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think we're good let's see
erase this over here we should be live
I think so
all right this should be a fun video
I am Drew Badger the founder of englishanyone.com and in this video we're going to talk about how
to make fluent sentences well let's see we got somebody uh oh I'm the first nice Phil all right
everybody is uh starting to starting to funnel in to file in uh so today this is a big problem for
Learners it's really the fundamental problem of communication and that's why I wanted to make a
video about this specifically so it's great to learn new vocabulary but if you can't actually
put everything together uh in your sentences then you're really you know you're obviously not going
to get anywhere you'll be wasting your time so nice to see everybody here uh as usual I will
get right to the lesson at the beginning and then I will stay around and answer questions
if anybody has a name so we're going to talk about uh brought actually I made something for you guys
look at this it's a little origami boat hello well hi from hell somebody somebody's watching this in
hell oh my goodness I didn't know they had Wi-Fi down in hell but I guess I guess everybody's uh
everybody's enjoying themselves all right so we're going to use this origami boat uh but the basic
idea of what we're going to talk about today is that you really have to have uh the actual
individual pieces uh of communication so these are like your words and phrases and just like a
chain we're going to draw a very simple chain here it's not a very good chain but basically
maybe you have some similar expression in your native language where the chain I'll
write this down so the chain or I'll just say a chain because it's really any chain so a chain
does everyone know this expression or maybe you've heard this before well it's 4am oh my goodness
so a chain is only as strong
as it's weakest
link a chain is only as strong as its weakest link a chain is only as strong as its weakest link who
has heard that before maybe you've heard me talk about that if you've been following my channel
for a while this is the same idea that applies to all of your communication skills so as an
example maybe you you know a lot of vocabulary but you feel very shy so if the weak Link in
your communication chain is shyness then that's going to be the biggest thing that's stopping
you from communicating okay so a chain is only as strong as its weakest link and the idea here
is for sentences as well so if we've got words we're connecting different words together in a
sentence and if the words themselves are not very strong then the whole sentence will be weak so it
only takes one word to break the chain okay does everyone make sense or is that making sense to
everyone so a chain is only as strong as its weakest link so what I'm going to show you in
this video I really want to prove that fluency is built word by word as you understand vocabulary
very well I want to make this idea very clear for people because people think they need to go
after like the whole language when really they should be really mastering individual words and
phrases and grammar is part of this as well but when you do this you automatically improve your
grammar your pronunciation your listening all these all these skills will improve
all right so let's take a look so I have my my little boat with me and I thought that
would be a good way to teach you some very useful vocabulary so we're going to do that
first and then we'll talk about putting those things together in a sentence in just a moment
all right so I made my origami boat this morning especially for you guys I had to
learn how to make this and of course uh just go online and learn how to make a little bit
a little boat but what I'm going to do is use this boat to teach you some very useful
vocabulary so let's get started so the first one the first vocabulary we're going to practice you
probably see me use this before it's a common example I use and this is the phrasal verb to go
under to go under so imagine you have a boat right here and this is you can imagine my hand is the
surface of the water and the boat is moving like this and oh no something happens maybe it gets
hit by lightning or something but oh no now the boat is going under the surface of the water so
the boat is sinking okay it's pretty pretty easy a pretty easy concept to understand so right now
we are above the water now we are going under to go under when you go under so it's the same
thing like if you're going underground or you're going uh under you know like under a blanket or
something like that to go under to move so if we have a an object here we're going to go from here
Down Under that thing to go under all right so very simple phrasal verb to go under
now if we take a physical idea like this to go under we can also use the more figurative idea
of like a company going under in the same way so a company you might have
the profitability of a company let's say a company is making money so a company is making money and
then suddenly oh no it's not making money and if it hits if it passes this line here just like a
boat oh no it's going under so just like a boat going under something like that it's actually
going under this line going into bankruptcy so if we talk about a company going under so a company
going under what we mean is it's going really below this line so it's not making
money anymore and it's actually becoming uh you know basically it's going to go bankrupt okay
all right any questions about that I really want to make sure everybody understands this to go
under it's pretty simple idea uh and I thought again this boat would help you understand that
all right any questions about that I really want to make sure you understand this because again if
you don't understand even the basic pieces of a sentence then of course you're not going to make
fluent sentences okay so here we have to go under and then a company is going under in the same way
doesn't look like any questions about that so let's move on to a little phrase number two all
right so this next phrase it's a little bit more complicated but it's same basic idea all right So
Undercover yes it's the same way again like when you talk about being Undercover the same idea
all right so going under we'll put that phrase up here I'll leave that in the next phrase is to be
in the same boat
to be in the same boat so we got one person sitting over here another person sitting over
here on the same boat what do you suppose that means what does it mean to be in the same boat
to be in the same boat all right now we could use uh you know there could be an expression
like a car to be in the same car to be on the same train or something but the reason we use
to be on the same boat is because a boat is really just floating by itself out in the water like this
and whatever happens to one person is going to happen to the other person all right or it could
be many people on the same boat yeah so Mohammed says to be in the same situation but I really want
to make so very good that's correct and I want to make sure people understand why that is all
right the goal is not just to learn the the folk like the vocabulary and then the definition of
it is to understand why we use this okay so the history the origin of the word why do we have
this so you can imagine you know two guys or two women or whatever or two people sitting on a boat
and now there's a hole in the boat oh no so they are in the same situation it doesn't matter who
the person is they are both in the same situation they are in the same boat so this is why we don't
use uh to be in the same car like I don't see how I'm in the same car as you because we just
get out of the car and walk away but with a boat you're surrounded by water there's nowhere to go
you're stuck you're in the same boat you're in the same situation so you all have to work together to
do something all right so whatever happens to the boat will happen to everyone if the boat is going
under everybody okay yes the same character guys that's right we'll put a put some hair on this
guy over here all right so they're in the same situation and this is the physical idea of where
this comes from but I want to make it clear why we say you're in the same boat and not on the same
train or on the same whatever all right it makes sense all right glad to hear it now we begin again
just like going under we have a physical idea of the origin of this something is physically going
under something else and then we start using more figurative uses and we start coming up
with different ways to use the vocabulary in a more figurative way so we have to go under
then to be in the same boat so what times might we use this expression it's not just
for physically being in a boat when else might you be in the same boat as someone else all right so
remember we're thinking about it not just from a physical okay here are two people or three
people or ten people in an actual boat we're talking about a situation so when else might
we have a group of people working together to do something just give me a comment let
me know what other situations might we use this phrase in to be in the same boat all right I'll
give you a few hopefully you can come up with a few more you might be on a team together
you might be in a class
can you think of any more love your pronunciation glad to hear it yes I am being intentionally clear
and smooth so people can understand what I say so you could be on a team together so
everyone on the team wins or loses at the same time everyone in the class maybe they all have
to do something together a family a business excellent family we'll just put biz for short
financial situation yeah for sure so if you have a group of some kind
and it might even just be two people a project are you speaking about a company that closes
for financial reasons for example yep to be in the same boat yes again it doesn't
mean it's not necessarily negative it just means that you're in the same situation
so let's say my daughter is going to college next year and I meet another guy just like out at a
grocery store and we start talking about our kids and he says oh my daughter is going to college I
say oh we are in the same boat we're in the same boat it just means we we have the same situation
okay so it's nothing about being negative or money specifically or business it just means
you have the same situation as someone else all right so it's not only negative things often we
will talk about as like again as I just said when I'm doing something similar to someone else and
this is a great phrase maybe you discover this when you're meeting somebody and like oh like
I'm also moving to a new city I'm in the same boat or we are in the same boat or you can be talking
about someone else so maybe I'm talking about my kids my younger daughter just started school
and she's maybe feeling a little bit nervous oh you also know someone else who is uh you know
starting starting school and maybe they feel a little bit nervous too uh they are in the same
boat they are in the same boat okay everyone getting all these should be pretty clear let's
see what we got with uh with the chat over here like a movie scene yep a political decision yep
very good so in workplaces family business yeah so all those are great examples
and the point is again it could be a team it could be a group of people or it could be just
you know two people that meet and they happen to be doing the same thing okay I really want
to make it clear that we're all in the same boat here so you are trying to improve your language
skills that's very good I'm trying to improve my language skills too we are in the same boat
we are in the same boat yes another good example another similar thing is to be on the saying page
now as you begin getting more and more fluent and learning things you will hear
other again we have a situation so the situation is at least two people
are doing the same thing and look at that we have many different ways of expressing that
so the situation is I'm doing something oh you're doing the same thing well we are on the same page
we are in the same boat now typically uh on the same or in the same boat this is really talking
about a situation to be on the same page is is is almost more specifically about do we agree about
something or are we understanding each other about something so let's say right now I'm explaining
something about vocabulary and I want to make sure you're listening and paying attention and
understanding what I'm saying so oh are we are we on the same page are we on the same page so just
like a page in the book or a page in a book so we are both reading a book I want to make sure we are
reading from the same page reading from the same page or reading the same page of the book okay
so it's very similar a little bit different again uh on the same page again similar to
being in the same boat but you'll hear both of these quite frequently there is another
example uh like reading and this is another similar one about people having the same idea
and you will probably hear variations of this as well this is to read
from the same
to read from the same hymn sheet does anyone know what that is what is a hem sheet
to read from the same hymn sheet to read from the same hymn sheet it's basically
the same meaning as to be on the same page it's just a more specific usage from like
leading of reading hymns so these are songs that you would sing in church A Hymn A Hymn
so people are reading from the same hymn sheet or they are singing from the same hymn sheet
it just means again they are on the same page they are on the same on the same wavelength
to be on the same wavelength as someone all right so if I'm here I'm on this wavelength
but you're on some other one over here we're not maybe we're not aligned somehow there's
something wrong with the way we are we are seeing or we disagree about something but
if we are on the same wavelength well we agree everything is going smoothly
okay yes so you will hear most of these things these are the as you go deeper into the language
and you are paying attention for the kinds of things natives say in situations so remember
we begin with a situation and then these are the kinds of phrases that natives will use all right
but notice what I'm doing here I'm I'm staying on one particular topic one particular idea and
really helping you understand that thing so trying to teach a lot of different phrases
explain why they work where they come from so you can imagine like again on the same wavelength
so we are on the same wavelength or we are reading from the same hymn sheet all right we share the
same opinion yes so that is when when native speakers are trying to be more figurative or say
something a little bit maybe fancier or poetic or more interesting this is what we would say
uh we we are on the same wavelength we are on the same wavelength all right so these
specifically like to be on the same wavelength or to be reading from the same hymn sheet or to
be on the same page those really mean we agree about something or we understand each other to
be in the same boat is a bit more broad uh where we're talking about some situation we're both in
so I might not like agree about something but we're in the same situation often you will
have people in the same boat who do disagree so imagine we have a company so obviously it's not
a physical boat but we have a company and we have a couple of different people on that boat [Music]
and each one of them is disagreeing with the other but they're all in the same boat
so they have to figure out a solution to their problem or
they're all screwed they're all going to have a problem okay
so remember like these people might not be on the same page they might not be on the same wavelength
they might not be on the same or reading from the same hymn sheet so if you imagine like some people
in church singing they have their like the music that they're reading for for that church service
okay yes Julian so now we are on the same page we understand each other
okay yeah so remember when you learn these things you will you will notice the subtle slight
differences between these different expressions and the the way to understand them is to really
pay attention to the situation and then what people are saying for that situation okay
so remember we can be on the same boat and still disagree often this is what happens
let's say we all like uh maybe 10 of us want to get uh I don't know we want to get some pizza
we are hungry and we want to order a pizza okay how do we what kind of pizza do we get
so we are all in the same boat we are hungry we all want something to eat and the only thing to
eat is pizza but we might not be on the same page about what kind of pizza to get
okay does that make sense pretty easy so we have a couple of different things maybe I want cheese
maybe you want pepperoni maybe someone else wants sausage so just like all the different people in
a company or in a group you're going to have some different agreements they might not all be on the
same page on the same wavelength reading from the same hymn sheet okay so again I'm repeating myself
I'm going over these again and again because I really want you to understand the vocabulary
remember that if we want to use these things in sentences so a sentence is a chain of words
that's it it's just a chain of words and so if we can't use any of these individual words
correctly then of course we're going to struggle to make fluent sentences
so we must be fluent in each individual thing if we are going to learn something we focus
on it until we really understand that thing and we're going to do that by look at this
all these different angles okay so if you have a problem this specific problem with communication
where you know a lot of words but you actually can't connect them well in situations it's because
you really don't know them as well as you think you do it's because you don't spend enough time
actually reviewing things and really understanding them okay so often people will will try to learn
something like they'll go to a website and and okay here are here are some phrases I can learn
but they don't really help you understand them like a native and when you understand something
like a native you know it well you understand why we use that thing you've reviewed it a
number of times you feel very confident about that vocabulary so if you feel confident about
each of the the pieces each of the links in this chain then of course you're going to be able to
connect the chain and communicate fluently all right now for anyone joining us late this video
is not specifically about blending words together this is actually about using words fluently so
how do you create smooth speeches all right so it could be smooth sentences or whole conversations
but each one of these is built from the individual pieces okay any questions about that so far so
we've covered two words or two two phrases uh but we're talking about being on the same wavelength
reading from the same hymn sheet on the same page and these are all really about agreement
to agree about something we share the same idea I want to do this oh you want to do
that also well I guess we are on the same wavelength we're on the same wavelength
we're on the same page are we on the same page is everyone on the same page about this way of
learning does anyone disagree with this does anyone disagree is anyone not on the same page
all right so again this video is for people who know a lot of words but they still can't express
themselves fluently the reason this happens is because you don't have the individual Links of
the chain very strong so that's why in this video I just want to cover this just teach
you a few phrases and then because we've learned them very well you'll be able to put them together
in sentences or you can add these phrases to other sentences that you already have okay
so we'll cover that uh in just a second so the first phrase we covered was anyone remember two
go under and we take the the boat example of a boat going under the water when you're alone
okay so the boat is going on there oh no here's the boat ah it's in the
it's in the it's in the frame right now the frame of the camera and the
so Julian uh is asking if uh these are expressions for
what is that uh for informal conversation no you can use these for anything uh basically everything
I teach can be used in business it can be used in casual conversations so you can be on the same
wavelength with like a romantic partner you could be on the same wavelength with a business partner
you could be on the same wavelength with a friend and this is again like people people
think there is specific business vocabulary but the technical information or the technical terms
that you might use in a business situation that's a very small and not so important part of actual
business communication business communication is how can I communicate things in a simple and easy
way and maybe sometimes I have to say something a little bit more interesting but the important
thing is that you will hear things like this in business situations especially if you're dealing
with native speakers people will be in business and they will be using idioms or expressions or
phrases that come from relationships or war or sports or other things like that
so I have like let's say one person I'm at a company and a friend of mine has to give a
presentation after me so I'm giving a presentation first so I'm up to bat I'm up up too bad
this is a phrase from baseball and I'm using it in a business context a business setting so I'm
up to bat it means I'm the one giving the speech right now I'm the one I'm the the main event I'm
the highlighted person I'm up to bat but my friend who is next to me or he's coming up to speak after
me so the person who is next on to backed or next up to bat in a baseball game is on Deck
foreign so you have the batter if you're watching a baseball game and you listen to these phrases
you will use these in business communication as well lots of sports idioms and sports Expressions
especially from baseball or football because a lot of these things are connected okay I don't want
to get too distracted now we're talking about a bunch of different things I really wanted to just
stay focused on this but again the important Point here is that we focus on something so you really
understand that now before we go on to the next phrase let me see if we have any questions over
here all right looks like a bunch of questions came up here good questions from everybody all
right uh it is also to put someone in my shoes yes again another good expression like if you
are uh putting like to be in the same shoes as everyone else or as someone else usually
this means uh you could be doing something that someone else did but it's not at the same time
okay so if you're talking about if you want to use the Expression to be in someone else's shoes you
could use this like to be in the same boat you could say oh I was in the same boat last year
I was in the same boat so if we are actually both of us are at the same time doing something ah okay
now I'm in the same boat as you or if you just you're you're this is about connecting with other
people showing empathy uh and so when you are in a conversation you're talking about someone else
uh maybe doing something at a different time say oh like I I was I was in the same boat last year
so my daughter just graduated college and your daughter is graduating college in in two years
okay so who's in the same boat yeah so you could you could ask if you if like is any if I'm if I'm
describing a situation right now uh I just moved to a new city so if I'm giving a speech in front
of a group of people like this I just moved to a new city is anyone else in the same boat
so I'm asking is anyone else having experiencing the same situation right now is anyone else in the
same boat okay so it doesn't need to be a bad experience or a good experience it just means
the same situation so I could also say I just got fired from my job is anyone else in the same boat
I just got fired from my job as anyone else in the same boat all right so that's a negative usage but
we're still talking about people being in the same boat and notice how that's a little bit different
from being on the same wavelength so someone else could be fired from their job just like me so we
are both fired from our jobs we are both in the same boat but maybe maybe we hate each other or
whatever so we're not we we don't we don't we don't have like we're not reading from the same
hymn sheet we're not on the same page we're not on the same wavelength we're just in the same boat
all right let's go back and answer some more but very good lots and lots of people commenting
here nice to see all right so yeah so people understanding yes I'm in the same boat over here
all right uh let's see business says I really need to learn fluent English but most of my use case or
in business situation pitching to investors Etc does your course include business English yes so
number one fluent for life does include specific topics that do have business related material so
we talk about sales and marketing we talk about money and investing uh accounting is in there
uh small and small business a couple of different things but it's important to remember that native
speakers are using just like I explained uh Sports idioms for talking about business relationship
idioms for talking about business so it's not just you don't like have a course about business
English that only teaches you technical vocabulary because you're still communicating with people
and this is the big mistake that most people even native English speakers make when they're trying
to learn business English so there was a uh there was a guy who created an English course I think
100 years ago his name is Sherwin Cody and he made a couple of different courses actually uh
and he he created one for business specifically for people learning business English and this
is the exact same lesson that he was teaching I actually got that course just to see what he was
teaching and he's teaching the same thing so a lot of people they will use technical vocabulary or
they will try to sound more like a corporate like we regret to inform you that we have terminated
you from so they're using that kind of vocabulary but actual business communication is really done
you're you're still speaking with people all right so although we do cover specific business topics
we also make it clear in the program that look here's a way you can use this same vocabulary
for business here's the way you can use this for talking about relationships okay and so what I'm
doing when I'm teaching you this is is is to show that we're we don't want to just learn vocabulary
we want to understand the situation when people would use that because this situation can happen
in many different places I might have a situation where I'm in the same situation like in the same
boat in business in relationships ordering a pizza getting stuck in the rain having my car break down
there are lots of there are lots of reasons why I might be in the same situation as someone else
and I might want to use something like in the same boat as a way to connect with that person
so I could say oh look we we are experiencing the same situation
we are experiencing the same situation but it's much more native and natural to say we're in the
same boat we're in the same boat and so this is something natives will understand because they've
heard this so many times in their life from all kinds of situations all right so don't don't draw
a a very like a very I don't know strong line between oh this is business English and this is
casual English over here all right the real world doesn't work like that all right good question
though of course now we get I it moves my comment space Google Google needs to change that so I can
see where my actual comments were and I don't have to leave my finger up here for you guys
all right uh uh I think we answered those all right yeah so political political discussions
as well same thing so we are on the same page is it common yes very common uh so we are all on this
so in the same boat trying to reach our fluency goal yep that's a very good use very good use
uh creciendo very good Emanuel says hey Andrew nice to see you there Julian don't worry I'm in
the same boat there we go is it wrong to be on the same boat well we would we I mean you you
could say that like technically you can be on a boat or in a boat but the expression is really to
be in the same boat if you're ever trying to learn something like this and you're curious uh is it on
or in I would just put those phrases into Google so just type the whole phrase into Google and see
which one gets more hits so if you if you type in on the same boat or in the same boat you will get
weight uh you should get more I haven't checked but I'm guessing you would get way more uh for
in the same boat we're in the same boat although you will have people uh like just talking about
being on a boat because you are on a boat as well really the idea of being in the same boat is is
like you're you're kind of physically surrounded by the boat so a larger boat like you like when
you talk about like a like a cruise ship so a cruise ship is like a pretty big thing so we would
say oh I'm on the cruise ship right now just like you would talk about being on a bus or on a train
but when you have a small boat like this the the idea of the phrase is that okay we're we're really
in a actually a tiny boat that maybe only two or three people could fit in like a row boat and
in that way there's a it's like a bowl that you sit inside so that's where we get the expression
okay all right let's see here all right so it's the first time to hear that expression it says
Muhammad yep well now you know it all right good job Professor hi coach greetings from Nicaragua so
in the same boat on the same page all right in the same institution that's correct all right I like
this guy he is so humble well you were too kind I'm guessing you're talking about me uh I like
the way you teach thanks a lot yeah so when people talk about liking the way I teach what I'm really
doing is just making the language understandable so you can use it fluently when you understand the
language like a native you start thinking like a native and then you speak like a native as well
all right you are a great teacher I'm having a problem to speak English you're a good teacher
I like your courses glad you're Kevin says does it matter whether you learn new vocabulary initially
through translation or through the target language as long as you get a lot of examples and a lot of
review to my mind it doesn't matter whether they use translations or understand it through the L2
because it's going to be forgotten anyways without review to me the most important thing is getting a
lot of examples as you recommend uh yes I I mean I don't I don't understand the point of teaching
unless you're going to remember the vocabulary so that would be the basic idea is that we should
do everything we can to make the vocabulary understandable and and memorable and so if
you're just saying well here's a translation and then maybe you get some examples maybe you forget
it maybe you don't if you don't really care like if you're trying to prepare for a test uh in that
way you don't it doesn't really matter and maybe they don't they don't actually need to use uh the
vocabulary later so some people just want to get vocabulary and learn it quickly and pass a test
and maybe they don't care about using English at all they just want to get a job or something and
that's fine but if you want to actually speak you you really should give yourself as many chances
as you can to understand that vocabulary all in English the reason most people will
use translations in a class is because they're not doing a good job of making the vocabulary
understandable all right and when you do that then you're making it more difficult for for students
to remember what they say and that's again one of the reasons that we have these problems
so it's okay to use translations if you don't care about communicating fluently but even
yeah like I I don't I don't I don't use any translations at all when I teach I might use
like I'll give some examples in Japanese just to just to show what it's like for people who don't
uh know Japanese and they can learn something and see what it's like kind of to learn like a child
again uh but all of the all the teaching I do is helping people understand something in English
and I would rather make it understandable in English than try to give them a translation so a
translation is kind of the easy simple quick thing you can do but really I'm trying to help people
build a network in their mind and the network is what creates the fluency all right read the rules
to make sure we are on the same page yeah exactly perfect usage of that I learn a lot from uses a
manual some Vice repairing for IELTS essays I'm on my way uh doing that yes I'm not an authority
on IELTS I would look for teachers who are I'm glad I've helped you and again anybody taking
any kind of test will improve if they learn the native way just like native speakers do I should
actually take the IELTS and and see what it's like I wonder how I would do uh but again the
the point is find someone who is an expert in the particular test and get advice from that person
uh let's see and let's see red Kit to be fluent it is important that there are connections between
the words in English in someone's brain we can achieve it by seeing the words in a lot of context
yes so this is the idea of naturally varied review which is what we're doing today so I'm giving you
vocabulary review really going over things so if you notice like we've been talking for
almost 40 minutes in this video and in a regular YouTube video you might cover I don't know like
20 different phrases and then you get a quick definition and then that's it and then you just
forget the thing that you learned so my goal here is to really push this deep into your brain help
you understand it to make another link strong for you to use in your conversations okay that's why
we do this so Jericho says my problem is that even though I get all the Expressions I can't
think of them directly in real conversations all right the question I would ask is do you
really know the vocabulary as well as you think you do so there's a difference remember I made
that video a while back talking about uh getting exposure to the language then awareness of the
language and finally ownership I'm trying to make it so easy to understand this that you really own
the expression that you really understand it very well so you can easily say to someone it just pops
into your mind oh look we're in the same situation I'm here you're here we're both like we both were
running for the bus and we both missed the bus now we have to wait for the next bus so we are
in the same boat we are in the same boat all right when you know something so well you
understand it you can really see it Ah that's where the phrase comes from I understand why
we use that expression you can imagine you know two people in a boat way far out in the ocean
and that's a you know it could be a good thing it could be a bad thing but whatever happens to the
boat is happening to both of them so they are in the same situation they're in the same boat
and notice this is these are all basic words in the same boat these are words that little
kids would learn you know like my all my daughters know all these all these words
so even a four-year-old would know these same expressions or they would they would
learn this expression uh by by hearing natives talking about that oh look here's the situation
and here's the vocabulary we use for that we are in the same boat okay so everybody
watching this video is in the same boat trying to improve their fluency you're in the same boat
all right so hopefully hopefully this makes sense the whole point of this video is to say You must
get fluent in these individual words and phrases that's how you make fluent sentences we're going
to show you a little bit about that later but I just want to make this point very clear I'm going
to say it again and again as I usually do you get fluent word by word if you learn something quickly
and then forget it then of course you can't use it fluently in conversations you will remember it
maybe when you hear it I understand what that word is but you won't recall it quickly and
automatically and use it fluently in conversations okay all right so all the phrases used on except
for the boat we use in for that one yeah so we're again like try try not to think about
it and this is a really good uh I guess a good example here about thinking more like a native
so a learner looks at these phrases and it's like oh look like to be on
the same wavelength or to be reading from or to be on the same page but he said in the boat
that's interesting and you're trying to form a kind of pattern the way a student
would but you really have to think about this like a native speaker all right I don't have
a all right I have like a piece of paper towel over here we're going to use this
like a napkin so imagine this is a a sheet a sheet of paper all right it's a page in a book
so I'm looking at a physical thing and when we have something like the writing is
on the same page it's like physically on there and so I might be like I can't really go inside
the page the page is a flat object and you can't go inside I can't be in the page but
because I'm looking at this page it's like I'm not on this page I'm on this one okay
so pretty easy so we have to think about it like a native and really from these individual
situations uh we can be on the same page you're on the same wavelength we don't really get in a
wavelength you can think about yourself almost like a roller coaster going on it's like oh I'm
riding on the same wavelength okay so rather than trying to imagine like this like we use
on for this situation and on for that one just try to think about it like a native
that's the whole point the whole point of what I do is trying to help you understand
things like a native but that's why we talk about a small boat so the boat is like this
it's like a cup and we have people kind of you know they're sitting inside the boat
so we're in the same boat all right but a larger thing like a ship you know we talk about being on
that thing I mean I suppose you could be inside rather than standing on the top of it something
like that but this is a way we think about these expressions it's interesting because uh
like riding on a bus let's imagine this is a bus and not a cruise ship we don't talk about like
being on the bus like we're sitting on the top of it although maybe some people could do that I
guess we still say oh I'm I'm riding on the bus right now I'm riding on the bus I'm on the bus
all right but even if natives use like oh I'm in the bus right now even if a native said that what
they mean is like they're kind of physically inside the bus like they have not gotten off
the bus but we typically talk about being riding on a bus like that and rather than
trying to memorize that just listen for lots of examples when teachers or native speakers
are talking about these things like when they're writing a bus or riding a motorcycle so like I'm
sitting on the motorcycle I don't I don't ride in a motorcycle because I'm sitting on it it's
like a like a bicycle so I'm riding on that thing okay but rather than try to memorize rules look
at examples and connect the situation with the vocabulary and try to do it like a native speaker
all right let's see here
uh [Music] uh okay all right I'm have to go faster we have too many too many comments over
here all right okay I think I got that all right uh so watching so 103 watching and only 50 likes
get the like up yes feel free to like the video and share it with other people if you'd like to
help out the channel and actually show more people that it's possible to learn English
like a native if they want to speak like one so I'm scared to talk most part uh of the time at
work because I'm afraid of making mistakes and not finding the word yeah so again this just
means that you you don't know the vocabulary as well as you think you do so if you're worried
uh maybe I'll say the wrong word or I'll use the incorrect pronunciation or something then it means
you might know what you have an awareness level of vocabulary but you don't own that vocabulary
so you'll notice when you're talking about something where you feel very confident about
that even if it's in your native language when you're confident about something you speak about
it easily because you know it so well but when you don't feel confident like I can't I can't
talk in a YouTube video about uh I don't know how to make satellites or something like that
I could probably learn how to do that and spend some time researching but I could not do that
right now how do you make a satellite and send it into space I don't know how to do that so I
can't speak confidently about that thing okay but if you want to improve your not only your fluency
but your confidence the whole point of this video is that you should be doing this with all of your
vocabulary you should be trying to learn things and when you really understand something you
will feel it and that's where the confidence comes from so you can speak but if you have a
bunch of weak links in your chain then of course you won't be able to use those things fluently
all right let's see how can a deck did with English I don't know what that means how many
hours should someone speak to be fluent as native speakers uh it's really like it's really the wrong
kind of question to ask it's more again like how long does it take to get fluent in a phrase like
to be in the same boat five minutes how long does that take we've actually spent a lot of
time covering additional things that people are asking about but to learn something it's like oh
look at that those people are sitting in the same boat it's pretty easy to understand you
know the vocabulary already now we understand it as one phrase oh look we are in the same boat we
are in the same boat so it doesn't take long to become fluent in this so what I'm saying is that
you get fluent in each link in the chain and if you are not fluent in something then that's what
breaks the chain in a conversation so you could be speaking fine and then oh no I I forgot a word or
I don't I don't feel confident about pronunciation or some other reason and that's what causes me to
struggle to speak all right Kamal says you are the same as before I don't know if that's referring to
me or someone else how from Iraq says Ali so him she has to do with music yes so again A Hymn A
Hymn is a like a church song like him saying the words in their English context over and over here
allows English words to be associated with each other yes that's correct that's what we're doing
here I'm notice what like the when you're talking about associations this is what I mean by building
a network in your mind of all these different things and how they connect to each other
that's what allows you to speak fluently all right so this allows English words to automatically call
each other without the need for another language yes exactly and remember you are doing this in
your native language already this is what native speakers are doing in their native language okay
and this just means they've developed a network they feel very confident about individual words
and phrases and then they use them fluently they connect them together the connection
becomes automatic and that's how they can speak now what's interesting I've talked about this
before is that sometimes native speakers like let's say I'm writing I'm writing I don't know
a letter or an email to someone but I forget how to spell a word so I think oh no I'm not feeling
confident about this word these other words are fine I can spell them no problem but this word
this link right here is not good so I can try to look for the correct pronunciation or spelling in
that case if I'm writing something or I can just use a different word that I'm more familiar with
so a lot of native speakers will do this they're writing something and they will forget a word or
something and they will switch to something else but it happens very quickly and most people don't
think about it but a lot of English Learners they actually get stuck thinking about individual words
and phrases because they're really not knowing them very well so that's why I spend a lot of time
telling people to get naturally varied reviews so you want to be look at it we've spent 40 minutes
50 minutes talking about two two phrases to go under and to be in the same boat now of course if
we do this and I teach you the right way then you will remember these things very well okay and even
even with a good lesson it's always good to get more review so tomorrow you would be hearing these
things again but you will probably be recognizing them maybe you watch a movie and some characters
say oh look we're in the same boat we're in the same boat so we are facing the same situation yeah
yes that's correct do you believe this method I do believe this method works too uh uh I just wonder
how long it will take for me to get fluency I need yeah so you have two choices the first
choice is to learn like a native speaker and you will get fluent much faster the second choice is
to continue learning like a student and you will probably not reach fluency so as it's basically
like either you understand like a native so you understand like a fluent speaker or you do not
so that's basically the the the choice that you make now it seems like you would be uh learning
faster by just getting translations so if you're just trying to put more words into your head as
quickly as possible then just get translations of those words the problem is you won't be able to
use them fluently so it doesn't help you to learn a bunch of words if you will just forget them
this is why we do this so at the beginning of the process like if I'm taking two people and I start
teaching them today but I'm going to teach them differently the first person I'm going to teach
them like this the second person I'm going to teach them hey here's a sheet of 100 words
I want you to just memorize those words and hear translations at the end of day one one person will
know like the first person will know maybe like two or three words and expressions and the second
person will know 100. so it seems like I should be using translations but the next day I'm going
to teach a few more and they don't forget those the the phrases they learned on the first date so
they're continuing to learn more phrases and they don't forget but the second person they will have
forgotten uh all of the phrases or most of them really by the second date and so they're just
wasting their time they're like they're running in circles and that's why they don't get anywhere
so this notice like all the things that I'm doing here if you really pay attention I'm giving you
different ways of expressing things for particular situations we're really trying to understand what
they mean so you think about them like a native and then because we have reviewed them so many
times they will just come out naturally that's the goal so uh I I have not found a a more effective
way to learn a language than this and if there was then native speakers would probably be using it
like the native speaker is the is like you know the the the standard the benchmark
now this this method actually can get you fluent faster than native speakers get fluent because if
you think about a child learning they're spending a lot of time listening and often the lessons are
not very good so the lessons are not systematic and most parents are not being very systematic
about how they teach so they're not like okay let's focus on this word today and we're going
to really help you understand that thing very well they just maybe say something and the child
is listening the child is really working hard trying to understand different words and phrases
all right but if you learn this way the whole point is to learn as quickly as possible to
learn it systematically so you remember it and use it fluently we want to make each chain link
so each chain link each individual Link in the chain we want to make those all strong so you
can use them fluently all right let's see here if we have uh so I have a problem did I let's see
all right all right so Ray kit again translation allows a word to automatically call up a foreign
word but we don't talk like that English words need to call up yet so the whole point is yes
so if you're thinking if you learn through translations you will think about translations
when you speak that's correct all right so I have a problem with uh with that when I'm writing an
email at work uh and I write in English and then translate into Spanish just to make sure
it makes sense uh I know that I don't know how to stop doing it yeah it just means spend more
time with the language as a native with learning that's it so that's what I'm doing here so this
this video this whole video we're doing here together this is an example of how you should
be learning we want to take we've taken two phrases so we have to go under it's just one
Link in the chain of the vocabulary you know uh and then we have like to be in the same boat
so each one of these this is a chain link this is a chain link right here
and as you get fluent you will use those more naturally in conversations
so this is what we do in fluent for life where we're giving you uh vocabulary helping you
understand it like a native but you're seeing that again and again in many different ways
all right uh it's me the learner my name is Hamad by the way okay uh perhaps uh preposition
I don't know what that if that's referring to something Helen says I'm in a serious
situation here in the past I didn't focus on the grammar structure and I was not and I was
not stuck I could get my message across now I'm studying grammar for a test and I feel confused
yes so if you're if you're depending on how you learn I don't know enough about your situation
Helen uh but if you're learning grammar like a native speaker so like we're you're learning
grammar you notice there's grammar in this so you can't really separate vocabulary from grammar if
you have two words together that's grammar it just means the rules of how you connect the vocabulary
so often if you're learning it like a native does you come to understand it over time by connecting
it with situations it's like look they're in the same boat they are in the same boat that's
grammar we're talking about the preposition of where somebody is but without me giving you like
a textbook lesson about prepositions I can just show you look at that like here's here's a boat
so here they're under under the boat all right now they're in the boat now they're next to the
boat and this is what you do with little kids when you're teaching them their native language
so you don't explain what a preposition is you just show them the words and help them understand
from the situation that's what this little circle is up here it's a situation all right good evening
teacher I just entered in the classroom glad to hear it yeah I try not to think about this as a
classroom I know there's a board up here but just so I can write things I actually have a I have
whiteboard wallpaper in my house so I can write on my wall and my kids like I'll teach them things
like this too but it's not like a classroom it's just oh look at it let's let's write something or
show you how it works like a native but even a simple translation of four languages still has
words that do not fit or do not make sense to add a meaningless reason without a function in
the English sentence really yes so again another good reason not to use translations all right so
hopefully everybody watching this video is on the same page hopefully you are reading from the same
hymn sheet about how you should be learning all right people come to my channel because
they want to learn like a native rather than just get a bunch of vocabulary and forget it
all right greetings from the Yokohama yoroshiku says beautiful day out here yes it's pretty nice
in Nagasaki it's a little bit cloudy here uh but it's a nice day a little bit chilly uh Julian
again the idea is to ruminate to the vocabulary internalize the Expressions you are a great guy
yes that that is it exactly all right you want to you want to really get into it you want to
understand the vocabulary like a native all right even even better than a native now you should be
able to go to a native and and explain what this means it's like oh look we're on the same page
and native speakers is what what do you mean we're on the same page like yeah we you know
we think the same way we think the same and this is how new vocabulary is created or how we might
take vocabulary and then use it in a new way all right but it's still the same situation so look
at that like you and I are both reading from the same physical page over here we're still reading
from the same page all right uh uh let's see all right uh hi from Seoul Korean and Japanese
are so poor English why is that asks Yoon he if I'm pronouncing that correctly uh Koreans
and Japanese I I don't know so much about Korea but I can tell you about Japanese people uh and
this is maybe broadly for uh for like East Asians as well but number one for communication uh well
I guess at the the most basic thing is that they don't learn this way so they spend a lot of time
reviewing vocabulary through their native language so Japanese kids if you look at a Japanese
textbook from elementary school a lot of the vocabulary is in Japanese and then they're also
using Japanese translations for uh for learning pronunciation so like my name in in Japanese
I'll write it down here for you here try to write it write it clearly
so this is don't do you don't you and it sounds funny but like my the English in my name this
sound here the r Dr is not in Japanese and so they it just won't fit in the language and so they just
use this so people people have a hard time with my name and sometimes I just say oh call me Andy
I don't really like that name but it's easier for Japanese people to say Andy
don't you it sounds like like a drill go to you
uh but anyway for so that's the first problem and this is this is people all over the world
so Germans are learning English through German and it's it's same thing most places
um but the the additional thing is the the worry about making mistakes so it's it's a really it's a
really frustrating problem especially like for Koreans and Japanese uh maybe Chinese as well
um but you have there you're you're you have all these doubts about the language because you're
learning it through your native language so like this like people see my name and they don't know
how to read it because they they never learned how to read it correctly so they're thinking in
in the Japanese way of reading it it's like ah Doh dod you dod you and I say no it's Drew Drew and
so very few people are able to say my my name even like my my mother-in-law it's it's funny to see my
my two daughters so their pronunciation is perfect and they can switch between Japanese and English
pronunciation very easily and so they will correct like people in the house about how to say they're
like no no don't say it like that say it like this and you know these are you know four-year-old or
my seven-year-old daughter doing that so you've got the the problem of uh like worry and people
not wanting to make mistakes so that's a very very strong thing especially in in Japan probably
in Korea as well you know I heard an interesting story I'm kind of taking too long about this but
I know a lot of people have this problem there was a study done about airplane crashes and so
what different countries were having more problems with airplane crashes and they found like South
Korea was number one for airplane crashes and people were trying to figure out why that was why
is South Korea uh like higher than any place else in in like having airplane crashes and they found
that if you have a pilot so a Korean pilot and a Korean co-pilot if the co-pilot notices a problem
he won't say anything to the pilot because he's it's like part of the culture that they they won't
say anything about that and so they had to kind of retrain a lot of the pilots to make sure it's okay
like maybe culturally you have a very strong like I am higher than you socially but in the airplane
we really want to make sure people can communicate well so they don't crash the airplane so there are
cultural reasons why people might struggle with learning languages but the nice thing about this
is anybody can do this anywhere okay so I I like I teach this if I'm talking with Japanese people
and I have the opportunity to teach them something in English this is what I do and so this is why I
teach my children this way this is why I teach you all online uh in the same way all right uh
uh all right do you speak fast English or not do I speak you're asking me do I speak fast English
or not well I could yeah I could speak I could speak much faster than I'm speaking right now
but most people uh would probably not understand me are you teaching live regularly I teach maybe
once or twice a week on YouTube Just because it's fun for me to come on and teach I enjoy teaching
I don't have a private class or a classroom anymore so I do this and of course like for the
people that don't care about having me live they just want to get fluent as fast as possible this
is what we do in fluent for life if you'd like to learn more about that you can click on the link in
the description below this video all right uh so I wish you had been my English teacher our teachers
taught us to do translation and advise us to study grammar yeah yeah and this is what most people do
because in school often you don't need to speak you just need to pass a test so teachers are doing
you know what they think is the kind of fastest easiest thing uh that they know how to do and
often a lot of English teachers actually they are also not feeling very confident about the language
and many English teachers could not explain the language like this even like a high level English
teacher who's a non-native so in Japan there are lots of Japanese English teachers who don't really
feel very confident themselves about teaching the language unfortunately uh I said do you spoke I
was asking answered that already so Lima nice to see you there again I know all grammar rules
I know 20 000 words in English I don't speak fluently let's see because I know them one by
one separately not with connections yes I want to make it very clear to people that like you
what you're really doing with this approach is you're making the individual words and phrases
fluent so you're you're becoming fluent in words and phrases so you become fluent in
this phrase by itself all right so you could be fluent in this but not fluent in something else
all right so as you learn some vocabulary you use it often you know it very well you are fluent in
that vocabulary so the goal is to become fluent in more things and as you become fluent in more words
and phrases then you become a fluent speaker then you express yourself without thinking
all right so I think your method works for a Babu well my method works for everybody it's
how everyone got fluent in their native language my problem is to speak with people when I am alone
a listen or reading is different yeah so there are also people so shark says that this is another
problem where the confidence comes from like how you speak it's almost a connection where you have
with someone else I noticed my Japanese is better with with random Japanese people I don't know but
when I'm speaking with my mother-in-law I'm kind of scared of her so she's like a little lady but I
get worried and so my Japanese is like [Laughter] it should because she'll give me an angry look
she's like I like much like dinner I like it like you like use the wrong expression or something
so she corrects me and then I correct her English too it's interesting uh she doesn't
she doesn't want me to teach her English even though she because she she still kind of learns
the traditional way listening to like radio English in Japan for many many years and she
still can't speak but I'm in the house I'm in the house I said look I'll teach you for
free you don't have to pay me any money and she was like no I'm not gonna do it
so she's got a lot of Pride I love her though she's she's a good lady all right ABDO says sorry
I have a question out of out of today's lesson I am trying to read books and something in English
but I discovered a lot of words how I can remember them large amount yes so that's the there's a
trade-off about about remembering words it's it's a slower process at the beginning all right so
this you see we've taken go under and to be in the same boat that's all I've tried to teach you for
one hour isn't that crazy we're spending an hour an hour on two things but because we've done that
you will know them very well and then you will not forget them later all right uh let's see
all right I think I answered that already yeah so again the point is not to try to learn a bunch of
vocabulary you want to focus on a few things and learn them well and then that will help
you uh connect with other things as well Lewis says do you know about shadowing technique yes
people mention shadowing to me sometimes and yes uh shadowing can be helpful but I say if you're
spending more time learning like this that's the most helpful thing you can do and another part
of this we're what we're covering in this video is naturally varied review and that means we're
looking at like one situation and looking at different ways we might say that but you
might also hear this in different tenses so if I say hey we were in the same boat or we will be
in the same boat tomorrow all right so again I'm trying to look at it and teach it to you give you
different contexts and you should also be hearing from different speakers so it's much better rather
than to be kind of shadowing one person to hear 10 different speakers if you could hear them
talking about something uh let's see so thanks when I watched the video I always want to watch
the subtitles that's why I want to ask because I want to know whether I can understand the teacher
yeah it's not a bad thing to watch subtitles I don't worry about that I will watch subtitles
in Japanese sometimes if I'm watching like a song or some movies or something just so I want to make
sure I hear what people are saying there's nothing nothing bad about using subtitles what you should
do I mean you don't want to use like captions in in a different language so you should be
using like the actual captioned uh subtitles if you're if you're following something in English
I think your method works for baby Ah that's what you meant you wrote you wrote Babu and it's funny
because my my younger daughter she will she will pretend to be a baby sometimes and she's in like
like that so I think your method works for baby learning it naturally but what about us growing
up uh ready to uh okay so let me make this clear for everybody what I'm teaching you here like this
is not something you would teach to a baby but it's in the same way you teach a baby okay so
this vocabulary itself is like a baby doesn't need to learn oh we're in the same boat and a
baby couldn't say that anyway but a baby is still learning the language the same way and recognize
that in your native language it doesn't matter what your language is your maybe your language
is Thai or whatever but when you're learning new things in your native language you're hearing
them from different people you're hearing it in your native language and you're getting the same
kind of naturally varied review so you're doing the same thing at every age it doesn't matter
so it's not like this only works for babies and it doesn't work for adults like we don't
we don't change the way we learn as we get older like that we can try to be more efficient about
things but really this is the best thing you can do to become a fluent speaker so
the human mind thinks in stories and connections it doesn't think like okay let me remember like
a like a matrix of grammar points we're not really thinking about the language that way
all right hopefully that makes sense I still have not gotten to the third phrase I want to teach
you guys all right I went through a very long process and finally realize why translation uh
method will never work yeah so again just think about what you do in your native language and then
apply that to learning English that's all you have to do I don't know how to watch the videos without
subtitles yeah it's okay basically you should be spending more time uh listening to things and you
will get used to listening to English if you get naturally varied reviewed so this is what we do
in fluent for Life the whole point of the program is to get you used to lots of different kinds of
speakers so the more you do that then it becomes easier when you're in conversations or watching
movies so if you if you if you try to watch a new movie every day it's like a different speaker and
the content is different it's really difficult for you to start following that because one person
could have a clear voice and they're talking about rabbits and trains or something and then in the
next movie it's someone with a hard to understand voice maybe they have a difficult accent or they
speak very quickly and they're talking about I don't know nuclear experiments or something I
have no idea but the point is uh you you need to review the same information in different ways you
need to hear really the same movie from a couple of different speakers this is why watching plays
is a good thing to do or listening to speeches or popular music because you can hear the same song
sung by different people now if you listen to 10 different people sing a popular song you're going
to get very good at hearing the slight differences in their pronunciation and that will make it much
easier to understand movies or TV shows or other conversations all right but it's the review that
gets you fluent it's not watching new content all the time you have to review that to get fluent
all right uh I don't know how to okay I answer that one question uh to ask if yours really
works for us what I meant is that it is too late to learn like this no you're learning like this
right now so of course it's not too late like I said you learn new things in your native language
all the time you are still learning new things in your native language right now you don't change
the way you learn the process doesn't stop until either you're dead or you know you're you're maybe
your brain just doesn't work very well but this is the way we get fluent you learn new stories new
vocabulary all these new things in your native language and you're learning them like this
if you learn a new word or phrase in your native language and you don't hear that
again and again in different ways you will forget that vocabulary too you might hear it
and recognize it so you're at the awareness level but you're not at the ownership level
you couldn't actually communicate fluently about that thing so that's
why we get this same process it doesn't matter what language it is uh all right
you need to go out okay if someone is talking about subtitles so YouTube will
probably not generate subtitles for like for my live video but I put subtitles on
later it takes usually like a day or two but you can definitely use subtitles to
watch videos it is not natural for Japanese ears to hear consonant at the end of a word
yes that's another another issue specifically for Japanese people
hello teacher good evening for you I live here in Brazil but it seemed we live on the
moon wow that's pretty cool live on the moon it's incredible how schools all over the world teach
English with such ineffective method we just need to forget the traditional way of teaching yeah and
again they're thinking about it for just passing tests and they want to try to give you like 10
000 words as quickly as possible to pass a test but then then those people can't speak
and so that's why like they're they're creating all of these learners for me basically so hello
welcome uh it's not your fault if you have learned that way I learned the same way as well and that's
why a lot of people struggle to communicate uh many thanks to you we all like your kids yeah
again I teach my own children the same way I teach my wife things if I'm trying to teach
her something and this is how I learn Japanese as well so I have a question I think uh I'm trying
to read okay I read that one all right so Julius in just two weeks I have acquired more knowledge
than I did during my entire five years of high school things are you referring to like watching
my videos or something Julian or something else are you are you in fluent for life I don't know
if you are or not your English is really good though are you written English anyway uh but
yeah I'm glad to hear it uh Roma says I have many vocabulary but when I speak with other
I forget them all Yes again if you you think you know them so you have awareness level maybe
or exposure level for most of the vocabulary but then you can't use it fluently in a conversation
all right I'm gonna have to go through these pretty quickly I understand a lot
of vocabulary but I can't speak very well yes so that's the issue we're talking about today
we hope you do some episode of podcast just random talking it will be very useful yeah
well this is what we have like we have this influent for life and also about uh yeah you
can go back and watch some of the podcast episodes these are a bit more uh useful for
people I think than just listening to the podcast but there's lots of information about that already
uh let's see Optimist and Jasper with the with a big pink hand there yes a lot of Boom there we go
and Ellen is back konichiwa Drew I just got here better late than never glad to see you teaching
live yes it's my pleasure let's see teach me thanks for explaining so again we would say many
thanks for your explanations explanations if we're talking about the noun there uh why don't drink
some warm water now because you already talk a lot for us actually I'm a little bit oh look at this I
have my usual bottle of water but I got something else in here today you can guess what it is it's
not beer uh it's not beer I promise it's something else see if you can guess what it what it is
and it's not tea it's also not tea all right
um because I'm drinking water now learn vocabulary apple juice
it's like apple juice looks like apple juice a little bit no it is not apple
juice all right now I want to get I promised you I would teach three
phrases we've actually covered quite a few but let me remove some of this from the board
and we'll go back to our little boat these lessons always take
longer than I expect barley tea no it is not
all right last phrase for the date
we'll go back to my little boat example over here so we began today talking about going under so
you can imagine a boat sinking in the water the boat is going under we also talked about
in the same boat so we have like two people sitting in this little boat oh look at that we're
in the same situation we're in the same boat the final phrase that we're going to is a two right
the ship
so another phrase having physically to do with a boat and this one we're going to
turn it this way even though it's a flat boat if you look at the way A Boat Works usually
it's a long thin thing like this and they usually have some kind of Keel so the keel
the Keel is the kind of fin just like a fish along the bottom sometimes they
have one sometimes they don't but the point is to help the boat so it
doesn't tip over like that to tip over it's another good phrasal verb to tip
over tip over so the boat might lean from side to side like this this is called listing
and you don't have to remember all these words I'm just putting them down in case uh
people might want to know what they are but again we want to
if the boat goes over too far oh no you capsizes and now we get water all in the boat so if you
can imagine a boat I should have gotten like a thicker boat an origami boat is probably not
the best idea for this but hopefully you understand it anyway so we have our boat
if it tips over too far to one side oh no and we get water inside the boat it capsizes to capsize
all right
to capsize so this just means it's tipping over to one side it gets filled with water and no
Norm all right so in when this happens we want to write the boat to make it right so this is a verb
to write the ship to write the book to write the boat to make it go up straight all right
so this is the physical idea of where we get this so this phrase comes from just trying to
get a boat to stay up straight to right the boat or to right the ship typically we will
use uh ship because we're talking about like a larger thing so a larger boat like a cruise ship
or a larger ship rather than a small boat like we're in the same boat we're in the same boat
all right so now if we have the to right the ship so we want to write to the ship the basic idea
of there again we're trying to make something go correctly the way it should be going and then we
can of course use that in much more figurative and a lot of different situations which I'll give you
now so as opposed to uh where we have something I'll just give you a few examples and make this
very easy so in a let's say a business situation you might be starting a new project that's
actually going to do something very bad for the company so it's going to cost the company a lot
of money uh the company will not do very well and and then oh no the company goes under the
company goes under so we want to right the ship so people might be trying to do one thing but
they're actually not doing it very well or they should do something different instead we want
to write that thing or a university for example maybe they have a new policy so they have a new
rule or a new law but the students don't like it people are very upset about that and it's it's
causing the university to go in a bad direction if they continue doing that they will capsize
so when you write something it usually means there's a problem of some kind but you can
see how this could be talking about a problem anywhere all right so this is not just about
boats often vocabulary will come from a particular situation but then we use it to talk about things
in like a figurative way so we could talk about a problem in business a problem in a relationship a
problem with a local community a problem with cooking a problem with all kinds of things all
right so we want to write the ship we want to make the situation good again all right
so now that we understand this any questions about so far so a company is going down the
drain yes that's another way you could express that as well so if we think about like a like
a bath we're looking at it from the top this is the drain down here and the water is going around
so the boat goes down the drain if we look at it from the side maybe this is our bathtub there's
a drain down here there's a little pipe and here's the boat oh no it's going down the drain
okay so you can see how something physical gives us a figurative expression I know all of my hopes
and dreams are going down the drain my plans are going down the drain I know I spent all my money
my money is going down the drain makes sense so once you understand something physically like a
native it's much easier to start thinking oh there are lots of things that could go down the drain
okay but good example so the same kind of thing just like we're talking about riding a ship we can
talk about something going down the drain oh no my career is going down the drain I've been wasting
my time and not doing what I should be doing all right my time is going down the drain same thing
all right hopefully everyone is getting this all right people are still asking if I'm what
I'm drinking over here this is it's just myth so some brewed mint water mint water I guess
you could kind of call that tea because you're you're Brewing some leaves but my wife made that
for me so she just took some some boiling water poured it in a like a pot of mint some mint leaves
and then there we go it's actually a little bit it's a little bit too strong uh but it's pretty
good I watered it down a little bit I watered it down another good expression for you look at how
this is all these Expressions just magically naturally come up here to water something
down so this is something I want to say X
easier that way part of the reason my writing is bad is because I'm trying to write quickly for
people all right so to water something down if we imagine I have a drink here
it's got some ice cubes in it and I've got maybe this much let's say this is all rum
so I've got some rum in here and wow that rum is very strong I need to I need to pour some water
in this and so it raises the level up here I've watered it down I've watered it down so
I've diluted that so dilute something to dilute it okay but back to the vocabulary at hand back
to the specific vocabulary we're talking about here so again we want to write something and
we could there are lots of different things we could write so we could write the ship about a
company we could write the ship about uh you know many of the other examples I gave business Sports
Community uh family life all kinds of things all right check questions one last time here
so yes in terms of pronunciation A lot of people focus too much on segmental pronunciation I don't
know what you mean by that but you you should be learning for pronunciation you should be
learning how words connect together but you should also learn the sounds of English this is what we
teach in Frederick but you should click on the link in the description to learn more about that
kind of liquid that can drink apple juice yes mirin is funny all right Rocky says I have
always thought people around the world did not speak 100 are native language because we spoke
100 of our language we would speak about Anatomy maths engineering medicines and so on yes that's
correct so if you if you look at like the actual percentages of of vocabulary it's like two percent
that people use so if there are like a hundred thousand or a hundred seventy thousand English
words and common use people use about two percent of those you if you know two percent
of the vocabulary that's most of you know movies and TV shows books newspapers that kind of thing
so everything else is like like you're saying uh specific technical vocabulary and other things
like that all right so a company going down dream got that one hey dude how was going I missed you
here great teacher greetings from Brazil says uh Thiago nice to see you there Elizabeth says
hello at the beginning my software project had problems but the team was able to write the ship
very good excellent usage for the first time watching you live yes welcome welcome to the
show okay so uh for today we're gonna wrap this up wrap this up to end this close this lesson now
so we have spent time today talking about specific vocabulary and really helping you
understand it like a native the whole point is to spend a lot of time and really you don't want
to just spend time it's just as much time as you need to really understand something
and you'll know you understand something when you feel it you have that feeling like I got
it I know exactly what I'm talking about here so we have to go under
so we have to go under uh to be in the same boat and then we have what's the final expression
do you remember somebody write it somebody be quick write the final expression here two right
all right to ride the ship so we can take all of these and we can form sentences out of this
so if we know all of these like oh there's a problem with the company we are all in the
same boat right now if we do not write the ship we will go under okay so I can work all three
of these into one sentence or I can just use them individually in sentences just to make my
English sound a little bit nicer oh you also are studying uh to be a doctor we're in the
same boat we are in the same boat even just using this by itself we are in the same mode
all right the company is not doing very well right now we need to write the ship
the political party I'm nervous about the Democrats or Republicans or whatever your
political affiliation is they need to write the ship or they are going to lose a lot of people
they need to change the way they're doing things they need to fix the problem
so there's nothing wrong with saying like fix the problem or something different the point
is that if you know the vocabulary very well it's like look to write the [ __ ] you understand what
that means we're trying to take a ship that's tipping over to one side and we got to write
the ship get it going straight get it moving ahead okay and then to go under oh no look at
that the boat is going down down down oh no it went under the company went under unfortunately
so actually there's uh on there's video or channels on YouTube talking about old companies
that don't exist anymore I think uh actually I don't remember any of the names of these
channels but you can look and find those about like I think actually defunct defunct land is one
so d e f u n c t defunct defunct means it's not working anymore not available anymore defunct so
like Disneyland you have defunct land defunct land but this is about companies that have gone under
so companies that used to be around like many years ago I would go to the local video store
and get a like a video cassette to watch in my house this was a place called Blockbuster
Video and so that was a a large company and there are there are more than just uh more than just uh
Blockbuster but Blockbuster went under or if they're still around I don't know what they're
doing but basically they have gone under I think okay so you don't have to think about okay how do
I like squeeze all of these into one sentence but the point is if you know them well enough
you will recognize them easily you will understand them you will feel confident about them you will
remember them and you will be able to use them in conversations okay any questions about that
all right
uh okay I think hello from Turkey everyone else says if we are talking about a company this ship
word in the phrase means the company right yes so you're talking about like the ship so we need to
write the ship so the expression the thing you say is ship but the meaning is the company or
the team or the local group or something like that so people know what you're talking about
we're talking about it uh as like a figurative expression not literally so we are not on a boat
we are talking about it like it's a boat so there's a problem with the company maybe we
don't like what management is doing or they are losing money or they are making bad decisions
so they're causing the boat to list like that it's slowly tipping over then oh no that's the
end and then it goes under okay so right now we need to write the ship or it will go under
all right so you might have a big company meeting hello everyone unfortunately we had some some bad
uh months where we didn't get much sales didn't have many sales and so now we are in the same boat
with some trouble for the company so we are all in this together we're all in the same situation
and we are going under right now we need to write this ship if we want to save our jobs
okay so there are different ways you can practice these I'm again you notice how
we've we've taken an hour how long is this 90 minutes gee gee 90 minutes with three it's like
30 minutes for each phrase we didn't do that but we spent a lot of time uh talking about
these different things but hopefully that makes sense the more the more time you spend with the
vocabulary the more memorable it becomes and the more confident you will feel about using it
all right so idiomatic expressions like these can help increase speaking band score in the
Alex exam yeah I think that's true so defunct I learned that recently from a word to book yep so
again like you you have awareness of that so it's like ah like I heard that word before that means
you have an awareness of it but when you own it it's like yeah defunct I know what that means do
defunct bro greet me please I'm from Colombia it says Alejandro Alejandro bro greet me please greet
me please here we go actually uh going under is a song by Evanescence yeah it's probably a song
by many people is defunct like being lazy or something no defunct means it just it doesn't
work anymore or it doesn't it's like you could have a defunct machine or a defunct company so
there might like it doesn't exist or it doesn't work anymore Henry says uh great lesson from El
Salvador I hope more idioms like these yes we teach thousands of these things uh in fluent
for life so this is what we do we don't spend like time kind of going through things like in
this much detail because you spend the whole month focusing on words and phrases like this
so hopefully tomorrow if you come back I recommend you actually watch this video again tomorrow even
just the same video and it will help you even if you only listen to it you will learn a lot more
all right I'll answer a few last questions here Mido says we want the most important 3
000 words Cambridge please according to we want the most we want the most important 3
000 words yeah that's I think like that's a typical thing people ask for but everybody has
different kinds of conversations so it's better to focus on the vocabulary you need for your life
so Bruno asks are we live we are until we are not and then this will just be a video you can
watch anytime Beatrice is during the covid-19 most uh most Industries go under yes many industries
did go under or went under or you can talk about specific businesses I remember there
was a uh there was like a children's play area inside a local mall around where I am now uh and
that went under so I think like a lot of those around Japan because parents didn't want to take
their kids and play at those so they went out of business they went under I think it's defunct now
which is the past of the word which is the past of the word I don't know what you mean by that
can we say let them be in your boat instead of being your shoes
well yeah I mean remember remember that the difference between being in someone's shoes
means you're you are kind of in a situation where where they used to be it's not like at
the same time so if you're in the same boat with someone at the same time like I could be in one
city and someone else could be in a different city but maybe we are both looking for work
so we're in the same boat we're both experiencing that at the same time that's what that means so
you think about it physically like two people sitting in the same boat but you can also talk
about someone like in the past so right now I have a job but I was looking for a job last week and so
if someone else is looking for a job right now I can say oh last week I was in the same boat
all right so you're you're talking about the same situation even if it's not at the
same time but the the same situation is the important part to be in someone else's shoes
and usually means like you're now experiencing you could you could talk about it that way like
I'm ins I'm in I'm in the same boat as that person but usually it's at a different time
so uh like or I mean it could even be like I'm like I have a job and maybe someone else does
not have a job and like if I'm laughing at that person they say aha like you don't have a job or
whatever so I'm like being mean to that person making fun of that person um then I would be
like if I lose my job then oh no now I like I'm in their shoes and now I understand so usually
there's a little bit of a lesson there where it doesn't mean you're only doing something bad but
uh it means like now you're in a situation where you understand what they feel or how they feel
all right uh yes ask chat DBT for the 3000 most commonly used words yeah so
again people are looking for a list of words when you really should be looking for fluency in words
all right so whatever uh you know Cambridge will tell you what those important words are
but uh they release a lot of textbooks that a lot of people maybe aren't getting fluent
with so you just have to think about what your what your priority is what are you interested
in do you need to become a fluent speaker or you just want to know a bunch of words
you can be both but you have to learn the native way so I'm an English teacher in Indonesia and I
have recommend you to channel my students thanks for the great work thanks my pleasure thank you
very much for recommending uh let's see Rainier says do you recommend stories pictures books as
a way to learn like the book tennis tense situation in contrast and context by heart
I don't know what those specific books are but yeah absolutely I recommend books so we created
a whole app that teaches people how to read so they can start teaching themselves the language
that way it's called Frederick if you have not downloaded that already get that you can track
for free just get it in the link below this video all right uh yes I think we are done look at that
we really need the 10 the 3 000 most yeah yeah it does it doesn't doesn't matter you a lot of
people will know that vocabulary but still not speak so if you it doesn't matter if you know
the vocabulary if you can't use it then you're wasting your time so it's much better to have
a smaller vocabulary think about children just remember children uh they know fewer words my
daughters like maybe they don't know the 3000 most I don't know cambridge's most used vocabulary but
they speak better than a lot of my students and it's and and not even my students just like any
English Learners and that's because people are folk I'm focusing on my my daughters developing
fluency rather than just trying to memorize a bunch of words all right so over time they
will have a huge vocabulary and they will use it fluently but it's a little bit slower at the
start because we're taking time to really build that foundation for them we really want them
to have a strong uh like a web or a connection inside their head to help them speak all right
Ronaldo says thanks a lot uh graphic books I think they mean uh yeah but any anything that
as long as it's understandable and you're doing it in English then that's great uh s-a-a-j Kumar
say J says how are you doing today I'm doing well uh I would like to know the difference between Ian
on to and on to all right I'm not covering that right now I've been talking for a hundred minutes
so you can any any things like that I would recommend just getting more examples of those
things on YouTube you can even find examples uh go to our YouTube channel uh if you're not on it
already and you can watch the uh best beginning English playlist it covers prepositions like that
in 2020 I did know around 3 000 words however I was unable to speak yeah so again I don't want to
laugh at that but this is this is what happens you know it's like wasn't this fun was this not fun
for people where you where you learn like a native speaker is that boring for people was that not fun
would you rather I just give you a list of words and and and you get translations for them would
that be better I hope not that's that's like every other YouTube channel teaching English yeah if
you if you prefer that there are lots of channels that do that already they'll teach you in Japanese
or Thai or Chinese or whatever and then you will start thinking through your native language so you
will learn some more vocabulary but I'm always curious uh if this is it maybe this is not fun
for some people like they don't like learning the native way it seems weird to me but but maybe not
everybody is interested uh thank you for being uh with us in the same boat yes it's my pleasure so
I'm also trying to get fluent I'm also trying to and when I say trying to get fluent it's like my
my chain of vocabulary that I know in Japanese there's some things that I've like just heard
for the first time and I think oh wow that's an interesting thing I've got my awareness level
of that but I don't own it yet I don't yet feel confident enough about using it but over time I
do so I spend more time with the vocabulary to really become good at using it all right
all right oh my goodness it's time time for uh for me to shut this down so Bruno's is totally agree
with you on it glad here uh thank you so much you're the best thank you for your lessons thank
you Mr Hanks yes I was waiting for someone to call me Tom Hanks again I think I get more Tom Hanks uh
uh well saying I look like Tom Hanks whenever I get a haircut I got a haircut yesterday
all right absolutely not says Ronaldo do you have a show on TV or something because I think I've
seen you on TV uh I've been on TV in Japan but not I mean not in like I'm not famous anything
Cedar says hi she love the learning the way you teach things so much I like your style I like
to get fluent in a natural way yeah and so again it might seem slower like oh look we just talked
about three phrases but you will feel much more confident if you learn this way and you will learn
faster over time I promise thank you for your help and uh fuching says I'm really happy to find your
channel and surprisingly I'd be able to understand what you say yes so it shouldn't be surprising I'm
intentionally being slower and more clear easy for people to understand so what we do in fluent for
life is take you from understanding this level to understanding a variety of actual native speakers
so I'm a native speaker as well but I do a lot of teaching in this this is my my speaking voice
all right so to help you make sure everything is understandable make sure it's all clear no is not
him as it was Tom Hanks on TV yes it was probably Tom Hanks on TV as well why are you guys still
asking him let him rest it's fun and satisfying thank you very much appreciate it okay we're going
to cut it there because you can hear my voice if you go back and watch this I will make this video
available for people to watch and you can hear the difference in my voice over time now I have
to drink my my special mint water again give it a try if you like mint it's very tasty all right uh
Julian says we are all present here because we have come to the realization of the previously
attempted methods have proven ineffective yes you're very you are a word Smith you have a way
with words Julian very good thank you uh yes are you in Japan right now yes I'm in Nagasaki Japan
is your name because your name is uh like amidori or something are you Japanese all right uh red kid
over there leaving with a smiley face I hope in the future wouldn't what I hope in future would
be fluent like you and be in the same boat yes so you could and you will be if you learn this way
it's the same way you got fluent in your native language and it's the same way you would get
fluent in English no I'm not okay all right well everybody hope you have enjoyed this it's been my
pleasure teaching you today and helping you learn like a native in the same way I help my own kids
if you'd like to learn more and you want to get like me all the time without having to be you know
add a live video then just click on the link to learn more about fluent for life it will help you
go through this process and I promise you you will become a much more fluent confident speaker very
quickly if you follow the steps that's all you have to do all right the plan is very expensive
for me do a discount please if you're talking about the price of fluent for Life probably get uh
get the native fluency blueprint first so this is more for people who are independent who just want
to know some steps and things they can do to speak more clearly have better pronunciation
improve their grammar things like that so we cover all those different things fluent for life
is really for people who want me to take them step by step and show them actually how to communicate
all right I'm going to shut it down have a fantastic day and I'll see you next time bye-bye