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  • Welcome to another speak English with me video.


  • Most of you guys already know how this works.


  • But for the new people here, I'll explain.


  • But first of all, thank you for joining us.


  • So you will basically speak English with me.


  • We will have a dialogue where one line will be mine and the next one will be yours.


  • I'm going to say my line and then you will read your line from the screen out loud as if you were answering me, and then vice versa.


  • By performing this dialogue, I'm going to teach you, men, how to meet a girl and ask her on a date in a very, very smart and charming manner so that she doesn't even notice.


  • I'm just kidding.


  • But you know, you can use this as a trick, just saying, but not putting ideas in your head.


  • So first let's listen to and watch (the) full dialogue and then we'll practice it.


  • Excuse me. Sorry to bother you, but I seem to be lost. Do you know which way Main Street is?

    打擾一下。很抱歉打擾你,但我好像迷路了。 你知道主街在哪個方向嗎?

  • Oh, sure, no problem. You're actually heading in the opposite direction. Main Street is just a few blocks that way. I can show you if you'd like.

    哦,當然,沒問題。你其實是在朝著反方向前進。 主街就在那邊的幾個街區遠。 如果你願意,我可以帶你去看看。

  • That would be great. Thank you. I'm Mark, by the way. I appreciate your help.


  • Nice to meet you, Mark. I'm Sarah. No problem at allm happy to help. So, what brings you to this part of town?


  • Well, I was exploring a bit and got caught up in the charm of this area. I have to admit I'm not very familiar with the neighborhood.


  • How about you? Do you live around here?


  • Yes, I do. I've been living here for a couple of years now. It's a lovely place with lots of little cafes and shops.

    是的。我已經在這裡住了幾年了。 這是一個很美好的地方,有很多小咖啡館和商店。

  • Could you possibly recommend a few places for me to check out? A local's recommendations are always the best.

    你能推薦幾個地方讓我去看看嗎? 當地人推薦的永遠是最好的。

  • Of course. Tthere's actually a cozy little cafe nearby that serves amazing coffee, in case you're a coffee drinker. It's called "The Brew Spot."

    當然,如果你喜歡喝咖啡的話,附近還有一家舒適的小咖啡館,它叫 The Brew Spot,提供令人讚不絕口的咖啡。

  • Yes, I am. Maybe we could grab a cup of coffee right now, if you have some time and you could tell me more about the area.


  • Yeah, why not? I'd enjoy that. I actually do have some time now.

    好啊,何不?我會喜歡的。 我現在確實有時間。

  • Perfect. After you.


  • All right. It's time to practice. I'll go first.

    好的是時候練習了。 我先來。

  • Excuse me. Sorry to bother you, but I seem to be lost. Do you know which way Main Street is?

    打擾一下。很抱歉打擾你,但我好像迷路了。 你知道主街怎麼走嗎?

  • Oh, sure, no problem. You're actually heading in the opposite direction. Main Street is just a few blocks that way. I can show you if you'd like.

    哦,當然,沒問題。 你實際上正朝著相反的方向前進。 主街在那邊的幾個街區遠。 如果你願意的話我可以帶你去看。

  • That would be great. Thank you. I'm Mark, by the way, I appreciate your help.

    那就太好了。謝謝。 話說,我是馬克,感謝你的幫助。

  • Nice to meet you, Mark. I'm Sarah. No problem at allm happy to help. So, what brings you to this part of town?

    很高興認識你,馬克。 我是莎拉。 沒問題,很樂意提供協助。 那麼,是什麼讓你來到這個城鎮的呢?

  • Well, I was exploring a bit and got caught up in the charm of this area. I have to admit, I'm not very familiar with the neighborhood.


  • How about you? Do you live around here?


  • Yes, I do. I've been living here for a couple of years now. It's a lovely place with lots of little cafes and shops.

    是的。 我已經在這裡住了幾年了。 這是一個美好的地方,有很多小咖啡館和商店。

  • Could you possibly recommend a few places for me to check out? A local's recommendations are always the best.

    你能推薦幾個地方讓我去看看嗎? 當地人的推薦永遠是最好的。

  • Of course. There's actually a cozy little cafe nearby that serves amazing coffee, in case you're a coffee drinker. It's called "The Brew Spot."

    當然,如果你喜歡喝咖啡的話,附近還有一家舒適的小咖啡館,它叫 The Brew Spot,提供令人讚不絕口的咖啡。

  • Yes, I am. Maybe we could grab a cup of coffee right now if you have some time and you could tell me more about the area.

    是的,我喜歡咖啡。 如果您有時間的話,也許我們現在可以喝杯咖啡,並且你可以告訴我有關該地區的更多資訊。

  • Yeah, why not? I'd enjoy that. I actually do have some time now.

    好啊,何不呢? 我很樂意這樣做。 我現在確實有一些時間。

  • Perfect, after you.


  • Great job, you guys. Now we switch, now you go first.


  • Excuse me. Sorry to bother you, but I seem to be lost. Do you know which way Main Street is?

    打擾一下。很抱歉打擾你,但我好像迷路了。 你知道主街在哪個方向嗎?

  • Oh, sure, no problem. You're actually heading in the opposite direction. Main Street is just a few blocks that way. I can show you if you'd like.

    哦,當然,沒問題。你其實是在朝著反方向前進。 主街就在那邊的幾個街區遠。 如果你願意,我可以帶你去看看。

  • That would be great. Thank you. I'm Mark, by the way. I appreciate your help.

    那太好了。 謝謝。 順便說一句,我是馬克。 感謝你的幫助。

  • Nice to meet you, Mark, I'm Sarah. No problem at all, happy to help. So what brings you to this part of town?

    很高興認識你,馬克,我是莎拉。 完全沒問題,很樂意提供協助。 那麼是什麼讓努來到城鎮的這個地區呢?

  • Well, I was exploring a bit and got caught up in the charm of this area. I have to admit I'm not very familiar with the neighborhood.


  • Yes, I do. I've been living here for a couple of years now. It's a lovely place with lots of little cafes and shops.

    是的。我已經在這裡住了幾年了。 這是一個很美好的地方,有很多小咖啡館和商店。

  • Could you possibly recommend a few places for me to check out? A local's recommendations are always the best.

    你能推薦幾個地方讓我去看看嗎? 當地人推薦的永遠是最好的。

  • Of course. There's actually a cozy little cafe nearby that serves amazing coffee, in case you're a coffee drinker. It's called "The Brew Spot."

    當然,如果你喜歡喝咖啡的話,附近還有一家舒適的小咖啡館,它叫 Brew Spot,提供令人讚不絕口的咖啡。

  • Yes, I am. Maybe we could grab a cup of coffee right now, if you have some time and you could tell me more about the area.


  • Yeah, why not? I'd enjoy that. I actually do have some time now.

    好啊,何不呢?我會喜歡的。 我現在確實有時間。

  • OK. I hope you enjoyed practicing your speaking skills with me and I hope it was useful for you.


  • We actually do have a lot more video dialogues on the channel, in case you want to practice some more.


  • You can check them out in this playlist and I'll also put the link in the description.


  • And as usual, I'll see you in the next one. Bye.

    和往常一樣,我們下一次見。 再見。

Welcome to another speak English with me video.


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