字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hey Sych2Goers, welcome back to another video. 嘿,Seor,歡迎再次觀看視頻。 Before we start, we'd like to thank you all for the support you've given us. 在開始之前,我們要感謝大家對我們的支持,Seo 的使命是讓每個人都能更容易地獲得心理學和心理健康知識,而你們幫助我們做到了這一點。 Sych2Go's mission is to make psychology and mental health more accessible to everyone and you help us do that. So, thank you. 所以,謝謝你。 Now, back to the video. 現在,回到視頻上來。 Did you know that certain daily habits can damage your brain? 您知道某些日常習慣會損害大腦嗎? And we aren't just talking about affecting your mental well-being, 我們說的不僅僅是影響你的精神。 These habits are actually closely linked to causing damage to your brain itself. 那麼,這些習慣實際上與對大腦本身造成損害密切相關。 This is important because damaged brain tissue can make you more susceptible to developing illnesses such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease, which stem from cognitive decline. 這一點很重要,因為受損的腦組織會使您更容易患上痴呆症和阿爾茨海默病等疾病,這些疾病都源於認知能力的下降。 Therefore, becoming aware of some of these habits may help you reduce the risk of damaging your brain early on. 是以,瞭解其中的一些習慣可能會幫助您降低大腦早期受損的風險。 So with that said, here are nine harmful habits that can damage your brain. 是以,以下是九種會損害大腦的有害習慣。 Before we begin, we would like to mention that this video is created for educational purposes only and is not intended to substitute a medical or professional diagnosis. 在開始之前,我們想說的是,本視頻僅用於教育目的,並不能代替醫療或專業診斷。 If you suspect you experience cognitive decline or any health conditions in general, we highly advise you seek help from a qualified health professional. 如果您懷疑自己出現認知能力下降或任何一般健康狀況,我們強烈建議您向合格的醫療專業人員尋求幫助。 Number one, staying in the dark too much. 第一,矇在鼓裡?太多了 Do you often stare into absolute darkness, hoping that you'll fall asleep but can't? 你是否經常凝視著絕對的黑暗?希望你睡著? Do you love staying in the dark even during daytime? 但是不能,你喜歡待在黑暗中嗎? Not getting enough natural light may make you depressed and that can have a negative impact on your brain. 即使在白天,沒有足夠的自然光也會讓人情緒低落,從而對大腦產生負面影響。 Sunlight helps keep your brain working well, without it, your brain doesn't know when or how to release the sweet, sweet melatonin. 沒有陽光,大腦也能保持良好的工作狀態。你的大腦不知道何時或如何釋放甜美的褪黑激素。 So ironically, staying in the dark for too long will eventually leave you sleep deprived. 是以,具有諷刺意味的是,長時間待在黑暗中最終會導致睡眠不足。 Number two, consuming too much negative news. 第二,負面新聞太多。 Did you know that the media you consume every day can impact your emotions, thinking and behavior? 您知道嗎,您每天接觸的媒體會影響您的情緒、思維和行為。 According to psychotherapist, Annie Miller, it can be damaging to constantly read about the news because constant exposure to negative information can impact your brain. 心理治療師安妮-米勒(Annie Miller)認為,經常閱讀新聞會造成傷害,因為持續接觸負面資訊會影響大腦。 The overconsumption of negative news can trigger your fight or flight response which can take a toll on your physical, emotional and mental health. 過度閱讀負面新聞會引發你的 "戰鬥或逃跑 "反應,從而影響你的身體、情緒和心理健康。 Number three, blasting headphones. 第三,戴耳機。 Did you know that listening to music a little too loud could be bad for your brain? 您知道嗎,聽音樂的聲音稍大一點可能會對大腦有害,雖然使用耳機聽音樂既方便又能放鬆,但長時間在耳邊播放音樂實際上對大腦弊大於利。 While using headphones to listen to music can be convenient and relaxing, blasting music to your ears for a long period of time can actually do more harm than good for your brain. Experts have agreed that loud music may lead to hearing loss which could cause memory impairments down the line. 專家們一致認為,嘈雜的音樂可能會導致聽力損失,進而導致記憶力減退。 Number four, social isolation. 第四,社會隔離。 Do you always avoid social events or gatherings? 您是否總是迴避社交活動或聚會? The impact of social isolation can actually be pretty shocking. 社會隔離的影響實際上是相當驚人的,除了眾所周知的社會隔離對心理健康的影響(如抑鬱症)之外,對大腦本身也有潛在的負面影響。 Other than the commonly known mental health effects of social isolation such as depression, there are also potential negative effects on the brain itself. According to a 2012 study from the Ohio State University, chronic social stress such as social isolation causes stress responses in the brain that can make you more susceptible to strokes. 根據俄亥俄州立大學 2012 年的一項研究,長期的社會壓力(如社交孤立)會導致大腦產生應激反應,從而使人更容易中風。 Number five, too much screen time. 第五,過多的螢幕時間,你是否花了很多時間在互聯網或社交媒體上? Do you spend a lot of time on the internet or social media? Too much screen time can not only damage your mental health but it can damage both gray and white matter in several key areas of the brain such as the frontal lobe where processing and higher-order thinking occurs. 過多的螢幕時間不僅會損害您的心理健康,而且會損害大腦多個關鍵區域的灰質和白質,如進行處理和高階思維的額葉,而在當今時代,完全不使用技術或社交媒體幾乎是不可能的。 While it would be almost impossible to go without technology or social media completely in today's day and age, it's important to be conscious of and moderate the amount of time you spend in front of a screen. 有意識地控制在螢幕前的時間非常重要。 Number six, consuming too much sugar. 第六,攝入過多的糖分。 Are you the type to crave candy bars, cupcakes or soda after a long day? 您是那種在忙碌一天後渴望吃糖果、紙杯蛋糕或蘇打水的人嗎? This may be because craving sugar is one of your brain's ways of responding to stress. 這可能是因為渴望吃糖是大腦對壓力的一種反應方式。 But it's important to be aware of just how much sugar you're consuming. 但重要的是,要知道自己攝入了多少糖。 Because according to PharmiWeb, taking in too much sugar may lead to an imbalance of nutrients in the body which could further extend to malnourishment in the brain. 因為根據製藥網的說法,攝入過多的糖分可能會導致體內營養失衡,從而進一步導致大腦營養不良。 Number seven, skipping breakfast. 第七,不吃早餐。 How often do you skip breakfast? 你經常不吃早餐嗎? Whether it's waking up in a frenzy or not feeling hungry early in the morning, taking a pass on breakfast may sound appealing. 無論是一覺醒來,還是一大早就覺得不餓,不吃早餐可能聽起來很有吸引力。 However, according to PharmiWeb, it's another practice that can lead to malnourishment in your brain. 然而,據《洛杉磯藥業》報道,這是另一種可能導致大腦營養不良的做法。 Think about it, when you were asleep, your body went approximately eight hours without food. 想想看當你睡著時,你的身體大約有八個小時沒有進食。 So in order to function at your best throughout the day, it's crucial to replenish all the energy and nutrition lost at night. 是以,為了在一天中以最佳狀態工作,補充夜間流失的能量和營養至關重要。 Number eight, you're barely moving. 第八,你幾乎動彈不得。 How often do you exercise? 您多長時間鍛鍊一次? Whether it's taking a swim in the pool or going for a quick jog in the morning, doing exercise can greatly improve your brain function. 是在泳池游泳,還是在清晨快速慢跑?運動可以極大地改善大腦功能。 According to Brock Armstrong from the scientific American, exercise helps oxygenate your brain and release growth promoting hormones. 來自美國科學界的布洛克-阿姆斯特朗認為,運動有助於為大腦供氧並釋放促進生長的荷爾蒙。 So, depriving yourself of these exercise induced benefits could stunt brain development and over time negatively affect your overall well-being. 是以,剝奪運動帶來的這些益處可能會阻礙大腦發育,並隨著時間的推移對您的整體健康產生負面影響。 And number nine, poor sleeping habits. 第九,不良的睡眠習慣。 Do you sleep enough or too much? 你的睡眠是充足還是過多? The number of hours you sleep as well as the way you sleep can have an effect on your energy, mental health as well as the impact of your brain function and memory. 睡眠時數和睡眠方式會影響你的精力、心理健康以及大腦功能和記憶力,睡眠不足會對你的長期記憶力產生負面影響,並導致大腦以不習慣的方式運作。 Being deprived of enough sleep can negatively impact your long-term memory and cause your brain to function in ways it's not used to. Similarly, according to PharmiWeb, sleeping with your covers over your head is also bad for your brain as it disrupts the oxygen flow between your brain and body. 同樣,根據製藥網的說法,蓋著被子睡覺對大腦也不好,因為這會擾亂大腦和身體之間的氧氣流動。 Do you relate to any of these harmful habits? 您是否與這些有害的習慣有關,儘早認識到這些習慣並努力改變它們,可以幫助您最大限度地降低損害腦組織的風險。 Recognizing these habits early on and working to change them can help you minimize your risk of damaging your brain tissue. If you found this video helpful, be sure to like and share it with those who might benefit from it too. 如果您覺得這段視頻對您有幫助,請務必點贊並與可能從中受益的人分享。 Don't forget to subscribe and hit the notification bell icon to get notified whenever Sych2Go post a new video. 別忘了訂閱並點擊通知鈴圖標,以便在發佈新視頻時收到通知。 The references and studies used in this video are added in the description below. 本視頻中使用的參考文獻和研究報告已添加到下面的說明中。 Thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next video. 感謝觀看,我們下期視頻再見。
B1 中級 中文 大腦 習慣 負面 影響 睡眠 健康 想要有健康的身心,這 9 個壞習慣千萬不要做! (9 Habits That Damage Your Brain) 65284 339 林宜悉 發佈於 2023 年 10 月 27 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字