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  • Whether you're a guy or a girl, you've probably been told that you need protein to get the most out of a workout.


  • And you're definitely not the only one at the gym using a protein supplement.


  • In 2017, 9.4 billion dollars was spent on whey protein globally.

    2017 年,全球乳清蛋白消費額達 94 億美元。

  • So is protein powder actually helping you build muscle, or are you turning your money into dust?


  • Let's talk about how your body uses protein to build muscle and whether protein shakes are helping you get the best out of resistance training.


  • Welcome to DocUnlock, where we help you make better decisions about your health.

    歡迎訪問 DocUnlock,我們將幫助你更好地決定自己的健康。

  • So how exactly does your body build muscle?


  • When it comes to increasing the size of any organ, the body only has two options:


  • You can either increase the number of cells, called hyperplasia, or you can make each cell bigger, called hypertrophy.


  • When it comes to building up new muscle, your body can't build new muscle cells, so your body relies on muscle hypertrophy.


  • So how does muscle hypertrophy work?


  • If you look at a muscle cell under a microscope, what you will see are long tubes of fibres running along the length of the cells.


  • These are called myofibrils and are full of protein-based fibres.


  • When a muscle cell builds more of these protein fibres, it gets bigger and stronger.


  • To achieve muscle hypertrophy there's a simple rule, Muscle Protein Synthesis (MPS) needs to outweigh Muscle Protein Breakdown (MPB).


  • And to trigger Muscle Protein Synthesis, you need 2 ingredients: resistance training and protein from your diet.


  • If your body doesn't get enough protein from your diet, then it can't trigger muscle protein synthesis effectively.


  • And this is where the advice comes from to include protein in your diet especially if you're doing a lot of resistance training.


  • Most people living in high income countries get enough protein from their diet for normal body function.


  • But we know that protein needs are higher in those people who are deliberately trying to achieve muscle hypertrophy.


  • But does adding protein powder to your diet help you get better results from resistance training?


  • Well, there have been so many studies done on the topic!


  • If only there was a meta-analysis that put all the results together so that we can get the best answer possible.


  • Ah HAH! Found it!


  • Published in 2017 in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, this is the largest review so far on whether protein supplementation leads to gains in muscle mass and strength.


  • It combined the results of 49 randomised controlled trials.

    它綜合了 49 項隨機對照試驗的結果。

  • In these trials, almost 2000 people were put on a resistance training program.

    在這些試驗中,近 2000 人接受了阻力訓練。

  • In these people, the average protein intake even before supplementation was approximately 1.4 grams of protein per kilogram, per day,

    在這些人中,即使在蛋白質補充之前,平均蛋白質攝取量已經是約為每公斤體重每天約 1.4 克,

  • and this is already above the recommended dietary allowance of 0.8 grams per kilogram, per day.

    這經高於每日 0.8 克每公斤體重的建議飲食攝取量。

  • The experimental group received an additional protein supplement of 36 gram per day on average, with almost half of the trials using whey protein.

    實驗組平均每天額外攝取 36 克蛋白質的補充劑,其中幾乎有一半的試驗使用乳清蛋白。

  • The control group most commonly received a carbohydrate supplement to make sure that the total calories were the same as the experimental group.


  • The average resistance program was 13 weeks long, with training sessions 3 times per week.

    阻力訓練計劃平均為期 13 周,每週訓練 3 次。

  • On average, each session had 7 exercises, 4 sets per exercise and 9 reps per set. And the results?

    平均每節課有 7 個練習,每個練習 4 組,每組 9 次。結果呢?

  • Well, protein supplementation improved strength, muscle size and lean body mass.


  • So you aren't wasting your money after all, protein supplementation does lead to some benefit.


  • BUT WAITthere's a catch.


  • First, there is a point where adding more protein doesn't lead to more benefit.


  • The researchers found that the benefit of protein supplementation plateaued after a total daily intake of 1.6 grams of protein per kilo, per day.


  • For someone weighing 70 kilos, that would mean a total protein intake, both from food and supplements, of 112 grams per day.


  • And the second thing: even though protein supplementation did have a benefit, it's not as impressive as you might think.


  • When it came to improvement in strength, participants who didn't use a protein supplement increased their 1 rep max by an average of 27 kilos just through resistance training alone.

    在力量改善方面,未使用蛋白質補充劑的參與者增加了僅通過阻力訓練,他們的最大單次重量就平均增加了 27 公斤。

  • Those who were given a protein supplement had an additional benefit of 2.49 kilos.

    補充蛋白質的人額外獲益 2.49 公斤。

  • In other words, protein supplementation contributed an additional benefit of only 9%.

    換句話說,補充蛋白質帶來的額外益處只有 9%。

  • What does this mean?


  • Well, the researchers tell the story best:


  • "The practice of Resistance Exercise Training is a far more potent stimulus for increasing muscle strength than the addition of dietary protein supplementation."


  • If you're a professional athlete where every last bit of strength counts, then yes absolutely optimise your protein intake.


  • For serious athletes, this study recommends supplementing protein intake to an upper limit of 2.2 grams per kilo, per day, to get the maximum possible benefit from protein supplementation.


  • But if you're an average person like me just trying to stay fit, then protein shakes will help you a bit, but not as much as getting to the gym and actually doing the work.


  • So the next time you see someone at the gym drinking some protein, the real question is: "Hey bro, do you even lift?"


  • In this video I've only looked at the effect of protein supplementation on strength training.


  • There are some other reasons why people use protein shakes:


  • to boost protein intake without eating a lot more calories, to suppress appetite or to aid in recovery after cardio.


  • If you're interested in these topics, drop a comment below.


  • And if you're interested in getting specific advice about your particular situation and protein intake, then I would suggest seeing a sports dietician.


  • A common concern about a high protein diet is whether there are any negative effects on your health.


  • For example, could a high protein diet cause lead to worse acne, hair loss or even cause kidney damage?


  • In the next episode, I'm going to look at the science behind these questions.


  • So make sure you're subscribed for that and the video will be up there to your right when it's released.


  • Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one.


Whether you're a guy or a girl, you've probably been told that you need protein to get the most out of a workout.


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