字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Tonight is the 50th anniversary of what used to be the craziest moment in Oscar history. 今晚是奧斯卡史上最瘋狂時刻的 50 週年紀念日。 At the 46th Academy Awards in 1974, David Niven was in the middle of introducing Elizabeth Taylor when a nude man, a streaker, ran across the stage. 1974 年第 46 屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮上,大衛尼文正在介紹伊麗莎白泰勒時,一名裸男跑過舞台。 Can you imagine if a nude man ran across the stage today? 你能想像如果今天有個裸男跑過舞台嗎? I said can you imagine if a nude man ran across the stage today? 我說你能想像今天如果有個裸男跑過舞台嗎? Wouldn't that be crazy? 那不是很瘋狂嗎? Psst, Jimmy! 喂,吉米! What? - Come here. 什麼?- 過來這裡。 I can't come there -- do the thing! 我不能過去 -- 你跑就對了! Excuse me for a second. 失陪一下。 What's going on? You're supposed to run across the stage. 怎麼回事?你應該跑過舞臺的。 I changed my mind. I don't want to do the streaker bit anymore. 我改變主意了。我不想搞什麼裸奔了。 What do you mean you don't want to do the streaker bit anymore? 你說你不想裸奔了是什麼意思? We're doing it! 我們就是要做啊! I just don't feel right about it. It's an elegant event, you know, honestly, you should feel shame right now for suggesting such a tasteless idea. 我就是感覺不太對勁。 這是一個優雅的活動,你知道,老實說,你現在應該為提出這樣一個沒有品味的想法而感到羞恥。 It's supposed to be funny. 這應該要很有趣的。 The make body is not a joke. 男性的身體可不是鬧著玩的。 Mine is! 我的是啊! No, it's not. 不,不是。 You wrestle naked, why not? 你摔跤時也是裸體啊,為什麼不呢? Dude, I don't wrestle naked, I wrestle in jorts. 老兄,我不裸體摔跤,我穿著短褲摔跤。 Jorts are worse than naked. 短褲比裸體還糟糕。 Come on! 來吧! You're really not going to do this? 你真的不要裸奔? Fine, just give out the award then, God. 好吧,那就頒獎吧,老天。 You're the worst. 你是最糟的。 Costumes -- they are so important. 服裝--它們是如此重要。 Maybe the most important thing there is. 也許最重要的。 I -- I can't open the envelope. Can anybody help me? - Oh, my God. 我沒辦法打開信封。誰能幫幫我?- 拜託! The nominees for best costume design are. 最佳服裝設計的提名者是。
B1 中級 中文 ABCNews 裸體 男子 舞臺 短褲 想象 約翰希南 2024 奧斯卡裸體頒獎! 只用信封遮「重要部位」全場轟動!(Oscars 2024: Nearly naked John Cena presents award for Costume Design) 7977 90 林宜悉 發佈於 2024 年 03 月 15 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字