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WOMAN: ♪ Hey, now... ♪
♪ Hey, wow... ♪
♪ Here's how ♪
♪ Come and read ♪
♪ Between the lions ♪
CHORUS: ♪ Come on ♪
♪ Come in ♪
♪ Begin ♪
♪ The world awaits ♪
WOMAN: ♪ Between the lions ♪
♪ Between the covers of a book ♪
♪ It's time to look between the lions ♪
♪ Behold the tales beyond the tails ♪
CHORUS: ♪ Behind the door ♪
♪ Become, explore ♪
♪ Come in between the lions ♪
♪ Begin between the lions ♪
♪ Be here between the lions! ♪
THEO: Watch your step.
LIONEL: Glad you were here.
Good-bye, Pete, thanks again for coming.
We'll see you next week, okay?
We had terrible traffic returning from the Meat Swap.
( gasps )
But look what I got for six pounds of ground round!
Not bad, huh?
Is that Kobe beef?
Cleo, you're amazing.
Thank you.
LEONA: Hey, hey!
Hey, where's Pete Seeger?
Isn't he supposed to be doing
a reading right now?
Oh, the reading's over, Leona, sweetheart.
He had to go.
You mean I missed Pete Seeger
reading "Happy Yo-Yo"?
Oh, Ma!
But you didn't miss him reading it.
I didn't?
You missed me reading it.
Pete Seeger asked me
to come up and read it with him!
Yeah, he did a great job, too!
Very passionate.
"Zoop! Zoop!"
"Zoop! Zoop!"-- what's that?
It's from Abiyoyo.
And you see there's a magician
who has this magic wand
and he can make things disappear
with a "Zoop! Zoop!"
Oh, Lionel, read it to me!
Read it to me!
Well, you know, I don't know.
( hoarsely ): I really should rest my voice, Leona.
Oh, come on, Lionel.
Come on, please!
Yes, and I'd love to hear
your rendition, too, Lionel.
I could listen to it all night, son!
( clears throat )
♪ Mi-mi-mi! ♪
Yeah, okay, I think I could read it.
THEO: You are in for a treat.
Sit next to me, Leona, my little cublet!
There are some parts in it
that are a little scary.
Oh, Daddy, I'm fine!
Don't worry about me.
I'm very strong.
Feel my muscle.
Feel my muscle, feel it.
Whoa! Those are some big muscles.
( clears throat )
Oh, right, right, right.
( whispers ): Tiger?
( whispers ): Thank you.
( clears throat )
"Based on a South African lullaby and folk story.
"Text by Pete Seeger.
Illustrations by Michael Hays."
Read by Lionel Lion.
"Once upon a time
there was a little boy who played the ukulele."
LIONEL ( reading ):
"He'd come up to someone
"about to drink a nice cold glass of something.
Zoop! The glass disappears!"
"Someone doing a hard job of work...
( imitating sawing ): "Zzt, zzt, zzt.
Up comes the father with his magic wand..."
"He'd come up to someone about to sit down
after a hard day's work..."
That means they made them live on the edge of town.
"One day... one day, the sun rose blood red over the hill.
"The first people got up and looked out the window.
"They saw a great big shadow in front of the sun.
They could feel the whole ground shake."
"Women screamed!
Strong men fainted!"
"He comes to the pasture.
He grabs a whole sheep."
"He grabs a whole cow."
"Just then, the boy and his father woke up.
"'Hey, Pa, what's coming over the fields?'
"'Why, son, that's Abiyoyo!
"'Oh, if only I could get him to lie down
"I could make him disappear!'
"The boy says, 'Come with me, Pa.'
"He grabbed his father by one hand.
"The father gets the magic wand and the boy gets his ukulele.
"They run across the fields!
"People yelled, 'Don't go near him!
He'll eat you alive!'"
"He raised up his claws...
Just then, the boy whips out his ukulele!"
BOY ( singing sweetly ):
LIONEL ( continues ): "Well, you know
"the giant had never heard a song about himself before.
"A foolish grin spread over his face.
"And the giant started to dance!
The boy went faster."
BOY: ♪ Abiyoyo, Abiyoyo, Abiyoyo... ♪
LIONEL: "The giant got out of breath.
"He staggered!
"He fell down flat... on the ground!
Up steps the father."
"People looked out their windows.
"'He's gone!
"Abiyoyo's disappeared!'
"The people ran across the fields.
"They lifted the boy and his father up on their shoulders.
"They say, 'Come back to town!
"'Bring your darn ukulele.
"We don't care anymore.'
And they all sang."
( boy and townspeople singing happily )
THEO: Yeah, Lionel!
Well done, son!
The end.
( Leona quavers )
Encore! Encore!
Didn't I tell you?
I'm so proud.
So, Leona, honey
what'd you think, huh?
( quavers )
Abiyoyo! Abiyoyo! Abiyoyo! Mommy!
It's okay.
Leona, it's only a story, honey.
Yeah, the monster was
just make-believe, sweetheart.
Yeah, Abiyoyo isn't real.
He's still scary!
He's got big slobbery teeth
and big stinky feet!
Whoa! She's really scared.
What are we going to do?
Wait! I know!
All I need is paper, glue and some pipe cleaners.
Oh, Leona, darling, go see Mommy.
There you go, okay, good.
Now, everybody, stay right here.
I've got an idea.
( laughs )
Okay, everybody, stay right here.
We've got an idea!
Dad, what's the idea?
( whimpering )
( softly ): Oh, Leona.
Hey, look, everything's going to be okay.
Daddy's going to fix everything.
Actually, it's my real hair.
Oh! Get into the groove
as Martha Reader and the Vowelles croon
the double "o"-- "ooh"-- sound in the word "hoop"!
( rhythm and blues music playing )
( Martha singing "ooh" sound, then Vowelles repeat "ooh" )
( ensemble singing "ooh" )
( singing continues )
GAWAIN: Excellent!
Gawain here once again at Blending Fields
where two brave knights in armor
will charge together at high speed and make a word.
Competing today we have Sir H...
( cheering )
And Sir Oop!
( cheering )
Blend on, dudes!
BOTH: Hoop!
( cheering )
Look, one arm!
Me, too!
Oop! How embarrassing.
"Hoop"-- excellent!
That's Gawain's word for today.
And this is Gawain saying
I hope to whoop it up with you real soon!
See you next time on...
MAN: ♪ Swami Smarmy Marmy ♪
♪ That's this swami's name ♪
♪ And reading what the future writes ♪
♪ Is Swami Marmy's game! ♪
I see...
( quavers )
I see...
Oh! What do you see in the future
O great and wise and sassy Swami Marmy?
( eerily ): Yes, "oops..."
With an exclamation point!
That is what the future has written.
( eerily ): So... be on the lookout for "oops"...
with an exclamation point!
Y-y-yeah, I will!
I'll be on the...
( squeaks ): Okay!
( Swami Smarmy Marmy theme music plays )
Oop! Oop!
( crystal ball rolls, then crashes )
ANNOUNCER: Flying off the shelf once again
it's the continuing
daring and dangling Adventures of Cliff Hanger!
Today's adventure, number 17--
"Cliff Hanger and the Balloons."
CHORUS ( singing ):
We find Cliff Hanger where we left him last--
hanging from a cliff.
( branch breaking )
All of a sudden, a bunch of balloons floats by.
Ahh, balloons!
Poor, marooned Cliff roots around in his backpack
and soon locates... his trusty survival manual.
Using his expert decoding skills, Cliff begins to read.
Hmm, "baboons"... ahh, here we are, "balloons."
CLIFF ( reading ):
Has Cliff Hanger made his escape at last?
CHORISTER: ♪ And that's why he's called Cliff Hanger. ♪
We're back!
( Leona whimpering )
Oh, it's only Daddy, sweetie.
LIONEL: And Lionel.
Oh, hi...
Now, Leona, you're not scared
of Daddy or Lionel, are you?
Not even when Daddy goes "boogly"?
No-- boogly-boogly!
( chuckling ): Good, good.
Now, Daddy has just made a mask.
Daddy and Lionel have just made a mask.
W-what kind of a mask?
Oh, a mask that looks like the giant Abiyoyo.
Abiyoyo, no, no, no!
THEO: Oh, but... but...
but it isn't Abiyoyo, Leona
it's just a mask-- just paper and glue
and some old pipe cleaners.
Lots of glue.
I see what you're doing, but...
Now, Daddy is going to put the mask on
and even though he'll look like the monster Abiyoyo
it's just make-believe.
LIONEL: Not real.
Like the story.
So when you see Daddy in the mask and he goes "boogly-boogly"
there will be nothing to be afraid of, okay?
Uh... okay.
Here we go.
( whimpering )
What... what happened?
Leona... I can't see anything.
It's not working, Theo.
Please take the mask off.
Oh, it's not working.
( fur ripping )
Oh... oh, Leona, oh, baby, I'm sorry.
Daddy's so sorry.
Oh... I terrified my little girl.
What kind of a father am I?
I don't know--
what kind of a father are you?
A very good father, that's what kind.
You meant well, Theo, love.
Yes, I did mean well.
I did, Leona.
Leona? Leona?
How about we go for a little walk--
just the two of us?
I thought the mask would help her understand
the difference between what's real and what's not real.
Yeah, I know, Dad.
You know, if it's any consolation
I thought it'd work, too.
( fur ripping )
Uh-oh, I think you've got some glue right here.
Hang on, Dad, I...
( straining )
Uh, son...
Son, I think you're...
( both yelling; crash )
( audience applauds )
Once again, it's magic time
with the Great Smartini!
Hey, thank you, goofy little announcer bunny!
And now, how about a big round of applause
for my...
cool and...
groovy Marmy?
The remarkable Smarmy Marmy Smartini!
( applause )
Thank you my sonny boy, Great Smartini.
You are too kind-- too... too.
And you, Marmy, are a hoot!
And now I, the Great Smartini, will perform
my amazing, trouser-defying double "o"-- "ooh"-- trick!
Marmy, may I have two words
that have the double "o"-- "ooh"-- sound in them, please?
Here, sonny boy, are the words
"noodles" and...
( applause )
Oh, thank you, Marmy!
Thank you.
And now I'll put these words into my smarty pants.
All right, and now I will say a magic word.
And now I will do my magic dance.
( to hip-hop drumbeat ): Ooh! Ah!
Dance in smarty pants, yeah.
Ooh! Ah!
Dance in smarty pants. Ooh! Ah!
All right, let's see what we've got.
Ooh... oodles of noodles!
( cheering and applause )
Can I get a whoop-de-doodle
for the noodles?!
( applause continues )
( imitating clip-clopping hooves )
( making M sound )
( making "ooh" sound )
M... oo.
( making S sound )
Moose, moose.
( bellowing ): Moose!
( laughs )
( clears throat sheepishly )
Ah, here it is.
Oh, do you recognize this, Leona?
My "yucky-lele."
"Ukulele," dear.
It's a Hawaiian word.
Here you go.
Now you have a ukulele
just like that boy in the story.
And I want you to make believe that this ruler is a magic wand
and it can make anything disappear.
Zoop! Zoop!
"Zoop! Zoop!"-- just like in the story.
"Zoop! Zoop!"-- just like in the story.
Now we're going to tell a story
about a little lion cub who lived in a library.
A little lion cub just like me?
A little lion cub just like you, Leona.
( quietly ): That's your cue, dear.
To play.
Oh, oh, yeah, yeah.
( toy ukulele playing )
"And her mother had a magic wand
and with it she could make things disappear."
"One day they were walking in the library."
Just walking?
Just walking in the library?
Yup, just taking in the sights.
Taking in the sights?
"And... all of a sudden, they came upon..."
"A mask."
( gasping, whimpering )
"But to the little cub, it didn't look
"like just a mask lying on a table.
It looked like a giant named Abiyoyo."
( gasping, whimpering ): Abiyoyo?
"The little cub was afraid
but she bravely stood her ground."
Oh. Okay, um...
"First she hid behind her mother
"but then she realized she had her ukulele
and she decided to use it."
No, no, "She decided to play her ukulele."
Oh... oh...
( toy ukulele playing )
"And she sang Abiyoyo's name."
♪ Abiyoyo, Abiyoyo... ♪
BOTH: ♪ Abiyoyo, Abiyoyo ♪
♪ Abiyoyo-biyoyo-biyoyo ♪
♪ Abiyoyo-biyoyo-biyoyo. ♪
"She sang louder."
( singing louder ): ♪ Abiyoyo, Abiyoyo, Abiyoyo. ♪
"She sang faster."
( singing faster ): ♪ Abiyoyo-biyoyo-biyoyo... ♪
"Now, Abiyoyo had never heard
"a song about himself before
and he smiled and began to dance."
♪ Abiyoyo, Abiyoyo, Abiyoyo-biyoyo-biyoyo ♪
♪ Abiyoyo, Abiyoyo... ♪
"Then Abiyoyo got out of breath."
( panting )
"He staggered."
( groaning )
"He fell flat on the table."
( music stops )
"Up steps her mother, and..."
"And all that was left was a goofy old mask
made out of paper, glue and some old pipe cleaners."
"And the little cub was no longer afraid
of the mask or Abiyoyo, because..."
Because, it's just make-believe.
It can't really hurt me, can it, Mama?
That's right, Leona.
"The end."
Yeah, but...
No, no, Mama, Mama, wait.
Maybe it's not the end.
Maybe it's just the beginning.
And the little lion cub put on the mask.
Ooh, scary.
Do you ever get really scared?
( chuckles )
Well, Lionel, I haven't been really scared
in a long time
but, uh, I suppose it's possible--
I mean, theoretically.
Huh, what's that?
BOTH ( yelling ): Abiyoyo!
CLICK: Fear program located!
( yells )
Hey... hey, Dad.
D-Dad... Dad!
Lionel, it's just me, it's just Leona!
Mom, You'd better get up here
and bring your wand and my "yucky-lele"!
And now Walter Pigeon and Clay Pigeon
scare Barnaby B. Busterfield III.
Heh, I doubt it.
Yeah-- boogly!
Nope, not scary.
Uh... um...
Boogly, boogly!
Yeah, boogly, boogly!
( both laughing )
( Buster groans )
All right, pigeons
you've forced me to do this.
( laughs )
Ahh, the power of make-believe.
CHORUS: ♪ Be here between the lions! ♪
( to rap beat ): ♪ Come on, everyone, let's show 'em how it's done. ♪
Watch me!
Miss Roma Downey!
Mr. Pantomime Horse!
There are games and stories at the Between the Lions Web site:
pbskids.org, or America Online keyword: PBS Kids.
Hi, Mr. Roker.
Hi, Leona.
Mr. Roker, could you be
my designated reader today?
I'd be happy to.
Wow, thank you!
You ready?
All right-- "It was a dark and stormy night..."
"Not fit out for man nor beast..."
♪ ♪ ♪
[Captioned by The Caption Center WGBH Educational Foundation]
CHORUS: ♪ Between the lions... ♪
♪ Between the lions... ♪
WOMAN: ♪ Come in between the lions ♪
♪ Begin between the lions ♪
♪ Be here between the lions! ♪
CLEO: Between the Lions is funded in part by...