We're an hour before takeoff in Minneapolis, and while Carrie's presenting the TSA with a Ziploc full of shampoo, Chet hands a suitcase to the check-in agent who slaps on a bag tag with all his info written out, stored in this barcode and load it on a paper-thin RFID chip.
距離明尼阿波利斯起飛還有一個小時,當 Carrie 向 TSA 提交裝滿洗髮水的密封塑料時,Chet 將一個手提箱遞給辦理登機手續的工作人員,工作人員拍打行李標籤,上面寫著他的所有訊息,儲存在這個條碼中並將其加載到薄如紙的 RFID 晶片上。