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  • Kit: Hey mom? Why are we in Twolegplace?

  • Turtle Tail: Oh, we're here to see your father!

  • Kit: ....Greeeeaaaaat....

  • Turtle Tail: Hello Tom, it's me!

  • Tom: Helloo?

  • Turtle Tail: It's me, Turtle Tail, and these are your children!

  • Tom: Who are you?

  • Are you sure you have the right Tom?

  • Turtle Tail: Of course! Tom's such a terrible name, after all! How could two cats have it?

  • Tom: Can't argue with that!

  • Come on kids!

  • Oh, not you. Idiot.

  • Please, go away. Just wait out in the road or somethin. Try not to get hit by a car.

  • Lightning Tail: What's wrong, Gray Wing?

  • Gray Wing: I haven't seen the girl I like or her children ANYWHERE.

  • I'm mostly just worried about Turtle Tail. Warrior Cats hates adoption.

  • Lightning Tail: Oh yeah, better have 400 kittens before you die unfulfilled!


  • Gray Wing: Be quiet, Lightning Tail!

  • I'm trying to be a character that sends good messages!

  • Lightning Tail: You'll have a litter of your own kits by the next series and then you'll be-

  • Gray Wing: I'm not listening, Lightning Taaaaaiiiil!

  • Gray Wing: Well, we didn't find Turtle Tail, but-

  • Lightning Tail: Yes, we did, Gray Wing!

  • Gray Wing: Yes, Lightning Tail, we actually did,

  • but finding Turtle Tail's body isn't funny, Lightning Tail.

  • Why are you so concerned with the accuracy in funny Warrior Cat videos, Lightning Tail?

  • Lightning Tail: Look, Gray Wing,

  • if we find out that it was actually Thunder who did this or something,

  • I'm going to be very upset.

  • Gray Wing: Heh, uhhh...yeah! That would be WEIRD, huh?

  • Gray Wing: All right, Tom, give me back my children!

  • Tom: Uh, no.

  • They're MY children.

  • Gray Wing: Ah, shoot! Got me there!


Kit: Hey mom? Why are we in Twolegplace?


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    WarriorsCatFan2007 發佈於 2024 年 02 月 18 日