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I recently released my English pronunciation course in the Canguro Academy
and to celebrate
I want to share my top five tips
to help you get perfect English pronunciation
Let's get started
So, my first tip is to do nothing
That's right
Absolutely nothing
As a learner of English, you are surrounded by marketing
that promises to teach you a British or American accent
and unfortunately this is really problematic
Firstly, it shows a fundamental misunderstanding
about the difference between pronunciation and accent
Pronunciation describes the way you pronounce sounds
and accent describes the way those sounds work together
to create identity
So British or American is a description of identity
So, unless you plan to change your identity,
you don't need to imitate a British or American
or any other foreign accent
But because of all that marketing,
you probably have the idea that if you imitate a specific accent,
for example, RP (Received Pronunciation),
then more people will understand you
That is absolutely not true
There is no particular English accent that will give you any communication advantage
But, unlike accent, pronunciation is absolutely vital
But how do you know if your pronunciation is good?
There is only one way to measure it
successful communication
If you are using your English
and you are communicating successfully
then you have perfect pronunciation
You don't need to watch the rest of this video
and you don't need to waste any more time,
energy and money trying to imitate a British or American accent
You can have an accent AND great pronunciation
Let's just take a moment
Take all of that anxiety,
that stress and worry about how you sound,
take all of that learned prejudice
about how your accent makes you sound stupid or difficult to understand
and let it go
Your accent is your identity and it's beautiful
Now, let's do something a bit more technical
In English words generally fall into two categories
Lexical words and Grammar words
The simple explanation is that lexical words transmit meaning
and grammar words transmit grammar
So TABLE, REMEMBER, YELLOW and SUDDENLY are lexical words
and SHE, AT, THE and SO are grammar words
and those lexical words are the most important
because they carry meaning and
in language meaning is everything
I can communicate in a basic way using only lexical words
Christian... pizza... eat... today
but I can't really communicate anything using only grammar words
It... the... through... on?
and this brings us to the rhythm of English
You may have heard about
syllable timed and stress timed languages but
that's just another myth
What we do have in English is an alternating up and down
pattern of stress between those lexical words
and those grammar words,
which sometimes gives the appearance
of a regular rhythm
To demonstrate how the this works,
we can use a metronome
Here are four lexical words
Let's say them to the beat
Now let's add some grammar words
but let's keep the lexical words on the beat
Now let's add some more grammar words
RED and then BLUE and then GREEN and then PINK
RED and then BLUE and then GREEN and then PINK
And some more
RED and then it's BLUE and then it's GREEN and then it's PINK
RED and then it's BLUE and then it's GREEN and then it's PINK
The important thing is not
that we are keeping the lexical words on the beat
but that we are reducing the length of the grammar words
Now obviously if you just follow that up and down pattern
then you will sound really robotic
and that's why you need "nuclear stress"
When we are producing language
we normally produce it in small pieces
and each one represents a complete thought
Research has shown that when we're speaking
these little pieces are usually about 2 seconds long
We can call them "thought groups"
Look at this phrase which doesn't contain any punctuation
Take a moment to read it or say it out loud
and ask yourself where there seems like a natural break
or pause in the language
It's highly likely that you chose to put a break here
because we are all humans with the same human brains
we all tend to divide information in the same way
It's not something that you need to study or practice
but what is absolutely vital is how you use stress
inside these "thought groups"
Look at this phrase
Again, take a moment to think about how you would divide it up
In this case, there are various options,
but with different meanings
We can divide it here which creates two food options
or we can divide it here
which creates three food options
The question is how do we indicate these divisions
when we are speaking
Pausing is one way but there is a far more important way
Using "nuclear stress"
This is a strongly stressed word in each "thought group "
that breaks that robotic up and down pattern
and focuses attention
In English, the general rule is that we put the stress on the
final lexical word of the "thought group"
So in this example, we would stress the words
You can have tuna SALAD or CHICKEN
but in this example we would stress TUNA, SALAD and CHICKEN
So you can have TUNA, SALAD or CHICKEN
Now in any sentence, all nuclear stress positions are possible
but each one has a different meaning
and that's why nuclear stress is so important
and depending on your native language
the rhythm of English might be completely alien to you
But you should practice it
Not to sound like a native speaker
but because it's an important part of the way that English
packages information to make it easier for others to process
The Arabic language is written using something called an ABJAD
In an abjad, you only write the consonants
and not the vowels
The vowels are flexible and they depend on the person reading
The thing is, you could also do this with English
Children instinctively know how unimportant vowels are in English
Look at how this 5-year-old from California wrote the
names of some common shapes in English
Two of the shapes, SQUARE and STAR are written
with no vowels at all
and two other shapes, CIRCLE and DIAMOND
with only one vowel
The good news is that this shows
where you should focus your energy:
For example, let's look at a specific consonant sound in English
the T
Now, depending on your native language
this sound might be easy for you
or it might be really difficult
but this sound requires a lot of physical effort to produce
First, we need to make sure that we have enough
air in our lungs,
then we need to raise up our tongue to
touch the front part of the roof of our mouth
to block the air
then we need to create some pressure
and then we need to bring down and release our tongue
and explode with air
with all of this effort
it's not surprising that this sound is often deleted
or substituted by many people,
especially native speakers
But that is a major problem
because English has a very simple grammar system
for tense and aspect
For almost all verbs, to indicate the Past Simple
we add +ed to the verb
which is often produced as that -T sound
In other words, that single sound is the ONLY THING
that tells me if you are talking about something in the past
So you better make sure that it's really clear
And that brings us to the final tip
Now at first, this might not seem like it has anything to do with
pronunciation at all, but it is often the key
to successful communication
When people are learning a language
it's totally natural to want to pronounce the language
like a native speaker
After all, they have had a lifetime of practice
But this comes with a huge negative
Native speakers often only communicate with other native speakers
who have also had a lifetime of practice
They are all experts in the language
and as experts, they have the privilege of
being able to take shortcuts with English
that you do not have
Today, English is a true global language
and you will probably never use your English
with other native speakers
but with other learners just like you
So trying to copy the things that expert native speakers do
with their pronunciation,
like eliminating that -T sound,
will not make you a better communicator
In fact, it will do the opposite
When you enter into any type of communication
you are making a social contract
and part of that contract is to take 50% of the responsibility
for the success of that communication
Your job is to help the other person as much as possible
to understand the meaning of your communication
It might seem cool or authentic
to use the same shortcuts that natives speakers use
but there's nothing cool or authentic
about making communication difficult for other people
When you consider others and take the time
and the effort to follow the fundamentals of the English sound system
then you respect the fundamental goal of language
which is to share
I'm Christian, this is Canguro English, and I'll see you in class