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Hey, I need you to listen very closely.
I need you to pause and listen in this lesson, I'm going to tell you seven things
that you must stop saying this year, seven things that if you stop saying them,
your English will go to the next level.
Are you ready to learn what these seven things are?
Well, then I'm teacher Tiffani.
Let's jump right in.
The very first thing you must stop saying is my English is bad.
And you're probably smiling or shaking your head because you've said this before.
Oh, I'm sorry.
My, my English is bad.
Why do you need to stop saying this this year?
Here's the reason why you must stop saying this.
When you say my English is bad, this phrase undermines.
Your confidence and also discourages conversation.
What do you mean teacher Tiffani?
Let me explain it more.
The moment you say my English is bad.
Your brain says, okay, well, we're not going to work hard.
We're not going to work hard.
If you already believe that your English is bad, why is your brain going to work
overtime to help you find the words or expressions in your brain's database?
It actually decreases your confidence in yourself.
When you say my English is bad, you're not believing in yourself.
Remember, I tell you all the time I believe in you, but you
have to believe in yourself.
The second thing is it also discourages conversation.
If you start off the conversation by saying my English is bad, well, the person
listening will say, okay, well, we're not going to have a good conversation
because you don't have the ability to express yourself in this language.
So a part of their listening suddenly turns off.
Oh, well, this person can't speak English.
I'll just kind of listen, uh, kind of, and then I'll keep walking.
Don't say my English is bad.
Listen, I'm trying to help you improve your English this year.
I want you to be able to speak English fluently, but you must
stop saying my English is bad.
So what's the alternative?
What should you say?
This is what I want you to say.
I'm still learning English.
So please bear with me.
I love this one.
Hey, I'm still learning English.
So please just bear with me.
In other words, Hey, I'm still on my journey.
I'm still on my journey to speak English fluently.
Would you mind just being patient with me?
I guarantee the response is going to be much different from how my English is bad.
Well, turn off my ears.
I'm on my English journey.
Would you be patient?
I'm going to.
Open my ears even more, pay attention, even more, my friend, stop saying
my English is bad and instead say, I'm still learning English.
Please bear with me.
You got it.
Listen, write this down.
This is going to help you this year.
Let's move on to the second thing.
I need you to stop saying this year.
The second thing is this.
It's too difficult.
It's too difficult.
Stop saying this.
When you say it's too difficult, once again, you're telling your
brain, turn off, I don't need you.
I don't need your effort because this is too hard.
It's too difficult.
I can't do it.
Why do I want you to stop saying this?
Here's the main reason when you say this.
It can discourage others and limit personal growth.
Listen closely.
It can discourage others and also limit your personal growth.
What do you mean?
What I'm saying is as human beings, we affect each other.
So the moment you say it's too difficult, the person listening
to you, another English learner, maybe you were their goal.
You were like, Hey, they were like, man, if she can do it, if
he can do it, I know I can do it.
The moment you say it's too difficult, all of a sudden.
Well, if it's too difficult for them, I know I can't do it.
You can not intentionally inadvertently start discouraging someone else.
And also it will limit your own growth.
Similar to the first thing I told you not to say, when you
say this, it's too difficult.
Again, your brain says, well, we're not going to grow in this area
because you believe it's too hard.
Stop believing that stop saying that.
What should you say instead, instead of it's too difficult.
I want you to say this.
I find it challenging.
That's a fact, but I'm willing to figure it out.
Ooh, I get so excited when these are the words that replace the old words.
Listen, I find it challenging.
I'm admitting this is not the easiest.
It is challenging, but I am willing.
To figure it out, listen, my goal is to help you this year.
Speak English fluently.
Do you believe in yourself?
Are you willing to figure it out?
Listen, I feel good.
I hope you feel good.
So again, instead of saying it's too difficult, I want you to say,
I do find it challenging, but I'm willing to figure it out.
You know what?
Say it with me.
I find it challenging, but I'm willing to figure it out.
Let's move on.
Number three.
What's the third thing I need you to stop saying this year.
I'll try once again, I'll try.
You're probably thinking to yourself, wait, Tiff, why is I'll
try something that I shouldn't say?
Here's the reason.
The phrase leaves room for doubt and uncertainty, doubt and uncertainty.
I'm realizing that this is an English lesson, but also a motivational lesson.
So I'm hoping you're feeling motivated.
When you say I'll try even watch my body language.
If you're watching this lesson on YouTube, watch my body language.
I'll try.
I don't really believe I can do it per se, but I mean.
I mean, I'll, I'll give it a try.
There's this measure of doubt, this measure of uncertainty, like, ah, I
don't know the a hundreds that believe that I can do it, but I'll try.
So what do I want you to say instead of I'll try, this is what I want you to say.
I will do my best.
Such a different phrase I'll try, not sure if it's going to happen, but I
mean, I'll try versus I will do my best.
I'll give it my all.
I'll give 110 percent listen as your English teacher.
And I'm sure, or I hope you guys can feel this.
I hope you realize how passionate I am about helping
you achieve your goal this year.
I'm not trying, I'm doing my best.
I'm giving 110%.
Because I believe in you.
I am giving my best.
I'm not just, well, I'm trying.
I mean, I'm trying to record a video.
No, when I get in front of this camera, when I get on this microphone, I am
here for you giving my all my friend.
I need you to do the same thing when it comes to your English.
Don't try.
Give your best.
Don't slack off.
Don't be lazy.
You have control of your English journey.
Listen, man, I believe in you so much.
You have the power to take yourself to the next level.
Why you have a teacher who cares about you.
I care about you.
We've never met in person probably, but I care about you.
And now I just need you to believe in yourself.
Do your best, give your best.
And I.
Guarantee you will see results.
So stop saying I'll try and instead say, I'll do my best.
You got it.
Ooh, I felt that one.
I felt that one.
Here we go.
Number four, I need you to stop saying this.
Stop saying.
It's impossible.
Stop saying it's impossible.
It's not again, I'm your English teacher.
English is my first language.
I understand that, but I have watched too many students do what
you might think is impossible.
It doesn't matter your age.
I don't care if you're 75 years old, it's not impossible.
I don't care if you've been studying English for 25 years, it's not impossible.
Here's the reason I need you to stop saying this.
This phrase can indicate a closed mindset and lack of creativity, a closed mindset.
Hey, I'm done.
I mean, it's impossible.
It's impossible for me to speak English fluently.
Why am I trying?
That's a closed mindset.
And it also shows a lack of creativity.
You see, here's the truth of the matter.
As human beings, we all learn differently.
We each have a different learning style.
Some people are visual.
Some people need to hear things auditory, right?
Some people simply need a book and they can read it and boom, they get it.
But just because what you've been doing now has not worked,
it doesn't mean it's impossible.
You just need to get creative and find another.
Way of studying my goal as an English teacher is to hopefully provide you
with various methods, different ways of studying English that are more
enjoyable, that are creative to help you move forward along your journey.
To speaking English fluently.
So stop saying it's impossible instead.
Here's the alternative.
It seems challenging.
You want to acknowledge?
I mean, it's a fact it seems challenging, but let me look for possible solutions.
Listen, I've been studying English for 15 years.
It's I'm not going to lie to you.
It it's challenging, but I'm willing to look for possible solutions.
There has to be another way to do what I'm doing.
People are speaking English fluently.
There's a way to get moving, to move forward on my journey.
I'm willing to look for possible solutions.
Man, I can't wait for the day when I can meet you in person.
And see all of the changes, all of the improvements witness in person,
your English speaking ability.
When you stop saying it's impossible and start saying, Hey, it's, it's challenging.
Yes, but I'm looking and willing to look for possible solutions.
That's called confidence, baby.
You can have confidence as a beginner, as an intermediate and
as an advanced English learner.
Listen, believe in yourself, wherever you are on your journey.
It's challenging, but I'm willing to look for some possible solutions.
You, you better say it, be confident in yourself.
Here we go.
Number five, number five.
The fifth thing I need you to stop saying, I don't need help.
I'm good.
I'm good.
I can do it on my own.
I don't need help.
Let me say this wasn't even planned.
Not in my notes at all.
When you say I don't need help, you are limiting yourself in so many different
ways, I'm your English teacher, and I'm going to be very transparent right now.
I'm going to be very honest with you.
I'm building this community, right?
We have this YouTube family, a YouTube community.
I have my Academy with my family.
Uh, students are called my family.
Again, you can join the Academy if you'd like links in the description, but the
purpose of what I'm saying right now is.
In the community, right?
Family members among the family members, the students that I teach,
there's a select group, student leaders, and you guys know who you are.
I have student leaders and they help manage our family.
I am one person.
I have a huge goal to help 1 billion English learners.
I can not do it alone.
I need help.
So the student leaders step up and say, Tiff, we got you.
We're with you.
We're with you on this mission to help 1 billion English learners.
And the way my heart is warmed when I see my student leaders helping other students,
and I'm like, man, you guys care.
They're like, Tiff, we have a mission.
We're trying to help 1 billion English learners.
I needed help.
And I still need their help today.
I can't do it alone.
So if me as your English teacher, if I can't do it alone, I need you to
stop saying that you don't need help.
We're human beings together.
We work better.
Here's the main reason when you say I don't need help as an English
learner, this phrase can prevent others from offering assistance.
Or support other people around you have the desire to see you succeed.
I want you to succeed.
And I haven't even met you in person, but I'm in your corner.
I want you to succeed.
Imagine those around you that know you personally that
have watched you over years.
They want to help you.
They want to be your support.
When you say I'm good, I don't need any help.
I got this.
You limit them from being able to help you instead of saying, I don't need help.
I want you to say, thank you.
I appreciate your offer.
I could use some help with this.
I appreciate your offer.
I appreciate your desire to help me.
I could use some help with this.
Just like your English, Tiffani, I appreciate your help.
And I've seen it in the comments and I do read the comments and I
appreciate each and every one of you.
When you say, Tiff, thank you for this lesson.
You've changed my life.
This lesson has helped me.
I speak English more fluently.
You know what happens when I read those messages?
They make me want to record more lessons.
You are helping me give back to you even more.
Let people help you.
We become better individuals when we allow those around us to support us
and help us on your English journey.
Let people help you.
You got me.
All right, here we go.
Number six, the sixth thing I need you to stop saying, I'm not good at English.
I'm just not good.
My English is not good.
Similar to the first thing I'm bad.
I, I, my English, I'm not good at English.
Stop saying this.
Stop saying that you're not good at English.
The very fact that you're saying it in English, isn't that ironic?
I'm not good at English, but you're speaking English.
You're speaking English.
Stop saying I'm not good at English.
Here's the reason when you say I'm not good at English, this phrase in
and of itself limits your own belief in your language learning abilities.
Remember, I keep harping on this point.
I keep emphasizing this point.
I keep saying this over and over again.
Tiffani known to some as teacher, Tiffani, others as Tiff, Tiffani, I believe in
you, but you have to believe in yourself.
Stop saying I'm not good at English.
Instead, here's the alternative.
I want you to say this.
I'm still developing my language skills, but I'm determined.
To improve, man, if I have a student that says that to me, you talking about
the smile that'll come on my face.
Because this is a sign of confidence.
Listen, I'm still developing.
I'm in the process.
I'm on my journey and I'm determined.
I have made a decision to improve.
You have to make a decision.
This year is your year.
You have to tell yourself, listen, yes, I'm on this journey,
but I am determined to improve.
Stop saying I'm not good.
Remind yourself that you're on a journey and be patient with yourself.
You ready?
Let's move on.
Here we go.
Number seven, number seven.
Stop saying I'll do it later.
I'm okay, I'll do it later.
Stop procrastinating.
That's what this is called.
I'll do it later.
Here's the reason why this phrase, I need you to stop saying it.
This phrase can lead to what did I just say?
Procrastination and unfinished tasks.
Listen, I mean, I enjoy these YouTube videos with Tiffani one day.
I'd like to study with her.
I'll do it later.
Now, I'm not telling you, you have to study with me and my Academy.
I'm not saying that there are many other great English teachers and you
might be studying with them right now.
That is totally okay.
What I'm saying though, is, you know, where you are on your English journey.
You know, what you need to do to get to the next level.
You know, my friend, you know, you're smart.
Stop saying I'll do it later.
Maybe it's a book, you know, you need.
Maybe it's a course you need to enroll in.
Maybe it is my Academy you want to enroll in.
Maybe it's a teacher that you want to study with in your native country.
Whatever it is, stop saying I'll do it later.
I want you to say this, I'll start on it now, or I'll set a specific time to do it.
Stop saying I'll do it later and either do it now or set a specific time.
For my students in my Academy, in the daily English lessons program, I have
365 daily English lessons in one year, moving them to the advanced English level.
Every day, they follow a specific lesson that I've set up for them.
Why did I set the program up like that?
Because every day they know what they have to do.
Stop saying I'll do it later and do it now.
We're talking about you, my friend, achieving your English goals this year.
I believe in you, but I need you to believe in yourself.
I hope you enjoyed this lesson.
And I'll talk to you next time.
You still there?
? You know what time?
It's it's story time.
Hey, I said it's story time . You know what?
Today for story time, kind of in line with our lesson for today,
it's a bit motivational, right?
Um, and again, I'll be transparent.
I, at the end of last year, 2023, I.
Decided to switch things up in my business.
I'll be very honest with you.
So for the year of 2023, I had a daily English vocabulary email newsletter.
It was not free.
Listen closely in 2023.
I had a daily English vocabulary newsletter, and it was not free.
It was only about 10 a month, but every day, excluding Saturday, students would
get an email with a new vocabulary word, put a lot of work into it.
Had my assistant helping me and it was going okay.
And at the end of 2023, there were about maybe, maybe a hundred consistent
students on that email newsletter list.
And it was making some money, right?
It wasn't.
Tens of thousands of dollars, but it was a stream of revenue for my business.
And I'm being honest with you, transparent.
I prayed and I said, God, my goal is to help more English learners.
I appreciate these hundred students, but apparently there are more students who can
use these vocabulary words, but they don't have enough money to pay for this service.
What do I do?
I have always been passionate about helping English learners learn vocabulary.
I remember when I was in Korea, I enjoyed teaching vocabulary,
whether it be using a picture or a story or a song, I just enjoyed it.
And I know that every English learner needs vocabulary
to say, God, what do I do?
True story.
God said, Tiffani, stop charging for it.
And I was like, Oh, Again, remember I'm running a business, right?
So I have people that I have to pay.
There are different moving parts and yes, you want to give everything for
free, but you have to run your business.
So I said, I said, Lord, you know, I don't really care about the money, but
you also know I have a team that I have to pay and they're depending on me.
If we take away a stream of revenue.
To make it free.
What are we doing?
He said, don't worry.
Just trust me.
I said, okay.
Remember now, when I was going to shut down the paid version,
they were around 100 students.
My goal.
What to, I can't wait to get to the end of the story to help
as many people as possible.
So I said, okay, God, this is you leading.
I'm going to do it.
I want to help more English learners.
He said, okay.
So I went through the whole process, took about a month.
I had to camp, I had to shut down the paid version, refund some
people for their last month, then go on a new platform and set up.
It was a process, right?
But all throughout.
Setting things up.
God was like, I'm in it.
Don't worry.
I got you.
Don't worry.
I'll cover you and your team.
Don't worry.
You're going to help more people.
So my, I said, okay, God, he said, Tiff, what's your goal?
Remember I was telling you, you have to have a goal.
You need to know, don't procrastinate, know what you're trying to get to.
I said, okay, God, I'm not lying to you.
I'm honestly, my friend, I said, my goal is in 2024.
Remember in 2023, at the end of 2023, I had 100 students paid members on this
email vocabulary newsletter, right?
I said, Lord, by the end of 2024, December 31st, 2024, I'd like to have 10,
000 students on this email newsletter.
Lord, the free version, right?
I said, my goal is 10, 000 students, God.
And I thought that was a high goal.
Like man, 10, 000 students, we got to put in some work, Lord, advertising, sharing.
Totally free, but still people have many different things.
They are subscribed to, he said, okay, so I wrote it down.
I wrote, I'm looking right now at the writing I have on my wall in my office.
He said, okay, so talk to God, organize how I'm going to set up this free
email newsletter every day, five new vocabulary words, and I'm going to connect
it to a topic, all of these things.
So actually making it better than the previous newsletter.
The paid newsletter, I'm making the free one better than the paid one was.
I said, all right, God, you got to help.
You know, my goal is 10, 000 by the end of 2024, the last.
Week of 2023, I was praying like, okay, God, you know, we're in the process.
Everything is going okay.
It's kind of going smoothly.
Please, Lord, I want to help more students.
I want to help more English learners.
He said, I know your heart.
I know you do, man.
He said, Tiff, I kid you not.
He said, Tiff announce it.
Go on YouTube.
Go on Instagram, go on Telegram, go on Facebook and tell your students
that you're going to have a free email newsletter with vocabulary every day.
Tell them and tell them to subscribe early.
I said, Oh, okay.
Again, it's free.
So I'm like, okay, I'll just tell them.
So I went the first day and I announced it.
YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Telegram.
And some of you might, you might've even seen my announcements of videos.
I said, okay, God.
And I think the first day.
Maybe about 500 came in in like an hour.
I said, whoa, whoa God.
God said, I told you I got you.
Your desire is to help people.
I said, yeah, God, you know, I just want to help Lord.
I just wanna help.
I got you.
He said, put another video out.
I said, okay.
Every day of that week, I put a video out.
I sent a message, Hey guys, I have this free email newsletter.
Every day.
You'll get five new vocabulary words, totally free sign up.
Here's the link by December 30th, no, December 31st, 2023.
Do you know how many people subscribed?
Remember in 2023, there were 100, right?
Well, a hundred people.
And the reason I wanted to switch is because I wanted to help more people.
God said, stop charging, give it for free.
I said, all right, December 31st, 2023, my goal for 2024 was 10, 000.
December 31st, 2023, before the very first free email went out, there were
10, 000 plus people on that email list.
Listen, when I tell you, first of all, you know, I'm a Christian.
God hears our prayers.
Second of all, my desire to help you is real.
And I wrote my goal down.
And trusted that God would help.
There are well over 10, 000 people now on this list every day, receiving an
email, five new English vocabulary words connected to a topic and the joy that
fills my soul is not about the money.
It's a free newsletter.
It's not about the money, the joy that fills my soul when I realized
God helped me achieve a goal before the year even started, because I
wrote it down and I trusted him.
Of course, my goals have since changed.
And again, if you're not already on the, you probably are already on
the list, but you can, it's free.
It's an email that goes out every day, except Saturday.
You can get it as well.
Five new vocabulary words every day.
Because your teacher, me, Tiffani, I just want to help you
achieve your goals this year.
I hope this story inspired you.
I hope it reminded you of the importance of writing down your goal and trusting
that God will help you achieve your goals.
I care about you.
I want your English to improve.
I believe it can, and I believe in you and I want you to believe in yourself.
Thank you for giving me the honor of being your English teacher.
Again, I'll continue working hard to help you achieve your English goals.
Let's keep going.
Let's jump right in.