字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hello, lovely people. 你們好,可愛的人們。 I'm Coy Wire. 我是 Coy Wire。 This is CNN 10 and it's your CNN 10. 這裡是 CNN 10,您的 CNN 10。 We're putting your vocabulary word in tomorrow's show for #YourWordWednesday. 我們會將您的詞彙放入明天的#YourWordWednesday 節目中。 Follow me @coywire on Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok. 在 Instagram、Snapchat 和 tiktok 上關注我。 Put your word, definition, your school and teacher's name in the comment section of my most recent post. 請在我最近一篇文章的評論區填寫您的單詞定義、學校和老師姓名。 And we're gonna choose one winner to work into tomorrow's show. 我們今天會選出一位優勝者來放入明天的節目。 Today though, it is Tuesday, November 7th and it's not just any Tuesday, it's the Tuesday after the first Monday of November aka election day here in the United States. 不過今天是 11 月 7 日星期二,這不僅僅是一個普通的星期二,而是 11 月第一個星期一(美國的選舉日)之後的星期二。 Federal elections have historically happened on this day to accommodate farmers across the country. Did you know? 歷史上,聯邦選舉都在這一天舉行,以容納全國各地的農民。 你可知道? It's after the harvest, but before the weather gets too cold. 在豐收之後,但在天氣變得太冷之前。 Why Tuesday? 為什麼是星期二? Well, people didn't want to travel to the polls on Sundays because of church and Wednesday was a day that a lot of farmers would take their goods to the market to sell. 因為要去教堂,人們不願意在週日去投票站,而週三是很多農民把貨物拿到市場上去賣的日子。 That left Tuesday as one of the most convenient days to hold US elections. 這樣一來,星期二就成了舉行選舉最方便的日子之一。 Something we still observe to this day. 這一點我們至今仍在遵守。 Those who are heading to the polls today, they won't be voting for president, that's next year. 今天前往投票站的人,他們不會投票選總統,那是明年的事。 But some cities will be voting for mayor and some states will be voting for governor and other legislative and constitutional issues are on the table. 但一些城市將投票選舉市長,一些州將投票選舉州長,其他立法和憲法問題也擺在桌面上。 The outcome of those elections could give a better idea of how Americans are feeling about certain issues ahead of the US presidential election next year. 在明年美國總統大選之前,這些選舉的結果可以更好地反映美國人對某些問題的看法。 And you can follow along right here with us on CNN. 您可以在 CNN 與我們一起關注。 Moving on now to another choice, multiple choice. Pop quiz, hot shot. 現在開始另一項選擇,多選題,突擊測驗! 10-Second Trivia: One of the world`s most iconic structures. The Taj Mahal is located in which city in India? 十秒問答:世界上最具代表性的建築之一。 泰姬瑪哈陵位於印度哪個城市? New Delhi, Mumbai, Agra or Kolkata? 新德里、孟買、阿格拉還是加爾各答? Beginning construction in 1632, the Taj Mahal is located in the city of Agra. 泰姬瑪哈陵建於 1632 年,位於阿格拉市。 The Taj Mahal is considered one of the most beautiful sites in the world. 泰姬瑪哈陵被認為是世界上最美麗的景點之一。 In fact, it was named one of the New 7 Wonders of the World, but it could become more difficult to see and to glimpse this glorious site because of pollution. 事實上,它已被評為世界新七大奇蹟之一,但由於汙染,要想看到和一睹這一輝煌的景點可能會變得更加困難。 It's an unhealthy even hazardous problem for parts of India. Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai were among the 10 most polluted cities on earth this week, according to a Swiss company called IQ Air. 對於印度部分地區來說,這是一個不健康甚至危險的問題,據一家名為 IQ Air 的瑞士公司,德里、加爾各答和孟買是本週全球汙染最嚴重的 10 座城市之一。 CNN's Michael Holmes explains what it all means. CNN 記者邁克爾霍姆斯解釋了這一切的含義。 India's iconic monument almost lost in the smog in the city of Agra. 印度的標誌性紀念碑在阿格拉市的煙霧中幾乎消失殆盡。 It's not the site tourists nor the businesses which depend on them want to see. 這既不是遊客希望看到的景象,也不是依賴遊客的企業希望看到的景象。 We are facing difficulty in taking pictures of the Taj Mahal due to pollution. 由於汙染,我們在拍攝泰姬瑪哈陵照片時遇到了困難。 The Taj Mahal is not clearly visible. Tourists are also facing issues 泰姬瑪哈陵並不清晰可見。遊客也面臨問題。 Every year when the temperatures drop and farmers burn their fields, the air turns toxic in many Indian cities. 每年,當氣溫下降、農民焚燒田地時,印度許多城市的空氣就會變得有毒。 Delhi is notoriously ranked among the world's most polluted cities. 眾所周知,德里是世界上汙染最嚴重的城市之一。 And the current air quality there has once again reached hazardous conditions, forcing primary schools to temporarily close and many people to work from home or just stay indoors altogether. 而目前當地的空氣質量再次達到了危險的程度,小學被迫暫時停課,許多人不得不在家工作或完全呆在室內。 The problem is so serious (that) a recent air quality life index report says poor air quality could shorten an average Indian's life expectancy by more than five years. 這個問題非常嚴重,以至於最近的一份空氣品質壽命指數報告稱,不良的空氣品質可能會使印度人的平均壽命縮短五年以上。 If World Health Organization guidelines on curbing pollution aren't met and it's even affecting one of the country's favorite pastimes. 如果世界衛生組織關於遏制汙染的指導方針沒有得到遵守,甚至會影響到該國最受歡迎的消遣活動之一。 India is currently hosting the cricket World Cup with Bangladesh set to play Sri Lanka in a match in Delhi, 印度目前正在舉辦板球世界盃,孟加拉國將在德里與斯里蘭卡進行一場比賽, but the air quality is so poor, some players are wearing masks and both teams have canceled training sessions. 但空氣品質卻如此之差,一些球員戴上了口罩,兩支球隊都取消了訓練課。 The coach of Bangladesh's team says the conditions have not been ideal. 孟加拉國隊的教練說,條件並不理想。 Our doctors keep a close eye on players. Even for practices, we are very conscious. 即使是在訓練中,我們的醫生也會密切關注球員的情況。我們非常注意。 We train what we have to train and they go back into the dressing room. 我們訓練我們必須訓練的,然後他們回到更衣室。 Unfortunately, for cricket fans and Delhi residents alike, officials say pollution levels are expected to be high for the next 2 to 3 weeks. 不幸的是,對於板球愛好者和德里居民來說,官員們表示,預計在未來 2 到 3 周內,空污濃度都將居高不下。 Michael Holmes, CNN. 邁克爾霍姆斯,CNN。 Hey Siri. 嘿 Siri。 Uh huh. 嗯哼? Call Earth. 打給地球。 I don't see a Earth in your contacts. To who? 我在你的聯絡人中沒有看到地球。請問要打給誰? I'm trying to make a call to Earth. 我想打給地球。 I don't see Earth in your contacts? To who? 我在你的聯絡人中沒有看到地球。請問要打給誰? Never mind. 算了。 It's time for CNN's call to Earth. 現在是 CNN 呼叫地球的時候了。 And we're gonna go diving into our next story with a team of researchers exploring underwater sites so deep, it takes them three hours to resurface. 我們將與一組研究人員一起深入研究我們的下一個故事,探索如此深的水下遺址,需要三個小時才能重新浮出水面。 They're hoping their studies can help us better understand and preserve our oceans. 他們希望他們的研究能幫助我們更好地瞭解和保護海洋。 When you are a diver, you are always curious to go to sea a little bit further. 當你是一名潛水員時,你總是好奇地想去更遠的地方看看。 I think every single diver in the world when you are about to go up, you always have an eye to the depths to the bottom. 我認為,世界上的每一位潛水員在準備上浮時,都會時刻關注海底的深度。 Little by little, you want to go deeper because you wonder what are you going to find? 漸漸地,你想深入下去,因為你想知道你會發現什麼? Ghislain Bardout with his wife Emmanuelle in 2007, he has conducted thousands of dives often to 150 or even 200 meters deep. Guilla Bardo 與妻子 Emmanuel 在 2007 年進行了數千次潛水,經常潛到 150 米甚至 200 米深處。 His crew has explored everywhere from the Arctic to the Canary Islands, French Polynesia to the Caribbean. 從北極到加那利群島,從法屬波利尼西亞到加勒比海,他的船員們的足跡遍佈各地。 We are talking about huge ecosystem that covered the entire planet, all the shore everywhere. 我們說的是覆蓋整個地球的巨大生態系統,所有的海岸都是如此。 It's just below 30 meters, 40 meters and there are for sure many species, many different ecosystems that all have a huge importance. 這裡的海拔剛過 30 米 40 米,肯定有許多物種,有許多不同的生態系統,它們都非常重要。 So acquiring a better understanding of the ecology is essential for the conservation of those depths. 因此,更好地了解生態對於保護這些深度至關重要。 With scientists aboard their boat under the pole aims to document these ecosystems for the first time and help preserve their future. 科學家在極地下的船上旨在首次記錄這些生態系統並幫助保護它們的未來。 The length of the missions are from months to years. 任務期限從幾個月到幾年不等。 It's very demanding, very tiring. 要求很高,很累。 It's a very big engagement, not only human engagement, it's a huge logistical and organizational engagements. 這是一項非常艱鉅的任務,不僅是人類的任務,也是一項龐大的後勤和組織任務。 Guan's team are preparing for a six month expedition in the Mediterranean next year. Guan 的團隊正在為明年為期六個月的地中海探險做準備。 That will take them from Greece to Italy to France. 這將把他們從希臘帶到意大利,再帶到法國。 If we spend 20 minutes at 130 meters, we will take three hours to come back to the surface. 如果我們在 130 米處停留 20 分鐘,那麼我們需要 3 個小時才能回到地面。 And this is not negotiable. 這一點不容討價還價。 You have to take these three hours, whatever happens. 無論發生什麼,你都必須度過這三個小時。 You need to be technically ready and psychologically ready or so to make this type of dive. 需要在技術上和心理上做好準備才能進行這種類型的潛水。 And it takes years to be ready for that. 而這需要多年的準備。 In 2022, under the pole helped gain protection for black coral forests in the Canary islands. 2022 年,該極點幫助加那利群島的黑珊瑚森林獲得了保護。 And they believe there is a similar ecosystem to be explored on their Mediterranean voyage next year. 他們相信明年的地中海航行也會探索類似的生態系統。 In Greece, they already explored the depths with robots, ROVs. 在希臘,他們已經用機器人、遙控潛水器探索了深處。 So they know some fields of black corals but are not able to study it because of the depths because they do not have the divers to do so. 他們知道黑珊瑚的一些領域,但由於深度的原因,他們無法對其進行研究,因為他們沒有潛水員來進行研究。 And I like those missions where there is huge collaborations, you know, with different people that can do together something they cannot do alone or just with their own team. 我喜歡那些有大量合作的任務,你知道,與不同的人可以一起完成一些他們單獨或僅與自己的團隊無法完成的事情。 Our mission is really to make the invisible visible, even if it's deep, even if it's very far away, like in the polar regions, we need this place and we need to protect it. 我們的使命其實是讓不可見的東西變得可見,即使它很深,即使它非常遙遠,比如在極地地區,我們需要這個地方,我們需要保護它。 Today's story getting a 10 out of 10 looks like a really gourd time. 今天的故事滿分 10 分,看起來真的很有成就感。 What should you do with all those leftover pumpkins? Whatever you do, throw them away before they get all moldy or gooey. 剩下的南瓜該怎麼處理?不管怎麼處理,都要在它們發黴或黏糊糊之前扔掉。 Or you could do what this middle school teacher in North Dakota did. 或者,你也可以像這位北達科他州的中學教師一樣。 Blowing up the pumpkins in the name of science. 以科學的名義炸南瓜。 Do not try this at home. 請勿在家嘗試。 He's using the pumpkins to demonstrate a chemical reaction between water and a compound called calcium carbide. 他用南瓜來演示水和一種叫做碳化鈣的化合物之間的化學反應。 And this chemical reaction got a great reaction from the students. 這一化學反應引起了學生們的熱烈反響。 Did you know that Jack O'Lanterns originated in Ireland to ward off evil spirits. 你知道嗎,傑克燈籠起源於愛爾蘭,用來驅除邪靈。 But instead of using pumpkins, the Irish carved creepy faces into turnips, it's time to turn up right here on CNN 10. 不過,愛爾蘭人沒有使用南瓜,而是在蘿蔔上刻上了令人毛骨悚然的面孔。 Today's shout outs go to Mountain Lake Academy, Lake Placid, New York. Rise up. 今天要向紐約州普萊西德湖的山湖學院致敬。 And we're giving a special shout out to Jacksonville High School in Jacksonville, North Carolina. Go Cardinals. 我們要特別向北卡羅來納州傑克遜維爾市的傑克遜維爾高中致敬。紅雀隊加油。 Don't forget to submit your word for tomorrow's show at Coy Wire on the socials. 不要忘記在社交媒體上提交你對 Coy Wire 明天演出的看法。 We can't wait to learn from you. 我們迫不及待地想向你學習。 I'm Coy Wire and we are CNN 10. 我是 Coy Wire,我們是 CNN 10。
B1 中級 中文 CNN10 南瓜 德里 汙染 印度 打給 【CNN10】美國為何都在週二投票、印度嚴重空汙、炸南瓜 | 2023年11月7日 (Why America votes on Tuesdays | November 7, 2023) 11449 40 林宜悉 發佈於 2023 年 11 月 13 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字