字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Do you feel like bad days are now your new normal? 你是否感覺壞日子現在成了你的新常態? Well, truth is bad days are often caused by our own built up bad habits or an underlying maybe unconscious belief that if it starts bad, it's going to just get worse. 事實上,糟糕的日子通常是由我們自己累積的不良習慣或一種潛在的、也許是無意識的信念引起的,即如果一開始不順利,情況只會變得更糟。 That means you usually have the power to not have a bad day. 這就意味著,你通常有能力避免糟糕的一天。 It's all about setting the stage for it to happen. 重點是要讓它發生。 Here are some quick tips that are good habits to cultivate. 以下是一些快速培養良好習慣的小竅門。 You may even find that some bad habits are only bad because of the way they've been handled so far. 你可能發現,一些不良習慣之所以被視為不好,只是因為迄今為止處理它們的方式。 So here are a few habits to help you make your day better. 這裡有幾個習慣可以幫助你更好地度過每一天。 Number one, remembering to be grateful. 第一,記得要感恩。 This isn't momentarily saying, "Okay, this in my life is good, that in my life is good." 這並不是一時說:「我生命中的這個是好的,我生命中的那個也是好的。」 It's a brain exercise. 這是一項腦力鍛鍊。 A brain exercise? 腦力練習? Yeah, you're training your brain to see the good and the beauty of life as part of its norm. 是的,你正在訓練你的大腦,讓它把生活中的真善美視為生活常態的一部分。 Instead of living in a blanket of problems and negativity. 而不是生活在問題和消極的籠罩之中。 The when you do this is up to you doing it at the start of your day means you set the day up for a positive outlook. 什麼時候做取決於你,在一天的開始時做意味著你為一天的積極面貌做好了準備, Doing it before bed helps to unload heaviness and exhaustive stress thoughts. 在睡前進行這樣的活動有助於卸下沉重和耗盡精力的壓力思緒。 Number two, change your scenery. 第二,換個環境。 Buy a plane ticket? Not necessarily. 買張機票嗎?不一定。 A walk in the park works too. 在公園裡散步也行。 Visiting a new place once in a while can help stimulate your mind, giving you that recharge so you can continue doing work in a healthy headspace. 偶爾去一個新地方,有助於刺激你的思維,給你充電,讓你能以健康的心態繼續工作。 Number three, do one thing at a time. 第三,一次只做一件事。 We know it sounds more efficient if you can do everything all at once. 我們知道,如果能一次性完成所有工作,聽起來會更有效率。 Unfortunately, human cloning isn't a thing because that's the only way all at once would really work. 不幸的是,克隆人是不可能的,因為只有這樣才能一次性完成所有的工作, Partially doing a whole bunch of little things will leave you with a whole bunch of unfinished things that are hastily wrapped up because you're now overwhelmed. 而做一大堆小事會讓你有一大堆未完成的事情,因為你現在已經不堪重負,所以只能草草收場。 You're a quality person. 你是個重質的人。 And when you do one thing at a time, that quality shines through. 當你一次只做一件事時,這種品質就會熠熠生輝。 If it's a massive project, break it up into itty bitty parts that you complete one at a time in entirety. 如果這是一個很大的項目,那麼就把它分解成一個個小部分,一次完成一個。 Each small completion is a win. 每完成一個小目標都是一場勝利。 50 wins and a quality result versus one sort of win with a mediocre result. Which one sounds better. 50 場勝利和高品質的結果與一種勝利和平庸的結果相比。哪個更好聽? Number four, laugh. 第四,笑。 Laughter is, as they say, the best medicine. 俗話說,笑是最好的良藥, It activates the release of some feel good hormones and spreads joy to others. 它能激活一些感覺良好的荷爾蒙的釋放,並將快樂傳遞給他人。 It helps break tension and lighten negative feelings. 它有助於打破緊張,緩解負面情緒。 Your day is going to be better if you and the people in your life are happier. 如果你和你生活中的人都能更快樂,你的日子就會更美好。 Number five, help someone. 第五,幫助別人。 This one has a double positive. 這個有雙重積極意義。 Firstly, helping others is the way humans usually function happiest. 首先,幫助他人通常是人類最快樂的運作方式。 We feel accomplished, useful, even valuable. 我們感到有成就感,覺得自己有用,甚至有價值。 Helping someone exercises our empathy and compassion, allowing us to expand our perspective and subsequently, allowing us to like ourselves more. 幫助他人鍛煉我們的同理心和同情心,使我們擴展了自己的視角,進而讓我們更喜歡自己。 Secondly, in helping another person, you're helping to problem solve. 其次,幫助他人就是幫助解決問題。 And this in turn could give you the knowledge and inspiration on how to deal with an issue in your own life. 反過來,這也會給你帶來如何處理自己生活中的問題的知識和靈感。 Number six, prepare the night before. 第六,前一天晚上做好準備。 If we're honest with ourselves, sometimes that bad day happens because we didn't prep the night before. 如果我們誠實地面對自己,有時糟糕的一天之所以發生,是因為我們前一天晚上沒有做好準備。 And we know when it's late and you just want to sleep, it's easy to convince yourself, "I can totally quickly do that thing in the morning." 我們知道,當夜深人靜,你只想睡覺的時候,你很容易說服自己:「我完全可以在早上快速完成那件事。」 Then we know how that works out. 我們都知道結果會如何。 Morning arrives, your half asleep brain and body won't do the thing, and now you're stressed, frazzled and feeling insecure. 早晨來臨,你半睡半醒的大腦和身體卻不聽使喚。現在,你壓力重重,焦頭爛額,感覺沒有安全感。 So just give an honest little rebuttal to the voice that's telling you I can do this in the morning and take at least a few minutes to do some prep for the next day. 所以,只要誠實地反駁一下那個告訴你我可以在早上做這件事的聲音,至少花幾分鐘為第二天做一些準備, When you wake up and it's all ready to go, you'll already be doing gratitude practice. 當你醒來的時候,一切都已經準備好了,你已經在進行感恩的練習。 Number seven, hype yourself up. 第七,為自己打氣。 Yes. 是的。 We're telling you to buy into your own hype. 我們就是叫你嗨起來。 It may not work for everyone but it's worth a try. 這可能不是對每個人都有效,但值得一試。 Before a big event or performance even going to a gathering you're nervous about, you can buy into your own hype for just that amount of time. 在一個重要的事件或表演之前,甚至是參加你感到緊張的聚會,你可以在那段時間內嗨起來。 That booster shot of extra self belief, even though temporary could be what makes the big deal event go that much smoother, 即使是暫時的額外自信的助推器,也可能是讓重要事件進展得更加順利的關鍵, which in turn can make the day, the week your life that much better. 進而讓這一天、這一週的生活變得更加美好。 Saying or writing down affirmations every day can help with this and gradually with increased self belief, confidence will naturally flow. 每天說或寫下肯定的話語可以幫助你做到這一點,隨著自我信念的增強,自信也會自然而然地流露出來。 Number eight, relaxation. 第八,放鬆。 Yep. 是的。 We said it, relax. 我們說過要放鬆。 OK. We know that sounds super vague. 好的。我們知道這聽起來非常模糊。 "I don't know how to relax," you say. 你說:「我不知道如何放鬆。』 Not to worry, we're not gonna leave you hanging. 別擔心,我們不會讓你懸空練習放鬆的。 To practice relaxing, as odd as that sounds, creates a relax and destress routine. 雖然聽起來很奇怪,但還是要制定一個放鬆和減壓的常規。 This can be as simple as reading a good book, taking a warm bath and listening to calming music. 這可以很簡單,比如讀一本好書、洗一個溫水澡和聽一些讓人平靜的音樂。 This will allow you to focus on each step and really do the relaxing, detaching and unwinding. 這將讓你專注於每一個步驟,真正做到放鬆、脫離和放鬆。 This means too that the hamster wheel of worry is no longer interrupting your sleep and better sleep means better mood. 這也意味著擔心的倉鼠輪不再幹擾你的睡眠,而更好的睡眠意味著更好的心情。 Number nine, take your time. 第九,慢慢來。 We all want to do things quickly to get to the next thing and then to the next. 我們都想快快做事,做完一件事再做下一件事。 But we forget that sometimes the best thing you can do is take your time to enjoy what you're doing at the moment. 但我們忘了,有時你能做的最好的事情,就是慢慢享受當下正在做的事情。 Taking your time ensures that you do a good job on your project that you focus on it and that you learn how to be in the present moment. 慢慢來可以確保你做好項目,專注於項目,並學會如何把握當下。 Bonus. 額外的好處。 This is a sort of gratitude practice, allowing you to get the best out of every second and be present in the moment. 這是一種感恩練習,能讓你分秒必爭,享受當下。 Although the media would like to have us believe that if we buy that product, our lives will be better in truth. 儘管媒體希望讓我們相信,如果我們購買了那個產品,我們的生活將更好, It's the little things that only we can do for ourselves that make the biggest difference. 但只有我們能為自己做的小事,才能帶來最大的改變。 These tips are by no means exhaustive. 這些小訣竅絕非詳盡無遺。 But we hope we've given you an idea of things to try or maybe inspired you to look up other happy habits to learn. 但我們希望我們能給你提供一些可以嘗試的想法,或者激發你去學習其他快樂的習慣。 Which of these happy habits have you tried or have worked for you? 在這些快樂習慣中,您嘗試過哪些或對您有效? Any other habits you'd like to suggest? Please feel free to comment, discuss and spread the joy. 如果您還想建議其他習慣,請隨時評論、討論並傳播快樂。 We also strongly believe clicking the like button will contribute to a better day. 我們還堅信,按讚將有助於讓我們的生活更美好。 Thanks for watching and see you soon. 感謝觀看,再見。
B1 中級 中文 習慣 放鬆 快樂 練習 幫助 做好 小小的習慣卻可以讓你身心靈都富足?!快把這 9 個小習慣學起來吧! (9 Little Habits To Have A Better Day) 80852 672 林宜悉 發佈於 2023 年 10 月 05 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字