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Kit: Hey mom? Why are we in Twolegplace?
Turtle Tail: Oh, we're here to see your father!
Kit: ....Greeeeaaaaat....
Turtle Tail: Hello Tom, it's me!
Tom: Helloo?
Turtle Tail: It's me, Turtle Tail, and these are your children!
Tom: Who are you?
Are you sure you have the right Tom?
Turtle Tail: Of course! Tom's such a terrible name, after all! How could two cats have it?
Tom: Can't argue with that!
Come on kids!
Oh, not you. Idiot.
Please, go away. Just wait out in the road or somethin. Try not to get hit by a car.
Lightning Tail: What's wrong, Gray Wing?
Gray Wing: I haven't seen the girl I like or her children ANYWHERE.
I'm mostly just worried about Turtle Tail. Warrior Cats hates adoption.
Lightning Tail: Oh yeah, better have 400 kittens before you die unfulfilled!
Gray Wing: Be quiet, Lightning Tail!
I'm trying to be a character that sends good messages!
Lightning Tail: You'll have a litter of your own kits by the next series and then you'll be-
Gray Wing: I'm not listening, Lightning Taaaaaiiiil!
Gray Wing: Well, we didn't find Turtle Tail, but-
Lightning Tail: Yes, we did, Gray Wing!
Gray Wing: Yes, Lightning Tail, we actually did,
but finding Turtle Tail's body isn't funny, Lightning Tail.
Why are you so concerned with the accuracy in funny Warrior Cat videos, Lightning Tail?
Lightning Tail: Look, Gray Wing,
if we find out that it was actually Thunder who did this or something,
I'm going to be very upset.
Gray Wing: Heh, uhhh...yeah! That would be WEIRD, huh?
Gray Wing: All right, Tom, give me back my children!
Tom: Uh, no.
They're MY children.
Gray Wing: Ah, shoot! Got me there!