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Never again.
This cable has been one of the worst parts of living in Apple's walled garden ecosystem.
But thanks to the European Union, Tim Apple has been forced to join the rest of the modern world and move over to the universally accepted standard of USB C.
但是,多虧了歐盟,蒂姆-蘋果才被迫加入現代世界的行列,轉而採用普遍接受的 USB C 標準。
At least that's the version of events that the government would have you believe according to Apple, this was all totally of their own volition.
Definitely not because they lost a protracted legal battle.
Anyhoo regardless of the reason I see this as an absolute win.
But depending which iphone you buy, it might be more or less of a win.
但這取決於你購買的是哪款 iPhone,可能會有或多或少的優勢。
You see USB C isn't so much a standard specification as it is a menu of optional specifications.
要知道,USB C 並不是一個標準規格,而是一個可選規格菜單。
So not every iphone or every cable for that matter is going to support the same features.
是以,並非每部 iPhone 或每條電纜都支持相同的功能。
We'll get into that later.
The bottom line for now though is universal charging is finally here no matter what device you're using or which Segway I do to our sponsor Reen.
不過,現在的底線是,無論您使用什麼設備,也無論我使用哪款賽格威,通用充電技術終於到來了,這要歸功於我們的贊助商 Reen。
What's better than power, unlimited power res 300 multi port Gan charger is packed with features like PD 3.1 hyper fast charging, four high power USB C ports and more check it out at the link below.
有什麼比電量更重要呢?RES 300 多端口 Gan 充電器具有 PD 3.1 超快速充電、四個高功率 USB C 端口等功能,請點擊下面的鏈接查看。
Apple actually has a long history of innovation when it comes to USB C.
實際上,蘋果公司在 USB C 方面的創新由來已久。
They were heavily involved in the development of the standard, contributing over 20% of the engineers according to 9 to 5 Mac, they were the first to announce a USB C laptop which was a big deal since it supported data transfer and charging over a single port.
他們積極參與了該標準的制定,根據 9 to 5 Mac 的報道,他們貢獻了超過 20% 的工程師,他們還率先發布了 USB C 筆記本電腦,這是一件大事,因為它支持通過單個端口進行數據傳輸和充電。
And they shipped the first USB Cio S device, the ipad pro almost five years ago with support for all kinds of cool things like external storage and peripherals and high resolution displays.
近五年前,他們推出了首款 USB Cio S 設備 ipad pro,支持外置存儲設備、周邊設備和高分辨率顯示器等各種超酷功能。
And now that's all coming to the iphone sort of if you had Apple's iphone 15 and Apple watch announcement up on your secondary monitor, you might have missed how they glossed over a teeny tiny detail regarding the switch to USB C.
如果你把蘋果公司的 iPhone 15 和 Apple watch 發佈會放在副顯示器上,你可能會忽略他們是如何忽略了一個關於 USB C 轉換的微小細節的。
That's right.
It's goodbye.
But hello again to our dear friend USB 2.0 who recently celebrated their 23rd birthday?
不過,我們親愛的朋友 USB 2.0 最近剛過完 23 歲生日,你們好嗎?
Happy belated buddy.
So yeah, just like the old lightning cable USB C on the regular iphone 15 is stuck at a 2000 era transfer speed of just 480 megabit per second.
是以,就像普通 iPhone 15 上的老式閃電線 USB C 一樣,其傳輸速度還停留在 2000 年的水準,僅為每秒 480 兆比特。
It's not unusable.
All you're doing is sending the odd file over the wires, but it is pretty outdated compared to the competition for context.
Samsung moved their flagships to USB 3 10 years ago and you need to go all the way down to their A series devices to find anything that's still using USB two today.
三星早在 10 年前就將其旗艦產品改用 USB 3,而現在要找到仍在使用 USB 2 的產品,則需要一直追溯到其 A 系列設備。
However, to Apple's credit, if you pony up for the iphone 15 Pro, you not only get support for USB three, but it runs at a whopping 10 gigabit per second, which might not matter for those small file transfers I talked about before, but it could matter for some of the features that Apple just introduced more on those later.
不過,值得稱讚的是,如果你購買 iphone 15 Pro,你不僅可以獲得 USB 3 的支持,而且它的運行速度高達每秒 10 千兆比特,這對於我之前談到的那些小文件傳輸可能並不重要,但對於蘋果剛剛推出的一些功能可能很重要,稍後再詳述。
First, let's talk about the aspect of USB C that most people are going to care about charging.
首先,讓我們來談談大多數人最關心的 USB C 充電問題。
You get AC to C cable in the box.
包裝盒內有 AC 轉 C 電纜。
So that's good.
But like many recent mobile products, there is no included wall wart.
So hopefully you already have one.
Also, it should be noted that both the 15 and the 15 pro are still limited to 20 watt charging.
此外,需要注意的是,15 和 15 pro 的充電功率仍限於 20 瓦。
So if you're the kind of person who just gets bothered when the capability of a standard is not fully utilized, well, then you might prefer the 210 watt charging of a red me note 12 explorer.
是以,如果你是那種在標準功能沒有得到充分利用時就會感到煩惱的人,那麼你可能會更喜歡紅我 note 12 探索者 210 瓦的充電功率。
But personally, I don't care the fact that I only have to carry around one type of cable.
Now from my switch, my laptop, my phone, my friend's phone who won't buy the same kind as me and now we have different colored bubbles.
It's just such a relief that I am not going to complain about minor things.
Like charging mods.
And besides with Apple's focus on overall platform efficiency, their batteries tend to be smaller than the competition.
So these new devices should charge in about an hour.
Now, let's talk about the next big thing.
The all new A 17 pro processor is kind of exciting.
全新的 A 17 pro 處理器令人激動。
It's built on TSM.
它基於 TSM。
C's cutting edge three nanometer process and inside it, you'll find six CPU cores, six GP U cores.
它採用最先進的三納米 C 工藝,內部有六個 CPU 內核,六個 GP U 內核。
And as far as I can tell, an angry tiger that looks ready to absolutely shred any workload you throw at this thing.
I mean, look at this Genshin impact looks great on the iphone 15 Pro and that's cool.
我的意思是,看看這個玄心撞擊在 iPhone 15 Pro 上看起來很棒,而且很酷。
But my mind wasn't really blown until they showed Resident Evil Village and the re four remake as far as I can tell running locally on a flip in iphone.
但直到他們展示了《生化危機村》和《Re 4》的重製版,我才真正大開眼界。
I mean, I just about wore out my X key seeing how smooth and beautiful the footage looked given that they didn't do the demo live.
我的意思是,鑑於他們沒有進行現場演示,看到畫面看起來如此流暢和漂亮,我都快把我的 X 鍵磨壞了。
But if this is real and reflective of the gaming experience, Nintendo's handheld competition from Valve is the least of their concerns.
但如果這是真實的遊戲體驗,任天堂與 Valve 的掌上游戲機競爭也就不足為慮了。
It's kind of nuts, hardware accelerated ray tracing metal FX, upscaling up to a terabyte of storage 6.1 inch screen with 460 pixels for in 1600 knit peak brightness and HDR wi Fi 60 A one decoding and up to 29 hours of video playback on battery.
它是一種堅果,硬件加速光線跟蹤金屬特效,升級到一 TB 的存儲 6.1 英寸螢幕,460 像素,用於在 1600 knit 峰值亮度和 HDR wi Fi 60 A 一個解碼和高達 29 小時的視頻播放電池。
I mean, sure gaming is bound to eat through that battery life a little bit faster.
But even with the hefty price tag of $1000 for the base pro model, considering the weight and the size of the device and the fact that it does all the other stuff it does and you're gonna be carrying it around with you anyway, you guys are gonna have to download this video before I delete it.
不過,即使基本型專業版的標價高達 1000 美元,考慮到設備的重量和尺寸,以及它能做的所有其他事情,而且無論如何你都會隨身攜帶它,你們還是得在我刪除之前下載這段視頻。
But I think Apple's pricing might actually be justified.
There is a downside.
Not many games are built from metal, but if Apple's new porting tools do gain traction, that caveat might end up aging like fine milk, just like your old android devices that are sitting in a drawer with zero modern software support.
Another thing Apple keeps doing right is supporting older devices even if it ends up slowing them down a bit and you might not care a whole lot about the extra performance of this new chip today.
I certainly don't as long as my phone's fast enough, whatever, but in five years when your iphone is getting the freshest updates, it could make the difference between feeling the need to upgrade or still feeling completely fine on your now.
Many generations old device don't get me wrong regardless of how pro they are.
I'm still not thrilled that phones randomly cost over 1000 freaking dollars now.
我仍然對現在的手機價格隨意就超過 1000 美元感到不爽。
But given the alleged cost of the latest manufacturing nodes, I'm also not that surprised and it's hard to argue that the value is not there with the A 17 Pro at its heart.
但考慮到最新制造節點的所謂成本,我也並不感到驚訝,而且很難說 A 17 Pro 的核心價值不在這裡。
The iphone 15 Pro is looking like the biggest generational leap in at least a little while I'm talking spatial video capture that you can upload to the Apple Vision Pro that might become affordable at some point.
我說的是空間視頻捕捉,你可以把它上傳到 Apple Vision Pro,它可能會在某個時候變得物美價廉。
Uh the ability to capture pro res footage straight out of that high speed USB port into an external storage device for easy ingest and video editing the Titanium materials that make it the lightest Pro model ever.
通過高速 USB 端口可直接捕捉專業級素材,並將其導入外部存儲設備,方便攝錄和視頻編輯。
The thinner bezels replaceable that glass.
I mean that's super cool, a customizable action button finally like, ok, this is kind of sick guys and up to five X telephoto zoom on the Pro Max like the gang's all here guys.
我的意思是,這超酷的,一個可定製的動作按鈕終於出現了,好吧,這有點變態,還有 Pro Max 上高達 5 倍的遠攝變焦,就像大夥兒都在這裡一樣。
It's a pretty compelling package.
If there was ever a generation to skip and a generation to buy, it seems like they're called 14 and 15.
如果說有什麼一代人值得跳過,有什麼一代人值得購買,那似乎就是 14 歲和 15 歲。
Even the Non Pro 15 has a lot going for it here.
即使是 Non Pro 15 也有很多優點。
I mean, you might hate the lighter colors compared to the more adult Pro line and you might be disappointed like I am that it stuck with the last generation a 16 bionic chip which come to think of it is probably the reason that it's also saddled with USB two, but it is still a formidable performer and it comes with a slew of upgrades like machine learned voice isolation during your calls, a roadside assistance program in partnership with AAA to flesh out their So SS emergency features.
我的意思是,你可能會討厭它比 Pro 系列更成人化的淺色系,你可能會像我一樣對它堅持使用上一代的 16 仿生芯片感到失望,仔細想想,這可能就是它還配備了兩個 USB 接口的原因,但它仍然是一款性能強大的產品,而且它還進行了一系列升級,比如在通話過程中進行機器學習語音隔離,與 AAA 合作推出道路救援計劃,以充實其 So SS 緊急功能。
A second gen ultra wideband chip, help find friends or items in crowded or cluttered spaces and the cool dynamic island feature that hit the iphone 14 Pro that is now on the 15 and the 15 Pro with some minor improvements, they have crammed a lot into these tiny devices.
第二代超寬帶芯片、幫助在擁擠或雜亂的空間中尋找朋友或物品的功能,以及iphone 14 Pro 上炫酷的動態島功能,這些功能在 15 和 15 Pro 上都有一些小改進。
Kind of like how we crammed a lot into our new stubby version of the L TT screwdriver.
就像我們在新款短型 L TT 螺絲刀中塞進了很多東西一樣。
Get yours today.
L tt store dot com.
L tt store dot com。
Speaking of small devices, they also talked about the new Apple watch series nine and ultra two.
說到小型設備,他們還談到了新的蘋果手錶系列 9 和 ultra 2。
Both of them are featuring the S nine system in a package or S IP with 5.6 billion transistors with A B that is more transistors.
這兩款產品都採用了 S 九封裝系統或 S IP,擁有 56 億個半導體,其中 A B 半導體數量更多。
And I know this is not an apples to apples comparison, but that is more than a GTX 6 80.
我知道這不是蘋果與蘋果之間的比較,但這已經超過了 GTX 6 80。
And speaking of graphics, it boasts a 30% faster GP U.
在圖形處理方面,GP U 的速度提高了 30%。
I don't know if Apple watches ever necessarily felt like they were too slow.
But if you consider how much they're trying to offload to this thing, now, it might just need all that processing power.
Siri requests are now going to be handled locally.
Siri 請求現在將在在地處理。
Finding your iphone by using your watch has never been easier and the screen has never been brighter or dimmer for that matter, managing to run it anywhere from two or 3000 knits depending on if you want to pay Lord Money or King money for a watch all the way down to just one, the coolest feature though and one that if we're being realistic is probably gonna start a new trend where people make this gesture when they want people to shut up is the double tap, hand gesture controls that you can use to answer or end phone calls.
When you're wearing the watch, you just double tap and you've hung up.
How cool would it be if that worked in real life?
Someone's like talking at you while you're trying to focus and you're just like I wanted to do it pretty badly when they showed the cringy mother nature skit to boast about how carbon neutral they are.
I mean, don't get me wrong.
I am stoked for any progress that we can make towards reducing our impact on the planet.
But wow, that was, that was something else to save you from having to watch it.
Long story short by 2030 they are aiming to be net zero across their entire business but just Apple next time, please just tell us that or better yet.
長話短說,到 2030 年,他們的目標是實現整個業務的零淨排放,但就蘋果公司而言,下次請直接告訴我們,或者更好一些。
Tell us that you've also improved your repairability.
There were a few other things, uh better health features with biking support and advanced metrics.
Uh name drop on watch Os 10, uh better ping that iphone support, automatic home pod connectivity, waypoints, and precision finding.
手錶 Os 10 上的名稱、iPhone 支持的更好的 ping、自動家庭吊艙連接、航點和精確查找。
Uh There's a depth app for diving.
So if you're a diver that's pretty cool.
Most of this though is, you know, hey, that's cool.
But kind of niche and things that only some of you will care about.
And if you do, we're gonna have links to the preorder page down below, they start shipping September 22nd.
如果你想購買,我們會在下面提供預購頁面的鏈接,9 月 22 日開始發貨。
We'll also have some alternative phones linked down below, but I gotta say considering everything Apple showed off today, it's starting to feel like the grass is looking pretty green inside that walled garden green like the segue to our sponsor Motion Gray not taking care of your spine during your daily grind is a recipe for back pain.
我們還將在下面鏈接一些替代手機,但我得說,考慮到蘋果公司今天展示的一切,我開始覺得圍牆內的草地看起來綠意盎然,就像我們的贊助商 Motion Gray 在日常工作中不注意保護脊椎會導致背痛一樣。
So why would anyone even have that recipe?
Throw it in the trash and use this other one from Motion Gray for ergonomic workplace solutions at affordable prices.
把它扔進垃圾桶,使用 Motion Gray 的另一款產品,以實惠的價格獲得符合人體工程學的工作場所解決方案。
Duh Motion Grays sit to stand desks come in a wide variety of models and sizes are simple to assemble and have a bunch of accessories, so they definitely have something to suit your needs.
Duh Motion Grays 的站立辦公桌有多種型號和尺寸,組裝簡單,配件齊全,絕對能滿足你的需求。
Assuming you are in fact a vertebrate and not some variety of tentacled mollusk.
And even then you'd probably still like it with a wide range of ergonomic chairs focusing on adjust ability, affordability and maximum comfort.
Motion Gray wants to improve your comfort level.
Motion Gray 希望提高您的舒適度。
Check out Motion Gray at the link below and use code Linus for 10% off your purchase.
請點擊下面的鏈接查看 Motion Gray,使用代碼 Linus 可享受 10%的折扣。
If you guys enjoyed this video, check out the WW DC coverage that we did earlier this year.
如果你們喜歡這段視頻,請查看我們今年早些時候對 WW DC 的報道。
That was focused on the Apple Vision Pro and I Os team.
這主要是針對 Apple Vision Pro 和 I Os 團隊。