字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 There is nothing like the excitement of getting a new job that you've been working really hard for. 沒有什麼比得到一份你一直努力爭取的新工作更令人興奮的了。 But there comes a time between accepting the offer and starting the job where you get the jitters, and your nerves kick into overdrive. 但在接受工作邀約和開始工作之間,總是會有一段時間讓你感到緊張,你的神經會處於超速狀態。 Totally normal. 這完全正常。 Transitions are tough. 過渡期是艱難的。 In your first week at a new job, you're looking to show the team you're a hard worker and solidify yourself as a competent and trustworthy team member. 在新工作的第一週,你會希望向團隊展示你是一個勤奮的人,並使自己成為一個有能力、值得信賴的團隊成員。 To help set you up for success and to help you build a positive reputation right away, we've put together a list of things you need to know for your first week. 為了幫助您成功,並立即建立正面的聲譽,我們準備了一份你在第一週需要了解的事項清單。 Let's start with one of the most important tips--practice self-care. 讓我們從最重要的提示開始——練習自我保健。 As we said, being a beginner, again, can be overwhelming and can stir up feelings of self-doubt. 正如我們所說,初學者也會感到不知所措,並可能激起自我懷疑的情緒。 Emphasizing self-care during this time can help alleviate any anxiety that bubbles up. 在此期間,強調自我保健可以幫助緩解湧現的焦慮。 So what does self-care actually look like? 那麼,自我保健究竟是什麼樣的呢? Make sure to stick to the regular routines that help you feel good about yourself. 確保堅持定期例行活動,這有助於讓你自我感覺良好。 Maybe it's exercising in the morning, making your favorite breakfast, hanging out with friends in the evening. 也許是早上鍛鍊、做自己喜歡的早餐、晚上和朋友們聚在一起。 Sticking to a schedule will help you feel your best and allow you to fend off any feelings of self-doubt that come to the surface. 堅持按計劃進行將有助於讓你感覺最好,並讓你抵禦任何出現的自我懷疑情緒。 Also, don't knock on the power of positive self-talk. 此外,不要輕視正面的自我對話的力量。 You are in this position for a reason. 你在這個位置上是有原因的。 You have what it takes to be successful in this role. 你具備成功勝任這一職位的條件。 Exactly. 沒錯。 If a negative thought pops into your head, try replacing it with its positive opposite. 如果你的腦海中突然出現一個負面的想法,試著用它的正面來代替它。 So instead of saying-- 所以,與其說: You're never going to learn all this information. 你永遠不可能知道所有這些資訊。 --Try saying this. 試著這樣說: You don't need to learn everything in one week. You have plenty of time. 你不需要在一週內學會所有知識。你有的是時間。 Self-care in your first week is also about seeking inspiration. 第一週的自我保健也是為了尋找靈感。 To really get in the self-motivation mindset, I recommend reading a memoir or biography of someone you admire. 為了真正獲得自我激勵的心態,我建議閱讀你所欽佩的人的回憶錄或傳記。 Maybe it's written by a famous business leader or a self-help author. 也許是知名企業寫的領導者或自助作家。 It can also be helpful to collect meaningful quotes or words of wisdom and post them in places that you'll frequently see throughout the day. 收集有意義的名言或智慧之言並將其張貼在你一天中經常看到的地方也很有幫助。 And getting sleep is important during this first week too. 在第一週,睡眠也很重要。 Mountains of research prove the connection between sleep and creativity, confidence, leadership, all qualities you want to demonstrate in your first week of work. 大量研究證明睡眠與創造力、自信、領導力以及你希望在工作第一週展示的所有品質之間存在關聯。 A good day really does start the night before. 美好的一天真的是從前一天晚上開始的。 So make sure you prioritize rest that first week and, honestly, every week. 確保第一週優先好好休息。說實話,每週都是如此。 We've covered the value of self-care. 我們已經介紹過自我保健的價值。 Now let's talk about getting to know your workplace. 現在,讓我們來談談了解你的工作場所。 If you're working in an office, take some time to learn the layout. 如果你在辦公室工作,花點時間瞭解佈局。 Check out where the bathrooms are, where meetings are held, what's the coffee situation, that kind of thing. 看看衛生間在哪裡,會議在哪裡舉行、咖啡情況如何,諸如此類。 If remote, make sure your set up fits your new needs. 如果是遠端工作,請確保你的設置符合你的新需求。 Take time to get your email and messaging platforms up and running. 花時間建立電子郵件和資訊平臺和運行。 Check out any other software that you'll need to use for your job and make sure everything is downloaded and working properly. 檢查你工作中需要使用的任何其他軟體,並確保所有內容均已下載並正常運作。 If you haven't used one of these new technologies before, don't sweat it. 如果你以前沒有使用過這些新技術,別擔心。 There are plenty of online tutorials that can help you get things sorted. 有很多線上課程可以幫助你解決各種問題。 Also, you can ask a new teammate to show you the ropes. 此外,你還可以請新隊友向你授經驗。 If you work in person, offer to buy them a coffee as a thank you. 如果你到公司上班,請提出請他們喝咖啡作為感謝。 This is a great way to start building bonds and establishing relationships. 這是開始建立聯繫和建立關係的好方法。 Having a solid understanding of these policies will help you integrate into your new organization with confidence and clarity. 對這些政策的深入了解將幫助你自信、清晰地融入新組織。 Are you using the Indeed mobile app? 你是否使用 Indeed 行動應用程式? The app is free and makes it easy to apply right from your phone. 這個應用程式是免費的,可以輕鬆地透過手機進行申請。 Click the link below or just search Indeed in the app store. 點擊下面的連結或在應用商店中搜索 Indeed。 Now let's get to the interpersonal stuff. 現在,讓我們來談談人際交往方面的問題。 Your first week is your first opportunity to begin building relationships with your new colleagues. 第一週是你第一次開始與新同事建立關係的機會。 This is so important. 這一點非常重要。 Multiple studies show that positive interpersonal work relationships can boost happiness, increase motivation, and unlock creativity. 多項研究表明,正面的人際工作人際關係可以提升幸福感,增強動力、 並釋放創造力。 But how do you get started if you don't know anybody? 但是,如果你誰都不認識,該如何開始呢? First, ask your manager who they think you should meet. 首先,問問你的經理他們認為你應該見誰。 This will begin to set your reputation as a person who takes initiative. 這將開始樹立你作為一個積極主動的人的聲譽。 And once you have your names, take a look to see what they do in the company. 有了名字後,請看看他們在公司做什麼。 You can likely find this information on an organization chart or within their profile on your company's messaging system. 你可能可以在組織結構圖上或公司訊息系統的個人資料中找到此資訊。 If you're out of luck, you can always ask your manager directly. 如果運氣不好,你可以直接詢問你的經理。 And once you know who to meet, send those people a brief note to ask if they'd be willing to talk to you. 一旦你知道要見誰,就給這些人發一張簡短的便條詢問他們是否願意與你交談。 Asking is much more considerate than scheduling the meeting without notice. 詢問比不事先通知就安排會議體貼得多。 And if they say yes and you send an invite, make sure you look at their calendar first to see when they're available. 如果他們同意並且你發送了邀請,請務必先查看他們的行事曆,看看他們何時有空。 Keep the meeting duration at 30 minutes or less. 會議時間保持在 30 分鐘以內。 This is your moment to make a strong first impression. 這是你給人留下深刻第一印象的時刻。 You can do this by showing a genuine curiosity for what the other person does and asking thoughtful questions about their background, their work, and how you might be working together. 你可以透過對對方所做的事情表現出真正的好奇心,並就他們的背景、工作以及你們如何合作等問題提出深思熟慮的問題來做到這一點。 Thanks so much for meeting with me. 非常感謝與我會面。 I was told we might be working together down the road. 有人告訴我,接下來我們可能會一起工作。 Can you tell me more about your role? 能詳細介紹一下你的職責嗎? You can also ask what their preferred method of communication is and what time zone they work in. 您也可以詢問他們首選的溝通方式以及他們工作的時區。 That way, you know best way and the best time to get in touch with them. 這樣,您就知道與他們聯繫的最佳方式和最佳時間。 While I have you, I'd love to get a sense of how you prefer to communicate. 趁你還在,我想了解一下你喜歡的交流方式。 Are there certain situations where you prefer emails to meetings or direct messages instead of emails? 在某些情況下,你是否喜歡使用電子郵件而不是會議或直接訊息而不是電子郵件? Outside of those formal meetings, you can also casually introduce yourself to people at work if you work on site. 除了這些正式會議之外,如果你進公司上班,你還可以隨意向同事介紹自己。 For the shy people among us, this can be nerve wracking. 對於害羞的人來說,這可能會讓他們感到緊張。 But remember, you're new, and you're most likely going to have to make the first move. 但請記住,你是新人,你很可能會必須先下手為強。 You can do this. 你可以做到。 Am I being outgoing in introducing yourself? 我的自我介紹是不是太外向了? You'll build a reputation of authority and confidence. 你將建立起權威和自信的聲譽。 This is so important during the first week. 這在第一週非常重要。 Now, you don't want to interrupt someone while they're doing focused work. 你不會想在別人專注工作時打擾他們。 But if you see someone in the hallway, the kitchen, or any type of communal location, say hello and introduce yourself. 但如果你在走廊、廚房或任何類型的公共場所看到有人,請打個招呼並自我介紹。 Hey, I'm Frankie. 嘿,我是弗蘭基。 I just started on the sales team. 我剛加入銷售團隊。 Nice to meet you. I'm Stella. 很高興見到你,我叫斯特拉。 Nice to meet you, Stella. 很高興見到你,斯特拉。 What team are you on? 你在哪個隊? Notice how Frankie repeated her new colleagues name back to them. 請注意法蘭基如何向他們重複她新同事的名字。 This is a helpful strategy to make new names stick, especially when you're meeting many new people at once. 這是一個讓新名字被記住的有用策略,尤其是當你同時認識很多新朋友時。 If there's one colleague you want to make an extra strong impression with this week, it's your manager. 如果你本週想給一位同事留下特別深刻的印象,那就是你的經理。 But this doesn't need to be stressful or intimidating. 但這並不一定是壓力或恐嚇。 Remember that positive self-talk concept we mentioned before. 記住我們之前提到的積極的自我對話概念。 You have what you need to be successful in this role. 你具備成功勝任這一職位所需的一切條件。 Your manager hired you for a reason. 你的經理僱用你是有原因的。 Just keep these tips in mind, and you'll be good to go. 只需牢記這些提示,你就可以輕鬆上陣了。 In your first week with your manager, begin to establish what the immediate and long-term priorities in your role will be. 在與經理相處的第一周,開始確定你角色中當前和長期的優先事項。 Ask questions like-- 提出以下問題: What does success look like to you? 對你來說,成功是什麼樣的? What priorities do you see me focusing on at first? 你認為我一開始會把重點放在哪些方面? How can I help? 我能幫上什麼忙? Thanks for asking. 謝謝你的關心。 Make sure that you're thinking about dates and timelines for these priorities. 確保你正在考慮這些優先事項的日期和時間表。 Some will definitely be long term, but others will get done pretty quickly. 有些肯定是長期的,但其他會很快完成。 Focus on some quick wins early in the game to establish a reputation as someone who gets things done. 專注於早期取得一些快速勝利,以建立「能把事情做好」的聲譽。 Not only will asking these questions help you get started, but it also shows your manager that you're strategic and ready to go. 提出這些問題不僅有助於你開始工作,還可以向你的經理表明你具有策略眼光並已做好準備。 In your first week, you can also ask your boss this question. 在第一週,你也可以向老闆提出這個問題。 How can I help? 我能幫上什麼忙? Trust me, this question is music to your manager's ears, simple but powerful. 相信我,這個問題對你的經理來說就像音樂,簡單但有力。 And you wouldn't believe how many people don't do it. 你不會相信有多少人不這麼做。 To get even more specific, you can ask what their pain points are. 想要更具體,你可以問他們的痛點是什麼。 Once you know that answer, spend some time thinking about how your skills can help solve it. 知道答案後,花一些時間思考如何你的技能可以幫助解決這個問題。 But don't worry, you don't need to put your plan into action that week. 不過不用擔心,你不需要將計劃付諸行動那一週。 Simply showing you care and are thinking about how to help will demonstrate to your boss that you're not afraid of hard work. 只要表現出你的關心並考慮如何提供幫助,就會向你的老闆表明你不害怕艱苦的工作。 Obviously, your relationship with your boss doesn't end after week one. 顯然,你和老闆的關係並沒有在第一週後就結束。 To continue on the path towards a great working relationship, I recommend scheduling regular check-ins. 為了繼續建立良好的工作關係,我建議安排定期檢查。 Some people schedule these weekly, others biweekly. 有些人每週安排一次,有些人每兩週安排一次。 You too can decide on a cadence that works best for your situation. 你也可以決定最適合你情況的節奏。 And whatever you choose, having this consistent touchpoint ensures you have an open line of communication and have established opportunities to discuss priorities. 無論你選擇什麼,擁有這個一致的接觸點都可以確保你擁有開放的溝通管道,並有機會討論優先事項。 So there you have it. 就是這樣。 During your first week, focus on self-care, getting to know your workplace, and building relationships with your colleagues and manager. 在第一周,重點關注自我保健、了解你的工作場所以及與同事和經理建立關係。 Doing so will not only help you crush your early days, but sets a strong tone for the year to come. 這樣做不僅能幫助你度過初期的時間,也能為來年奠定堅實的基調。 If you like this video, make sure to like and subscribe. 如果你喜歡這部影片,請務必按讚和訂閱。 Practice-- oh, there's a bug on my nose. 練習--哦,我鼻子上有隻蟲子。 Did y'all see that? 你們都看到了嗎? OK, it's gone, though. 好了,它已經不見了。 No, no, no, don't swat my face. 不,不,不,不要打我的臉。 It's gone now. 現在沒了。
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 工作 經理 保健 詢問 關係 幫助 想要盡快適應並給新同事留下好印象嗎?新工作到職的第一個禮拜你該這樣做!(New Job Tips: How to Ace Your First Week | Indeed #Shorts) 18502 155 たらこ 發佈於 2024 年 04 月 06 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字