字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hannah, it's six pm, time to stop working. 漢娜,下午六點了,該下班了。 I just have to finish a few things off. 我只需要完成一些事情。 No, no, you can do it tomorrow. Let's go home. 不,不,你可以明天再做。我們回家吧 。 Did you ever stop to think that maybe the reason why Germans are so famous for their work ethic and efficiency is because they actually respect their working hours and therefore their free time? 你有沒有想過,德國人之所以以工作熱情和效率聞名於世,也許是因為他們尊重自己的工作時間,所以也尊重自己的空閒時間。 In my opinion, German working culture is actually pretty great. 在我看來,德國的工作文化其實很不錯。 Let me explain why. 讓我來解釋一下。 Good salaries and flexible working hours are super important to Germans. 為什麼高薪和靈活的工作時間對德國人來說超級重要。 Salaries in Germany are typically higher than they are in the UK or other European countries, especially when it comes to public sector jobs like teaching. 德國的工資通常高於英國或其他歐洲國家,尤其是像教師這樣的公共部門工作。 Although this does of course depend on the sector that you're working in. 當然,這取決於您所從事的行業。 But talking about salary is still a difficult issue here. 但在這裡,談論工資仍然是一個難題。 Although there are hopes that this will change with a pay transparency law. 儘管人們希望隨著薪酬透明法的出臺,這種情況會有所改變。 German bureaucracy is notorious and the amount of paper used is astronomical. 德國的官僚主義臭名昭著,用紙量更是天文數字。 The Germans print everything. 德國人什麼都印。 It's no wonder digitalization is just limping along here. 這也難怪,數字化在這裡只是一籌莫展。 The average German works for almost 40 years, which is considerably higher than the European average. 德國人平均工作近 40 年,大大高於歐洲平均水平。 The typical working day is 9 to 6 or 8 to 5. 典型的工作日是朝九晚六或朝八晚五, The minimum amount of holiday is 20 days a year, but most people get even more than 30. 每年最少有 20 天假期,但大多數人的假期甚至超過 30 天。 You're fully expected to take all those days, so you don't need to feel guilty or stressed about taking holiday. 你完全有理由把這些天都用上。你不必為放假而感到內疚或壓力。 The same goes for sick days. 病假也是如此。 You don't need to feel guilty about taking a day off work due to sickness and nobody's gonna ask you any questions. 你不必因為生病請假而感到內疚,也不會有人問你任何問題。 You can normally have three days off before you need a doctor's note and sick days are usually paid. 在需要醫生證明之前,通常可以請三天假,而且病假通常是帶薪的。 One thing office workers argue about most often is whether to open or close the window. 辦公室工作人員最常爭論的一件事就是開窗還是關窗。 Germans love fresh air at work. 德國人喜歡在工作時呼吸新鮮空氣。 Ok, we need to talk about the gender pay gap. 好,我們需要討論男女薪酬差距問題。 Women earn on average per hour almost 1/5 less than men, compared to the rest of Europe, Germany has one of the highest gender pay gaps. 與歐洲其他國家相比,女性每小時的平均收入幾乎比男性少 1/5。德國是男女薪酬差距最大的國家之一。 This is for multiple reasons. 原因是多方面的。 Women are often more likely to work in part time jobs, work in lower paid jobs or negotiate less money. 婦女往往更有可能從事非全日制工作,從事收入較低的工作,或者談價較低。 A women's quota was introduced in 2016 so that at least 30% of newly appointed board positions in listed companies need to be women. 2016 年引入了女性配額制,規定在上市公司新任命的董事會職位中,女性至少佔 30%。 What's it like in your country? 貴國的情況如何? Germany is actually one of the countries in Europe where people work the least, probably because they actually stick to their working hours. 德國實際上是歐洲人工作最少的國家之一,這可能是因為他們真正遵守了自己的工作時間。 But the desire for a better balance between gainful employment on the one hand and private life on the other is definitely growing, and surveys show that more and more people are feeling overwhelmed with their workload. 但是,在有償工作和私人生活之間取得更好平衡的願望無疑在不斷增長,調查顯示,越來越多的人感到工作負擔過重。 The Berlin Social Science Center is researching the issue. 柏林社會科學中心正在研究這個問題。 And what is the younger generation's attitude toward work? 年輕一代的工作態度如何? Is Gen Z really that work-shy? Work researcher Lena Hipp can tell us. Z 世代真的那麼懶惰嗎?工作研究員莉 Lena Hipp 可以告訴我們。 I wouldn't say they are lazy. I think they have somewhat different priorities. 我不會說他們懶惰。我認為他們的優先事項有些不同。 They don't put paid work employment above all else in the world. 他們不會把有償工作看得比世界上其他一切都重要。 And I think this can also have really beneficial elements. 我認為這也會帶來真正有益的因素。 You know, if you think about democracy, you know, people need to engage, you also have to have time for raising kids for taking care of elderly people. 你知道,如果你考慮到民主,你知道,人們需要參與,你也必須有時間撫養孩子,照顧老人。 So I think there are also positive aspects of this and you know, just because you don't want to work 40 hours plus, does not mean that you are a lazy person. 是以,我認為這也有積極的一面,你知道,你不想工作 40 個小時以上並不意味著你是一個懶惰的人。 How has work culture in Germany actually developed over the last few years? 在過去幾年中,德國的工作文化究竟是如何發展的? Twice as many people work from home nowadays as they did in the time before the pandemic. 現在在家工作的人數是疫情發生前的兩倍。 And of course, this changes how people interact at the workplace, how they organize meetings. 當然,這也改變了人們在工作場所的互動方式和組織會議的方式。 Overall, the labor market is doing pretty well. 總體而言,勞動力市場表現良好。 It's easy for employees to find a new job. 員工很容易找到新工作。 Employers are looking for new personnel. 僱主們正在尋找新員工。 They are really having a hard time finding adequate employees and organizations try to fill this by attracting women, in particular mothers, to join the labor force. 他們確實很難找到足夠的員工,各組織試圖通過吸引婦女,尤其是母親加入勞動力大軍來填補這一空缺。 They also seek to attract workers from other countries to fill these open positions. 他們還試圖吸引其他國家的工人來填補這些空缺職位。 But the labor shortage in Germany is nothing new. 但德國的勞動力短缺並不是什麼新鮮事。 As a consequence of World War Two, male workers in particular were in short supply. 由於第二次世界大戰,男性工人尤其短缺。 This is why Germany invited guest workers to come from other countries. 這就是德國從其他國家邀請客籍工人的原因。 Many Italians, Turks and Greeks came to Germany in the late 1950s and into the '60s, and stayed. 許多意大利人、土耳其人和希臘人在 1950 年代末到 1960 年代來到德國,然後留下來了。 Now their Children and grandchildren are living here and shaping German culture. 現在他們的子孫生活在這裡並塑造德國文化。 Alright, now you're all clued up on German working culture, here's some vocab you need to know. 好了,現在你們都瞭解德國的工作文化了吧。 "Feierabend" 「下班,收工」。 This directly translates to celebratory evening. 這可以直接翻譯為慶祝之夜。 But it actually just means the end of the working day. 但實際上,這只是用來表示工作日的結束。 "Gehaltwunsch." This is your salary request which is typically mandatory on job applications. 「預期薪資」這是您的薪資要求,通常在求職申請中是必須填寫的。 "Gleitzeit." This means you have a fixed number of hours but you can choose more or less when you want to take them. 「彈性工時」這意味著您有固定的小時數,但您可以選擇在什麼時候使用或多或少的小時數。 "Unbexahltes Praktikum." 「無薪實習。」 This is an unpaid internship which is generally illegal in Germany unless you're a working student or if it's for longer than three months. 這種無薪實習在德國通常是非法的,除非您是在職學生或實習期超過三個月。 Otherwise, it's a requirement to be paid minimum wage at €12 an hour. 否則,就必須支付每小時 12 歐元的最低工資。 That's all we've got time for. 我們只有這些時間講這些。 It's 6 p.m. which means it's "Feierabend," which often comes hand in hand with the Feierabendbier! 現在是下午 6 點。 這意味著「下班時間到了」它經常與「下班後喝酒」 齊頭並進! Personally, it took me some time to assimilate into the working culture here. 就我個人而言,我花了一些時間才融入這裡的工作文化。 But now I really appreciate the work-life-balance. 但現在,我真的很感激工作與生活的平衡。 What's it like in your country? 貴國的情況如何? Let us know in the comments. 請在評論中告訴我們。 I'm sorry, I'm not gonna make it in today. 對不起,我今天來不了了。 Overtime is rarely paid and I've forgotten what the last line is. 加班費很少支付,我都忘了最後一句是什麼了。
A2 初級 中文 德國 工作 德國人 勞動力 文化 懶惰 關於德國人的工作效率,其實實際情況是? (Germans & Their Efficiency At Work | Germany In A Nutshell) 33278 201 林宜悉 發佈於 2024 年 01 月 12 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字