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  • From Spidey suits to Tom Holland's stunts to Jake Gyllenhaal's Mysterio, we're talking "Spider-Man: Far from Home."

    羅琳-辛克從蜘蛛俠戰衣到湯姆-霍蘭德的特技再到傑克吉倫哈爾飾演的 "神祕人",我們正在談論 "蜘蛛俠": 遠離家鄉"。

  • Hi, I'm Spider-Man's aunt Edith.


  • I'm Lorraine.


  • And I'm those tiny sassy little hairs on Spider-Man's fingers that let him climb and stick to stuff, Ryan Penagos.

    我就是那些時髦的小毛毛蜘蛛俠的手指可以讓他攀爬和粘住東西、 瑞安-佩納戈斯

  • And this "Earth's Mightiest Show."

    還有這個 "地球上最強大的表演"

  • And we are talking about "Spider-Man: Far from Home," which is now available on Blu-ray and digital.

    我們說的是 "蜘蛛俠":遠離家鄉》,現已上市 藍光和數字版本。

  • First up, check out this behind the scenes look at how Spider-Man's many costumes in the film were brought to life.

    首先來看幕後花絮蜘蛛俠在影片中的多種裝扮 被賦予了生命。 [音樂響起]

  • I'm here with Ryan Meinerding, head of visual development for Marvel Studios. Hello, sir.

    我現在和視覺開發部主管 Ryan Meinerding 在一起。漫威影業你好,先生

  • Hello.


  • Let's get into it.


  • Let's talk about Spider-Man: Far from Home."


  • All right.


  • Spider-Man has I think the most iconic costume of all time of all Super Heroes across everything that exists, definitive statement.

    蜘蛛俠擁有我認為最具標誌性的服裝的所有超級英雄、 明確聲明。

  • But let's talk about the ones in "Far from Home."

    但我們還是來談談 "遠離家鄉 "裡的那些人吧。

  • Right.

  • I have a feeling I know the inspiration for it.


  • What was your comic book inspiration for it.


  • Well, John Whitehead had always wanted to reference the Noir costume.

    RYAN MEINERDING:John Whitehead一直想以參考黑色服裝。

  • But also since this movie so much about Peter dealing with the hero that he's trying to be or supposed to be,


  • having him being given a costume by Nick Fury essentially to say you could be this tactical version of Spider-Man is essentially just almost like a visual representation of him exploring a different type of hero.

    從根本上說,尼克-弗瑞給了他一套服裝說你可以成為這個戰術版的蜘蛛俠 本質上幾乎就是他的形象代表 探索不同類型的英雄。

  • And seeing him all in black and with the flip up tactical eyes was a way of I think doing the Noir stuff but also keeping a little bit of "Spider-Man 2" with it being fun with the flip up eyes.

    看到他一身黑衣,翻起戰術眼睛我認為這是一種既能做諾埃爾的事情,又能保持 有點《蜘蛛俠 2》的感覺,因為它是 翻轉的眼睛很有趣

  • You know, I think it's really interesting because during Dan Slott's run, he had that stealth costume that was sort of like the neon piping...

    你知道,我認為這真的很有趣,因為在丹在斯洛特的作品中,他的隱形服裝是 有點像霓虹燈

  • Ah, yeah.


  • And the black suit.


  • Did you ever go through that iteration, or did you always know you guys were going full Noir?


  • I mean, I think again it needed a-- usually we're looking at stuff from the comics and seeing how it can translate into something that's relevant for the story world that we're trying to make.

    我的意思是,我再次認為它需要一個 -- 通常是我們正在研究漫畫中的內容,看看它如何能 轉化為與故事世界相關的內容 我們正在努力做到這一點。

  • And looking at the Noir stuff, it sort of translating a little bit better into something that felt tactical than the neon stuff...

    從《諾爾》的內容來看,它有點像在翻譯讓人感覺 戰術比霓虹燈

  • Yeah, it's not as stealthy as you would think.


  • It's not quite stealth though it's great.


  • It's great.


  • Beautiful though.


  • Now you also got to upgrade Spider-Man a little bit.


  • What were some of his upgrades for this film?


  • The notion at the end when Peter has to make his own suit using Tony's tech was essentially for me that it's Peter becoming the Spider-Man that he needs to be.

    結尾處彼得要自己做衣服的概念使用託尼的技術本質上是 對我來說,是彼得成為蜘蛛俠 他需要這樣。

  • And part of that is the idea of him using technology of his own.


  • So the pitch for that suit was essentially that he would sort of spin a bunch of webs and then Tony's technology would weave it together into the suit, so the suit was actually supposed to be made from Peter's web

    是以,該訴訟的主要內容是他會編織一堆網 然後由託尼的技術將其編織在一起 所以這套衣服實際上是

  • So essentially to say they're the strongest material he has access to and meant to sort of integrate his technology with Tony's technology.

    應該是用彼得的網做的,所以本質上說它們是他能接觸到的最堅固的材料 並打算將他的技術 託尼的技術。

  • So the idea is at the end of that movie was that the suit was going to be able to do more web-based gags.

    是以,我們的想法是在電影的最後是該訴訟將 能夠做更多基於網絡的插科打諢。

  • Are used just like a kid in a candy shop with these costumes?


  • Totally.


  • I mean, when Kevin Feige came into my office and said you're going to work on "Spider-Man" and "Civil War," it was...

    我的意思是,當凱文・費奇 走進我的辦公室,說我們 -你將為 "蜘蛛俠 "工作 和 "內戰",它是

  • I think I let out a visible like "eep" like it was a very undignified noise.

    我想我發出了 "咿呀 "的明顯聲響這是一種非常不體面的聲音。

  • That's a appropriate Peter Parker reaction though.


  • So if someone wanted to get into the visual development, I'm not saying I'm leaving my job but...

    是以,如果有人想進入視覺開發領域 --我不是說我要離開我的工作,但是 --

  • But if someone really is interested in doing a job like yours, where do you think people should start?


  • I mean, reading comics is probably a great place.


  • I love it.


  • Check.


  • Loving comics, loving comic characters.


  • Drawing, you know, I've been drawing since I was a very small child.

    畫畫,我 -- 你知道,我畫 --我從小就開始畫畫。

  • I got into doing airbrushing and sort of more realistic drawing and painting and then design.


  • That sort of understanding coupled with artistic ability and hard work, you know, I think you can do-- you can get to where you want to go.

    這種理解力加上藝術能力努力工作,你知道,我認為你可以做到--你可以 到達你想去的地方

  • Thank you so much for talking with us.


  • You guys, be sure to download "Spider-Man: Far from Home" now.

    各位,一定要下載《蜘蛛俠》:遠離家鄉 "了。

  • Oh, man, I love the Spider-Man Noir references that Ryan talked about in there.


  • Very cool.


  • And I like the idea of the upgraded costume was actually supposed to be sort of a spun web idea,

    我喜歡升級服裝的想法,其實是這應該是一種網絡創意,因為它讓我想起了 在漫畫中,當蜘蛛俠失去他的服裝時 並不得不做出像小網尿布一樣的情況、 就像一個整潔的 Webby。

  • because it reminds me of in the comics when Spider-Man loses his costume and has to make like a little web diaper situation, like a tidy webby.

  • Yeah, a Spidey Dipey.


  • Yeah, I like that, but I like ultimately for the costume kind of reminded me of Superior Spider-Man from the comics.

    是的,我喜歡,但我最終還是喜歡這套服裝讓我想起了 "超級英雄"。 漫畫中的蜘蛛俠

  • I thought it was a really cool vibe.


  • Yeah, and they just showed like other cos...I like how you brought up the stealth suit, which is, you know, you can tell Ryan loves the comics and loves bringing that to life for the films.

    是啊,他們只是顯示 像其他COS -我喜歡你提到的隱身衣,它 是,你知道,你可以看出瑞安喜歡漫畫 並喜歡將其融入到電影中。

  • Yeah, I love getting to see fans make cool stuff.


  • Well, that's not all.


  • Spider-Man is put through the ringer, and that means the actor who portrays him also gets to have some exciting times on set.

    蜘蛛俠被嚴刑拷打、這意味著扮演他的演員也可以 在拍攝現場的一些激動人心的時刻

  • Check out this behind the scenes look at how Tom Holland performed the bridge stunt in "Spider-Man: Far from Home."

    查看幕後花絮看看湯姆-霍蘭德是如何表演這座橋的 蜘蛛俠》中的特技 遠離家鄉"。

  • I was sitting on the floor rigged to a ratchet, which is a machine where I will zoom backwards and slam into a wall.

    我坐在地板上,身上綁著棘輪扳手、我將在這臺機器上放大 倒退著撞到牆上。

  • And the SFX guy will also click a button, which will dump thousands of gallons of water on me.

    SFX 人員也會點擊一個按鈕、這將向我傾瀉數千加侖的水。

  • And you best believe they didn't heat the water.


  • It was freezing. - Whoa!

    太冷了- 哇哦

  • It's quite similar to a cold shower actually.


  • It is a cold shower.


  • We can make it colder.


  • You dare?


  • So they go 3, 2, 1. Action.

    所以他們 3、2、1。行動。

  • I zoom back, I slam into the wall, and then all I hear is the SFX guy go, sorry.

    我急速後退,撞到了牆上、然後我只聽到 SFX 的人說:"對不起"。

  • And then the water just went...


  • So we had to do it a second time.

    所以我們不得不再來一次。SFX:3, 2, 1. [氣喘吁吁] [笑聲]

  • That was perfect.


  • But it looks great.

    [但看起來很棒[水聲] [叫聲] [笑聲]

  • It's good, isn't it?


  • Did you clock how there was Tom Holland's stunt man right there wearing the same outfit, going through the same thing?

    你有沒有注意到湯姆-霍蘭德的特技?男人就在那裡,穿著同樣的衣服、 有同樣的經歷嗎?

  • Kudos to all those people doing that hard work.


  • I know.


  • They were like soaked, but they were having such a great time even Tom, who repeatedly over and over again had to do that stunt and get slammed against the wall.

    他們都溼透了,但他們玩得很開心即使是湯姆,他也一再 我又一次不得不使出絕技,被撞到牆上。

  • Thankfully a lot of padding.


  • It is very safe, but it looked like a lot of fun actually.


  • Yeah, and shout out to the VFX team, who then takes out all the wires.


  • Yeah.


  • The magic of the movies.


  • But if you haven't yet seen the film, spoiler warnings ahead because we're about to talk about a major reveal.

    但如果你還沒有看過這部電影、劇透警告,因為我們 要談的是一個重大發現。

  • That is right.


  • Mysterio has an epic twist, and Jake Gyllenhaal gives us his take on the mysterious allusions of Mysterio right now.

    神祕人有了史詩般的轉折,傑克-吉倫哈爾讓我們看看他對神祕典故的看法 的神祕人。

  • He uses the technology that he has developed to create the idea of a Super Hero to essentially fool the world and fool Peter Parker.

    傑克-吉倫哈爾:他利用技術他為創造 "超級英雄 "這一理念而開發的 從根本上愚弄了全世界,也愚弄了彼得-帕克。

  • What is it like some kind of projector or something?


  • Mysterio.


  • You are so gullible.


  • I mean, he's smart as a whip, just a sucker.


  • So now all your friends have to die.


  • I was really attracted to the idea of Mysterio as an illusionist and to get into Spider-Man's head to a point where Spider-Man really wasn't quite sure who he was in the end, and I think that's what makes Mysterio so special.

    我真的被吸引住了將 Mysterio 作為幻術師的想法,並讓 蜘蛛俠的腦袋裡,以至於蜘蛛俠真的 我不太確定他到底是誰、 我認為這就是神祕人的特別之處。

  • Jake is so convincing as a nice guy that you just believe him and you trust him, and that's what makes it even worse when you find out that he's been playing Peter this entire time.

    湯姆-霍蘭德:傑克是個令人信服的好人你只是相信他,信任他、 這就更糟糕了 當你發現他一直在扮演彼得的時候。

  • I give the world someone to believe in.


  • You need to wake up.


  • It was my goal to try and create a character that doesn't leave you.


  • And if I've done my job, I think you'll leave, look around the corner, wondering maybe if Mysterio was there.

    如果我完成了我的工作,我想你會離開時,在拐角處張望,想知道 如果有神祕人在,也許會更好。 [叫聲]

  • I don't think you know what's real.


  • Oh, man.


  • I love all the comics references that they're able to put into the film.


  • I mean, honestly kudos to Jake Gyllenhaal for taking Mysterio, who is such an iconic character, and we think of him as a villain but making him so likable.

    我的意思是,老實說,要為傑克-吉倫哈爾點贊的標誌性人物、 而我們認為他是個反派,卻讓他變得如此討人喜歡。

  • It was really hard to watch that twist happen.


  • I know.


  • I mean, watching it over and over again as I've seen the movie a bunch of times, I still like, oh, come on, you could be such a good guy.

    我的意思是,反覆觀看因為我已經看過很多遍這部電影了、 我還是喜歡,哦,來吧。 你可能是個好人

  • I know if only he would have gotten those little bangs, the little-- from the comic books when he has the little bowl cut.

    我知道,如果他能得到那些小劉海,小 從漫畫書中可以看到,當他剪掉小碗的時候。

  • The bowl cut? Yeah.


  • All right, I cannot wait to watch "Spider-Man: Far from Home" again.

    好了,我等不及要看《蜘蛛俠》了:又是 "遠離家鄉"。

  • You guys can pick it up on Blu-ray or download it on digital today.


  • Now tell us your favorite Spider-Man suit, whether it's classic Spidey, Night Monkey, or his upgraded costume in #EarthsMightiestShow,

    現在告訴我們你最喜歡的蜘蛛俠戰衣、無論是經典的《蜘蛛俠》,還是《夜猴》、 或他在 #EarthsMightiestShow 中的升級版服裝、

  • and we'll see you next time. - I'm Lorraine.

    下次再見- 我是羅琳

  • I'm Ryan.


  • And this is Marvel.


From Spidey suits to Tom Holland's stunts to Jake Gyllenhaal's Mysterio, we're talking "Spider-Man: Far from Home."

羅琳-辛克從蜘蛛俠戰衣到湯姆-霍蘭德的特技再到傑克吉倫哈爾飾演的 "神祕人",我們正在談論 "蜘蛛俠": 遠離家鄉"。

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