字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 So I told myself I want to read more and to be honest, I do, but Netflix is literally calling out to me. 所以我告訴自己,我想讀更多的書,說實話,我確實想讀更多的書,但 Netflix 在召喚我。 So I'm just gonna put it on. 所以我就把它打開了。 This happens every time. 每次都會發生這種情況。 In this video, I'm gonna try to work out how to build a reading habit that I actually stick to. 在這支影片中,我將嘗試如何培養自己堅持閱讀的習慣。 I'm probably gonna out a little bit about what happens in the brain when you read, 我大概會介紹一下閱讀時大腦中會發生什麼, and then I'm gonna discuss three ways that I've been using to encourage myself to read more. 然後我會討論我鼓勵自己多讀書的三種方法。 Let's go. 開始吧。 In medical school, I've been fascinated by neurology. 在讀醫院時,我一直對神經學很著迷。 So I want to know what happens when we read. 所以我想知道我們閱讀時會發生什麼。 Is there actually a scientific reason why it's so good? 它為什麼這麼好,有科學依據嗎? OK. So I'm just going to nerd out a little bit right now, but stick with me. 所以,我現在就來嘮叨幾句,但請聽我慢慢道來。 I promise it won't be too boring, but I don't know if I can actually stick to it. 我保證不會太枯燥,但我不知道自己是否真的能堅持下去。 When we read, we start by seeing all of the patterns and shapes on the page. 當我們閱讀時,我們首先會看到書頁上的所有圖案和形狀。 These images are then sent to the back of the brain where they are processed just like any other. 這些影像隨後被發送到大腦的後部,並像其他任何影像一樣被處理。 Next, it goes to the temporal lobe, specifically to an area called the brain's letterbox. 接下來,它進入了顳葉,具體來說是進入了一個被稱為大腦信箱的區域。 This is where the black squiggles are then recognized as letters in a word. 這就是黑色曲線被識別為單詞中的字母的地方。 This information then travels from the letter box to the frontal lobe and other areas of the temporal lobe. 然後,這些資訊會從信箱傳到額葉和顳葉的其他區域。 There we work out what this word actually means and how it's pronounced in an experienced reader. 在那裡,我們會找出這個詞的實際含義,以及有經驗的讀者是如何發音的。 This whole process takes less than half a second. 整個過程不到半秒鐘。 I know what you're thinking. 我知道你在想什麼。 Why does this matter, Jack? 這有什麼重要的,Jack? Well, I found a study showing that people that read 30 pages of a book each night have more left temporal lobe activity the next morning. 我發現一項研究表明,每晚閱讀 30 頁書的人,第二天早上的左顳葉活動更多。 Memory is found in this area. 人們在這個地方找到了記憶。 So there's been some studies that link reading with lower risks of dementia. 有研究表明,閱讀與降低痴呆症風險有關。 It's also linked to emotional regulation. 它還與情緒調節有關。 So this could potentially explain why a lot of people find that reading helps to reduce their stress and anxiety. 這就有可能解釋為什麼很多人發現閱讀有助於減輕壓力和焦慮。 This area is also responsible for verbal recall. 該區域還負責語言記憶。 So it might help you to retrieve your words. 這可能有助於檢索你的詞彙, Retrieve your words a little bit quicker. 檢索你的詞彙稍微更快。 Although the second two points were only shown to work in the short term. 儘管後兩點只在短期內有效。 So that means you have to build a habit to get those benefits, and that's what I've been trying to do. 這意味著你必須養成一種習慣,才能獲得這些好處,這就是我一直在努力做的。 Right, so I've worked out how it works. 所以我想出了它的原理。 I've got a, a brief understanding of it. 我對它有一個簡單的瞭解。 So how am I actually gonna build this habit? 那麼,我究竟該如何養成這個習慣呢? Well, I've been reading the Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday on the Kindle App in the morning. 我早上都會用 Kindle 這款 app 閱讀 Ryan Holiday 的《Daily Stoic》。 It's only a small dose of reading, it's literally two pages. It takes less than five minutes. 我只閱讀一小部分,只有兩頁,不到五分鐘。 My plan here was to trick my brain into thinking, "Well, I've already read something today so I might as well read a little bit more." 我的計劃是欺騙我的大腦,讓它認為「嗯,我今天已經讀了一些東西,所以我可能還可以多讀一點」。 And it's, it's actually been working. 這其實有用。 It's actually been working. 其實一直有用。 I can justify later in the day to ignore my social media and just pick up a book and read a few pages instead. 我可以在一天的後段時間找理由忽略社交媒體,而是拿起一本書,閱讀幾頁。 So when I read a book, if it was any good, I always feel like inspired to try and implement what this book has taught me. 所以當我讀一本好書時,我總是感到受到啟發,想要嘗試實施這本書教給我的東西。 But then a couple of weeks go by and I've literally forgotten everything that it taught me. 但幾個星期過去了,我忘記了它教給我的一切。 This is where the Kindle comes in, so I can highlight parts that have resonated with me and store them to refer back to. 這就是 Kindle 的用處,我可以突出顯示引起我共鳴的部分,並將它們收藏起來,以便回頭查閱。 I tried to summarize them into a Notion page, but this was too much extra work and I ended up not really sticking to it. 我試圖把它們總結在 Notion 上,但這是一項額外的工作,我最終沒有堅持下去。 So instead, I've been using this website called Read Wise. 我一直在使用這個名為 Read Wise 的網站。 And it'll basically send you five Kindle highlights and just remind you of your favorite principles from the books you've read. 它基本上會向你發送五個 Kindle 精華,提醒你讀過的書中你最喜歡的原則。 So this has actually been working really well over the last few weeks. 在過去幾周裡,這個方法真的很管用。 So Read Wise has helped me to create a perpetual cycle where I'll read a book, highlight the best bits and then get daily email reminders of those bits. Read Wise 幫助我建立了一個永恆的循環,在這個循環中,我會閱讀一本書,紀錄其中最精彩的部分,然後每天通過電子郵件收到這些部分的提醒。 And that then encourages me to read more. 這鼓勵我讀更多的書。 The only mistake I made on my Kindle was getting creative books. 我在 Kindle 上犯的唯一錯誤就是買了創意書籍。 You see, if you read a book like this on Kindle, you lose literally half the experience because it's so visual. 你看,如果你在 Kindle 上讀這樣一本書,你會失去一半的體驗,因為它太直觀了。 The final habit that I've been trying to implement is to set reading times. 我一直在嘗試的最後一個習慣是設定閱讀時間。 So every night before bed I'll read something and I've told myself it doesn't have to be for hours. 所以每晚睡前我都會讀點東西,我告訴自己不一定要讀幾個小時。 It could just be a few pages, but at least read something. 可以只讀幾頁,但至少讀點東西。 This one's actually been quite hard to stick to. When I'm tired. I just, I cannot be bothered. 這一條其實很難堅持,因為我很疲累的時候,不能被打擾。 So some days I've given myself a break, but most days I've been sticking to it and it's been working really well. 有些時候我會讓自己休息一下,但大多數時候我都會堅持,而且效果非常好。 Those are my three habits. 這就是我的三個習慣。 Start small. 從小事做起。 Make an archive of what you've learned and actually read it and set reading times. 將所學知識存檔,並實際閱讀,設定閱讀時間。 But this is only the start. 但這僅僅是個開始。 I'm also gonna use this channel to help keep me accountable. 我還會利用這個頻道來幫助我負起責任。 I'm gonna make a book review of the best book I've read each month. 我要把我每個月讀過的最好的書寫成書評。 So if you don't see those book reviews, tell me to sort my life out because I need to make them. 如果你沒看到那些書評,告訴我整理一下生活,因為我需要去寫它們。 If you've enjoyed this video and want to see more videos of me showing my work, both trained as a doctor and making videos, then hit, subscribe and I'll see you next week. 如果你喜歡這個視頻,想看更多關於我作為一名醫生的工作以及製作影片的影片,請點擊訂閱,我們下週見。
A2 初級 中文 閱讀 習慣 大腦 信箱 區域 養成 你知道,閱讀可以改變你的大腦嗎? (Reading Changes your Brain, let me explain.) 33212 313 林宜悉 發佈於 2023 年 09 月 22 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字