask people for help? - [吉米] 所以你現在真的要超越他了。 Is there a Waldo in there? - 它在哪裡? - 我不知道。 Do y'all see a Waldo? - 我不知道。 A person dressed as Waldo, no? 你有看到長得像威力的人嗎? Clue, clue, clue, clue, dang it. - 兄弟,這不是商店。 - 好喔。 - [Jimmy] Chandler only had - 這是一個人。 - 哦,是人嗎? four pages on his "Shrek" script, so he has a punishment. 如果你看到有人拿著相機, He has to sit still for five minutes. 讓他們停下來拍照,每個人,不是我就對了。 - Dang! - [吉米] 錢德勒,你還有多久? - [Jimmy] So you're actually gonna pass him now. - 五秒鐘。 - 去。 - Where is it? - I don't know. - [吉米] 你找到他了嗎? - I don't know. - 有人看到威力嗎? You've seen anybody that looks like Waldo? - [Jimmy] 他剛是隨便問人有沒有看到... - Dude, it's not a store. - Okay. - [錢德勒] 看到威力嗎? - It's a person. - Oh, it's a person? - 那個穿綠襯衫的傢伙很有名。 If you see anybody with a camera, 每個人都去和他合影。 stop 'em and take pictures, everyone, not me, though. - 如果他進不去商店,我到處都找過了。 - [Jimmy] Chandler, how much longer do you have? - 你們都找到他了嗎? - Five seconds. - Go. 啊,威力,天哪! - [Jimmy] Did you find him? - 來,給你一個禮物。 - Anybody seen Waldo? 給你的禮物。 - 給我禮物。 - [Jimmy] Is he just asking random people if they've seen- - 在停車場找到某人, - [Chandler] Seen Waldo? 並在你的藍寶堅尼前跟他們合影留念。 - Guy in the green shirt's famous. - 去吧。 Everybody take pictures with him. - 第三個。 - If he can't go in stores, I've been everywhere. - 你想和我合個影嗎? - Did y'all find him? 在藍寶堅尼面前? Ah, Waldo, oh my god! 好吧,你們都很棒,永遠都是。 - Here, a present for you. - [克里斯] 在這裡,你們進來, A present for you, yes. - Give me present. 上座,上座。 - Find someone in the parking lot, - 是的,這很窄。 and do a photo shoot with them in front of your Lambo. - 好吧,可以了。 - 就是這樣。 - Here you go. 感謝你們幫我。 - Number three. - 謝謝。 - 祝你有個很好的一天。 - Would y'all wanna take a photo shoot with me, 下一個是什麼? in front of a Lamborghini? - 你想拍幾張照片嗎,拜託, Okay, y'all are amazing, never change. 在藍寶堅尼面前? - [Chris] Here, you get in, - [攝影師] 一,二,三。 get in the seat, get in the seat. - "買花,送給陌生人。" - Yeah, this way is small. 我們去買些花吧。 - All right, we're good. - Here we go. - 接下來,他們三個都要去買花 Thank you for helping me. 並把花交給陌生人。 - Thank you. - You have a great day. 然後,他們必須購物採買。 And what's the next one? - 好吧,到目前為止我們做得很好。 - You wanna take a couple pictures, please, 我們要去Harris Teeter買些花。 in front of the Lamborghini? - [瑪麗麗莎] 嘿,我給你買了這些。 - [Cameraman] One, two, three. - 真的? - 是的! - "Buy flowers, give them to a stranger." - 謝謝! - 別客氣。 Let's go buy some flowers. - 把這些給老婆。 - Next, all three of them have to go buy flowers - 哦謝謝。 - 謝謝。 and give 'em to a stranger. - 你想要這些花嗎? Then after that, they have to do my grocery shopping. - 當然。 - All right, we're doing great so far. - 來吧,祝你有美好的一天。 - 謝謝。 We're headed to Harris Teeter to buy some flowers. - 我們走吧。 - [Mary Lisa] Hey, I bought these for you. "幫吉米採買。" - Really? - Yeah! 我得回到那裡? - Thank you! - You're welcome. - "幫吉米採買。" - Give these to the wife. 好的。 - Oh, thank you. - Thank you. - 好吧,我們要回去了。 - Would you like these flowers? 我只需要一塊非常好的新鮮牛排,我可以只買一塊嗎? - Sure. - 可以。 - 好的。 - Here go, have a good day. - Thanks. 感激,兄弟。 - Let's go. 給吉米買一塊牛排。 "Buy Jimmy groceries." - 謝謝。 - 去!去!去。 I gotta go back in there? - 我們有牛排,起司球在哪裡? - "Buy Jimmy groceries" 哦,什麼鬼? Okay. - 他們甚至在 Harris Teeter 也有賣這些嗎? - All right, we're going back in. 這些放在哪裡? I just need a really good fresh steak, can I just take one? Harris Teeter 沒賣 Utz 起司球,你這個騙子。 - Yeah. - All right. - 那麼就去某個地方買到它們,兄弟。 Appreciate it, man. 我們需要起司球。 Got Jimmy a steak. - [克里斯] 你知道哪裡可以買到 Utz 起司球嗎? - Thank you. - Go, go, go. - 去沃爾格林。 - 好的。 - We got steak, where are cheese balls? - 去沃爾瑪。 - 隊。 Oh, what the heck? - 好的。 - 謝謝。 - Do they even have those at Harris Teeter? - 謝謝。 Where are they at? - 現在我們一路去沃爾瑪, Harris Teeter doesn't carry Utz Cheese Balls, you liar. 15分鐘的路程,時間很重要。 - Then go somewhere and get 'em, man. - 停車場裡有一個人告訴我 We need cheese balls. 這個沃爾格林有賣。 - [Chris] Do you know where to get Utz Cheese Balls? 這些不是 Utz,但他們是Smile。 - Check Walgreens. - All right. - 這些算不算? - 算。 - Go to Walmart. - Yep. - 好我們買到了。 - All right. - Thank you. - 我要在前面停車,停車,出去。 - Thank you. 起司球,起司球。 - Now we to go all the way to Walmart, 起司球。 which is 15 minutes away, time is of the essence. 起司球。 - Some random guy in the parking lot told me - 是的,兄弟! this Walgreens has 'em. - 去到製作工作室 These aren't Utz, but they're Smile. 並完成一個迷你藍寶堅尼障礙課程。 - Do these count? - Yes. 我們走吧。 - All right, we got 'em. 如果我沒有贏得藍寶堅尼,我會很沮喪, - I'm just gonna park up front, park, get out. 但這是我玩過的最好玩的。 Cheese balls, cheese balls. 所以謝謝你的這個體驗,吉米,真的很棒。 Cheese balls. 去吧,還有人在嗎? Cheese balls. 好的,我把雜貨放在哪裡? - Yes, boys! - 奶酪球。 - 等待。 - Go to the production studio - 牛排。 - 哦。 and complete a mini Lambo obstacle course. - 牙膏。 Let's go. - 你拿到你的雜貨了。 - 我拿到了。 (upbeat music) - 我的障礙課程是什麼? I will be upset if I don't win the Lamborghini, - [參與者] 你有香蕉, but it was the most fun I've ever had. 你有玉米錐,不要打到那個。 So thank you for that experience, Jimmy, really awesome. 我們會向你扔躲避球。 Go, is anybody else here? - [克里斯] 不要太用力,拜託,不要太用力。 All right, where do I put the groceries? - [吉米] 三圈,克里斯。 - Cheese balls. - Wait. - 哦,我的腎! - Steak. - Ow. 拜託,我需要它們。 - Toothpaste. 我有八顆腎結石。 - You got your groceries. - I got 'em. 他們幾乎沒在客氣,這是我的第二圈還是第三圈? - What's my obstacle course? - 這是最後一圈。 - [Participant] You got bananas, - [克里斯] 哦,天哪! you got cones, don't hit that. - 你的雜貨,給你。 And we're gonna throw dodge balls at you. 我給你買了一些 Cheez-Its,我不知道。 - [Chris] Not hard, please, not hard. - 你的下一個是通過這個藍寶堅尼賽道,去吧。 - [Jimmy] Three laps, Chris. - 藍寶堅尼賽道。 - Ow, my kidney! 玩命關頭。 Please, I need them. 天哪,這是馬力歐賽車啊! I've had like eight kidney stones. - 三圈。 - 終點線! They're barely holding on, is this my second or third? - 我要出去嗎? - 三圈,三圈。 - Yeah, this is the last one. - 三圈! - [Chris] Skirt, oh, god! - 哦,我從他們身邊走過,你在開玩笑嗎? - Your groceries, here you go. "幫吉米買牙齒美白牙膏。" And I got you some Cheez-Its, I don't know. 我真的只是買了一些東西。 - Your next one's through this Lamborghini track, do that. - 外面有柵欄,外面哪條路? - Lamborghini track. - "外面有一道柵欄,上面有一堆鎖。 Fast and furious. "找到跟你鑰匙吻合的鎖。" Oh God, this is Mario Kart, ah! - 哦,天哪! - Three laps. - The finish line! 好吧,那是布林克斯鎖,找到一個... - Do I get out? - Three laps, three laps. 哦,乾。 - Three laps! 哦,這很大。 - Oh, I walked right by them, you kidding me? 哦,yes,yes,yes "Buy Jimmy teeth whitening toothpaste." - 天哪,這是在開笑話吧。 I literally just bought something. 我得試所有這些鎖, - With a fence outside, which way outside? 因為如果我不這樣做,我就會錯過, - "There's a fence outside with a bunch of locks on it. 那絕對會很糟。 "Find the lock that fits your key." 成功了! - Oh gosh! - 這是牙齒美白牙膏嗎? All right, so it's a Brinks, find a... - [攝影師] 很難說, Oh crap. 但你認為我們領先? Oh, this is a big boy. - 這取決於克里斯有沒有買到 Oh yes, yes, yes. 沃爾格林的起司球。 - Oh my God, this is a joke. - "讓克里斯傷心,用嬰兒頭打斷2x4的木條。" I gotta try all these diligently, 不可能。 because if I don't and I miss it, 等等。 that would be absolutely terrible. - 我必須用嬰兒的頭打斷它? Got it! - 哦,那比我想像容易多了 - Is this teeth whitening? "你快完成了,一桿進洞。" - [Cameraman] It's hard to tell, - 推-推,推-推,推-推! but you think we're in the lead? 好了,去吧,去吧,去吧。 - It depends if Chris got those - 吉米打給我,哈囉? cheese balls from Walgreens or not. - 怎麼了? - 什麼意思? - "Make Chris sad, break a two by four with a baby's head." - 他們都已經離開了工作室? No way. - 什麼? Yes way. - 你在哪? - I have to break it with a baby's head? - 我現在要去工作室了。 (explosion booms) 我臉上現在浮現失望。 - Oh, that was a lot easier than... 起司泡芙,兄弟。 "You're almost done, putt-putt a hole-in-one." - [吉米] 他們已經完成了所有七個挑戰。 - Putt-putt, putt-putt, putt-putt! - 七個? - 是的。 All right, let's go, let's go, let's go. 他們大概七分鐘前去推桿。 - Jimmy's calling me, hello? - 兄弟,我的心碎了。 - What happened? - What do you mean? 如果你再叫我買起司泡芙。 - Both of them have already left the studio? - 結束了。 - 對不起。 - What? 它應該是你的。 - Where are you? - 應該是我的,應該是我的。 - I'm literally pulling up to the studio right now. 它是我的,我已經取名了! The disappointment on my face right now. - [克里斯] 有什麼訣竅,有什麼訣竅? The cheese puffs, man. 哦! - [Jimmy] They already did all seven challenges. - 我只是不想讓克里斯贏 - Seven? - Yeah. 但我真的對於領先錢德勒感到很滿意。 And they left for putt-putt like seven minutes ago. 去,去,去。 - Dude, my heart is broken. - 這次會進了嗎? If you ever ask me for cheese puffs again. 是的,走吧,走吧,走吧! - It's over. - I'm sorry. "到此為止了,你最後的挑戰 It's supposed to be yours. "射門得分,一旦你成功了,藍寶堅尼就是你的了。" - Supposed to be mine, it should have been mine. 天哪,我必須射門得分? It is mine, I already named it! - 哦! - [Chris] What's the trick here, what's the trick here? 來吧寶貝,來吧,來吧。 Oh! 是的! - I just don't want Chris to win, "射門得分,一旦你成功了,藍寶堅尼就是你的了。" but I do find satisfaction that I'm in front of Chandler. 有夠簡單。 Let's go, let's go, let's go. - [吉米] 時間還很夠。 - Is that the one? 你必須射門得分一次,你就贏了。 Yes, let's go, let's go, let's go! - [克里斯] 哦! "This is it, your last challenge 哦。 "Kick a field goal, once you make it, the Lambo's yours." - 耶! Oh my god, I have to kick a field goal? - 我不會踢足球! - Oh! 不,再給我一個,給我,給我,給我! Come on baby, come on, come on. - 啊! Yes! 好喔。 "Kick a field goal, once you make it, the Lambo is yours." - 哦! - 哦! Easy peasy lemon squeezy. - YES! - 不! (upbeat music) - 他踢進了! - YES! - [Jimmy] There was plenty of time for that. - 我很難過! - 差一點! You have to kick a field goal and you win. - 不! (intense music) - [克里斯] 我有一輛天殺的藍寶堅尼! - [Chris] Ow! - 你一定有作弊。 Ow. - 你問他我試踢了多少次。 - Yeah, boy! 沃爾格林有賣起司球。 - I don't know how to kick a football! - 該死! No, gimme another, gimme, gimme, gimme! - 沒有贏得藍寶堅尼。 - 我沒有贏得藍寶堅尼。 - Ah! 謝謝你提醒我。 All right. - 我知道我覺得我會哭,但我才不會, - Oh! - Oh! 因為每個人都會笑我。 - Yes! - No! 我的夢想成真,我很興奮。 - He got it! - Yes! - [克里斯的媽媽] 你贏了那輛車,兄弟? - I'm so sad! - So close! - 對,我贏了一輛價值 90,000 美元的藍寶堅尼。 - No! - 克里斯,現在別看,但藍寶堅尼剛到這裡。 - [Chris] I got a freaking Lambo! - 哦,我的藍寶堅尼來了,我得走了,我愛你們。 - You had to have cheated. - 不要看,不要看,不要看。 - Ask him how many times I tried. - 如果你轉身,克里斯, Cheese balls were at the Walgreens. 你就能看到你即將擁有的車。 - Dang it! - 好吧,來吧。 - Didn't win the Lambo. - I did not win the Lambo. - 去吧。 Thanks for reminding me. - 啊! - I know I feel like I could cry, but I'm not going to, 哦! 'cause everybody's gonna make fun of me. - [吉米] 克里斯的新車全額還清。 This is my dream come true, like, I'm so excited. - 哦,天哪,超速罰單肯定會多到瘋。 - [Chris' Mom] You won that car, buddy? 哦,動力不錯。 - Yeah, I won a $90,000 Lamborghini. - 你第一次開著你的新寶貝。 - Chris, don't look now, but the Lambo just got here. 哦,我嚇壞了。 - Oh, my Lambo's here, I gotta go, I love you guys. 希望大家喜歡,記得訂閱哦。 - Don't look, don't look, don't look. 我要離開這輛車了。 - If you turn around, Chris, 點擊這裡面或這裡,點擊,點擊,點擊,去吧。 you will see the car that you now own in full. - All right, let's do it. - Go for it. - Ah! (crowd cheers) Oh! - [Jimmy] Paid off in full is Chris's new car. - Oh my God, the speeding tickets are gonna be insane. Ooh, she got some power. - Your first drive with your new baby. Oh, I'm terrified. I hope you guys enjoyed, make sure you subscribe. And I'm gonna get out of this car. Click here or here, click, click, click, go. (explosion booms)
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 錢德勒 克里斯 吉米 兄弟 挑戰 信封 跑車比賽,贏的人留下藍寶堅尼!(Lamborghini Race, Winner Keeps Lamborghini) 49 0 imwhite2013 發佈於 2024 年 03 月 28 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字