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  • Things escalated in Hong Kong during a protest for freedom and democracy when Police attacked

  • crowds with tear gas and pepper spray. “Yup, that sounds like freedom and democracy to

  • ussaid the Ferguson Police Department

  • Hey folks, welcome to the new show, I’m Ross Everett and you have the freedom to watch

  • any of the following videos. And luckily for us, there’s only going to be one.

  • Some of you may have heard some complicated jibber jabber about what’s going on between

  • Hong Kong and China. But the names of the cities are hard to pronounce and I’m not

  • in Hong Kong or China so why bother using my thinking box to understand the trouble

  • feels?

  • First, Hong Kong and China have a weird relationship. Hong Kong is the kid that graduated college

  • and their parents forced them to move back home after. But instead of college, it’s

  • Britain, because like most civil unrest, it all starts with Britain. Britain is like the

  • bad guy in a Sherlock Holmes mystery where you look and see it lurking in the background

  • of all the crime scene photos: that Israel Palestine conflict, India’s fight for independence,

  • the revolutionary war. Britain was there the entire time.

  • So, it’s 1997 and Hong Kong is back at home living with China after spending 100 years

  • at Oxford. And theyre like, “In Britain theyve got this thing called capitalism

  • and I want to do that here.” And China, who keeps a staunchly Communist home, says,

  • that’s fine, but you have to live here for 20 years first. And Hong Kong is like, okay,

  • there’s gonna be some rules though. First, you gotta let me do my own thing, let’s

  • call that autonomy, second, in 2017 I’m moving out and gonna do my democracy thing

  • and you gotta be okay with that, and third I’m putting up this poster of Arcade Fire.”

  • And China agrees.

  • So here we have Capitalist Hong Kong being overseen by Communist China which, while sounding

  • like a new eastern version of Two and Half Men, carries over none of the charm that Charlie

  • Sheen and John Crier brought to the roles.

  • And everything is fine for about 17 years. But then in August of 2014 China slides a

  • note under Hong Kong’s door that saysYou guys are probably really excited to move out

  • and start to living on your own, right? Welllllll, about thatso you still get to vote and

  • elect your chief executive, but it’s going to be from a pool of candidates that we choose.”

  • Essentially, you guys can move out into the guest house, the basement, or the attic. But

  • you get to choose between any of those.

  • Which is understandable, because here in America, we give the same offer to the animals that

  • we keep in our zoos. Youre absolutely the king of the jungle. In this 30 foot cage.

  • Oh, you want food?

  • So, Hong Kongers took to the streets in peaceful protest where Hong Kong police thought that

  • they’d sit down with the protesters and have a civilized conversation in the form

  • of spraying the protesters with pepper spray and tear gas. It’s like having a fire department

  • who tries to fight fires with gasoline. And then people were likeohhh, that’s why

  • freedom is important. Because THAT shouldn’t be happening

  • But, everyone knows the best leaders are the ones who are readily willing to attack their

  • own people. Joining the ranks of such great leaders like Saddam Hussein, Hosni Mubarak,

  • Kim Jong Un... Why would Hong Kongers want to elect their own leaders, when their current

  • Chinese appointed leaders handle these situations so well already?

  • Remember, China is a communist country and not the biggest fan of democracy mostly because

  • it leads to awful things like elected governments, free speech and tear gas depletion. And while

  • China has boasted about it’s relationship with Hong Kong sayingone country, two

  • systemsthey left out the fact that one system is working the strings and the other

  • system is a marionette.

  • But now that it’s time to cut the strings off this marionette and let it go, China is

  • changing the rules and putting it into a cage with force. Which is the exact plot of the

  • movie Pinocchio, and China is going straight Stromboli. (Show clip from pinoccio)

  • What do you think, if you were in Hong Kong would you be okay with these stipulations

  • on the 2017 election? Let me know in the comments down below. Remember to like the video if

  • you liked it and subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already. We release new videos

  • every weekday like this one. Take a look:

Things escalated in Hong Kong during a protest for freedom and democracy when Police attacked


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香港抗議活動升溫! (Hong Kong Protests Heating Up!)

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    阿多賓 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日