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  • Could brain chips, let us control our phones with our minds?


  • That's what Elon Musk hopes.


  • This is News Review from BBC Learning English, where we help you understand news headlines in English. I'm Beth.

    這是來自 BBC Learning English 的新聞評論,我們幫助您理解英語新聞標題。 我是 Beth。

  • And I'm Phil.

    我是 Phil。

  • Make sure you watch to the end to learn the vocabulary that you need to talk about this story.


  • And remember to subscribe to our channel to learn more English from the headlines. Now today's story.

    記得訂閱我們的頻道,並從頭條新聞中了解更多英語。 現在來說說今天的故事。

  • A wireless chip has been successfully placed in a human brain by Elon Musk's Neuralink company.

    馬斯克的公司 Neuralink 已成功將無線晶片植入人腦。

  • The device is able to read brain signals linked to movement and send them to a computer.


  • Musk said that future innovations may allow us to control our phone or computer just by thinking.


  • You've been looking at the headlines, Phil, what's the vocabulary that people need to understand this new story?


  • We have 'implant,' 'interface,' and 'cyborg.'


  • This is News Review from BBC Learning English.

    這是 BBC Learning English 的新聞回顧節目。

  • Let's have a look at our first headline.


  • This is from the BBC: Elon Musk announced his first Neuralink wireless brain implant.

    這是來自 BBC 的報導:伊隆馬斯克宣布了他的第一個 Neurolink 無線大腦植入物。

  • Now this headline is about the announcement from Elon Musk that his company have successfully put an implant into someone's brain.


  • "Implant" is the word we're looking at. Phil, what can you tell us about it?

    「植入」是我們要學習的詞。 Phil,你能告訴我們什麼嗎?

  • Ok. So the word implant, it's a verb and a noun.

    好的。 所以「植入這個詞,它是一個動詞和一個名詞。

  • And in this headline, it's a noun referring to the device that was physically put inside someone's brain.


  • That machine is the implant.


  • Now, implants aren't particularly new, although this one is, but there are lots of different kinds of implants, aren't there?


  • Yes, you could have implants that keep your heart beating, implants can help people hear again.


  • And you can use implants to replace joints, things like knees or hips.


  • OK. That's the noun. What about the verb?

    好的。 這些是名詞。 那動詞呢?

  • Does it just mean to put an implant into someone's body or can it mean anything else?


  • Well, literally, that's what it means here.


  • You can see the prefix "im" which means to put in or to go in.

    你可以看到前綴 im ,意思是放入或進入。

  • But as well as being able to physically implant something into someone's brain, we can also implant things into their minds.


  • Ok, so you could put an idea or a feeling into someone's mind. You could implant it.

    你可以將一個想法或一種感覺放入某人的腦海中。 你可以植入它。

  • Yes. And if an idea or thought becomes implanted in your mind, then you accept it or you believe it very strongly.

    是的。 如果一個想法或想法植入你的腦海,那麼你就會接受它或你非常堅信它。

  • Ok. So we should try and implant this word into your vocabulary.

    好的。 所以我們應該嘗試將這個詞植入你的詞彙中。

  • Let's look at that again.


  • Let's have our next headline.


  • This is from The Register: Elon Musk's brain-computer interface outfit Neuralink tests its tech on a human.

    這是來自 The Register 的報導: Elon Musk 的腦機介面公司 Neuralink 在人體上測試其技術。

  • Now, this is about Elon Musk's company Neuralink and then new technology.

    這是關於伊隆馬斯克的公司 Neuralink 和新技術。

  • We're looking at the word interface which can be a noun and a verb.


  • It's a noun in the headline.


  • Now, interface, I know that it means two systems coming together. But what does it mean in this headline?

    現在,interface,我知道這意味著兩個系統結合在一起。 但這個標題是什麼意思呢?

  • OK. Well, the implant in this story is a brain computer interface and it's the device that lets someone's brain communicate with and work with a computer.

    好的。 嗯,這個故事中的植入物是一個腦機接口,它是讓某人的大腦與電腦進行通訊和工作的設備。

  • But an interface can be a lot simpler than that.


  • The interface on the software on your computer is just what you can see and what you can click on.


  • OK. But it's not just computer systems, it can be much more than that.

    好的。 但這不僅僅是電腦系統,它的範圍遠不止於此。

  • So here in the story, the interface is between technology and biology and how they link together.


  • Yeah, it's not just gadgets, ideas and concepts can have an interface between them.


  • OK. Let's look at that again.

    好的。 讓我們再看一下。

  • Next headline, please.


  • This is from Mail Online. Rage against the machine: Americans warn Elon Musk to 'stop creating cyborgs' after he revealed the first human has had Neuralink's brain chip.

    這是來自Mail Online 的報導。對機器的憤怒:在馬斯克透露第一個人類擁有 Neuralink 的大腦晶片後,美國人警告他「停止創造生化人」。

  • This headline is about people being worried by these brain implants.


  • We're looking at the word 'cyborg.'


  • This sounds like something from science fiction.


  • That is where it comes from. But like the word robot, it's also used to describe things that actually exist.

    這就是它的來源。 但就像機器人這個詞一樣,它也用來描述實際存在的事物。

  • Now originally, a cyborg was something that is part human and part machine.


  • OK. I know about robots. They actually exist.

    好的。 我了解機器人。 它們確實存在。

  • I have a robot hoover, but cyborgs, do they actually exist?


  • They sound quite futuristic.


  • Ok. Well, in news articles and headlines, the word cyborg is more likely to be used as a comparison to describe things that are similar to cyborgs from science fiction.


  • So you might read about so-called cyborg insects or bacteria.


  • Ok. Let's look at that again.

    好的。 讓我們再看一下。

  • We've had implants -- something placed inside the body.


  • Interface -- a connection between two systems.


  • And cyborg -- part human, part machine.


  • Now, if you want to know more about brain implants, click here to watch this episode of lingo hack.


  • And don't forget to click here to subscribe to our channel, so you never miss another video.


  • Thanks for joining us.


  • Bye. -Bye.

    掰。- 掰。

Could brain chips, let us control our phones with our minds?


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