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  • In Warriors, we have many sources that could be considered canon: sources that often contradict

  • each other or make interpretations of characters and events questionable.

  • At the center of it now is the Warriors family tree, a mishmash of nearly everything we've

  • ever heard even passively about character relations in the series.

  • Today I will be methodically going through the family tree on the Warriors Website and

  • discussing every case where the relation put forward is not established within the canon

  • of the books.

  • If a relationship you find on the family tree is not mentioned, that is probably because

  • it is confirmed somewhere in the books...or because it wasn't on the family tree yet

  • when this video was made.

  • Just in case, here's a picture of the whole family tree as I see it for you to compare

  • against.

  • I will declare vehemently, and repeatedly if necessary, that the Family Tree on the

  • website is not itself a source for what is canon.

  • It takes its own information from other places, both the books and the Warriors Wiki which

  • has, at different periods, included information from author chats, facebook messages, the

  • warriors app, and other sources outside of the books.

  • These decisions could easily be changed or contradicted in the blink of an eye if the

  • team behind Warriors ever decided to write something new in their books, so they carry

  • very little weight.

  • It is also often the case that, when single people make off handed comments, little to

  • no thought is put into the wide-reaching consequences of those decisions, so it can create bad impressions

  • of the characters we know that wouldn't have to exist if more thought was put in.

  • The only remotely concrete information we have is what is said somewhere in the published

  • texts, and so that is the standard by which I will judge this family tree.

  • That isn't to say that information in the books can't provide bad implications too,

  • but it is less likely to be contradicted in future material, as it was agreed upon by

  • the team behind the books.

  • In addition, because the wiki has begun to cite the family tree in place of the original

  • source, and since the family tree appears to pull from the wiki, we can get something

  • of a cyclical canon where it is difficult to tell what is true and what came from where.

  • This is why I feel it is important to parse everything out now.

  • Having tons of interweaving relations is great for making a visually appealing family tree,

  • but it can be detrimental when it comes to writing an ongoing story over many generations,

  • where the characters need to keep interacting and becoming mates.

  • But let it be known before we begin that you are allowed to take any of these relations

  • as canon for your own projects or in your own head to establish more relations with

  • relevant characters.

  • I would just avoid using them in arguments, because they are not as set in stone as one

  • would prefer to have in their evidence, and you should definitely not get upset with anyone

  • who doesn't take these relations as canon, as the strength of these sources is more a

  • matter of opinion than anything else.

  • I'll be taking these additions clan by clan to keep it from becoming too chaotic, and

  • because it has by far the most focus in both the series and the family tree, I will begin

  • with Thunderclan.

  • First of all, Oakstar is listed as Fallowsong's sibling, and even the warriors wiki says this

  • is a mistake and it is his mate Sweetbriar who is supposed to be her sibling.

  • However, even that relationship was never established in the books.

  • This one is from Facebook, something that you will notice is a theme throughout a lot

  • of these.

  • While we did know that Windflight's father was previously a Windclan cat, his name, Eaglestorm

  • was never said in the books.

  • This is also from Facebook, a fan's interpretation on Vicky's page.

  • Also on facebook came more information about Windflight, like him being the mate of Rainfur

  • and therefore the father of Thrushpelt, Dappletail, and Tawnyspots.

  • Since Windflight already had a different canonical mate, Poppydawn, and three kits through her,

  • adding these additional three kits has huge potential to muddy up the family tree.

  • For example, with this information, Thrushpelt and Thistleclaw are half-brothers, making

  • Thrushpelt and Bluestar sibling-in-laws.

  • Dappletail is said to be Runningwind's mate, and they were said to have two kits, Featherkit

  • and Cricketkit, but none of these are relationships you could have gleaned from the books.

  • It was, once again, all from a particular fan on Vicky's facebook.

  • While we all now know, thanks to Graystripe's Vow, that Willowpelt is indeed somehow Graystripe's

  • mother, we do not know his father and we do not know that Darkstripe is also her son.

  • This information came from Victoria Holmes, along with attempts to make Willowpelt and

  • Patchpelt, siblings, mates, and attempts to make Tawnyspots her mate when he had died

  • before she got her warrior name.

  • This is a great example of how off-the-cuff author statements aren't always thought

  • through.

  • Nearly all of Patchfoot's family came from out of the books.

  • Being the mate of Robinwing and Goldenflower, and having Longtail, Swiftpaw, and Lynxkit

  • as kits all comes from Facebook again.

  • Lynxkit didn't exist anywhere in the books, and without this information Longtail and

  • Swiftpaw (along with Bramblestar and Tawnypelt) are no longer siblings, or related in any

  • way.

  • Harepounce and Stagleap being mates also originates, say it with me, in Vicky's facebook.

  • Speckletail and Smallear being mates, and Smallear being the father of Lionheart, Goldenflower,

  • Snowkit, and the otherwise unnamed Mistlekit, was an invention of Vicky's.

  • And here we come to one of the most famous examples.

  • Whitestorm's supposed second mate, Brindleface, and his fatherhood over Ashfur, Ferncloud,

  • and the otherwise nonexistent Tulipkit and Elderkit, is all unconfirmed in the narrative.

  • Once again, this is information given on facebook by Vicky and the fan.

  • The family tree also lists Redtail as Brindleface's mate, a relic from the time where Vicky suggested

  • they were Sandstorm's parents.

  • That relationship has been discarded but they are still listed as mates on the official

  • family tree.

  • And, in what I'm sure is a shocking twist for some of you, Dustpelt being the kit of

  • Robinwing and Fuzzypelt, and the brother of Ravenpaw, Frostfur, Chestnutkit, and Cherrypaw,

  • is all also a facebook invention that was never mentioned in the books.

  • This was previously the case for Ravenpaw as well, but Graystripe's Vow went in to

  • make that retconned relationship official.

  • Firestar and Princesses other siblings, Filou, Tommy, and Luna, were named by the facebook

  • fan on Vicky's page, and the same is true for Princess's mate, Oliver, and Cloudtail's

  • siblings: Livy, Namy, Zack, and Taylor.

  • And finally for Thunderclan, Hollyleaf and Fallen Leaves are not mates.

  • The books never say they were mates; they did not ever tell each other they love each

  • other.

  • Fallen Leaves expresses fondness for Hollyleaf at her death but not to her face and if there

  • was any love there, it was one-way.

  • Even outside of the books Victoria Holmes has said she isn't sure if they would be

  • mates in Starclan.

  • This one is just from the family tree based mostly on the fact that Fallen Leaves was

  • the only tom, outside her own family, that Hollyleaf was close to in her life.

  • Now it is time for Shadowclan.

  • Darkflower and Scorchwind being mates and having Rowanstar, Cedarheart, and the otherwise

  • nonexistent Lavenderkit is a facebook retcon.

  • In the books, Rowanstar and Cedarheart are not given any official relation as brothers

  • or otherwise.

  • The names of Yellowfang and Raggedstar's other two dead kits, Wishkit and Hopekit,

  • were given by Vicky in a letter, but not shown in the books.

  • Finchflight and Dawncloud being mates and being the parents of the otherwise unnamed

  • Swampkit and Blossomkit is another relationship designed by the fan on Vicky's facebook.

  • This fan also introduced the relationship between Ashheart and Cinderfur that created

  • three otherwise unknown kits, Turtlekit, Rubblekit, and Quietkit.

  • And we're done with Shadowclan!

  • *Much* faster than Thunderclan, right?

  • Get used to that.

  • It's not that there are fewer errors in non-Thunderclan clans, but simply that we

  • know about far, far more relationships in Thunderclan than anywhere else.

  • So now, let's move onto Windclan.

  • Cloudrunner being Morningflower's mate and the father of Stormkit, Quailkit, and Gorsepaw

  • was information given by the same fan.

  • Shrewclaw and Ryestalk being the parents of Mudclaw and Tornear was a reveal on Vicky's

  • facebook.

  • A lot about Onestar's family was never established in canon.

  • Him and Whitetail being mates and also the parents of Heathertail are both facebook inventions,

  • along with himself, Ashfoot, and Morningflower being siblings and the kits of Stagleap (a

  • different one than in Thunderclan) and Wrenflight.

  • Ashfoot and Deadfoot did have other unnamed kits besides Crowfeather, but we don't know

  • how many, their genders, or their appearances except by information from the fan on facebook,

  • which left us with Eaglekit, Downkit, and Hillkit.

  • Now it is time for Riverclan: Fallowtail and Cedarpelt are indeed littermates,

  • but their third sibling, Marshcloud, very well might not be.

  • Marshcloud didn't appear at all in any book other than the allegiances of Tallstar's

  • Revenge, so he barely even exists.

  • The only reason he is said to be related to Fallowtail and Cedarheart is because of a

  • Facebook post from Kate Cary, one of the ghost writers.

  • Applefrost, Shyheart, and Willownose, listed on the tree as Appledusk and Reedshine's

  • kits, aren't confirmed to exist at all within the books.

  • That couple definitely did get together and had kits, but the story in Mapleshade's

  • Vengeance didn't go on long enough to show us how many kits there were or what their

  • names or genders were.

  • And all we know about Shellheart's mother from Crookedstar's Promise is that she was

  • one of these kits, however many there were.

  • These warriors were named and declared as part of the family by Victoria Holmes in a

  • letter to a fan.

  • Mosspelt is confirmed to be Willowshine's mother, however her mate being Frogleap and

  • her having Dawnflower as a second daughter are both inventions from the fan on Vicky's

  • facebook page.

  • Blackclaw being Mistystar's mate and the father of her kits, including Reedwhisker,

  • came again from the same fan on facebook.

  • And last, and certainly with the least problems, Skyclan, where the only issue is Sharpclaw.

  • His family isn't spoken of much in the books.

  • He mentions that he has a mother a couple times, but not her name or anything about

  • her.

  • However, the family tree says that his mother was named Jessamy and he had a sister called

  • Flower, both pieces of information pulled from the Warriors app.

  • You may have noticed as I went through each of these that less errors began appearing

  • as we crept further and further into the modern day.

  • This is no coincidence.

  • Since the first arc ended, and the Erins considered themselves to have a real, long, ongoing series

  • rather than a single short arc, they started to care far more about the familial and personal

  • relations they established, especially in the protagonists' clans.

  • This level of care does prevent us from guessing retroactively who certain characters' mates

  • or parents were, but it also leads to far more crossbreeding among the clans, and a

  • world where nearly every cat is related to each other in a way that isn't conducive

  • to having more relationships between these cats in the future.

  • It is a give and take, but the information is out.

  • All I really want to do with this video is take away a sliver of the misinformation,

  • so we can all proceed with equal knowledge of what the books tell us.

  • Thank you for watching, and always remember, to take your sources with a grain of salt.

In Warriors, we have many sources that could be considered canon: sources that often contradict


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貓戰士族譜 - Sunny's 演講 - 貓戰士分析(The Warriors Family Tree – Sunny's Spiel | Warriors Analysis)

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    WarriorsCatFan2007 發佈於 2024 年 02 月 18 日